blob: 083d668781f77134ba95132f8e71d1f837cd0088 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cobalt/media/filters/h264_bitstream_buffer.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "starboard/memory.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace media {
H264BitstreamBuffer::H264BitstreamBuffer() : data_(NULL) { Reset(); }
H264BitstreamBuffer::~H264BitstreamBuffer() {
data_ = NULL;
void H264BitstreamBuffer::Reset() {
data_ = NULL;
capacity_ = 0;
pos_ = 0;
reg_ = 0;
bits_left_in_reg_ = kRegBitSize;
void H264BitstreamBuffer::Grow() {
data_ =
static_cast<uint8_t*>(SbMemoryReallocate(data_, capacity_ + kGrowBytes));
CHECK(data_) << "Failed growing the buffer";
capacity_ += kGrowBytes;
void H264BitstreamBuffer::FlushReg() {
// Flush all bytes that have at least one bit cached, but not more
// (on Flush(), reg_ may not be full).
size_t bits_in_reg = kRegBitSize - bits_left_in_reg_;
if (bits_in_reg == 0) return;
size_t bytes_in_reg = (bits_in_reg + 7) / 8;
reg_ <<= (kRegBitSize - bits_in_reg);
// Convert to MSB and append as such to the stream.
reg_ = base::HostToNet64(reg_);
// Make sure we have enough space. Grow() will CHECK() on allocation failure.
if (pos_ + bytes_in_reg < capacity_) Grow();
memcpy(data_ + pos_, &reg_, bytes_in_reg);
pos_ += bytes_in_reg;
reg_ = 0;
bits_left_in_reg_ = kRegBitSize;
void H264BitstreamBuffer::AppendU64(size_t num_bits, uint64_t val) {
CHECK_LE(num_bits, kRegBitSize);
while (num_bits > 0) {
if (bits_left_in_reg_ == 0) FlushReg();
uint64_t bits_to_write =
num_bits > bits_left_in_reg_ ? bits_left_in_reg_ : num_bits;
uint64_t val_to_write = (val >> (num_bits - bits_to_write));
if (bits_to_write < 64) val_to_write &= ((1ull << bits_to_write) - 1);
reg_ <<= bits_to_write;
reg_ |= val_to_write;
num_bits -= bits_to_write;
bits_left_in_reg_ -= bits_to_write;
void H264BitstreamBuffer::AppendBool(bool val) {
if (bits_left_in_reg_ == 0) FlushReg();
reg_ <<= 1;
reg_ |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(val) & 1);
void H264BitstreamBuffer::AppendSE(int val) {
if (val > 0)
AppendUE(val * 2 - 1);
AppendUE(-val * 2);
void H264BitstreamBuffer::AppendUE(unsigned int val) {
size_t num_zeros = 0;
unsigned int v = val + 1;
while (v > 1) {
v >>= 1;
AppendBits(num_zeros, 0);
AppendBits(num_zeros + 1, val + 1);
DCHECK_EQ(bits_left_in_reg_, kRegBitSize) << "Pending bits not yet written " \
"to the buffer, call " \
"FinishNALU() first."
void H264BitstreamBuffer::BeginNALU(H264NALU::Type nalu_type, int nal_ref_idc) {
DCHECK_LE(nalu_type, H264NALU::kEOStream);
DCHECK_GE(nal_ref_idc, 0);
DCHECK_LE(nal_ref_idc, 3);
AppendBits(32, 0x00000001);
AppendBits(1, 0); // forbidden_zero_bit
AppendBits(2, nal_ref_idc);
AppendBits(5, nalu_type);
void H264BitstreamBuffer::FinishNALU() {
// RBSP stop one bit.
AppendBits(1, 1);
// Byte-alignment zero bits.
AppendBits(bits_left_in_reg_ % 8, 0);
if (bits_left_in_reg_ != kRegBitSize) FlushReg();
size_t H264BitstreamBuffer::BytesInBuffer() {
return pos_;
uint8_t* H264BitstreamBuffer::data() {
return data_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace cobalt