blob: 21a0169f2e61feb96166bc00e5d892e246017de5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/memory-lowering.h"
#include "src/codegen/interface-descriptors.h"
#include "src/common/external-pointer.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/roots/roots-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// An allocation group represents a set of allocations that have been folded
// together.
class MemoryLowering::AllocationGroup final : public ZoneObject {
AllocationGroup(Node* node, AllocationType allocation, Zone* zone);
AllocationGroup(Node* node, AllocationType allocation, Node* size,
Zone* zone);
~AllocationGroup() = default;
void Add(Node* object);
bool Contains(Node* object) const;
bool IsYoungGenerationAllocation() const {
return allocation() == AllocationType::kYoung;
AllocationType allocation() const { return allocation_; }
Node* size() const { return size_; }
ZoneSet<NodeId> node_ids_;
AllocationType const allocation_;
Node* const size_;
MemoryLowering::MemoryLowering(JSGraph* jsgraph, Zone* zone,
JSGraphAssembler* graph_assembler,
PoisoningMitigationLevel poisoning_level,
AllocationFolding allocation_folding,
WriteBarrierAssertFailedCallback callback,
const char* function_debug_name)
: isolate_(jsgraph->isolate()),
function_debug_name_(function_debug_name) {}
Zone* MemoryLowering::graph_zone() const { return graph()->zone(); }
Reduction MemoryLowering::Reduce(Node* node) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kAllocate:
// Allocate nodes were purged from the graph in effect-control
// linearization.
case IrOpcode::kAllocateRaw:
return ReduceAllocateRaw(node);
case IrOpcode::kLoadFromObject:
return ReduceLoadFromObject(node);
case IrOpcode::kLoadElement:
return ReduceLoadElement(node);
case IrOpcode::kLoadField:
return ReduceLoadField(node);
case IrOpcode::kStoreToObject:
return ReduceStoreToObject(node);
case IrOpcode::kStoreElement:
return ReduceStoreElement(node);
case IrOpcode::kStoreField:
return ReduceStoreField(node);
case IrOpcode::kStore:
return ReduceStore(node);
return NoChange();
#define __ gasm()->
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceAllocateRaw(
Node* node, AllocationType allocation_type,
AllowLargeObjects allow_large_objects, AllocationState const** state_ptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kAllocateRaw, node->opcode());
DCHECK_IMPLIES(allocation_folding_ == AllocationFolding::kDoAllocationFolding,
state_ptr != nullptr);
// Code objects may have a maximum size smaller than kMaxHeapObjectSize due to
// guard pages. If we need to support allocating code here we would need to
// call MemoryChunkLayout::MaxRegularCodeObjectSize() at runtime.
DCHECK_NE(allocation_type, AllocationType::kCode);
Node* value;
Node* size = node->InputAt(0);
Node* effect = node->InputAt(1);
Node* control = node->InputAt(2);
gasm()->InitializeEffectControl(effect, control);
Node* allocate_builtin;
if (allocation_type == AllocationType::kYoung) {
if (allow_large_objects == AllowLargeObjects::kTrue) {
allocate_builtin = __ AllocateInYoungGenerationStubConstant();
} else {
allocate_builtin = __ AllocateRegularInYoungGenerationStubConstant();
} else {
if (allow_large_objects == AllowLargeObjects::kTrue) {
allocate_builtin = __ AllocateInOldGenerationStubConstant();
} else {
allocate_builtin = __ AllocateRegularInOldGenerationStubConstant();
// Determine the top/limit addresses.
Node* top_address = __ ExternalConstant(
allocation_type == AllocationType::kYoung
? ExternalReference::new_space_allocation_top_address(isolate())
: ExternalReference::old_space_allocation_top_address(isolate()));
Node* limit_address = __ ExternalConstant(
allocation_type == AllocationType::kYoung
? ExternalReference::new_space_allocation_limit_address(isolate())
: ExternalReference::old_space_allocation_limit_address(isolate()));
// Check if we can fold this allocation into a previous allocation represented
// by the incoming {state}.
IntPtrMatcher m(size);
if (m.IsInRange(0, kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize) && FLAG_inline_new &&
allocation_folding_ == AllocationFolding::kDoAllocationFolding) {
intptr_t const object_size = m.ResolvedValue();
AllocationState const* state = *state_ptr;
if (state->size() <= kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize - object_size &&
state->group()->allocation() == allocation_type) {
// We can fold this Allocate {node} into the allocation {group}
// represented by the given {state}. Compute the upper bound for
// the new {state}.
intptr_t const state_size = state->size() + object_size;
// Update the reservation check to the actual maximum upper bound.
AllocationGroup* const group = state->group();
if (machine()->Is64()) {
if (OpParameter<int64_t>(group->size()->op()) < state_size) {
} else {
if (OpParameter<int32_t>(group->size()->op()) < state_size) {
// Update the allocation top with the new object allocation.
// TODO(bmeurer): Defer writing back top as much as possible.
Node* top = __ IntAdd(state->top(), size);
__ Store(StoreRepresentation(MachineType::PointerRepresentation(),
top_address, __ IntPtrConstant(0), top);
// Compute the effective inner allocated address.
value = __ BitcastWordToTagged(
__ IntAdd(state->top(), __ IntPtrConstant(kHeapObjectTag)));
effect = gasm()->effect();
control = gasm()->control();
// Extend the allocation {group}.
*state_ptr =
AllocationState::Open(group, state_size, top, effect, zone());
} else {
auto call_runtime = __ MakeDeferredLabel();
auto done = __ MakeLabel(MachineType::PointerRepresentation());
// Setup a mutable reservation size node; will be patched as we fold
// additional allocations into this new group.
Node* size = __ UniqueIntPtrConstant(object_size);
// Load allocation top and limit.
Node* top =
__ Load(MachineType::Pointer(), top_address, __ IntPtrConstant(0));
Node* limit =
__ Load(MachineType::Pointer(), limit_address, __ IntPtrConstant(0));
// Check if we need to collect garbage before we can start bump pointer
// allocation (always done for folded allocations).
Node* check = __ UintLessThan(__ IntAdd(top, size), limit);
__ GotoIfNot(check, &call_runtime);
__ Goto(&done, top);
__ Bind(&call_runtime);
if (!allocate_operator_.is_set()) {
auto descriptor = AllocateDescriptor{};
auto call_descriptor = Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
graph_zone(), descriptor, descriptor.GetStackParameterCount(),
CallDescriptor::kCanUseRoots, Operator::kNoThrow);
Node* vfalse = __ BitcastTaggedToWord(
__ Call(allocate_operator_.get(), allocate_builtin, size));
vfalse = __ IntSub(vfalse, __ IntPtrConstant(kHeapObjectTag));
__ Goto(&done, vfalse);
__ Bind(&done);
// Compute the new top and write it back.
top = __ IntAdd(done.PhiAt(0), __ IntPtrConstant(object_size));
__ Store(StoreRepresentation(MachineType::PointerRepresentation(),
top_address, __ IntPtrConstant(0), top);
// Compute the initial object address.
value = __ BitcastWordToTagged(
__ IntAdd(done.PhiAt(0), __ IntPtrConstant(kHeapObjectTag)));
effect = gasm()->effect();
control = gasm()->control();
// Start a new allocation group.
AllocationGroup* group =
zone()->New<AllocationGroup>(value, allocation_type, size, zone());
*state_ptr =
AllocationState::Open(group, object_size, top, effect, zone());
} else {
auto call_runtime = __ MakeDeferredLabel();
auto done = __ MakeLabel(MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer);
// Load allocation top and limit.
Node* top =
__ Load(MachineType::Pointer(), top_address, __ IntPtrConstant(0));
Node* limit =
__ Load(MachineType::Pointer(), limit_address, __ IntPtrConstant(0));
// Compute the new top.
Node* new_top = __ IntAdd(top, size);
// Check if we can do bump pointer allocation here.
Node* check = __ UintLessThan(new_top, limit);
__ GotoIfNot(check, &call_runtime);
if (allow_large_objects == AllowLargeObjects::kTrue) {
__ GotoIfNot(
__ UintLessThan(size, __ IntPtrConstant(kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize)),
__ Store(StoreRepresentation(MachineType::PointerRepresentation(),
top_address, __ IntPtrConstant(0), new_top);
__ Goto(&done, __ BitcastWordToTagged(
__ IntAdd(top, __ IntPtrConstant(kHeapObjectTag))));
__ Bind(&call_runtime);
if (!allocate_operator_.is_set()) {
auto descriptor = AllocateDescriptor{};
auto call_descriptor = Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
graph_zone(), descriptor, descriptor.GetStackParameterCount(),
CallDescriptor::kCanUseRoots, Operator::kNoThrow);
__ Goto(&done, __ Call(allocate_operator_.get(), allocate_builtin, size));
__ Bind(&done);
value = done.PhiAt(0);
effect = gasm()->effect();
control = gasm()->control();
if (state_ptr) {
// Create an unfoldable allocation group.
AllocationGroup* group =
zone()->New<AllocationGroup>(value, allocation_type, zone());
*state_ptr = AllocationState::Closed(group, effect, zone());
return Replace(value);
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceLoadFromObject(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoadFromObject, node->opcode());
ObjectAccess const& access = ObjectAccessOf(node->op());
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, machine()->Load(access.machine_type));
return Changed(node);
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceLoadElement(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoadElement, node->opcode());
ElementAccess const& access = ElementAccessOf(node->op());
Node* index = node->InputAt(1);
node->ReplaceInput(1, ComputeIndex(access, index));
MachineType type = access.machine_type;
if (NeedsPoisoning(access.load_sensitivity)) {
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, machine()->PoisonedLoad(type));
} else {
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, machine()->Load(type));
return Changed(node);
Node* MemoryLowering::DecodeExternalPointer(
Node* node, ExternalPointerTag external_pointer_tag) {
DCHECK(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoad ||
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPoisonedLoad);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
__ InitializeEffectControl(effect, control);
// Clone the load node and put it here.
// TODO(turbofan): consider adding GraphAssembler::Clone() suitable for
// cloning nodes from arbitrary locaions in effect/control chains.
Node* index = __ AddNode(graph()->CloneNode(node));
// Uncomment this to generate a breakpoint for debugging purposes.
// __ DebugBreak();
// Decode loaded external pointer.
STATIC_ASSERT(kExternalPointerSize == kSystemPointerSize);
Node* external_pointer_table_address = __ ExternalConstant(
Node* table = __ Load(MachineType::Pointer(), external_pointer_table_address,
// TODO(v8:10391, saelo): bounds check if table is not caged
Node* offset = __ Int32Mul(index, __ Int32Constant(8));
Node* decoded_ptr =
__ Load(MachineType::Pointer(), table, __ ChangeUint32ToUint64(offset));
if (external_pointer_tag != 0) {
Node* tag = __ IntPtrConstant(external_pointer_tag);
decoded_ptr = __ WordXor(decoded_ptr, tag);
return decoded_ptr;
return node;
#endif // V8_HEAP_SANDBOX
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceLoadField(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoadField, node->opcode());
FieldAccess const& access = FieldAccessOf(node->op());
Node* offset = __ IntPtrConstant(access.offset - access.tag());
node->InsertInput(graph_zone(), 1, offset);
MachineType type = access.machine_type;
access.type.Is(Type::SandboxedExternalPointer())) {
// External pointer table indices are 32bit numbers
type = MachineType::Uint32();
if (NeedsPoisoning(access.load_sensitivity)) {
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, machine()->PoisonedLoad(type));
} else {
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, machine()->Load(type));
access.type.Is(Type::SandboxedExternalPointer())) {
ExternalPointerTag tag = access.external_pointer_tag;
ExternalPointerTag tag = kExternalPointerNullTag;
node = DecodeExternalPointer(node, tag);
return Replace(node);
} else {
return Changed(node);
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceStoreToObject(Node* node,
AllocationState const* state) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStoreToObject, node->opcode());
ObjectAccess const& access = ObjectAccessOf(node->op());
Node* object = node->InputAt(0);
Node* value = node->InputAt(2);
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind = ComputeWriteBarrierKind(
node, object, value, state, access.write_barrier_kind);
node, machine()->Store(StoreRepresentation(
access.machine_type.representation(), write_barrier_kind)));
return Changed(node);
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceStoreElement(Node* node,
AllocationState const* state) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStoreElement, node->opcode());
ElementAccess const& access = ElementAccessOf(node->op());
Node* object = node->InputAt(0);
Node* index = node->InputAt(1);
Node* value = node->InputAt(2);
node->ReplaceInput(1, ComputeIndex(access, index));
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind = ComputeWriteBarrierKind(
node, object, value, state, access.write_barrier_kind);
node, machine()->Store(StoreRepresentation(
access.machine_type.representation(), write_barrier_kind)));
return Changed(node);
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceStoreField(Node* node,
AllocationState const* state) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStoreField, node->opcode());
FieldAccess const& access = FieldAccessOf(node->op());
// External pointer must never be stored by optimized code.
!access.type.Is(Type::ExternalPointer()) &&
Node* object = node->InputAt(0);
Node* value = node->InputAt(1);
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind = ComputeWriteBarrierKind(
node, object, value, state, access.write_barrier_kind);
Node* offset = __ IntPtrConstant(access.offset - access.tag());
node->InsertInput(graph_zone(), 1, offset);
node, machine()->Store(StoreRepresentation(
access.machine_type.representation(), write_barrier_kind)));
return Changed(node);
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceStore(Node* node,
AllocationState const* state) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStore, node->opcode());
StoreRepresentation representation = StoreRepresentationOf(node->op());
Node* object = node->InputAt(0);
Node* value = node->InputAt(2);
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind = ComputeWriteBarrierKind(
node, object, value, state, representation.write_barrier_kind());
if (write_barrier_kind != representation.write_barrier_kind()) {
node, machine()->Store(StoreRepresentation(
representation.representation(), write_barrier_kind)));
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
Node* MemoryLowering::ComputeIndex(ElementAccess const& access, Node* index) {
int const element_size_shift =
if (element_size_shift) {
index = __ WordShl(index, __ IntPtrConstant(element_size_shift));
int const fixed_offset = access.header_size - access.tag();
if (fixed_offset) {
index = __ IntAdd(index, __ IntPtrConstant(fixed_offset));
return index;
#undef __
namespace {
bool ValueNeedsWriteBarrier(Node* value, Isolate* isolate) {
while (true) {
switch (value->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kBitcastWordToTaggedSigned:
return false;
case IrOpcode::kHeapConstant: {
RootIndex root_index;
if (isolate->roots_table().IsRootHandle(HeapConstantOf(value->op()),
&root_index) &&
RootsTable::IsImmortalImmovable(root_index)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
Reduction MemoryLowering::ReduceAllocateRaw(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kAllocateRaw, node->opcode());
const AllocateParameters& allocation = AllocateParametersOf(node->op());
return ReduceAllocateRaw(node, allocation.allocation_type(),
allocation.allow_large_objects(), nullptr);
WriteBarrierKind MemoryLowering::ComputeWriteBarrierKind(
Node* node, Node* object, Node* value, AllocationState const* state,
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind) {
if (state && state->IsYoungGenerationAllocation() &&
state->group()->Contains(object)) {
write_barrier_kind = kNoWriteBarrier;
if (!ValueNeedsWriteBarrier(value, isolate())) {
write_barrier_kind = kNoWriteBarrier;
if (write_barrier_kind == WriteBarrierKind::kAssertNoWriteBarrier) {
write_barrier_assert_failed_(node, object, function_debug_name_, zone());
return write_barrier_kind;
bool MemoryLowering::NeedsPoisoning(LoadSensitivity load_sensitivity) const {
// Safe loads do not need poisoning.
if (load_sensitivity == LoadSensitivity::kSafe) return false;
switch (poisoning_level_) {
case PoisoningMitigationLevel::kDontPoison:
return false;
case PoisoningMitigationLevel::kPoisonAll:
return true;
case PoisoningMitigationLevel::kPoisonCriticalOnly:
return load_sensitivity == LoadSensitivity::kCritical;
MemoryLowering::AllocationGroup::AllocationGroup(Node* node,
AllocationType allocation,
Zone* zone)
: node_ids_(zone), allocation_(allocation), size_(nullptr) {
MemoryLowering::AllocationGroup::AllocationGroup(Node* node,
AllocationType allocation,
Node* size, Zone* zone)
: node_ids_(zone), allocation_(allocation), size_(size) {
void MemoryLowering::AllocationGroup::Add(Node* node) {
bool MemoryLowering::AllocationGroup::Contains(Node* node) const {
// Additions should stay within the same allocated object, so it's safe to
// ignore them.
while (node_ids_.find(node->id()) == node_ids_.end()) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kBitcastTaggedToWord:
case IrOpcode::kBitcastWordToTagged:
case IrOpcode::kInt32Add:
case IrOpcode::kInt64Add:
node = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0);
return false;
return true;
: group_(nullptr),
effect_(nullptr) {}
MemoryLowering::AllocationState::AllocationState(AllocationGroup* group,
Node* effect)
: group_(group),
effect_(effect) {}
MemoryLowering::AllocationState::AllocationState(AllocationGroup* group,
intptr_t size, Node* top,
Node* effect)
: group_(group), size_(size), top_(top), effect_(effect) {}
bool MemoryLowering::AllocationState::IsYoungGenerationAllocation() const {
return group() && group()->IsYoungGenerationAllocation();
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8