blob: 8c8beb6c49ae7da4c9e37e9e68c30f5609ffe97d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/base/localized_strings.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "starboard/file.h"
#include "starboard/log.h"
#include "starboard/system.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace base {
namespace {
std::string GetFilenameForLanguage(const std::string& language) {
const int kBufferSize = 256;
char buffer[kBufferSize];
bool got_path =
SbSystemGetPath(kSbSystemPathContentDirectory, buffer, kBufferSize);
if (!got_path) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot get content path for i18n files.";
return std::string();
return std::string(buffer).append("/i18n/").append(language).append(".csv");
bool ReadFile(const std::string& filename, std::string* out_result) {
DCHECK_GT(filename.length(), 0);
starboard::ScopedFile file(filename.c_str(), kSbFileOpenOnly | kSbFileRead);
if (!file.IsValid()) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Cannot open i18n file: " << filename;
return false;
SbFileInfo file_info = {0};
bool got_info = file.GetInfo(&file_info);
if (!got_info) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot get information for i18n file.";
return false;
DCHECK_GT(file_info.size, 0);
const int kMaxBufferSize = 16 * 1024;
if (file_info.size > kMaxBufferSize) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "i18n file exceeds maximum size: " << file_info.size << " ("
<< kMaxBufferSize << ")";
return false;
char* buffer = new char[file_info.size];
int64_t bytes_to_read = file_info.size;
char* buffer_pos = buffer;
while (bytes_to_read > 0) {
int max_bytes_to_read = static_cast<int>(
std::min(static_cast<int64_t>(kSbInt32Max), bytes_to_read));
int bytes_read = file.Read(buffer_pos, max_bytes_to_read);
if (bytes_read < 0) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Read from i18n file failed.";
delete[] buffer;
return false;
bytes_to_read -= bytes_read;
buffer_pos += bytes_read;
*out_result = std::string(buffer, file_info.size);
delete[] buffer;
return true;
} // namespace
LocalizedStrings* LocalizedStrings::GetInstance() {
return base::Singleton<LocalizedStrings>::get();
LocalizedStrings::LocalizedStrings() {
// Initialize to US English on creation. A subsequent call to Initialize
// will overwrite all available strings in the specified language.
LocalizedStrings::~LocalizedStrings() {}
void LocalizedStrings::Initialize(const std::string& language) {
bool did_load_strings = LoadStrings(language);
if (!did_load_strings) {
// Failed to load strings - try generic version of the language.
size_t dash = language.find_first_of("-_");
if (dash != std::string::npos) {
std::string generic_lang(language.c_str(), dash);
did_load_strings = LoadStrings(generic_lang);
std::string LocalizedStrings::GetString(const std::string& id,
const std::string& fallback) {
StringMap::const_iterator iter = strings_.find(id);
if (iter == strings_.end()) {
return fallback;
return iter->second;
bool LocalizedStrings::LoadStrings(const std::string& language) {
const std::string filename = GetFilenameForLanguage(language);
std::string file_contents;
if (!ReadFile(filename, &file_contents)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Error reading i18n file.";
return false;
DCHECK_GT(file_contents.length(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(file_contents[file_contents.length() - 1], '\n');
// Each line of the file corresponds to one message (key/value).
size_t pos = 0;
while (true) {
size_t next_pos = file_contents.find("\n", pos);
if (next_pos == std::string::npos) {
bool got_string =
LoadSingleString(std::string(file_contents, pos, next_pos - pos));
pos = next_pos + 1;
return true;
bool LocalizedStrings::LoadSingleString(const std::string& message) {
// A single message is a key/value pair with separator.
size_t separator_pos = message.find(';');
if (separator_pos == std::string::npos) {
SB_DLOG(ERROR) << "No separator found in: " << message;
return false;
const std::string key(message, 0, separator_pos);
const std::string value(message, separator_pos + 1);
strings_[key] = value;
return true;
} // namespace base