blob: e7a6b6fa66a568d13bff4b955c61642579aaded0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quic/core/quic_versions.h"
#include "net/third_party/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
namespace quic {
// Used to generate filtered supported versions based on flags.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicVersionManager {
// |supported_versions| should be sorted in the order of preference (typically
// highest supported version to the lowest supported version).
explicit QuicVersionManager(ParsedQuicVersionVector supported_versions);
virtual ~QuicVersionManager();
// Returns currently supported QUIC versions.
// TODO(nharper): Remove this method once it is unused.
const QuicTransportVersionVector& GetSupportedTransportVersions();
// Returns currently supported QUIC versions. This vector has the same order
// as the versions passed to the constructor.
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& GetSupportedVersions();
// Maybe refilter filtered_supported_versions_ based on flags.
void MaybeRefilterSupportedVersions();
// Refilters filtered_supported_versions_.
virtual void RefilterSupportedVersions();
const QuicTransportVersionVector& filtered_supported_versions() const {
return filtered_transport_versions_;
// quic_enable_version_99 flag
bool enable_version_99_;
// quic_enable_version_47 flag
bool enable_version_47_;
// quic_enable_version_46 flag
bool enable_version_46_;
// quic_enable_version_44 flag
bool enable_version_44_;
// quic_enable_version_43 flag
bool enable_version_43_;
// quic_disable_version_39 flag
bool disable_version_39_;
// The list of versions that may be supported.
ParsedQuicVersionVector allowed_supported_versions_;
// This vector contains QUIC versions which are currently supported based on
// flags.
ParsedQuicVersionVector filtered_supported_versions_;
// This vector contains the transport versions from
// |filtered_supported_versions_|. No guarantees are made that the same
// transport version isn't repeated.
QuicTransportVersionVector filtered_transport_versions_;
} // namespace quic