blob: 630c1aa62816e9ba7f0f650791ac9464f4d32dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/wasm/wasm-subtyping.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
namespace {
using CacheKey =
std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, const WasmModule*, const WasmModule*>;
struct CacheKeyHasher {
size_t operator()(CacheKey key) const {
static constexpr size_t large_prime = 14887;
return std::get<0>(key) + (std::get<1>(key) * large_prime) +
(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(std::get<2>(key)) * large_prime *
large_prime) +
(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(std::get<3>(key)) * large_prime *
large_prime * large_prime);
class TypeJudgementCache {
: zone_(new AccountingAllocator(), "type judgement zone"),
type_equivalence_cache_(&zone_) {}
static TypeJudgementCache* instance() {
static base::LazyInstance<TypeJudgementCache>::type instance_ =
return instance_.Pointer();
base::RecursiveMutex* type_cache_mutex() { return &type_cache_mutex_; }
bool is_cached_subtype(uint32_t subtype, uint32_t supertype,
const WasmModule* sub_module,
const WasmModule* super_module) const {
return subtyping_cache_.count(std::make_tuple(
subtype, supertype, sub_module, super_module)) == 1;
void cache_subtype(uint32_t subtype, uint32_t supertype,
const WasmModule* sub_module,
const WasmModule* super_module) {
subtyping_cache_.emplace(subtype, supertype, sub_module, super_module);
void uncache_subtype(uint32_t subtype, uint32_t supertype,
const WasmModule* sub_module,
const WasmModule* super_module) {
std::make_tuple(subtype, supertype, sub_module, super_module));
bool is_cached_equivalent_type(uint32_t type1, uint32_t type2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) const {
if (type1 > type2) std::swap(type1, type2);
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(module1) >
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(module2)) {
std::swap(module1, module2);
return type_equivalence_cache_.count(
std::make_tuple(type1, type2, module1, module2)) == 1;
void cache_type_equivalence(uint32_t type1, uint32_t type2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) {
if (type1 > type2) std::swap(type1, type2);
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(module1) >
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(module2)) {
std::swap(module1, module2);
type_equivalence_cache_.emplace(type1, type2, module1, module2);
void uncache_type_equivalence(uint32_t type1, uint32_t type2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) {
if (type1 > type2) std::swap(type1, type2);
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(module1) >
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(module2)) {
std::swap(module1, module2);
std::make_tuple(type1, type2, module1, module2));
Zone zone_;
ZoneUnorderedSet<CacheKey, CacheKeyHasher>
// Cache for discovered subtyping pairs.
// Cache for discovered equivalent type pairs.
// Indexes and modules are stored in increasing order.
// The above two caches are used from background compile jobs, so they
// must be protected from concurrent modifications:
base::RecursiveMutex type_cache_mutex_;
bool ArrayEquivalentIndices(uint32_t type_index_1, uint32_t type_index_2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) {
const ArrayType* sub_array = module1->types[type_index_1].array_type;
const ArrayType* super_array = module2->types[type_index_2].array_type;
if (sub_array->mutability() != super_array->mutability()) return false;
// Temporarily cache type equivalence for the recursive call.
type_index_1, type_index_2, module1, module2);
if (EquivalentTypes(sub_array->element_type(), super_array->element_type(),
module1, module2)) {
return true;
} else {
type_index_1, type_index_2, module1, module2);
// TODO(7748): Consider caching negative results as well.
return false;
bool StructEquivalentIndices(uint32_t type_index_1, uint32_t type_index_2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) {
const StructType* sub_struct = module1->types[type_index_1].struct_type;
const StructType* super_struct = module2->types[type_index_2].struct_type;
if (sub_struct->field_count() != super_struct->field_count()) {
return false;
// Temporarily cache type equivalence for the recursive call.
type_index_1, type_index_2, module1, module2);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub_struct->field_count(); i++) {
if (sub_struct->mutability(i) != super_struct->mutability(i) ||
!EquivalentTypes(sub_struct->field(i), super_struct->field(i), module1,
module2)) {
type_index_1, type_index_2, module1, module2);
return false;
return true;
bool FunctionEquivalentIndices(uint32_t type_index_1, uint32_t type_index_2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) {
const FunctionSig* sig1 = module1->types[type_index_1].function_sig;
const FunctionSig* sig2 = module2->types[type_index_2].function_sig;
if (sig1->parameter_count() != sig2->parameter_count() ||
sig1->return_count() != sig2->return_count()) {
return false;
auto iter1 = sig1->all();
auto iter2 = sig2->all();
// Temporarily cache type equivalence for the recursive call.
type_index_1, type_index_2, module1, module2);
for (int i = 0; i < iter1.size(); i++) {
if (!EquivalentTypes(iter1[i], iter2[i], module1, module2)) {
type_index_1, type_index_2, module1, module2);
return false;
return true;
V8_INLINE bool EquivalentIndices(uint32_t index1, uint32_t index2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) {
DCHECK(index1 != index2 || module1 != module2);
uint8_t kind1 = module1->type_kinds[index1];
if (kind1 != module2->type_kinds[index2]) return false;
base::RecursiveMutexGuard type_cache_access(
if (TypeJudgementCache::instance()->is_cached_equivalent_type(
index1, index2, module1, module2)) {
return true;
if (kind1 == kWasmStructTypeCode) {
return StructEquivalentIndices(index1, index2, module1, module2);
} else if (kind1 == kWasmArrayTypeCode) {
return ArrayEquivalentIndices(index1, index2, module1, module2);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(kind1, kWasmFunctionTypeCode);
return FunctionEquivalentIndices(index1, index2, module1, module2);
bool StructIsSubtypeOf(uint32_t subtype_index, uint32_t supertype_index,
const WasmModule* sub_module,
const WasmModule* super_module) {
const StructType* sub_struct = sub_module->types[subtype_index].struct_type;
const StructType* super_struct =
if (sub_struct->field_count() < super_struct->field_count()) {
return false;
TypeJudgementCache::instance()->cache_subtype(subtype_index, supertype_index,
sub_module, super_module);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < super_struct->field_count(); i++) {
bool sub_mut = sub_struct->mutability(i);
bool super_mut = super_struct->mutability(i);
if (sub_mut != super_mut ||
(sub_mut &&
!EquivalentTypes(sub_struct->field(i), super_struct->field(i),
sub_module, super_module)) ||
(!sub_mut && !IsSubtypeOf(sub_struct->field(i), super_struct->field(i),
sub_module, super_module))) {
subtype_index, supertype_index, sub_module, super_module);
return false;
return true;
bool ArrayIsSubtypeOf(uint32_t subtype_index, uint32_t supertype_index,
const WasmModule* sub_module,
const WasmModule* super_module) {
const ArrayType* sub_array = sub_module->types[subtype_index].array_type;
const ArrayType* super_array =
bool sub_mut = sub_array->mutability();
bool super_mut = super_array->mutability();
TypeJudgementCache::instance()->cache_subtype(subtype_index, supertype_index,
sub_module, super_module);
if (sub_mut != super_mut ||
(sub_mut &&
!EquivalentTypes(sub_array->element_type(), super_array->element_type(),
sub_module, super_module)) ||
(!sub_mut &&
!IsSubtypeOf(sub_array->element_type(), super_array->element_type(),
sub_module, super_module))) {
subtype_index, supertype_index, sub_module, super_module);
return false;
} else {
return true;
// TODO(7748): Expand this with function subtyping once the hiccups
// with 'exact types' have been cleared.
bool FunctionIsSubtypeOf(uint32_t subtype_index, uint32_t supertype_index,
const WasmModule* sub_module,
const WasmModule* super_module) {
return FunctionEquivalentIndices(subtype_index, supertype_index, sub_module,
} // namespace
// TODO(7748): Extend this with any-heap subtyping.
ValueType subtype, ValueType supertype, const WasmModule* sub_module,
const WasmModule* super_module) {
DCHECK(subtype != supertype || sub_module != super_module);
// This function checks for subtyping based on the kind of subtype.
if (!subtype.is_reference_type()) return subtype == supertype;
if (subtype.kind() == ValueType::kRtt) {
return subtype.heap_type().is_generic()
? subtype == supertype
: (supertype.kind() == ValueType::kRtt &&
subtype.depth() == supertype.depth() &&
EquivalentIndices(subtype.ref_index(), supertype.ref_index(),
sub_module, super_module));
bool compatible_references = subtype.kind() == ValueType::kOptRef
? supertype.kind() == ValueType::kOptRef
: supertype.is_object_reference_type();
if (!compatible_references) return false;
// Now check that sub_heap and super_heap are subtype-related.
HeapType sub_heap = subtype.heap_type();
HeapType super_heap = supertype.heap_type();
if (sub_heap.representation() == HeapType::kI31 &&
super_heap.representation() == HeapType::kEq) {
return true;
if (sub_heap.is_generic()) return sub_heap == super_heap;
uint32_t sub_index = sub_heap.ref_index();
if (super_heap.representation() == HeapType::kEq) {
return !sub_module->has_signature(sub_heap.ref_index());
if (super_heap.representation() == HeapType::kFunc) {
return sub_module->has_signature(sub_heap.ref_index());
if (super_heap.is_generic()) return false;
uint32_t super_index = super_heap.ref_index();
uint8_t sub_kind = sub_module->type_kinds[sub_index];
if (sub_kind != super_module->type_kinds[super_index]) return false;
// Accessing the caches for subtyping and equivalence from multiple background
// threads is protected by a lock.
base::RecursiveMutexGuard type_cache_access(
if (TypeJudgementCache::instance()->is_cached_subtype(
sub_index, super_index, sub_module, super_module)) {
return true;
if (sub_kind == kWasmStructTypeCode) {
return StructIsSubtypeOf(sub_index, super_index, sub_module, super_module);
} else if (sub_kind == kWasmArrayTypeCode) {
return ArrayIsSubtypeOf(sub_index, super_index, sub_module, super_module);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(sub_kind, kWasmFunctionTypeCode);
return FunctionIsSubtypeOf(sub_index, super_index, sub_module,
V8_NOINLINE bool EquivalentTypes(ValueType type1, ValueType type2,
const WasmModule* module1,
const WasmModule* module2) {
if (type1 == type2 && module1 == module2) return true;
if (!type1.has_index()) return type1 == type2;
if (type1.kind() != type2.kind()) return false;
DCHECK(type1.has_index() && type2.has_index() &&
(type1 != type2 || module1 != module2));
DCHECK_IMPLIES(type1.has_depth(), type2.has_depth()); // Due to 'if' above
if (type1.has_depth() && type1.depth() != type2.depth()) return false;
DCHECK(type1.has_index() && module1->has_type(type1.ref_index()) &&
type2.has_index() && module2->has_type(type2.ref_index()));
return EquivalentIndices(type1.ref_index(), type2.ref_index(), module1,
ValueType CommonSubtype(ValueType a, ValueType b, const WasmModule* module) {
if (a == b) return a;
if (IsSubtypeOf(a, b, module)) return a;
if (IsSubtypeOf(b, a, module)) return b;
return kWasmBottom;
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8