blob: 0374b2a3fe067449229b2ffd17d3f9e724676484 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include 'src/builtins/builtins-promise-gen.h'
namespace promise {
macro RejectPromiseReactionJob(
context: Context,
promiseOrCapability: JSPromise|PromiseCapability|Undefined, reason: JSAny,
reactionType: constexpr PromiseReactionType): JSAny {
if constexpr (reactionType == kPromiseReactionReject) {
typeswitch (promiseOrCapability) {
case (promise: JSPromise): {
// For fast native promises we can skip the indirection via the
// promiseCapability.[[Reject]] function and run the resolve logic
// directly from here.
return RejectPromise(promise, reason, False);
case (Undefined): {
return Undefined;
case (capability: PromiseCapability): {
// In the general case we need to call the (user provided)
// promiseCapability.[[Reject]] function.
const reject = UnsafeCast<Callable>(capability.reject);
return Call(context, reject, Undefined, reason);
} else {
static_assert(reactionType == kPromiseReactionFulfill);
// We have to call out to the dedicated PromiseRejectReactionJob
// builtin here, instead of just doing the work inline, as otherwise
// the catch predictions in the debugger will be wrong, which just
// walks the stack and checks for certain builtins.
return PromiseRejectReactionJob(reason, Undefined, promiseOrCapability);
macro FuflfillPromiseReactionJob(
context: Context,
promiseOrCapability: JSPromise|PromiseCapability|Undefined, result: JSAny,
reactionType: constexpr PromiseReactionType): JSAny {
typeswitch (promiseOrCapability) {
case (promise: JSPromise): {
// For fast native promises we can skip the indirection via the
// promiseCapability.[[Resolve]] function and run the resolve logic
// directly from here.
return ResolvePromise(context, promise, result);
case (Undefined): {
return Undefined;
case (capability: PromiseCapability): {
// In the general case we need to call the (user provided)
// promiseCapability.[[Resolve]] function.
const resolve = UnsafeCast<Callable>(capability.resolve);
try {
return Call(context, resolve, Undefined, result);
} catch (e) {
return RejectPromiseReactionJob(
context, promiseOrCapability, e, reactionType);
macro PromiseReactionJob(
context: Context, argument: JSAny, handler: Callable|Undefined,
promiseOrCapability: JSPromise|PromiseCapability|Undefined,
reactionType: constexpr PromiseReactionType): JSAny {
if (handler == Undefined) {
if constexpr (reactionType == kPromiseReactionFulfill) {
return FuflfillPromiseReactionJob(
context, promiseOrCapability, argument, reactionType);
} else {
static_assert(reactionType == kPromiseReactionReject);
return RejectPromiseReactionJob(
context, promiseOrCapability, argument, reactionType);
} else {
try {
const result =
Call(context, UnsafeCast<Callable>(handler), Undefined, argument);
if (promiseOrCapability == Undefined) {
// There's no [[Capability]] for this promise reaction job, which
// means that this is a specification-internal operation (aka
// await) where the result does not matter (see the specification
// change in for
// details).
return Undefined;
} else {
return FuflfillPromiseReactionJob(
context, promiseOrCapability, result, reactionType);
} catch (e) {
return RejectPromiseReactionJob(
context, promiseOrCapability, e, reactionType);
transitioning builtin
PromiseFulfillReactionJob(implicit context: Context)(
value: JSAny, handler: Callable|Undefined,
promiseOrCapability: JSPromise|PromiseCapability|Undefined): JSAny {
return PromiseReactionJob(
context, value, handler, promiseOrCapability, kPromiseReactionFulfill);
transitioning builtin
PromiseRejectReactionJob(implicit context: Context)(
reason: JSAny, handler: Callable|Undefined,
promiseOrCapability: JSPromise|PromiseCapability|Undefined): JSAny {
return PromiseReactionJob(
context, reason, handler, promiseOrCapability, kPromiseReactionReject);