blob: c3d7a3e8a693a3a48a4e98287ea5ac2ef0bdf7bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "base/time.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/composition_node.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/submission.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/submission_queue.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using cobalt::renderer::Submission;
using cobalt::renderer::SubmissionQueue;
namespace {
const int kMaxQueueSize = 4;
Submission MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(
const base::TimeDelta& time_offset) {
// Create a dummy, but unique, render tree.
cobalt::render_tree::CompositionNode::Builder builder;
Submission submission(new cobalt::render_tree::CompositionNode(builder));
submission.time_offset = time_offset;
return submission;
Submission MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(double time_offset_in_seconds) {
return MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(
base::TimeTicks SecondsToTime(double seconds) {
return base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(seconds);
} // namespace
// Simple "make sure we get the single item out what we put in" test.
TEST(SubmissionQueueTest, SimpleSubmit) {
SubmissionQueue queue(4, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
// Make a submission with submission time of 1.0 seconds.
Submission first = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(1.0);
// Submit this to the queue at renderer time 2.0 seconds.
queue.PushSubmission(first, SecondsToTime(2.0));
// Get the current submission at the "same" time that the only queued
// submission was pushed into it.
Submission current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(2.0));
// Verify that it is the render tree we expect it to be and also that its
// time is exactly equal to the submission's original time.
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
// Test that the returned current submission has a time offset that increases
// as renderer time increases.
TEST(SubmissionQueueTest, SubmissionTimeOffsetIncreases) {
SubmissionQueue queue(4, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
Submission first = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(1.0);
queue.PushSubmission(first, SecondsToTime(2.0));
// Check that as we increase the renderer time, the current submission time
// increases at the same pace.
Submission current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(2.0));
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(2.5));
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.5, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(6.0));
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(5.0, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
// This test makes sure that if we queue multiple submissions, we will see each
// of them become the current submission as time moves forward.
TEST(SubmissionQueueTest, MultipleSubmissionsBecomeCurrentAsTimeAdvances) {
// We choose a very long time for the convergence time so that the renderer
// time will not skew much during this test.
SubmissionQueue queue(4, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1000));
Submission first = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(1.0);
Submission second = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(2.0);
Submission third = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(3.0);
Submission fourth = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(4.0);
queue.PushSubmission(first, SecondsToTime(2.0));
queue.PushSubmission(second, SecondsToTime(2.1));
queue.PushSubmission(third, SecondsToTime(2.2));
queue.PushSubmission(fourth, SecondsToTime(2.3));
// Check that as we increase the renderer time, the current submission time
// increases at the same pace.
Submission current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(2.5));
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(3.5));
EXPECT_EQ(second.render_tree, current.render_tree);
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(4.5));
EXPECT_EQ(third.render_tree, current.render_tree);
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(5.5));
EXPECT_EQ(fourth.render_tree, current.render_tree);
TEST(SubmissionQueueTest, TimeSkewsTowardsFasterOffsets) {
SubmissionQueue queue(4, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
Submission first = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(1.0);
Submission second = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(5.0);
// Offset of 1.0 from render tree time.
queue.PushSubmission(first, SecondsToTime(2.0));
// Offset of 0.5 from render tree time.
queue.PushSubmission(second, SecondsToTime(5.5));
// Check that the first submission has up until this point had its time
// advanced at the same rate as the renderer.
Submission current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(5.5));
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4.5, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
// At this point we are half-way through the transition, where the renderer
// moves from being offset 1.0 from the submission time to 0.5 from the
// transition time. At the half-way point, we should also be exactly half
// way through the transition (assuming a cubic bezier is used), so that
// means our offset should be 0.75 at this point, so we have moved 0.25
// seconds forward in time.
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(6.0));
EXPECT_EQ(second.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_NEAR(5.25, current.time_offset.InSecondsF(), 0.001);
// After 1 second later, we should always be at offset 0.5 from the submission
// time.
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(8.0));
EXPECT_EQ(second.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(7.5, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
// Check that inserting a submission older than what the renderer thinks the
// submission time is will cause the SubmissionQueue to jump back in time to
// make to accomodate the newly pushed old submission.
TEST(SubmissionQueueTest, PushingOldTimeResetsQueue) {
SubmissionQueue queue(4, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
Submission first = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(1.0);
Submission second = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(2.0);
Submission third = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(3.0);
queue.PushSubmission(first, SecondsToTime(2.0));
queue.PushSubmission(second, SecondsToTime(2.5));
// Check that we're still returning the first tree at this point.
Submission current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(2.5));
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.5, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
queue.PushSubmission(third, SecondsToTime(5.0));
// We expect the submission queue to not do anything rash at this point, even
// though it was inserted late.
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(5.0));
EXPECT_EQ(third.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4.5, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
// Make sure that we never go backwards in time, even if the difference
// between the render time and submission time is shrinking quickly.
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(5.5));
EXPECT_EQ(third.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4.874633, current.time_offset.InSecondsF());
// This tests that pushing a submission into a full queue will result in the
// oldest submission to be forcefully removed, and time artifically advanced
// up to the next oldest submission.
TEST(SubmissionQueueTest, FullQueueWillEjectOldestSubmission) {
// Loop over this with many different values to test that numerical precision
// does not cause any problems here.
for (int64 i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
// We choose a very long time for the convergence time so that the renderer
// time will not skew much during this test.
SubmissionQueue queue(4, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1000));
base::TimeDelta start_time =
base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(i * i * i * i);
Submission first = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(
base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1) + start_time);
Submission second = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(
base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2) + start_time);
Submission third = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(
base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(3) + start_time);
Submission fourth = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(
base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(4) + start_time);
queue.PushSubmission(first, SecondsToTime(2.0));
queue.PushSubmission(second, SecondsToTime(2.1));
queue.PushSubmission(third, SecondsToTime(2.2));
queue.PushSubmission(fourth, SecondsToTime(2.3));
Submission current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(2.3));
EXPECT_EQ(first.render_tree, current.render_tree);
// Since the queue has a maximum size of 4 submissions, pushing this 5th
// submission should result in the first submission being ejected, and time
// being advanced to that of the second submission.
Submission fifth = MakeSubmissionWithUniqueRenderTree(
base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5) + start_time);
queue.PushSubmission(fifth, SecondsToTime(2.4));
current = queue.GetCurrentSubmission(SecondsToTime(2.4));
EXPECT_EQ(second.render_tree, current.render_tree);
EXPECT_EQ(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2) + start_time,