blob: cf9d744ae0ad4e5119f0c1fd637f8e546ee22e2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/android/shared/audio_track_audio_sink_type.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/player/filter/common.h"
namespace {
namespace starboard {
namespace android {
namespace shared {
namespace {
// The same as AudioTrack.ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT.
const int kAudioTrackErrorDeadObject = -6;
// The maximum number of frames that can be written to android audio track per
// write request. If we don't set this cap for writing frames to audio track,
// we will repeatedly allocate a large byte array which cannot be consumed by
// audio track completely.
const int kMaxFramesPerRequest = 65536;
// Most Android audio HAL updates audio time for A/V synchronization on audio
// sync frames. For example, audio HAL may try to render when it gets an entire
// sync frame and then update audio time. Shorter duration of sync frame
// improves the accuracy of audio time, especially at the beginning of a
// playback, as otherwise the audio time during the initial update may be too
// large (non zero) and results in dropped video frames.
const SbTime kMaxDurationPerRequestInTunnelMode = 16 * kSbTimeMillisecond;
const jint kNoOffset = 0;
const size_t kSilenceFramesPerAppend = 1024;
const int kMaxRequiredFrames = 16 * 1024;
const int kRequiredFramesIncrement = 2 * 1024;
const int kMinStablePlayedFrames = 12 * 1024;
const int kSampleFrequency22050 = 22050;
const int kSampleFrequency48000 = 48000;
// Helper function to compute the size of the two valid starboard audio sample
// types.
size_t GetSampleSize(SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type) {
switch (sample_type) {
case kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeFloat32:
return sizeof(float);
case kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16Deprecated:
return sizeof(int16_t);
return 0u;
int GetAudioFormatSampleType(SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type) {
switch (sample_type) {
case kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeFloat32:
// Android AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT.
return 4;
case kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16Deprecated:
// Android AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT.
return 2;
return 0u;
void* IncrementPointerByBytes(void* pointer, size_t offset) {
return static_cast<uint8_t*>(pointer) + offset;
int GetMaxFramesPerRequestForTunnelMode(int sampling_frequency_hz) {
auto max_frames = kMaxDurationPerRequestInTunnelMode * sampling_frequency_hz /
return (max_frames + 15) / 16 * 16; // align to 16
} // namespace
Type* type,
int channels,
int sampling_frequency_hz,
SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type,
SbAudioSinkFrameBuffers frame_buffers,
int frames_per_channel,
int preferred_buffer_size_in_bytes,
SbAudioSinkUpdateSourceStatusFunc update_source_status_func,
ConsumeFramesFunc consume_frames_func,
SbAudioSinkPrivate::ErrorFunc error_func,
SbTime start_time,
int tunnel_mode_audio_session_id,
void* context)
: type_(type),
tunnel_mode_audio_session_id_ == -1
? kMaxFramesPerRequest
: GetMaxFramesPerRequestForTunnelMode(sampling_frequency_hz_)),
context_(context) {
// TODO: Support query if platform supports float type for tunnel mode.
if (tunnel_mode_audio_session_id_ != -1) {
SB_DCHECK(sample_type_ == kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16Deprecated);
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Creating audio sink starts at " << start_time_;
JniEnvExt* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
ScopedLocalJavaRef<jobject> j_audio_output_manager(
"getAudioOutputManager", "()Ldev/cobalt/media/AudioOutputManager;"));
jobject j_audio_track_bridge = env->CallObjectMethodOrAbort(
j_audio_output_manager.Get(), "createAudioTrackBridge",
GetAudioFormatSampleType(sample_type_), sampling_frequency_hz_, channels_,
preferred_buffer_size_in_bytes, tunnel_mode_audio_session_id_);
if (!j_audio_track_bridge) {
// One of the cases that this may hit is when output happened to be switched
// to a device that doesn't support tunnel mode.
// TODO: Find a way to exclude the device from tunnel mode playback, to
// avoid infinite loop in creating the audio sink on a device
// claims to support tunnel mode but fails to create the audio sink.
// TODO: Currently this will be reported as a general decode error,
// investigate if this can be reported as a capability changed error.
j_audio_track_bridge_ = env->ConvertLocalRefToGlobalRef(j_audio_track_bridge);
if (sample_type_ == kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeFloat32) {
j_audio_data_ = env->NewFloatArray(channels_ * max_frames_per_request_);
} else if (sample_type_ == kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16Deprecated) {
j_audio_data_ = env->NewByteArray(channels_ * GetSampleSize(sample_type_) *
} else {
SB_CHECK(j_audio_data_) << "Failed to allocate |j_audio_data_|";
j_audio_data_ = env->ConvertLocalRefToGlobalRef(j_audio_data_);
audio_out_thread_ = SbThreadCreate(
0, kSbThreadPriorityRealTime, kSbThreadNoAffinity, true,
"audio_track_audio_out", &AudioTrackAudioSink::ThreadEntryPoint, this);
AudioTrackAudioSink::~AudioTrackAudioSink() {
quit_ = true;
if (SbThreadIsValid(audio_out_thread_)) {
SbThreadJoin(audio_out_thread_, NULL);
JniEnvExt* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
if (j_audio_track_bridge_) {
ScopedLocalJavaRef<jobject> j_audio_output_manager(
j_audio_output_manager.Get(), "destroyAudioTrackBridge",
"(Ldev/cobalt/media/AudioTrackBridge;)V", j_audio_track_bridge_);
j_audio_track_bridge_ = NULL;
if (j_audio_data_) {
j_audio_data_ = NULL;
void AudioTrackAudioSink::SetPlaybackRate(double playback_rate) {
SB_DCHECK(playback_rate >= 0.0);
if (playback_rate != 0.0 && playback_rate != 1.0) {
SB_NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "TODO: Only playback rates of 0.0 and 1.0 are "
"currently supported.";
playback_rate = (playback_rate > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
ScopedLock lock(mutex_);
playback_rate_ = playback_rate;
// static
void* AudioTrackAudioSink::ThreadEntryPoint(void* context) {
AudioTrackAudioSink* sink = reinterpret_cast<AudioTrackAudioSink*>(context);
return NULL;
// TODO: Break down the function into manageable pieces.
void AudioTrackAudioSink::AudioThreadFunc() {
JniEnvExt* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
bool was_playing = false;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "AudioTrackAudioSink thread started.";
int accumulated_written_frames = 0;
// TODO: |last_playback_head_changed_at| is also resetted when a warning is
// logged after the playback head position hasn't been updated for a
// while. We should refine the name to make it better reflect its
// usage.
SbTime last_playback_head_changed_at = -1;
SbTime playback_head_not_changed_duration = 0;
SbTime last_written_succeeded_at = -1;
while (!quit_) {
int playback_head_position = 0;
SbTime frames_consumed_at = 0;
if (was_playing) {
ScopedLocalJavaRef<jobject> j_audio_timestamp(
playback_head_position = env->GetLongFieldOrAbort(j_audio_timestamp.Get(),
"framePosition", "J");
frames_consumed_at =
env->GetLongFieldOrAbort(j_audio_timestamp.Get(), "nanoTime", "J") /
SB_DCHECK(playback_head_position >= last_playback_head_position_);
playback_head_position =
std::max(playback_head_position, last_playback_head_position_);
int frames_consumed =
playback_head_position - last_playback_head_position_;
SbTime now = SbTimeGetMonotonicNow();
if (last_playback_head_changed_at == -1) {
last_playback_head_changed_at = now;
if (last_playback_head_position_ == playback_head_position) {
SbTime elapsed = now - last_playback_head_changed_at;
if (elapsed > 5 * kSbTimeSecond) {
playback_head_not_changed_duration += elapsed;
last_playback_head_changed_at = now;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "last playback head position is "
<< last_playback_head_position_
<< " and it hasn't been updated for " << elapsed
<< " microseconds.";
} else {
last_playback_head_changed_at = now;
playback_head_not_changed_duration = 0;
last_playback_head_position_ = playback_head_position;
frames_consumed = std::min(frames_consumed, written_frames_);
if (frames_consumed != 0) {
SB_DCHECK(frames_consumed >= 0);
consume_frames_func_(frames_consumed, frames_consumed_at, context_);
written_frames_ -= frames_consumed;
int frames_in_buffer;
int offset_in_frames;
bool is_playing;
bool is_eos_reached;
update_source_status_func_(&frames_in_buffer, &offset_in_frames,
&is_playing, &is_eos_reached, context_);
ScopedLock lock(mutex_);
if (playback_rate_ == 0.0) {
is_playing = false;
if (was_playing && !is_playing) {
was_playing = false;
env->CallVoidMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_, "pause", "()V");
SB_LOG(INFO) << "AudioTrackAudioSink paused.";
} else if (!was_playing && is_playing) {
was_playing = true;
last_playback_head_changed_at = -1;
playback_head_not_changed_duration = 0;
last_written_succeeded_at = -1;
env->CallVoidMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_, "play", "()V");
SB_LOG(INFO) << "AudioTrackAudioSink playing.";
if (!is_playing || frames_in_buffer == 0) {
SbThreadSleep(10 * kSbTimeMillisecond);
int start_position =
(offset_in_frames + written_frames_) % frames_per_channel_;
int expected_written_frames = 0;
if (frames_per_channel_ > offset_in_frames + written_frames_) {
expected_written_frames =
std::min(frames_per_channel_ - (offset_in_frames + written_frames_),
frames_in_buffer - written_frames_);
} else {
expected_written_frames = frames_in_buffer - written_frames_;
expected_written_frames =
std::min(expected_written_frames, max_frames_per_request_);
if (expected_written_frames == 0) {
// It is possible that all the frames in buffer are written to the
// soundcard, but those are not being consumed. If eos is reached,
// write silence to make sure audio track start working and avoid
// underflow. Android audio track would not start working before
// its buffer is fully filled once.
if (is_eos_reached) {
// Currently AudioDevice and AudioRenderer will write tail silence.
// It should be reached only in tests. It's not ideal to allocate
// a new silence buffer every time.
const int silence_frames_per_append =
std::min<int>(kSilenceFramesPerAppend, max_frames_per_request_);
std::vector<uint8_t> silence_buffer(channels_ *
GetSampleSize(sample_type_) *
auto sync_time = start_time_ + accumulated_written_frames *
kSbTimeSecond /
// Not necessary to handle error of WriteData(), even for
// kAudioTrackErrorDeadObject, as the audio has reached the end of
// stream.
// TODO: Ensure that the audio stream can still reach the end when an
// error occurs.
WriteData(env,, silence_frames_per_append,
// While WriteData() returns kAudioTrackErrorDeadObject on dead object,
// getAudioTimestamp() doesn't, it just no longer updates its return
// value. If the dead object error occurs when there isn't any audio data
// to write, there is no way to detect it by checking the return value of
// getAudioTimestamp(). Instead, we have to check if its return value has
// been changed during a certain period of time, to detect the underlying
// dead object error.
// Note that dead object would occur while switching audio end points in
// tunnel mode. Under non-tunnel mode, the Android native AudioTrack will
// handle audio track dead object automatically if the new end point can
// support current audio format.
// TODO: Investigate to handle this error in non-tunnel mode.
if (tunnel_mode_audio_session_id_ != -1 &&
last_written_succeeded_at != -1) {
const SbTime kAudioSinkBlockedDuration = kSbTimeSecond;
auto time_since_last_written_success =
SbTimeGetMonotonicNow() - last_written_succeeded_at;
if (time_since_last_written_success > kAudioSinkBlockedDuration &&
playback_head_not_changed_duration > kAudioSinkBlockedDuration &&
tunnel_mode_audio_session_id_ != -1) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Over one second without frames written and consumed";
consume_frames_func_(written_frames_, SbTimeGetMonotonicNow(),
error_func_(kSbPlayerErrorCapabilityChanged, context_);
SbThreadSleep(10 * kSbTimeMillisecond);
SB_DCHECK(expected_written_frames > 0);
auto sync_time = start_time_ + accumulated_written_frames * kSbTimeSecond /
SB_CHECK(start_position + expected_written_frames <= frames_per_channel_);
int written_frames = WriteData(
IncrementPointerByBytes(frame_buffer_, start_position * channels_ *
expected_written_frames, sync_time);
SbTime now = SbTimeGetMonotonicNow();
if (written_frames < 0) {
// Take all |written_frames_| as consumed since audio track could be dead.
consume_frames_func_(written_frames_, now, context_);
error_func_(written_frames == kAudioTrackErrorDeadObject
? kSbPlayerErrorCapabilityChanged
: kSbPlayerErrorDecode,
} else if (written_frames > 0) {
last_written_succeeded_at = now;
written_frames_ += written_frames;
accumulated_written_frames += written_frames;
bool written_fully = (written_frames == expected_written_frames);
auto unplayed_frames_in_time =
written_frames_ * kSbTimeSecond / sampling_frequency_hz_ -
(now - frames_consumed_at);
// As long as there is enough data in the buffer, run the loop in lower
// frequency to avoid taking too much CPU. Note that the threshold should
// be big enough to account for the unstable playback head reported at the
// beginning of the playback and during underrun.
if (playback_head_position > 0 &&
unplayed_frames_in_time > 500 * kSbTimeMillisecond) {
SbThreadSleep(40 * kSbTimeMillisecond);
} else if (!written_fully) {
// Only sleep if the buffer is nearly full and the last write is partial.
SbThreadSleep(10 * kSbTimeMillisecond);
// For an immediate stop, use pause(), followed by flush() to discard audio
// data that hasn't been played back yet.
env->CallVoidMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_, "pause", "()V");
// Flushes the audio data currently queued for playback. Any data that has
// been written but not yet presented will be discarded.
env->CallVoidMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_, "flush", "()V");
int AudioTrackAudioSink::WriteData(JniEnvExt* env,
void* buffer,
int expected_written_frames,
SbTime sync_time) {
if (sample_type_ == kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeFloat32) {
int expected_written_size = expected_written_frames * channels_;
env->SetFloatArrayRegion(static_cast<jfloatArray>(j_audio_data_), kNoOffset,
static_cast<const float*>(buffer));
int written =
env->CallIntMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_, "write", "([FI)I",
j_audio_data_, expected_written_size);
if (written < 0) {
// Error code returned as negative value, like kAudioTrackErrorDeadObject.
return written;
SB_DCHECK(written % channels_ == 0);
return written / channels_;
if (sample_type_ == kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16Deprecated) {
int expected_written_size =
expected_written_frames * channels_ * GetSampleSize(sample_type_);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(static_cast<jbyteArray>(j_audio_data_), kNoOffset,
static_cast<const jbyte*>(buffer));
int written = env->CallIntMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_, "write",
"([BIJ)I", j_audio_data_,
expected_written_size, sync_time);
if (written < 0) {
// Error code returned as negative value, like kAudioTrackErrorDeadObject.
return written;
SB_DCHECK(written % (channels_ * GetSampleSize(sample_type_)) == 0);
return written / (channels_ * GetSampleSize(sample_type_));
return 0;
void AudioTrackAudioSink::SetVolume(double volume) {
auto* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
jint status = env->CallIntMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_, "setVolume",
"(F)I", static_cast<float>(volume));
if (status != 0) {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set volume";
int AudioTrackAudioSink::GetUnderrunCount() {
auto* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
jint underrun_count = env->CallIntMethodOrAbort(j_audio_track_bridge_,
"getUnderrunCount", "()I");
return underrun_count;
// static
int AudioTrackAudioSinkType::GetMinBufferSizeInFrames(
int channels,
SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type,
int sampling_frequency_hz) {
JniEnvExt* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
ScopedLocalJavaRef<jobject> j_audio_output_manager(
"getAudioOutputManager", "()Ldev/cobalt/media/AudioOutputManager;"));
int audio_track_min_buffer_size = static_cast<int>(env->CallIntMethodOrAbort(
j_audio_output_manager.Get(), "getMinBufferSize", "(III)I",
GetAudioFormatSampleType(sample_type), sampling_frequency_hz, channels));
int audio_track_min_buffer_size_in_frames =
audio_track_min_buffer_size / channels / GetSampleSize(sample_type);
return std::max(
channels, sample_type, sampling_frequency_hz));
: min_required_frames_tester_(kMaxRequiredFrames,
kMinStablePlayedFrames) {}
SbAudioSink AudioTrackAudioSinkType::Create(
int channels,
int sampling_frequency_hz,
SbMediaAudioSampleType audio_sample_type,
SbMediaAudioFrameStorageType audio_frame_storage_type,
SbAudioSinkFrameBuffers frame_buffers,
int frames_per_channel,
SbAudioSinkUpdateSourceStatusFunc update_source_status_func,
SbAudioSinkPrivate::ConsumeFramesFunc consume_frames_func,
SbAudioSinkPrivate::ErrorFunc error_func,
void* context) {
const SbTime kStartTime = 0;
const int kTunnelModeAudioSessionId = -1; // disable tunnel mode
return Create(channels, sampling_frequency_hz, audio_sample_type,
audio_frame_storage_type, frame_buffers, frames_per_channel,
update_source_status_func, consume_frames_func, error_func,
kStartTime, kTunnelModeAudioSessionId, context);
SbAudioSink AudioTrackAudioSinkType::Create(
int channels,
int sampling_frequency_hz,
SbMediaAudioSampleType audio_sample_type,
SbMediaAudioFrameStorageType audio_frame_storage_type,
SbAudioSinkFrameBuffers frame_buffers,
int frames_per_channel,
SbAudioSinkUpdateSourceStatusFunc update_source_status_func,
SbAudioSinkPrivate::ConsumeFramesFunc consume_frames_func,
SbAudioSinkPrivate::ErrorFunc error_func,
SbTime start_media_time,
int tunnel_mode_audio_session_id,
void* context) {
int min_required_frames = SbAudioSinkGetMinBufferSizeInFrames(
channels, audio_sample_type, sampling_frequency_hz);
SB_DCHECK(frames_per_channel >= min_required_frames);
int preferred_buffer_size_in_bytes =
min_required_frames * channels * GetSampleSize(audio_sample_type);
AudioTrackAudioSink* audio_sink = new AudioTrackAudioSink(
this, channels, sampling_frequency_hz, audio_sample_type, frame_buffers,
frames_per_channel, preferred_buffer_size_in_bytes,
update_source_status_func, consume_frames_func, error_func,
start_media_time, tunnel_mode_audio_session_id, context);
if (!audio_sink->IsAudioTrackValid()) {
<< "AudioTrackAudioSinkType::Create failed to create audio track";
return kSbAudioSinkInvalid;
return audio_sink;
void AudioTrackAudioSinkType::TestMinRequiredFrames() {
auto onMinRequiredFramesForWebAudioReceived =
[&](int number_of_channels, SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type,
int sample_rate, int min_required_frames) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Received min required frames " << min_required_frames
<< " for " << number_of_channels << " channels, "
<< sample_rate << "hz.";
ScopedLock lock(min_required_frames_map_mutex_);
min_required_frames_map_[sample_rate] = min_required_frames;
SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type = kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeFloat32;
if (!SbAudioSinkIsAudioSampleTypeSupported(sample_type)) {
sample_type = kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16Deprecated;
min_required_frames_tester_.AddTest(2, sample_type, kSampleFrequency48000,
8 * 1024);
min_required_frames_tester_.AddTest(2, sample_type, kSampleFrequency22050,
4 * 1024);
int AudioTrackAudioSinkType::GetMinBufferSizeInFramesInternal(
int channels,
SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type,
int sampling_frequency_hz) {
if (sampling_frequency_hz <= kSampleFrequency22050) {
ScopedLock lock(min_required_frames_map_mutex_);
if (min_required_frames_map_.find(kSampleFrequency22050) !=
min_required_frames_map_.end()) {
return min_required_frames_map_[kSampleFrequency22050];
} else if (sampling_frequency_hz <= kSampleFrequency48000) {
ScopedLock lock(min_required_frames_map_mutex_);
if (min_required_frames_map_.find(kSampleFrequency48000) !=
min_required_frames_map_.end()) {
return min_required_frames_map_[kSampleFrequency48000];
return kMaxRequiredFrames;
} // namespace shared
} // namespace android
} // namespace starboard
// static
void SbAudioSinkPrivate::PlatformInitialize() {
audio_track_audio_sink_type_ =
new starboard::android::shared::AudioTrackAudioSinkType;
// static
void SbAudioSinkPrivate::PlatformTearDown() {
SB_DCHECK(audio_track_audio_sink_type_ == GetPrimaryType());
delete audio_track_audio_sink_type_;
audio_track_audio_sink_type_ = NULL;