blob: c055a47d26c329757698cfda6116cfc18a130b63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @unrestricted
export default class ServerTiming {
* @param {string} metric
* @param {?number} value
* @param {?string} description
constructor(metric, value, description) {
this.metric = metric;
this.value = value;
this.description = description;
* @param {!Array<!SDK.NetworkRequest.NameValue>} headers
* @return {?Array<!ServerTiming>}
static parseHeaders(headers) {
const rawServerTimingHeaders = headers.filter(item => === 'server-timing');
if (!rawServerTimingHeaders.length) {
return null;
const serverTimings = rawServerTimingHeaders.reduce((memo, header) => {
const timing = this.createFromHeaderValue(header.value);
memo.pushAll( {
return new ServerTiming(, entry.hasOwnProperty('dur') ? entry.dur : null, entry.hasOwnProperty('desc') ? entry.desc : '');
return memo;
}, []);
serverTimings.sort((a, b) => a.metric.toLowerCase().compareTo(b.metric.toLowerCase()));
return serverTimings;
* @param {string} valueString
* @return {?Array<!Object>}
static createFromHeaderValue(valueString) {
function trimLeadingWhiteSpace() {
valueString = valueString.replace(/^\s*/, '');
function consumeDelimiter(char) {
console.assert(char.length === 1);
if (valueString.charAt(0) !== char) {
return false;
valueString = valueString.substring(1);
return true;
function consumeToken() {
const result = /^(?:\s*)([\w!#$%&'*+\-.^`|~]+)(?:\s*)(.*)/.exec(valueString);
if (!result) {
return null;
valueString = result[2];
return result[1];
function consumeTokenOrQuotedString() {
if (valueString.charAt(0) === '"') {
return consumeQuotedString();
return consumeToken();
function consumeQuotedString() {
console.assert(valueString.charAt(0) === '"');
valueString = valueString.substring(1); // remove leading DQUOTE
let value = '';
while (valueString.length) {
// split into two parts:
// -everything before the first " or \
// -everything else
const result = /^([^"\\]*)(.*)/.exec(valueString);
value += result[1];
if (result[2].charAt(0) === '"') {
// we have found our closing "
valueString = result[2].substring(1); // strip off everything after the closing "
return value; // we are done here
console.assert(result[2].charAt(0) === '\\');
// special rules for \ found in quoted-string (
value += result[2].charAt(1); // grab the character AFTER the \ (if there was one)
valueString = result[2].substring(2); // strip off \ and next character
return null; // not a valid quoted-string
function consumeExtraneous() {
const result = /([,;].*)/.exec(valueString);
if (result) {
valueString = result[1];
const result = [];
let name;
while ((name = consumeToken()) !== null) {
const entry = {name};
if (valueString.charAt(0) === '=') {
this.showWarning(ls`Deprecated syntax found. Please use: <name>;dur=<duration>;desc=<description>`);
while (consumeDelimiter(';')) {
let paramName;
if ((paramName = consumeToken()) === null) {
paramName = paramName.toLowerCase();
const parseParameter = this.getParserForParameter(paramName);
let paramValue = null;
if (consumeDelimiter('=')) {
// always parse the value, even if we don't recognize the parameter name
paramValue = consumeTokenOrQuotedString();
if (parseParameter) {
// paramName is valid
if (entry.hasOwnProperty(paramName)) {
this.showWarning(ls`Duplicate parameter \"${paramName}\" ignored.`);
if (paramValue === null) {
this.showWarning(ls`No value found for parameter \"${paramName}\".`);
}, entry, paramValue);
} else {
// paramName is not valid
this.showWarning(ls`Unrecognized parameter \"${paramName}\".`);
if (!consumeDelimiter(',')) {
if (valueString.length) {
this.showWarning(ls`Extraneous trailing characters.`);
return result;
* @param {string} paramName
* @return {?function(!Object, string)}
static getParserForParameter(paramName) {
switch (paramName) {
case 'dur':
return function(entry, paramValue) {
entry.dur = 0;
if (paramValue !== null) {
const duration = parseFloat(paramValue);
if (isNaN(duration)) {
this.showWarning(ls`Unable to parse \"${paramName}\" value \"${paramValue}\".`);
entry.dur = duration;
case 'desc':
return function(entry, paramValue) {
entry.desc = paramValue || '';
return null;
* @param {string} msg
static showWarning(msg) {
Common.console.warn(Common.UIString(`ServerTiming: ${msg}`));
/* Legacy exported object */
self.SDK = self.SDK || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
SDK = SDK || {};
/** @constructor */
SDK.ServerTiming = ServerTiming;