blob: 4d4cb787cbbaf156065300ceea2c2a4618a81890 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export default class ImagePreview {
* @param {!SDK.Target} target
* @param {string} originalImageURL
* @param {boolean} showDimensions
* @param {!{precomputedFeatures: (!Object|undefined), imageAltText: (string|undefined)}=} options
* @return {!Promise<?Element>}
static build(target, originalImageURL, showDimensions, options = {}) {
const {precomputedFeatures, imageAltText} = options;
const resourceTreeModel = target.model(SDK.ResourceTreeModel);
if (!resourceTreeModel) {
return Promise.resolve(/** @type {?Element} */ (null));
let resource = resourceTreeModel.resourceForURL(originalImageURL);
let imageURL = originalImageURL;
if (!isImageResource(resource) && precomputedFeatures && precomputedFeatures.currentSrc) {
imageURL = precomputedFeatures.currentSrc;
resource = resourceTreeModel.resourceForURL(imageURL);
if (!isImageResource(resource)) {
return Promise.resolve(/** @type {?Element} */ (null));
let fulfill;
const promise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x);
const imageElement = createElement('img');
imageElement.addEventListener('load', buildContent, false);
imageElement.addEventListener('error', () => fulfill(null), false);
if (imageAltText) {
imageElement.alt = imageAltText;
return promise;
* @param {?SDK.Resource} resource
* @return {boolean}
function isImageResource(resource) {
return !!resource && resource.resourceType() === Common.resourceTypes.Image;
function buildContent() {
const container = createElement('table');
UI.appendStyle(container, 'components/imagePreview.css');
container.className = 'image-preview-container';
const intrinsicWidth = imageElement.naturalWidth;
const intrinsicHeight = imageElement.naturalHeight;
const renderedWidth = precomputedFeatures ? precomputedFeatures.renderedWidth : intrinsicWidth;
const renderedHeight = precomputedFeatures ? precomputedFeatures.renderedHeight : intrinsicHeight;
let description;
if (showDimensions) {
if (renderedHeight !== intrinsicHeight || renderedWidth !== intrinsicWidth) {
description = ls`${renderedWidth} \xd7 ${renderedHeight} pixels (intrinsic: ${intrinsicWidth} \xd7 ${
intrinsicHeight} pixels)`;
} else {
description = ls`${renderedWidth} \xd7 ${renderedHeight} pixels`;
container.createChild('tr').createChild('td', 'image-container').appendChild(imageElement);
if (description) {
container.createChild('tr').createChild('td').createChild('span', 'description').textContent = description;
if (imageURL !== originalImageURL) {
container.createChild('tr').createChild('td').createChild('span', 'description').textContent =
String.sprintf('currentSrc: %s', imageURL.trimMiddle(100));
* @param {!SDK.DOMNode} node
* @return {!Promise<!Object|undefined>}
static async loadDimensionsForNode(node) {
if (!node.nodeName() || node.nodeName().toLowerCase() !== 'img') {
const object = await node.resolveToObject('');
if (!object) {
const featuresObject = object.callFunctionJSON(features, undefined);
return featuresObject;
* @return {!{renderedWidth: number, renderedHeight: number, currentSrc: (string|undefined)}}
* @suppressReceiverCheck
* @this {!Element}
function features() {
return {renderedWidth: this.width, renderedHeight: this.height, currentSrc: this.currentSrc};
* @param {string} url
* @return {string}
static defaultAltTextForImageURL(url) {
const parsedImageURL = new Common.ParsedURL(url);
const imageSourceText = parsedImageURL.isValid ? parsedImageURL.displayName : ls`unknown source`;
return ls`Image from ${imageSourceText}`;
/* Legacy exported object */
self.Components = self.Components || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
Components = Components || {};
/** @constructor */
Components.ImagePreview = ImagePreview;