##How to prevent a term being localized? If a string contains some terms that should not be localized, they should be wrapped inside placeholder tags <ph name="LOCKED_[1-9]"></ph> in the .grdp file. The number after LOCKED_ starts from 1, and increments when a single string has more then 1 terms that should not be localized.

example: Frontend javascript file

ls`You can log your messages using console.log() in the DevTools console.`

Frontend .grdp file (console.log() and DevTools should not be translated)

  <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_d59048f21fd887ad520398ce677be586" desc="Text show up in the information bar in the DevTools">
    You can log your messages using <ph name="LOCKED_1">console.log()</ph> in the <ph name="LOCKED_2">DevTools</ph> console.

##What should not be localized? In general, branding related terms and code snippets are the ones to look for.

Some examples:

  • Brandings: Lighthouse, GitHub, DevTools, Chrome Data Saver, Safari, BlackBerry Z30, Kindle Fire HDX, Pixel 2, Microsoft Lumia 550
  • Code snippets: localhost:9229, console.clear(), --memlog=all, url:a.com