blob: 3cbc09792698820ad4685721b8350fdbf703f916 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/small_map.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "cobalt/math/rect_f.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/font.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/font_provider.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/glyph.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/glyph_buffer.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace dom {
class FontCache;
// A specific font family within a font list. It has an internal state, which
// lets the font list know whether or not the font has already been requested,
// and if so, whether or not it was available. |font_| and |character_map_|
// will only be non-NULL in the case where |state_| is set to |kLoadedState|.
class FontListFont {
enum State {
explicit FontListFont(const std::string& family_name)
: family_name_(family_name), state_(kUnrequestedState) {}
const std::string& family_name() const { return family_name_; }
State state() const { return state_; }
void set_state(State state) { state_ = state; }
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& font() const { return font_; }
void set_font(const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font> font) { font_ = font; }
std::string family_name_;
State state_;
// The render_tree::Font obtained via the font cache using |family_name_| in
// font list font, along with |style_| and |size_| from the containing font
// list. It is only non-NULL in the case where |state_| is set to
// |kLoadedState|.
scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font> font_;
// The key used for maps with a |FontList| value. It is also used for
// initializing the member variables of a |FontList| object.
struct FontListKey {
FontListKey() : size(0) {}
bool operator<(const FontListKey& rhs) const {
if (size < rhs.size) {
return true;
} else if (rhs.size < size) {
return false;
} else if (style.weight < {
return true;
} else if ( < style.weight) {
return false;
} else if (style.slant < {
return true;
} else if ( < style.slant) {
return false;
} else {
return family_names < rhs.family_names;
std::vector<std::string> family_names;
render_tree::FontStyle style;
float size;
// |FontList| represents a unique font-style, font-weight, font-size, and
// font-family property combination within a document and is shared by all
// layout objects with matching font properties. It tracks a list of fonts,
// which it lazily requests from the font cache as required. It uses these to
// determine the font metrics for the font properties, as well as the specific
// fonts that should be used to render passed in text.
class FontList : public render_tree::FontProvider,
public base::RefCounted<FontList> {
typedef base::SmallMap<
std::map<render_tree::TypefaceId, scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font> >, 7>
typedef base::hash_map<int32, scoped_refptr<render_tree::Typeface> >
typedef std::vector<FontListFont> FontListFonts;
FontList(FontCache* font_cache, const FontListKey& font_list_key);
bool IsVisible() const;
// Reset loading fonts sets all font list fonts with a state of
// |kLoadingState| back to |kUnrequestedState|, which will cause them to be
// re-requested then next time they are needed.
// If a font is encountered with a state of |kLoadingState| prior to the
// first loaded font, then the primary font and its associated values are
// reset, as they may change if the loading font is now available.
void ResetLoadingFonts();
// Given a string of text, returns the glyph buffer needed to render it. In
// the case where |maybe_bounds| is non-NULL, it will also be populated with
// the bounds of the rect.
scoped_refptr<render_tree::GlyphBuffer> CreateGlyphBuffer(
const char16* text_buffer, int32 text_length, bool is_rtl);
// Given a string of text, return its width. This is faster than
// CreateGlyphBuffer().
float GetTextWidth(const char16* text_buffer, int32 text_length, bool is_rtl,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts);
const render_tree::FontMetrics& GetFontMetrics();
// Given a vector of fonts, provides the combined font metrics of all of the
// fonts (including the primary font, regardless of whether it is present
// in the vector).
render_tree::FontMetrics GetFontMetrics(const render_tree::FontVector& fonts);
// Returns the text run that signifies an ellipsis code point.
char16 GetEllipsisValue() const;
// Returns the first font in the font-list that supports the ellipsis code
// point. In the case where the ellipsis font has not already been calculated,
// it lazily generates it.
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& GetEllipsisFont();
// Returns the width of the ellipsis in the ellipsis font. In the case where
// the width has not already been calculated, it lazily generates it.
float GetEllipsisWidth();
// Returns the width of the space in the first font in the font list that
// supports the space character. In the case where the width has not already
// been calculated, it lazily generates it.
float GetSpaceWidth();
// From render_tree::FontProvider
const render_tree::FontStyle& style() const OVERRIDE { return style_; }
float size() const OVERRIDE { return size_; }
// Returns the first font in the font list that supports the specified
// UTF-32 character or a fallback font provided by the font cache if none of
// them do.
// |GetPrimaryFont()| causes |RequestFont()| to be called on each font with a
// state of |kUnrequestedState| in the list, until a font is encountered with
// that has the specified character or all fonts in the list have been
// requested.
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& GetCharacterFont(
int32 utf32_character, render_tree::GlyphIndex* glyph_index) OVERRIDE;
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& GetFallbackCharacterFont(
int32 utf32_character, render_tree::GlyphIndex* glyph_index);
// The primary font is the first successfully loaded font among the font list
// fonts. A loading font will potentially later become the primary font if it
// successfully loads, but until then, a subsequent font will be used as the
// primary one.
// |GetPrimaryFont()| causes |RequestFont()| to be called on each font with a
// state of |kUnrequestedState| in the list, until a font is encountered with
// a state of |kLoadedState|.
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& GetPrimaryFont();
// Request a font from the font cache and update its state depending on the
// results of the request. If the font is successfully set, then both its
// |font_| and |character_map_| are non-NULL after this call.
void RequestFont(size_t index);
// Lazily generates the ellipsis font and ellipsis width. If it is already
// generated then it immediately returns.
void GenerateEllipsisInfo();
// Lazily generates the space width. If it is already generated then it
// immediately returns.
void GenerateSpaceWidth();
// The font cache, which provides both font family fonts and character
// fallback fonts to the font list.
FontCache* const font_cache_;
FontListFonts fonts_;
render_tree::FontStyle style_;
float size_;
// The first loaded font in the font list. Lazily generated the first time it
// is requested. Used with font metrics and for generating the size of the
// space character.
scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font> primary_font_;
// Font metrics are lazily generated the first time they are requested.
bool is_font_metrics_set_;
render_tree::FontMetrics font_metrics_;
// Space width is lazily generated the first time it is requested.
bool is_space_width_set_;
float space_width_;
// The ellipsis info is lazily generated the first time it is requested.
bool is_ellipsis_info_set_;
scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font> ellipsis_font_;
float ellipsis_width_;
// A mapping of the typeface to use with each fallback character. The font
// list holds a reference to the map, which is owned by the font cache, and
// shared between all font lists with a matching font style. If the font list
// encounters a character that is not in the map, it populates the map with
// the character itself, rather than relying on the cache to populate it.
CharacterFallbackTypefaceMap& character_fallback_typeface_map_;
// This is a mapping of a unique fallback typeface id to a specific fallback
// font. By keeping this separate from the character fallback map, font lists
// with different sizes but the same style can share the same character
// fallback map.
FallbackTypefaceToFontMap fallback_typeface_to_font_map_;
// Allow the reference counting system access to our destructor.
friend class base::RefCounted<FontList>;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace cobalt