blob: a19cb0b812de392a5d7f6e48648380761919b806 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<title>The percentage height calculation quirk</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<style> iframe { width:20px; height:200px } </style>
<div id=log></div>
<iframe id=quirks></iframe>
<iframe id=almost></iframe>
<iframe id=standards></iframe>
<img id="preload">
// Ensure png is loaded and cached before we run the tests. Otherwise
// the tests that use it may run while it's not fully loaded and get <img>
// fallback layout (i.e., not an image with a 1x1 intrinsic size).
document.getElementById('preload').src = png;
onload = function() {
var html = "<style id=style></style>";
var a_doctype = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">';
var s_doctype = '<!DOCTYPE HTML>';
var q = document.getElementById('quirks').contentWindow;
var a = document.getElementById('almost').contentWindow;
var s = document.getElementById('standards').contentWindow;;
a.document.write(a_doctype + html);
s.document.write(s_doctype + html);
[q, a, s].forEach(function(win) {
['style', 'test'].forEach(function(id) {
win.__proto__.__defineGetter__(id, function() { return win.document.getElementById(id); });
var tests = [
{style:'#test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'#test { height:50% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:92, s:0},
{style:'#test { height:25% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:46, s:0},
{style:'#test { height:12.5% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:23, s:0},
{style:'#test { height:100% }', body:'<div><div id=test></div></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'', body:'<img id=test src="{png}" height=100%>', q:184, s:1},
{style:'', body:'<img id=test src="{png}" height=100% border=10>', q:184, s:1},
{style:'', body:'<table id=test height=100%><tr><td></table>', q:184, s:6},
{style:'#foo { height:100px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=foo><div><div id=test></div></div></div>', q:100, s:0},
{style:'#foo { position:absolute } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=foo><div><div id=test></div></div></div>', q:0, s:0},
{style:'#foo { position:relative } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=foo><div><div id=test></div></div></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'#foo { height:100px } #test { height:100%; position:absolute }', body:'<div id=foo><div><div id=test></div></div></div>', q:200, s:200},
{style:'#foo { height:100px } #test { height:100%; position:fixed }', body:'<div id=foo><div><div id=test></div></div></div>', q:200, s:200},
{style:'#foo { height:100px } #test { height:100%; position:relative }', body:'<div id=foo><div><div id=test></div></div></div>', q:100, s:0},
{style:'#foo { height:100px } #test { height:calc(100% + 1px) }', body:'<div id=foo><div id=test></div></div>', q:101, s:101},
{style:'#foo { height:100px } #test { height:5px; height:calc(100% + 1px) }', body:'<div id=foo><div><div id=test></div></div></div>', q:0, s:0},
{style:'html { display:inline } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0}, // display:inline on root has no effect
{style:'html { margin:10px } body { display:inline } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:200, s:0},
{style:'body { margin:0 } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:200, s:0},
{style:'body { margin:0; padding:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:180, s:0},
{style:'body { margin:0; border:10px solid } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:180, s:0},
{style:'html { margin:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:164, s:0},
{style:'html { padding:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:164, s:0},
{style:'html { border:10px solid } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:164, s:0},
{style:'html { position:absolute } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:0, s:0},
{style:'body { position:absolute } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:0, s:0},
{style:'html { height:100%; margin:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'html { height:100%; padding:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'html { height:100%; border:10px solid } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'body { height:100%; margin:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:200, s:0},
{style:'body { height:100%; padding:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:200, s:0},
{style:'body { height:100%; border:10px solid } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:200, s:0},
{style:'html { position:absolute; height:100%; margin:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'html { position:absolute; height:100%; padding:10px } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'html { position:absolute; height:100%; border:10px solid } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'body { margin:99px 0 } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:2, s:0},
{style:'body { margin:110px 0 } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:0, s:0},
{style:'html, body { border:10px none } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
{style:'html, body { border:10px hidden } #test { height:100% }', body:'<div id=test></div>', q:184, s:0},
tests.forEach(function(t) {
test(function() {
// Hide scrollbars in all subdocuments so that a horizontal
// scrollbar doesn't appear and upset our calculations.
var style =\{png\}/g, png) + " html { overflow:hidden; }";
var body = t.body.replace(/\{png\}/g, png); = style; = style; = style;
q.document.body.innerHTML = body;
a.document.body.innerHTML = body;
s.document.body.innerHTML = body;
t.q + 'px',
'quirks mode');
t.s + 'px',
'almost standards mode');
t.s + 'px',
'standards mode');
}, document.title+', ';
var xml_tests = [
{input:'<html xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><body><div id="test"/></body></html>', q:184, s:0},
{input:'<html xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><body/><div id="test"/></html>', q:200, s:0},
{input:'<html xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><span><body><div id="test"/></body></span></html>', q:200, s:0},
{input:'<html xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><body><body><div id="test"/></body></body></html>', q:200, s:0},
{input:'<html><head xmlns="{html}"><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><body xmlns="{html}"><div id="test"/></body></html>', q:200, s:0},
{input:'<div xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><body><div id="test"/></body></div>', q:200, s:0},
{input:'<html xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><body xmlns=""><div xmlns="{html}" id="test"/></body></html>', q:200, s:0},
{input:'<HTML xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><body><div id="test"/></body></HTML>', q:200, s:0},
{input:'<html xmlns="{html}"><head><style>#test { height:100% }</style></head><BODY><div id="test"/></BODY></html>', q:200, s:0},
var parser = new DOMParser();
xml_tests.forEach(function(t) {
test(function() {
var input = t.input.replace(/\{html\}/g, '')
.replace(/\{png\}/g, png);
var root = parser.parseFromString(input, 'text/xml').documentElement;
q.document.replaceChild(root.cloneNode(true), q.document.documentElement);
a.document.replaceChild(root.cloneNode(true), a.document.documentElement);
s.document.replaceChild(root, s.document.documentElement);
t.q + 'px',
'quirks mode');
t.s + 'px',
'almost standards mode');
t.s + 'px',
'standards mode');
}, document.title+', '+t.input);