blob: 45dda338d011f4b9324338d656e97c0a14434ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/heap/marking-worklist.h"
#include "src/heap/marking.h"
#include "src/heap/memory-chunk.h"
#include "src/heap/objects-visiting.h"
#include "src/heap/spaces.h"
#include "src/heap/weak-object-worklists.h"
#include "src/heap/worklist.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
struct EphemeronMarking {
std::vector<HeapObject> newly_discovered;
bool newly_discovered_overflowed;
size_t newly_discovered_limit;
template <typename ConcreteState, AccessMode access_mode>
class MarkingStateBase {
V8_INLINE MarkBit MarkBitFrom(HeapObject obj) {
return MarkBitFrom(BasicMemoryChunk::FromHeapObject(obj), obj.ptr());
// {addr} may be tagged or aligned.
V8_INLINE MarkBit MarkBitFrom(BasicMemoryChunk* p, Address addr) {
return static_cast<ConcreteState*>(this)->bitmap(p)->MarkBitFromIndex(
Marking::ObjectColor Color(HeapObject obj) {
return Marking::Color(MarkBitFrom(obj));
V8_INLINE bool IsImpossible(HeapObject obj) {
return Marking::IsImpossible<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj));
V8_INLINE bool IsBlack(HeapObject obj) {
return Marking::IsBlack<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj));
V8_INLINE bool IsWhite(HeapObject obj) {
return Marking::IsWhite<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj));
V8_INLINE bool IsGrey(HeapObject obj) {
return Marking::IsGrey<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj));
V8_INLINE bool IsBlackOrGrey(HeapObject obj) {
return Marking::IsBlackOrGrey<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj));
V8_INLINE bool WhiteToGrey(HeapObject obj) {
return Marking::WhiteToGrey<access_mode>(MarkBitFrom(obj));
V8_INLINE bool WhiteToBlack(HeapObject obj) {
return WhiteToGrey(obj) && GreyToBlack(obj);
V8_INLINE bool GreyToBlack(HeapObject obj) {
BasicMemoryChunk* chunk = BasicMemoryChunk::FromHeapObject(obj);
MarkBit markbit = MarkBitFrom(chunk, obj.address());
if (!Marking::GreyToBlack<access_mode>(markbit)) return false;
MemoryChunk::cast(chunk), obj.Size());
return true;
void ClearLiveness(MemoryChunk* chunk) {
static_cast<ConcreteState*>(this)->SetLiveBytes(chunk, 0);
// The base class for all marking visitors. It implements marking logic with
// support of bytecode flushing, embedder tracing, weak and references.
// Derived classes are expected to provide the following:
// - ConcreteVisitor::marking_state method,
// - ConcreteVisitor::retaining_path_mode method,
// - ConcreteVisitor::RecordSlot method,
// - ConcreteVisitor::RecordRelocSlot method,
// - ConcreteVisitor::SynchronizePageAccess method,
// - ConcreteVisitor::VisitJSObjectSubclass method,
// - ConcreteVisitor::VisitLeftTrimmableArray method.
// These methods capture the difference between the concurrent and main thread
// marking visitors. For example, the concurrent visitor has to use the
// snapshotting protocol to visit JSObject and left-trimmable FixedArrays.
template <typename ConcreteVisitor, typename MarkingState>
class MarkingVisitorBase : public HeapVisitor<int, ConcreteVisitor> {
MarkingVisitorBase(int task_id,
MarkingWorklists::Local* local_marking_worklists,
WeakObjects* weak_objects, Heap* heap,
unsigned mark_compact_epoch,
BytecodeFlushMode bytecode_flush_mode,
bool is_embedder_tracing_enabled, bool is_forced_gc)
: local_marking_worklists_(local_marking_worklists),
is_forced_gc_(is_forced_gc) {}
V8_INLINE int VisitBytecodeArray(Map map, BytecodeArray object);
V8_INLINE int VisitDescriptorArray(Map map, DescriptorArray object);
V8_INLINE int VisitEphemeronHashTable(Map map, EphemeronHashTable object);
V8_INLINE int VisitFixedArray(Map map, FixedArray object);
V8_INLINE int VisitFixedDoubleArray(Map map, FixedDoubleArray object);
V8_INLINE int VisitJSApiObject(Map map, JSObject object);
V8_INLINE int VisitJSArrayBuffer(Map map, JSArrayBuffer object);
V8_INLINE int VisitJSDataView(Map map, JSDataView object);
V8_INLINE int VisitJSFunction(Map map, JSFunction object);
V8_INLINE int VisitJSTypedArray(Map map, JSTypedArray object);
V8_INLINE int VisitJSWeakRef(Map map, JSWeakRef object);
V8_INLINE int VisitMap(Map map, Map object);
V8_INLINE int VisitSharedFunctionInfo(Map map, SharedFunctionInfo object);
V8_INLINE int VisitTransitionArray(Map map, TransitionArray object);
V8_INLINE int VisitWeakCell(Map map, WeakCell object);
// ObjectVisitor overrides.
V8_INLINE void VisitPointer(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot p) final {
VisitPointersImpl(host, p, p + 1);
V8_INLINE void VisitPointer(HeapObject host, MaybeObjectSlot p) final {
VisitPointersImpl(host, p, p + 1);
V8_INLINE void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start,
ObjectSlot end) final {
VisitPointersImpl(host, start, end);
V8_INLINE void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, MaybeObjectSlot start,
MaybeObjectSlot end) final {
VisitPointersImpl(host, start, end);
V8_INLINE void VisitEmbeddedPointer(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) final;
V8_INLINE void VisitCodeTarget(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) final;
void VisitCustomWeakPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start,
ObjectSlot end) final {
// Weak list pointers should be ignored during marking. The lists are
// reconstructed after GC.
ConcreteVisitor* concrete_visitor() {
return static_cast<ConcreteVisitor*>(this);
template <typename THeapObjectSlot>
void ProcessStrongHeapObject(HeapObject host, THeapObjectSlot slot,
HeapObject heap_object);
template <typename THeapObjectSlot>
void ProcessWeakHeapObject(HeapObject host, THeapObjectSlot slot,
HeapObject heap_object);
template <typename TSlot>
V8_INLINE void VisitPointerImpl(HeapObject host, TSlot p);
template <typename TSlot>
V8_INLINE void VisitPointersImpl(HeapObject host, TSlot start, TSlot end);
V8_INLINE void VisitDescriptors(DescriptorArray descriptors,
int number_of_own_descriptors);
V8_INLINE int VisitDescriptorsForMap(Map map);
template <typename T>
int VisitEmbedderTracingSubclass(Map map, T object);
V8_INLINE int VisitFixedArrayWithProgressBar(Map map, FixedArray object,
MemoryChunk* chunk);
// Marks the descriptor array black without pushing it on the marking work
// list and visits its header. Returns the size of the descriptor array
// if it was successully marked as black.
V8_INLINE int MarkDescriptorArrayBlack(DescriptorArray descriptors);
// Marks the object grey and pushes it on the marking work list.
V8_INLINE void MarkObject(HeapObject host, HeapObject obj);
MarkingWorklists::Local* const local_marking_worklists_;
WeakObjects* const weak_objects_;
Heap* const heap_;
const int task_id_;
const unsigned mark_compact_epoch_;
const BytecodeFlushMode bytecode_flush_mode_;
const bool is_embedder_tracing_enabled_;
const bool is_forced_gc_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8