blob: 1c444c8d049b68b0047db437d335c2b209746b39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkStrike.h"
#include "include/core/SkGraphics.h"
#include "include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypeface.h"
#include "include/private/SkMutex.h"
#include "include/private/SkOnce.h"
#include "include/private/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/core/SkEnumerate.h"
#include "src/core/SkMakeUnique.h"
#include <cctype>
const SkDescriptor& desc,
std::unique_ptr<SkScalerContext> scaler,
const SkFontMetrics& fontMetrics)
: fDesc{desc}
, fScalerContext{std::move(scaler)}
, fFontMetrics{fontMetrics}
, fRoundingSpec{fScalerContext->isSubpixel(),
fScalerContext->computeAxisAlignmentForHText()} {
SkASSERT(fScalerContext != nullptr);
fMemoryUsed = sizeof(*this);
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
#define VALIDATE() AutoValidate av(this)
#define VALIDATE()
// -- glyph creation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SkGlyph* SkStrike::makeGlyph(SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID) {
fMemoryUsed += sizeof(SkGlyph);
SkGlyph* glyph = fAlloc.make<SkGlyph>(packedGlyphID);
return glyph;
SkGlyph* SkStrike::glyph(SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID) {
SkGlyph* glyph = fGlyphMap.findOrNull(packedGlyphID);
if (glyph == nullptr) {
glyph = this->makeGlyph(packedGlyphID);
return glyph;
SkGlyph* SkStrike::glyph(SkGlyphID glyphID) {
return this->glyph(SkPackedGlyphID{glyphID});
SkGlyph* SkStrike::glyph(SkGlyphID glyphID, SkPoint position) {
SkIPoint mask = fRoundingSpec.ignorePositionMask;
SkFixed subX = SkScalarToFixed(position.x()) & mask.x(),
subY = SkScalarToFixed(position.y()) & mask.y();
return this->glyph(SkPackedGlyphID{glyphID, subX, subY});
SkGlyph* SkStrike::glyphFromPrototype(const SkGlyphPrototype& p, void* image) {
SkGlyph* glyph = fGlyphMap.findOrNull(;
if (glyph == nullptr) {
fMemoryUsed += sizeof(SkGlyph);
glyph = fAlloc.make<SkGlyph>(p);
if (glyph->setImage(&fAlloc, image)) {
fMemoryUsed += glyph->imageSize();
return glyph;
SkGlyph* SkStrike::glyphOrNull(SkPackedGlyphID id) const {
return fGlyphMap.findOrNull(id);
const SkPath* SkStrike::preparePath(SkGlyph* glyph) {
if (glyph->setPath(&fAlloc, fScalerContext.get())) {
fMemoryUsed += glyph->path()->approximateBytesUsed();
return glyph->path();
const SkPath* SkStrike::preparePath(SkGlyph* glyph, const SkPath* path) {
if (glyph->setPath(&fAlloc, path)) {
fMemoryUsed += glyph->path()->approximateBytesUsed();
return glyph->path();
const SkDescriptor& SkStrike::getDescriptor() const {
return *fDesc.getDesc();
unsigned SkStrike::getGlyphCount() const {
return fScalerContext->getGlyphCount();
int SkStrike::countCachedGlyphs() const {
return fGlyphMap.count();
SkSpan<const SkGlyph*> SkStrike::internalPrepare(
SkSpan<const SkGlyphID> glyphIDs, PathDetail pathDetail, const SkGlyph** results) {
const SkGlyph** cursor = results;
for (auto glyphID : glyphIDs) {
SkGlyph* glyphPtr = this->glyph(glyphID);
if (pathDetail == kMetricsAndPath) {
*cursor++ = glyphPtr;
return {results, glyphIDs.size()};
const void* SkStrike::prepareImage(SkGlyph* glyph) {
if (glyph->setImage(&fAlloc, fScalerContext.get())) {
fMemoryUsed += glyph->imageSize();
return glyph->image();
SkGlyph* SkStrike::mergeGlyphAndImage(SkPackedGlyphID toID, const SkGlyph& from) {
SkGlyph* glyph = fGlyphMap.findOrNull(toID);
if (glyph == nullptr) {
glyph = this->makeGlyph(toID);
if (glyph->setMetricsAndImage(&fAlloc, from)) {
fMemoryUsed += glyph->imageSize();
return glyph;
bool SkStrike::belongsToCache(const SkGlyph* glyph) const {
return glyph && fGlyphMap.findOrNull(glyph->getPackedID()) == glyph;
const SkGlyph* SkStrike::getCachedGlyphAnySubPix(SkGlyphID glyphID,
SkPackedGlyphID vetoID) const {
for (SkFixed subY = 0; subY < SK_Fixed1; subY += SK_FixedQuarter) {
for (SkFixed subX = 0; subX < SK_Fixed1; subX += SK_FixedQuarter) {
SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID{glyphID, subX, subY};
if (packedGlyphID == vetoID) continue;
if (SkGlyph* glyphPtr = fGlyphMap.findOrNull(packedGlyphID)) {
return glyphPtr;
return nullptr;
SkSpan<const SkGlyph*> SkStrike::metrics(SkSpan<const SkGlyphID> glyphIDs,
const SkGlyph* results[]) {
return this->internalPrepare(glyphIDs, kMetricsOnly, results);
SkSpan<const SkGlyph*> SkStrike::preparePaths(SkSpan<const SkGlyphID> glyphIDs,
const SkGlyph* results[]) {
return this->internalPrepare(glyphIDs, kMetricsAndPath, results);
SkSpan<const SkGlyph*>
SkStrike::prepareImages(SkSpan<const SkPackedGlyphID> glyphIDs, const SkGlyph* results[]) {
const SkGlyph** cursor = results;
for (auto glyphID : glyphIDs) {
SkGlyph* glyphPtr = this->glyph(glyphID);
*cursor++ = glyphPtr;
return {results, glyphIDs.size()};
void SkStrike::prepareForDrawingMasksCPU(SkDrawableGlyphBuffer* drawables) {
for (auto t : SkMakeEnumerate(drawables->input())) {
size_t i; SkGlyphVariant packedID;
std::forward_as_tuple(i, std::tie(packedID, std::ignore)) = t;
SkGlyph* glyph = this->glyph(packedID);
if (!glyph->isEmpty()) {
const void* image = this->prepareImage(glyph);
// If the glyph is too large, then no image is created.
if (image != nullptr) {
drawables->push_back(glyph, i);
void SkStrike::prepareForDrawingPathsCPU(SkDrawableGlyphBuffer* drawables) {
for (auto t : SkMakeEnumerate(drawables->input())) {
size_t i; SkGlyphVariant packedID;
std::forward_as_tuple(i, std::tie(packedID, std::ignore)) = t;
SkGlyph* glyph = this->glyph(packedID);
if (!glyph->isEmpty()) {
const SkPath* path = this->preparePath(glyph);
// The glyph my not have a path.
if (path != nullptr) {
drawables->push_back(path, i);
// N.B. This glyphMetrics call culls all the glyphs which will not display based on a non-finite
// position or that there are no mask pixels.
SkSpan<const SkGlyphPos>
SkStrike::prepareForDrawingRemoveEmpty(const SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphIDs[],
const SkPoint positions[],
size_t n,
int maxDimension,
SkGlyphPos results[]) {
size_t drawableGlyphCount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
SkPoint pos = positions[i];
if (SkScalarsAreFinite(pos.x(), pos.y())) {
SkGlyph* glyphPtr = this->glyph(packedGlyphIDs[i]);
if (!glyphPtr->isEmpty()) {
results[drawableGlyphCount++] = {i, glyphPtr, pos};
if (glyphPtr->maxDimension() <= maxDimension) {
// The glyph fits. Prepare image later.
} else if (!glyphPtr->isColor()) {
// The out of atlas glyph is not color so we can draw it using paths.
} else {
// This will be handled by the fallback strike.
SkASSERT(glyphPtr->maxDimension() > maxDimension && glyphPtr->isColor());
return SkSpan<const SkGlyphPos>{results, drawableGlyphCount};
void SkStrike::findIntercepts(const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar scale, SkScalar xPos,
SkGlyph* glyph, SkScalar* array, int* count) {
glyph->ensureIntercepts(bounds, scale, xPos, array, count, &fAlloc);
void SkStrike::dump() const {
const SkTypeface* face = fScalerContext->getTypeface();
const SkScalerContextRec& rec = fScalerContext->getRec();
SkMatrix matrix;
matrix.preScale(SkScalarInvert(rec.fTextSize), SkScalarInvert(rec.fTextSize));
SkString name;
SkString msg;
SkFontStyle style = face->fontStyle();
msg.printf("cache typeface:%x %25s:(%d,%d,%d)\n %s glyphs:%3d",
face->uniqueID(), name.c_str(), style.weight(), style.width(), style.slant(),
rec.dump().c_str(), fGlyphMap.count());
SkDebugf("%s\n", msg.c_str());
void SkStrike::onAboutToExitScope() { }
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void SkStrike::forceValidate() const {
size_t memoryUsed = sizeof(*this);
fGlyphMap.foreach ([&memoryUsed](const SkGlyph* glyphPtr) {
memoryUsed += sizeof(SkGlyph);
if (glyphPtr->setImageHasBeenCalled()) {
memoryUsed += glyphPtr->imageSize();
if (glyphPtr->setPathHasBeenCalled() && glyphPtr->path() != nullptr) {
memoryUsed += glyphPtr->path()->approximateBytesUsed();
SkASSERT(fMemoryUsed == memoryUsed);
void SkStrike::validate() const {
#endif // SK_DEBUG