blob: 925c06e6dc5346e808bc3ab35a06b11ee4764545 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Cobalt Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cobalt/updater/configurator.h"
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/version.h"
#include "cobalt/script/javascript_engine.h"
#include "cobalt/updater/network_fetcher.h"
#include "cobalt/updater/patcher.h"
#include "cobalt/updater/prefs.h"
#include "cobalt/updater/unzipper.h"
#include "cobalt/updater/updater_constants.h"
#include "cobalt/version.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/update_client/network.h"
#include "components/update_client/patcher.h"
#include "components/update_client/protocol_handler.h"
#include "components/update_client/unzipper.h"
#include "starboard/system.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace {
// Default time constants.
const int kDelayOneMinute = 60;
const int kDelayOneHour = kDelayOneMinute * 60;
const std::set<std::string> valid_channels = {
// Default channel for debug/devel builds.
// Channel for dogfooders.
// Default channel for gold builds.
// Default channel for qa builds. A gold build can switch to this channel to
// get an official qa build.
// Test an update with higher version than prod channel.
// Test an update with mismatched sabi.
// Test an update that does nothing.
// Test an update that crashes.
// Test an update that fails verification.
// Test an update that works for one app only.
// Test a series of continuous updates with two channels.
"tseries1", "tseries2",
const char kDefaultUpdaterChannel[] = "dev";
#elif defined(COBALT_BUILD_TYPE_QA)
const char kDefaultUpdaterChannel[] = "qa";
const char kDefaultUpdaterChannel[] = "prod";
std::string GetDeviceProperty(SbSystemPropertyId id) {
const size_t kSystemPropertyMaxLength = 1024;
char value[kSystemPropertyMaxLength];
bool result;
result = SbSystemGetProperty(id, value, kSystemPropertyMaxLength);
std::string prop;
if (result) {
prop = std::string(value);
return prop;
} // namespace
namespace cobalt {
namespace updater {
Configurator::Configurator(network::NetworkModule* network_module)
: pref_service_(CreatePrefService()),
pref_service_.get(), nullptr)),
patch_factory_(base::MakeRefCounted<PatcherFactory>()) {
const std::string persisted_channel =
if (persisted_channel.empty()) {
} else {
if (network_module != nullptr) {
user_agent_string_ = network_module->GetUserAgent();
Configurator::~Configurator() = default;
int Configurator::InitialDelay() const { return 0; }
int Configurator::NextCheckDelay() const { return 5 * kDelayOneHour; }
int Configurator::OnDemandDelay() const { return 0; }
int Configurator::UpdateDelay() const { return 0; }
std::vector<GURL> Configurator::UpdateUrl() const {
return std::vector<GURL>{GURL(kUpdaterJSONDefaultUrl)};
std::vector<GURL> Configurator::PingUrl() const { return UpdateUrl(); }
std::string Configurator::GetProdId() const { return "cobalt"; }
base::Version Configurator::GetBrowserVersion() const {
std::string version(COBALT_VERSION);
// base::Version only accepts numeric versions. Return Cobalt major version.
int first_dot = version.find_first_of(".");
if (first_dot != std::string::npos) {
return base::Version(version.substr(0, first_dot));
return base::Version("");
std::string Configurator::GetBrand() const { return {}; }
std::string Configurator::GetLang() const {
const char* locale_id = SbSystemGetLocaleId();
if (!locale_id) {
return "";
std::string locale_string(locale_id);
// POSIX platforms put time zone id at the end of the locale id, like
// |en_US.UTF8|. We remove the time zone id.
int first_dot = locale_string.find_first_of(".");
if (first_dot != std::string::npos) {
return locale_string.substr(0, first_dot);
return locale_string;
std::string Configurator::GetOSLongName() const {
return GetDeviceProperty(kSbSystemPropertyPlatformName);
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> Configurator::ExtraRequestParams()
const {
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> params;
params.insert(std::make_pair("SABI", SB_SABI_JSON_ID));
params.insert(std::make_pair("sbversion", std::to_string(SB_API_VERSION)));
std::make_pair("jsengine", script::GetJavaScriptEngineNameAndVersion()));
SbAtomicNoBarrier_Load(&is_channel_changed_) == 1 ? "True" : "False"));
// Brand name
std::make_pair("brand", GetDeviceProperty(kSbSystemPropertyBrandName)));
// Model name
std::make_pair("model", GetDeviceProperty(kSbSystemPropertyModelName)));
// Original Design manufacturer name
// Chipset model number
"chipset", GetDeviceProperty(kSbSystemPropertyChipsetModelNumber)));
// Firmware version
"firmware", GetDeviceProperty(kSbSystemPropertyFirmwareVersion)));
// Model year
std::make_pair("year", GetDeviceProperty(kSbSystemPropertyModelYear)));
// User Agent String
params.insert(std::make_pair("uastring", user_agent_string_));
return params;
std::string Configurator::GetDownloadPreference() const { return {}; }
Configurator::GetNetworkFetcherFactory() {
return network_fetcher_factory_;
Configurator::GetUnzipperFactory() {
return unzip_factory_;
scoped_refptr<update_client::PatcherFactory> Configurator::GetPatcherFactory() {
return patch_factory_;
bool Configurator::EnabledDeltas() const { return false; }
bool Configurator::EnabledComponentUpdates() const { return false; }
bool Configurator::EnabledBackgroundDownloader() const { return false; }
// TODO: enable cup signing
bool Configurator::EnabledCupSigning() const { return false; }
PrefService* Configurator::GetPrefService() const {
return pref_service_.get();
update_client::ActivityDataService* Configurator::GetActivityDataService()
const {
return nullptr;
bool Configurator::IsPerUserInstall() const { return true; }
std::vector<uint8_t> Configurator::GetRunActionKeyHash() const { return {}; }
std::string Configurator::GetAppGuid() const {
return "{6D4E53F3-CC64-4CB8-B6BD-AB0B8F300E1C}";
Configurator::GetProtocolHandlerFactory() const {
return std::make_unique<update_client::ProtocolHandlerFactoryJSON>();
update_client::RecoveryCRXElevator Configurator::GetRecoveryCRXElevator()
const {
return {};
void Configurator::CompareAndSwapChannelChanged(int old_value, int new_value) {
SbAtomicNoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(&is_channel_changed_, old_value, new_value);
// The updater channel is get and set by main web module thread and update
// client thread. The getter and set use a lock to prevent synchronization
// issue.
std::string Configurator::GetChannel() const {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast<base::Lock&>(updater_channel_lock_));
return updater_channel_;
void Configurator::SetChannel(const std::string& updater_channel) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(updater_channel_lock_);
updater_channel_ = updater_channel;
bool Configurator::IsChannelValid(const std::string& channel) {
if (!valid_channels.count(channel)) {
SetUpdaterStatus(std::string("Invalid channel requested"));
return false;
return true;
// The updater status is get by main web module thread and set by the updater
// thread. The getter and set use a lock to prevent synchronization issue.
std::string Configurator::GetUpdaterStatus() const {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast<base::Lock&>(updater_status_lock_));
return updater_status_;
void Configurator::SetUpdaterStatus(const std::string& status) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(updater_status_lock_);
updater_status_ = status;
std::string Configurator::GetPreviousUpdaterStatus() const {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(
return previous_updater_status_;
void Configurator::SetPreviousUpdaterStatus(const std::string& status) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(previous_updater_status_lock_);
previous_updater_status_ = status;
} // namespace updater
} // namespace cobalt