blob: 0678fc42bc5f990ae0369778c7d5f60e7c9b7062 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "cobalt/media/progressive/data_source_reader.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace media {
// per-atom sizes of individual table entries
static const int kEntrySize_co64 = 8;
static const int kEntrySize_ctts = 8;
static const int kEntrySize_stco = 4;
static const int kEntrySize_stts = 8;
static const int kEntrySize_stsc = 12;
static const int kEntrySize_stss = 4;
static const int kEntrySize_stsz = 4;
// Utility class to parse the various subatoms of the stbl mp4 atom and use
// them to provide byte offsets, sizes, and timestamps of a mp4 atom. The
// caching design benefits from, but does not require, sequential access
// in sample numbers.
class MP4Map : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MP4Map> {
explicit MP4Map(scoped_refptr<DataSourceReader> reader);
bool IsComplete();
// All Get() methods return true on success and save their values by
// reference in the latter argument.
bool GetSize(uint32 sample_number, uint32* size_out);
bool GetOffset(uint32 sample_number, uint64* offset_out);
// all time values in *ticks* as defined by the mp4 container
bool GetTimestamp(uint32 sample_number, uint64* timestamp_out);
bool GetDuration(uint32 sample_number, uint32* duration_out);
bool GetIsKeyframe(uint32 sample_number, bool* is_keyframe_out);
// Used to determine if the failure reported by any of the above methods
// is due to EOS or other (fatal) error. The length of a mp4 file in samples
// may not be known until iterating through almost the entire map, in the
// case of a default sample size (rare in compressed media)
bool IsEOS(uint32 sample_number);
// Returns the keyframe sample number nearest the provided timestamp
bool GetKeyframe(uint64 timestamp, uint32* sample_out);
// pass 0 as cache_size_entries to force caching of the entire map.
bool SetAtom(uint32 four_cc, // fourCC code ascii code as big-endian uint32
uint64 offset, // offset of atom body in file
uint64 size, // total size of atom in bytes
uint32 cache_size_entries, // num of entries to cache in memory
const uint8* atom); // pointer to atom body start
bool co64_Init();
bool ctts_Init();
// advance the ctts cache and integration state to contain sample number.
bool ctts_AdvanceToSample(uint32 sample_number);
bool ctts_SlipCacheToSample(uint32 sample_number, int starting_cache_index);
bool stco_Init();
bool stsc_Init();
// advance the stsc cache and integration state to contain sample number.
bool stsc_AdvanceToSample(uint32 sample_number);
// re-use previously calculated sums to jump through the table to get to the
// nearest cache entry that contains given sample number. Starts the search
// from the starting_cache_index.
bool stsc_SlipCacheToSample(uint32 sample_number, int starting_cache_index);
bool stss_Init();
// step through table by one table entry, return false on error
bool stss_AdvanceStep();
// search for nearest keyframe, update state to contain it
bool stss_FindNearestKeyframe(uint32 sample_number);
bool stts_Init();
bool stts_AdvanceToSample(uint32 sample_number);
bool stts_SlipCacheToSample(uint32 sample_number, int starting_cache_index);
bool stts_AdvanceToTime(uint64 timestamp);
bool stts_SlipCacheToTime(uint64 timestamp, int starting_cache_index);
// step through the stts table by one table entry, return false on error
bool stts_IntegrateStep();
bool stsz_Init();
// TableCache manages the caching of each atom table in a separate instance.
// As each atom has a different per-entry byte size, and may want different
// caching behavior based on consumption rate of entries and the overall size
// of the table, it allows each atom to use its own policy for caching.
// To keep things relatively simple it always keep a table of size of the
// minimum of cache_size_entries or entry_count in memory, and that cached
// table is always aligned with the full table in cache_size_entries, so
// that the position in the cache is trivially calculated from
// entry_number % cache_size_entries, and the cache index is similarly
// calculated from entry_number / cache_size_entries.
class TableCache : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TableCache> {
TableCache(uint64 table_offset, // byte offset of start of table in file
uint32 entry_count, // number of entries in table
uint32 entry_size, // size in bytes of each entry in table
uint32 cache_size_entries, // number of entries to cache in mem
scoped_refptr<DataSourceReader> reader); // reader to use
// The following Read* functions all read values in big endian.
bool ReadU32Entry(uint32 entry_number, uint32* entry);
bool ReadU32PairEntry(uint32 entry_number, uint32* first, uint32* second);
bool ReadU32EntryIntoU64(uint32 entry_number, uint64* entry);
bool ReadU64Entry(uint32 entry_number, uint64* entry);
uint8* GetBytesAtEntry(uint32 entry_number);
// how many entries total in the table?
inline uint32 GetEntryCount() const { return entry_count_; }
// how many entries are we caching in memory at once?
inline uint32 GetCacheSizeEntries() const { return cache_size_entries_; }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TableCache>;
uint32 entry_size_; // size of entry in bytes
uint32 entry_count_; // size of table in entries
uint32 cache_size_entries_; // max number of entries to fit in memory
uint64 table_offset_; // offset of table in stream
scoped_refptr<DataSourceReader> reader_; // means to read more table
// current cache state
std::vector<uint8> cache_; // the cached part of the table
uint32 cache_first_entry_number_; // first table entry number in cache
uint32 cache_entry_count_; // number of valid entries in cache
scoped_refptr<DataSourceReader> reader_;
// current integration state for GetOffset(), we save the sum of sample sizes
// within the current chunk.
uint32 current_chunk_sample_; // sample number last included in summation
uint32 next_chunk_sample_; // first sample number of next chunk
uint64 current_chunk_offset_; // file byte offset of current_chunk_sample_
// Can be set by a stsz entry count but an stsz may provide a default size,
// in which case this number may not be known until iteration through
// the ctts, or stts has completed. In the event that one of those tables
// ends at a lower number than the others this number will be amended
// to return the lower number.
uint32 highest_valid_sample_number_;
// ==== c064 - per-chunk list of file offsets (64-bit)
scoped_refptr<TableCache> co64_;
// ==== ctts - run-length sample number to composition time offset
scoped_refptr<TableCache> ctts_;
uint32 ctts_first_sample_;
uint32 ctts_sample_offset_;
uint32 ctts_next_first_sample_;
uint32 ctts_table_index_;
std::vector<uint32> ctts_samples_;
// ==== stco - per-chunk list of chunk file offsets (32-bit)
scoped_refptr<TableCache> stco_;
// ==== stsc - chunk-number to samples-per-chunk
scoped_refptr<TableCache> stsc_;
uint32 stsc_first_chunk_; // first chunk of the current sample size range
uint32 stsc_first_chunk_sample_; // sum of samples of all prev chunk ranges
uint32 stsc_samples_per_chunk_; // current samples-per-chunk in this range
uint32 stsc_next_first_chunk_; // the chunk number the next region begins in
uint32 stsc_next_first_chunk_sample_; // sample number next region begins in
uint32 stsc_table_index_; // the index in the table of the current range
std::vector<uint32> stsc_sample_sums_; // saved sums of cache segments
// ==== stss - list of keyframe sample numbers
scoped_refptr<TableCache> stss_;
uint32 stss_last_keyframe_;
uint32 stss_next_keyframe_;
uint32 stss_table_index_; // index of stss_next_keyframe_ in table
std::vector<uint32> stss_keyframes_;
// ==== stts - run-length sample number to time duration
scoped_refptr<TableCache> stts_;
uint32 stts_first_sample_; // first sample of the current duration range
uint64 stts_first_sample_time_; // sum of all durations of previous ranges
uint32 stts_sample_duration_; // current duration of samples in this range
uint32 stts_next_first_sample_; // first sample number of next range
uint64 stts_next_first_sample_time_; // first timestamp of next range
uint32 stts_table_index_; // index in the table of the next entry
std::vector<uint32> stts_samples_;
std::vector<uint64> stts_timestamps_;
// ==== stsz - per-sample list of sample sizes
scoped_refptr<TableCache> stsz_;
uint32 stsz_default_size_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace cobalt