blob: 767cb942609df9c64ce4fde22459e6ad2722c167 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Modifications Copyright 2019 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Input buffer layout, dividing the total buffer into regions (r0_ - r5_):
// |----------------|-----------------------------------------|----------------|
// kBlockSize + kKernelSize / 2
// <--------------------------------------------------------->
// r0_
// kKernelSize / 2 kKernelSize / 2 kKernelSize / 2 kKernelSize / 2
// <---------------> <---------------> <---------------> <--------------->
// r1_ r2_ r3_ r4_
// kBlockSize
// <--------------------------------------->
// r5_
// The algorithm:
// 1) Consume input frames into r0_ (r1_ is zero-initialized).
// 2) Position kernel centered at start of r0_ (r2_) and generate output frames
// until kernel is centered at start of r4_ or we've finished generating all
// the output frames.
// 3) Copy r3_ to r1_ and r4_ to r2_.
// 4) Consume input frames into r5_ (zero-pad if we run out of input).
// 5) Goto (2) until all of input is consumed.
// Note: we're glossing over how the sub-sample handling works with
// |virtual_source_idx_|, etc.
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/player/filter/interleaved_sinc_resampler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "starboard/memory.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace shared {
namespace starboard {
namespace player {
namespace filter {
InterleavedSincResampler::InterleavedSincResampler(double io_sample_rate_ratio,
int channel_count)
: io_sample_rate_ratio_(io_sample_rate_ratio),
frame_size_in_bytes_(sizeof(float) * channel_count_) {
// Setup various region pointers in the buffer (see diagram above).
r0_ = input_buffer_ + kKernelSize / 2 * channel_count_;
r1_ = input_buffer_;
r2_ = r0_;
r3_ = r0_ + (kBlockSize - kKernelSize / 2) * channel_count_;
r4_ = r0_ + kBlockSize * channel_count_;
r5_ = r0_ + kKernelSize / 2 * channel_count_;
// Ensure kKernelSize is a multiple of 32 for easy SSE optimizations; causes
// r0_ and r5_ (used for input) to always be 16-byte aligned by virtue of
// input_buffer_ being 16-byte aligned.
SB_DCHECK(kKernelSize % 32 == 0) << "kKernelSize must be a multiple of 32!";
SB_DCHECK(kBlockSize > kKernelSize)
<< "kBlockSize must be greater than kKernelSize!";
// Basic sanity checks to ensure buffer regions are laid out correctly:
// r0_ and r2_ should always be the same position.
SB_DCHECK(r0_ == r2_);
// r1_ at the beginning of the buffer.
SB_DCHECK(r1_ == input_buffer_);
// r1_ left of r2_, r2_ left of r5_ and r1_, r2_ size correct.
SB_DCHECK(r2_ - r1_ == r5_ - r2_);
// r3_ left of r4_, r5_ left of r0_ and r3_ size correct.
SB_DCHECK(r4_ - r3_ == r5_ - r0_);
// r3_, r4_ size correct and r4_ at the end of the buffer.
SB_DCHECK(r4_ + (r4_ - r3_) == r1_ + kBufferSize * channel_count_);
// r5_ size correct and at the end of the buffer.
SB_DCHECK(r5_ + kBlockSize * channel_count_ ==
r1_ + kBufferSize * channel_count_);
void InterleavedSincResampler::InitializeKernel() {
// Blackman window parameters.
const double kAlpha = 0.16;
const double kA0 = 0.5 * (1.0 - kAlpha);
const double kA1 = 0.5;
const double kA2 = 0.5 * kAlpha;
// |sinc_scale_factor| is basically the normalized cutoff frequency of the
// low-pass filter.
double sinc_scale_factor =
io_sample_rate_ratio_ > 1.0 ? 1.0 / io_sample_rate_ratio_ : 1.0;
// The sinc function is an idealized brick-wall filter, but since we're
// windowing it the transition from pass to stop does not happen right away.
// So we should adjust the low pass filter cutoff slightly downward to avoid
// some aliasing at the very high-end.
// TODO: this value is empirical and to be more exact should vary depending
// on kKernelSize.
sinc_scale_factor *= 0.9;
// Generates a set of windowed sinc() kernels.
// We generate a range of sub-sample offsets from 0.0 to 1.0.
for (int offset_idx = 0; offset_idx <= kKernelOffsetCount; ++offset_idx) {
double subsample_offset =
static_cast<double>(offset_idx) / kKernelOffsetCount;
for (int i = 0; i < kKernelSize; ++i) {
// Compute the sinc with offset.
double s =
sinc_scale_factor * M_PI * (i - kKernelSize / 2 - subsample_offset);
double sinc = (!s ? 1.0 : sin(s) / s) * sinc_scale_factor;
// Compute Blackman window, matching the offset of the sinc().
double x = (i - subsample_offset) / kKernelSize;
double window =
kA0 - kA1 * cos(2.0 * M_PI * x) + kA2 * cos(4.0 * M_PI * x);
// Window the sinc() function and store at the correct offset.
kernel_storage_[i + offset_idx * kKernelSize] = sinc * window;
int InterleavedSincResampler::GetNumberOfCashedFrames() const {
if (pending_buffers_.empty()) {
return 0;
SB_DCHECK(frames_queued_ - kBufferSize >
frames_resampled_ * io_sample_rate_ratio_);
return frames_queued_ - kBufferSize -
frames_resampled_ * io_sample_rate_ratio_;
void InterleavedSincResampler::QueueBuffer(const float* data, int frames) {
if (!pending_buffers_.empty() && pending_buffers_.back()->IsEndOfStream()) {
if (data) {
frames_queued_ += frames;
pending_buffers_.push(new Buffer(data, frames, channel_count_));
} else {
pending_buffers_.push(new Buffer);
void InterleavedSincResampler::Resample(float* destination, int frames) {
int remaining_frames = frames;
// Step (1) -- Prime the input buffer at the start of the input stream.
if (!buffer_primed_) {
Read(r0_, kBlockSize + kKernelSize / 2);
buffer_primed_ = true;
// Step (2) -- Resample!
while (remaining_frames) {
while (virtual_source_idx_ < kBlockSize) {
// |virtual_source_idx_| lies in between two kernel offsets so figure out
// what they are.
int source_idx = static_cast<int>(virtual_source_idx_);
double subsample_remainder = virtual_source_idx_ - source_idx;
double virtual_offset_idx = subsample_remainder * kKernelOffsetCount;
int offset_idx = static_cast<int>(virtual_offset_idx);
// We'll compute "convolutions" for the two kernels which straddle
// |virtual_source_idx_|.
float* k1 = kernel_storage_ + offset_idx * kKernelSize;
float* k2 = k1 + kKernelSize;
// Initialize input pointer based on quantized |virtual_source_idx_|.
float* input_ptr = r1_ + source_idx * channel_count_;
// Figure out how much to weight each kernel's "convolution".
double kernel_interpolation_factor = virtual_offset_idx - offset_idx;
for (int i = 0; i < channel_count_; ++i) {
*destination++ =
Convolve(input_ptr + i, k1, k2, kernel_interpolation_factor);
// Advance the virtual index.
virtual_source_idx_ += io_sample_rate_ratio_;
if (!--remaining_frames) {
frames_resampled_ += frames;
// Wrap back around to the start.
virtual_source_idx_ -= kBlockSize;
// Step (3) Copy r3_ to r1_ and r4_ to r2_.
// This wraps the last input frames back to the start of the buffer.
SbMemoryCopy(r1_, r3_, frame_size_in_bytes_ * (kKernelSize / 2));
SbMemoryCopy(r2_, r4_, frame_size_in_bytes_ * (kKernelSize / 2));
// Step (4)
// Refresh the buffer with more input.
Read(r5_, kBlockSize);
void InterleavedSincResampler::Flush() {
virtual_source_idx_ = 0;
buffer_primed_ = false;
while (!pending_buffers_.empty()) {
offset_in_frames_ = 0;
frames_resampled_ = 0;
frames_queued_ = 0;
bool InterleavedSincResampler::CanQueueBuffer() const {
if (pending_buffers_.empty()) {
return true;
if (pending_buffers_.back()->IsEndOfStream()) {
return false;
return pending_buffers_.size() < kMaximumPendingBuffers;
bool InterleavedSincResampler::HasEnoughData(int frames_to_resample) const {
// Always return true if EOS is seen, as in this case we will just fill 0.
if (!pending_buffers_.empty() && pending_buffers_.back()->IsEndOfStream()) {
return true;
// We have to decrease frames_queued_ down as the Read()s are always done in
// blocks of kBlockSize or kBufferSize. We have to ensure that there is buffer
// for an extra Read().
return (frames_resampled_ + frames_to_resample) * io_sample_rate_ratio_ <
frames_queued_ - kBufferSize;
void InterleavedSincResampler::Read(float* destination, int frames) {
while (frames > 0 && !pending_buffers_.empty()) {
scoped_refptr<Buffer> buffer = pending_buffers_.front();
if (buffer->IsEndOfStream()) {
// Zero fill the buffer after EOS has reached.
SbMemorySet(destination, 0, frame_size_in_bytes_ * frames);
// Copy the data over.
int frames_in_buffer = buffer->GetNumFrames();
int frames_to_copy = std::min(frames_in_buffer - offset_in_frames_, frames);
const float* source = buffer->GetData();
source += offset_in_frames_ * channel_count_;
SbMemoryCopy(destination, source, frame_size_in_bytes_ * frames_to_copy);
offset_in_frames_ += frames_to_copy;
// Pop the first buffer if all its content has been read.
if (offset_in_frames_ == frames_in_buffer) {
offset_in_frames_ = 0;
frames -= frames_to_copy;
destination += frames_to_copy * channel_count_;
// Read should always be satisfied as otherwise Resample should return false
// to the caller directly.
SB_DCHECK(frames == 0);
float InterleavedSincResampler::Convolve(const float* input_ptr,
const float* k1,
const float* k2,
double kernel_interpolation_factor) {
float sum1 = 0;
float sum2 = 0;
// Generate a single output sample. Unrolling this loop hurt performance in
// local testing.
int n = kKernelSize;
while (n--) {
sum1 += *input_ptr * *k1++;
sum2 += *input_ptr * *k2++;
input_ptr += channel_count_;
// Linearly interpolate the two "convolutions".
return (1.0 - kernel_interpolation_factor) * sum1 +
kernel_interpolation_factor * sum2;
} // namespace filter
} // namespace player
} // namespace starboard
} // namespace shared
} // namespace starboard