blob: 6309e326690072705d093c0a3565db4d5221db23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "cobalt/account/account_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/base/accessibility_caption_settings_changed_event.h"
#include "cobalt/base/application_state.h"
#include "cobalt/base/message_queue.h"
#include "cobalt/base/on_screen_keyboard_blurred_event.h"
#include "cobalt/base/on_screen_keyboard_focused_event.h"
#include "cobalt/base/on_screen_keyboard_hidden_event.h"
#include "cobalt/base/on_screen_keyboard_shown_event.h"
#include "cobalt/base/on_screen_keyboard_suggestions_updated_event.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/lifecycle_observer.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_settings/auto_mem.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_settings/checker.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/render_tree_combiner.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/screen_shot_writer.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/splash_screen.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/suspend_fuzzer.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/system_platform_error_handler.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/url_handler.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/web_module.h"
#include "cobalt/cssom/viewport_size.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/input_event_init.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/keyboard_event_init.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/on_screen_keyboard_bridge.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/pointer_event_init.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/wheel_event_init.h"
#include "cobalt/input/input_device_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/layout/layout_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/media/can_play_type_handler.h"
#include "cobalt/media/media_module.h"
#include "cobalt/network/network_module.h"
#include "cobalt/overlay_info/qr_code_overlay.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/node.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/resource_provider.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/resource_provider_stub.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/renderer_module.h"
#include "cobalt/script/array_buffer.h"
#include "cobalt/storage/storage_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/system_window/system_window.h"
#include "cobalt/webdriver/session_driver.h"
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#include "starboard/window.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#if defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
#include "cobalt/browser/debug_console.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/lifecycle_console_commands.h"
#include "cobalt/debug/backend/debug_dispatcher.h"
#include "cobalt/debug/backend/debugger_state.h"
#include "cobalt/debug/console/command_manager.h"
#include "cobalt/debug/debug_client.h"
#include "cobalt/updater/updater_module.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace browser {
// BrowserModule hosts all major components of the Cobalt browser application.
// It also contains all of the glue components required to connect the
// different subsystems together.
class BrowserModule {
// All browser subcomponent options should have default constructors that
// setup reasonable default options.
struct Options {
explicit Options(const WebModule::Options& web_options)
: web_module_options(web_options),
enable_splash_screen_on_reloads(true) {}
renderer::RendererModule::Options renderer_module_options;
WebModule::Options web_module_options;
media::MediaModule::Options media_module_options;
base::Closure web_module_created_callback;
memory_settings::AutoMemSettings command_line_auto_mem_settings;
memory_settings::AutoMemSettings build_auto_mem_settings;
base::Optional<GURL> fallback_splash_screen_url;
std::map<std::string, GURL> fallback_splash_screen_topic_map;
base::Optional<cssom::ViewportSize> requested_viewport_size;
bool enable_splash_screen_on_reloads;
bool enable_on_screen_keyboard = true;
// Type for a collection of URL handler callbacks that can potentially handle
// a URL before using it to initialize a new WebModule.
typedef std::vector<URLHandler::URLHandlerCallback> URLHandlerCollection;
BrowserModule(const GURL& url,
base::ApplicationState initial_application_state,
base::EventDispatcher* event_dispatcher,
account::AccountManager* account_manager,
network::NetworkModule* network_module,
updater::UpdaterModule* updater_module,
const Options& options);
std::string GetUserAgent() { return network_module_->GetUserAgent(); }
// Recreates web module with the given URL. In the case where Cobalt is
// currently frozen, this defers the navigation and instead sets
// |pending_navigate_url_| to the specified url, which will trigger a
// navigation when Cobalt resumes.
void Navigate(const GURL& url_reference);
// Reloads web module.
void Reload();
SystemPlatformErrorHandler* system_platform_error_handler() {
return &system_platform_error_handler_;
// Adds/removes a URL handler.
void AddURLHandler(const URLHandler::URLHandlerCallback& callback);
void RemoveURLHandler(const URLHandler::URLHandlerCallback& callback);
// Request a screenshot to be written to the specified path. Callback will
// be fired after the screenshot has been written to disk.
void RequestScreenshotToFile(
const base::FilePath& path,
loader::image::EncodedStaticImage::ImageFormat image_format,
const base::Optional<math::Rect>& clip_rect,
const base::Closure& done_cb);
// Request a screenshot to an in-memory buffer.
void RequestScreenshotToMemory(
loader::image::EncodedStaticImage::ImageFormat image_format,
const base::Optional<math::Rect>& clip_rect,
const ScreenShotWriter::ImageEncodeCompleteCallback& screenshot_ready);
std::unique_ptr<webdriver::SessionDriver> CreateSessionDriver(
const webdriver::protocol::SessionId& session_id);
#if defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
std::unique_ptr<debug::DebugClient> CreateDebugClient(
debug::DebugClient::Delegate* delegate);
void GetDebugDispatcherInternal(
debug::backend::DebugDispatcher** out_debug_dispatcher);
// Change the network proxy settings while the application is running.
void SetProxy(const std::string& proxy_rules);
// LifecycleObserver-similar interface.
void Blur();
void Conceal();
void Freeze();
void Unfreeze();
void Reveal();
void Focus();
// Attempt to reduce overall memory consumption. Called in response to a
// system indication that memory usage is nearing a critical level.
void ReduceMemory();
void CheckMemory(const int64_t& used_cpu_memory,
const base::Optional<int64_t>& used_gpu_memory);
// Post a task to the main web module to update
// |javascript_reserved_memory_|.
void UpdateJavaScriptHeapStatistics();
// Called when a kSbEventTypeWindowSizeChange event is fired.
void OnWindowSizeChanged(const cssom::ViewportSize& viewport_size);
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 8
void OnOnScreenKeyboardShown(const base::OnScreenKeyboardShownEvent* event);
void OnOnScreenKeyboardHidden(const base::OnScreenKeyboardHiddenEvent* event);
void OnOnScreenKeyboardFocused(
const base::OnScreenKeyboardFocusedEvent* event);
void OnOnScreenKeyboardBlurred(
const base::OnScreenKeyboardBlurredEvent* event);
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 11
void OnOnScreenKeyboardSuggestionsUpdated(
const base::OnScreenKeyboardSuggestionsUpdatedEvent* event);
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 11
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12 ||
void OnCaptionSettingsChanged(
const base::AccessibilityCaptionSettingsChangedEvent* event);
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12 || SB_HAS(CAPTIONS)
bool IsWebModuleLoaded() { return web_module_loaded_.IsSignaled(); }
// Parses url and defines a mapping of parameter values of the form
// &option=value&foo=bar.
static void GetParamMap(const std::string& url,
std::map<std::string, std::string>& map);
static void CoreDumpHandler(void* browser_module_as_void);
int on_error_triggered_count_;
int recovery_mechanism_triggered_count_;
int timeout_response_trigger_count_;
// Called when the WebModule's Window.onload event is fired.
void OnLoad();
// Wait for the onload event to be fired with the specified timeout. If the
// webmodule is not currently loading the document, this will return
// immediately.
bool WaitForLoad(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
// Glue function to deal with the production of the main render tree,
// and will manage handing it off to the renderer.
void QueueOnRenderTreeProduced(
int web_module_generation,
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
void OnRenderTreeProduced(
int web_module_generation,
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
// Glue function to deal with the production of the splash screen render tree,
// and will manage handing it off to the renderer.
void QueueOnSplashScreenRenderTreeProduced(
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
void OnSplashScreenRenderTreeProduced(
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
// Glue function to deal with the production of the qr code overlay render
// tree, and will manage handing it off to the renderer.
void QueueOnQrCodeOverlayRenderTreeProduced(
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Node>& render_tree);
void OnQrCodeOverlayRenderTreeProduced(
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Node>& render_tree);
// Saves/loads the debug console mode to/from local storage so we can
// persist the user's preference.
void SaveDebugConsoleMode();
// Glue function to deal with the production of an input event from an on
// screen keyboard input device, and manage handing it off to the web module
// for interpretation.
void OnOnScreenKeyboardInputEventProduced(base::Token type,
const dom::InputEventInit& event);
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12 ||
// Glue function to deal with the production of a keyboard input event from a
// keyboard input device, and manage handing it off to the web module for
// interpretation.
void OnKeyEventProduced(base::Token type,
const dom::KeyboardEventInit& event);
// Glue function to deal with the production of a pointer input event from a
// pointer input device, and manage handing it off to the web module for
// interpretation.
void OnPointerEventProduced(base::Token type,
const dom::PointerEventInit& event);
// Glue function to deal with the production of a wheel input event from a
// wheel input device, and manage handing it off to the web module for
// interpretation.
void OnWheelEventProduced(base::Token type, const dom::WheelEventInit& event);
// Injects an on screen keyboard input event directly into the main web
// module.
void InjectOnScreenKeyboardInputEventToMainWebModule(
base::Token type, const dom::InputEventInit& event);
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 12 ||
// Injects a key event directly into the main web module, useful for setting
// up an input fuzzer whose input should be sent directly to the main
// web module and not filtered into the debug console.
void InjectKeyEventToMainWebModule(base::Token type,
const dom::KeyboardEventInit& event);
// Error callback for any error that stops the program.
void OnError(const GURL& url, const std::string& error);
// OnErrorRetry() shows a platform network error to give the user a chance to
// fix broken network settings before retrying. It should only be called by
// |on_error_retry_timer_|.
void OnErrorRetry();
// Navigates back to the URL that caused an error if the response from the
// platform error was positive, otherwise stops the app.
void OnNetworkFailureSystemPlatformResponse(
SbSystemPlatformErrorResponse response);
// Filters a key event.
// Returns true if the event should be passed on to other handlers,
// false if it was consumed within this function.
bool FilterKeyEvent(base::Token type, const dom::KeyboardEventInit& event);
// Filters a key event for hotkeys.
// Returns true if the event should be passed on to other handlers,
// false if it was consumed within this function.
bool FilterKeyEventForHotkeys(base::Token type,
const dom::KeyboardEventInit& event);
// Tries all registered URL handlers for a URL. Returns true if one of the
// handlers handled the URL, false if otherwise.
bool TryURLHandlers(const GURL& url);
// Destroys the splash screen, if currently displayed.
void DestroySplashScreen(base::TimeDelta close_time);
// Called when web module has received window.close().
void OnWindowClose(base::TimeDelta close_time);
// Called when web module has received window.minimize().
void OnWindowMinimize();
#if defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
// Toggles the input fuzzer on/off. Ignores the parameter.
void OnFuzzerToggle(const std::string&);
// Use the config in the form of '<string name>=<int value>' to call
// MediaModule::SetConfiguration().
void OnSetMediaConfig(const std::string& config);
// Sets the disabled media codecs in the debug console and in
// the CanPlayTypeHandler instance.
// Future requests to play videos with these codecs will report that these
// codecs are unsupported.
void OnDisableMediaCodecs(const std::string& codecs);
// Glue function to deal with the production of the debug console render tree,
// and will manage handing it off to the renderer.
void QueueOnDebugConsoleRenderTreeProduced(
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
void OnDebugConsoleRenderTreeProduced(
const browser::WebModule::LayoutResults& layout_results);
#endif // defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
std::unique_ptr<webdriver::WindowDriver> CreateWindowDriver(
const webdriver::protocol::WindowId& window_id);
void CreateWindowDriverInternal(
const webdriver::protocol::WindowId& window_id,
std::unique_ptr<webdriver::WindowDriver>* out_window_driver);
// Called when a renderer submission has been rasterized. Used to hide the
// system splash screen after the first render has completed.
void OnRendererSubmissionRasterized();
// Process all messages queued into the |render_tree_submission_queue_|.
void ProcessRenderTreeSubmissionQueue();
// Poll for render timeout. Called from timeout_polling_thread_.
void OnPollForRenderTimeout(const GURL& url);
// Gets the current resource provider.
render_tree::ResourceProvider* GetResourceProvider();
// Initialize all components without initializing system window.
void InitializeComponents();
// Initializes the system window, and all components that require it.
void InitializeSystemWindow();
// Instantiates a renderer module and dependent objects.
void InstantiateRendererModule();
// Destroys the renderer module and dependent objects.
void DestroyRendererModule();
// Freeze Media module and dependent objects.
void FreezeMediaModule();
// Attempt to navigate to its specified URL.
void NavigatePendingURL();
// Reset qr_code_overlay, main_web_module_layer, splash_screen_layer
// and qr_overlay_info_layer etc resources.
void ResetResources();
// Update web modules with the current viewport size.
void UpdateScreenSize();
// Does all the steps for half of a Conceal that happen prior to
// the app state update.
void ConcealInternal();
// Does all the steps for half of a Freeze that happen prior to
// the app state update.
void FreezeInternal();
// Does all the steps for half of a Reveal that happen prior to
// the app state update.
void RevealInternal();
// Does all the steps for half of a Start that happen prior to
// the app state update.
void StartInternal();
// Does all the steps for half of a Unfreeze that happen prior to
// the app state update.
void UnfreezeInternal();
// Check debug console, splash screen and web module if they are
// ready to freeze at Concealed state. If so, call SystemRequestFreeze
// to freeze Cobalt.
void OnMaybeFreeze();
// Gets a viewport size to use for now. This may change depending on the
// current application state. While concealed, this returns the requested
// viewport size. If there was no requested viewport size, it returns a
// default viewport size of 1280x720 (720p). Once a system window is created,
// it returns the confirmed size of the window.
cssom::ViewportSize GetViewportSize();
// Applies the current AutoMem settings to all applicable submodules.
void ApplyAutoMemSettings();
// The callback posted to the main web module in for
// |UpdateJavaScriptHeapStatistics|.
void GetHeapStatisticsCallback(const script::HeapStatistics& heap_statistics);
// If it exists, takes the current combined render tree from
// |render_tree_combiner_| and submits it to the pipeline in the renderer
// module.
void SubmitCurrentRenderTreeToRenderer();
// Get the SbWindow via |system_window_| or potentially NULL.
SbWindow GetSbWindow();
// This returns the render tree of the most recent submission, with animations
// applied according to the current time.
scoped_refptr<render_tree::Node> GetLastSubmissionAnimated();
// Sets the fallback splash screen url to a topic-specific URL, if applicable.
// Returns the topic used, or an empty Optional if a topic isn't found.
base::Optional<std::string> SetSplashScreenTopicFallback(const GURL& url);
// TODO:
// WeakPtr usage here can be avoided if BrowserModule has a thread to
// own where it can ensure that its tasks are all resolved when it is
// destructed.
// BrowserModule provides weak pointers to itself to prevent tasks generated
// by its components when attempting to communicate to other components (e.g.
// input events being generated and passed into WebModule). By passing
// references to BrowserModule as WeakPtrs, we do not access invalid memory
// if they are processed after the BrowserModule is destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowserModule> weak_ptr_factory_;
// After constructing |weak_ptr_factory_| we immediately construct a WeakPtr
// in order to bind the BrowserModule WeakPtr object to its thread. When we
// need a WeakPtr, we copy construct this, which is safe to do from any
// thread according to weak_ptr.h (versus calling
// |weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr() which is not).
base::WeakPtr<BrowserModule> weak_this_;
// Memory configuration tool.
std::unique_ptr<memory_settings::AutoMem> auto_mem_;
// A copy of the BrowserModule Options passed into the constructor.
Options options_;
// The browser module runs on this message loop.
base::MessageLoop* const self_message_loop_;
// Handler for system errors, which is owned by browser module.
SystemPlatformErrorHandler system_platform_error_handler_;
// Collection of URL handlers that can potentially handle a URL before
// using it to initialize a new WebModule.
URLHandlerCollection url_handlers_;
base::EventDispatcher* event_dispatcher_;
// Whether the browser module has yet rendered anything. On the very first
// render, we hide the system splash screen.
bool is_rendered_;
// The main system window for our application. This routes input event
// callbacks, and provides a native window handle on desktop systems.
std::unique_ptr<system_window::SystemWindow> system_window_;
// Wraps input device and produces input events that can be passed into
// the web module.
std::unique_ptr<input::InputDeviceManager> input_device_manager_;
// Sets up everything to do with graphics, from backend objects like the
// display and graphics context to the rasterizer and rendering pipeline.
std::unique_ptr<renderer::RendererModule> renderer_module_;
// A stub implementation of ResourceProvider that can be used until a real
// ResourceProvider is created. Only valid in the Concealed state.
base::Optional<render_tree::ResourceProviderStub> resource_provider_stub_;
// Controls all media playback related objects/resources.
std::unique_ptr<media::MediaModule> media_module_;
// Allows checking if particular media type can be played.
std::unique_ptr<media::CanPlayTypeHandler> can_play_type_handler_;
// Sets up the network component for requesting internet resources.
network::NetworkModule* network_module_;
// A reference to the Cobalt updater.
updater::UpdaterModule* updater_module_;
// Manages the three render trees, combines and renders them.
RenderTreeCombiner render_tree_combiner_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderTreeCombiner::Layer> main_web_module_layer_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderTreeCombiner::Layer> splash_screen_layer_;
#if defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
std::unique_ptr<RenderTreeCombiner::Layer> debug_console_layer_;
#endif // defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
std::unique_ptr<RenderTreeCombiner::Layer> qr_overlay_info_layer_;
// Helper object to create screen shots of the last layout tree.
std::unique_ptr<ScreenShotWriter> screen_shot_writer_;
// Keeps track of all messages containing render tree submissions that will
// ultimately reference the |render_tree_combiner_| and the
// |renderer_module_|. It is important that this is destroyed before the
// above mentioned references are. It must however outlive all WebModules
// that may be producing render trees.
base::MessageQueue render_tree_submission_queue_;
// The splash screen cache.
std::unique_ptr<SplashScreenCache> splash_screen_cache_;
std::unique_ptr<dom::OnScreenKeyboardBridge> on_screen_keyboard_bridge_;
bool on_screen_keyboard_show_called_ = false;
// Sets up everything to do with web page management, from loading and
// parsing the web page and all referenced files to laying it out. The
// web module will ultimately produce a render tree that can be passed
// into the renderer module.
std::unique_ptr<WebModule> web_module_;
// Will be signalled when the WebModule's Window.onload event is fired.
base::WaitableEvent web_module_loaded_;
// This will be called after a WebModule has been recreated, which could occur
// on navigation.
base::Closure web_module_created_callback_;
// The time when a URL navigation starts. This is recorded after the previous
// WebModule is destroyed.
base::CVal<int64, base::CValPublic> navigate_time_;
// The time when the WebModule's Window.onload event is fired.
base::CVal<int64, base::CValPublic> on_load_event_time_;
// The total memory that is reserved by the JavaScript engine, which
// includes both parts that have live JavaScript values, as well as
// preallocated space for future values.
base::CVal<base::cval::SizeInBytes, base::CValPublic>
// Stores the current list of disabled codecs, which are considered
// unsupported by media.
base::CVal<std::string, base::CValPublic> disabled_media_codecs_;
#if defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
// Possibly null, but if not, will contain a reference to an instance of
// a debug fuzzer input device manager.
std::unique_ptr<input::InputDeviceManager> input_device_manager_fuzzer_;
// Manages a second web module to implement the debug console.
std::unique_ptr<DebugConsole> debug_console_;
// Command handler object for toggling the input fuzzer on/off.
// Command handler object for setting media module config.
// Command handler object for screenshot command from the debug console.
// Command handler object for changing a list of disabled codecs for
// debug and testing purposes.
base::Optional<SuspendFuzzer> suspend_fuzzer_;
// An object that registers and owns console commands for controlling
// Cobalt's lifecycle.
LifecycleConsoleCommands lifecycle_console_commands_;
#endif // defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER)
// The splash screen. The pointer wrapped here should be non-NULL iff
// the splash screen is currently displayed.
std::unique_ptr<SplashScreen> splash_screen_;
// The qr code overlay to display qr codes on top of all layers.
std::unique_ptr<overlay_info::QrCodeOverlay> qr_code_overlay_;
// Reset when the browser is paused, signalled to resume.
base::WaitableEvent has_resumed_;
base::Thread timeout_polling_thread_;
// Counts the number of continuous render timeout expirations. This value is
// updated and used from OnPollForRenderTimeout.
int render_timeout_count_;
// The URL that Cobalt will attempt to navigate to during an OnErrorRetry()
// and also when starting from a concealed state or unfreezing from a
// frozen state. This url is set within OnError() and also when a
// navigation is deferred as a result of Cobalt being frozen; it is
// cleared when a navigation occurs.
GURL pending_navigate_url_;
// The number of OnErrorRetry() calls that have occurred since the last
// OnDone() call. This is used to determine the exponential backoff delay
// between the call to OnError() and the timer call to OnErrorRetry().
int on_error_retry_count_;
// The time OnErrorRetry() was last called. This is used to limit how
// frequently |on_error_retry_timer_| can call OnErrorRetry().
base::TimeTicks on_error_retry_time_;
// The timer for the next call to OnErrorRetry(). It is started in OnError()
// when it is not already active.
base::OneShotTimer on_error_retry_timer_;
// Set when we've posted a system error for network failure until we receive
// the next navigation. This is used to suppress retrying the current URL on
// resume until the error retry occurs.
bool waiting_for_error_retry_;
// Set when the application is about to quit. May be set from a thread other
// than the one hosting this object, and read from another.
bool will_quit_;
// The |will_quit_| flag may be set from one thread (e.g. not the one hosting
// this object) and read from another. This lock is used to
// ensure synchronous access.
base::Lock quit_lock_;
// The current application state.
base::ApplicationState application_state_;
// The list of LifecycleObserver that need to be managed.
base::ObserverList<LifecycleObserver> lifecycle_observers_;
// Fires memory warning once when memory exceeds specified max cpu/gpu
// memory.
memory_settings::Checker memory_settings_checker_;
// The fallback URL to the splash screen. If empty (the default), no splash
// screen will be displayed.
base::Optional<GURL> fallback_splash_screen_url_;
// Number of main web modules that have taken place so far, indicating how
// many navigations have occurred. This is helpful for distinguishing
// lingering events produced by older web modules as we switch from one to
// another. This is incremented with each navigation.
int main_web_module_generation_;
// Keeps track of a unique next ID to be assigned to new splash screen or
// main web module timelines.
int next_timeline_id_;
// The following values are specified on submissions sent into the renderer
// so that the renderer can identify when it is changing from one timeline
// to another (in which case it may need to clear its submission queue).
int current_splash_screen_timeline_id_;
int current_main_web_module_timeline_id_;
// Remember the first set value for JavaScript's GC threshold setting computed
// by automem. We want this so that we can check that it never changes, since
// we do not have the ability to modify it after startup.
base::Optional<int64_t> javascript_gc_threshold_in_bytes_;
// Save the current window size before transitioning to Concealed state,
// and reuse this value to recreate the window.
math::Size window_size_;
} // namespace browser
} // namespace cobalt