| // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| // An interface for controlling playback of media elementary streams. |
| |
| |
| #include "starboard/configuration.h" |
| |
| #if SB_HAS(PLAYER) |
| |
| #include "starboard/drm.h" |
| #include "starboard/export.h" |
| #include "starboard/media.h" |
| #include "starboard/types.h" |
| #include "starboard/window.h" |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| // --- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // An indicator of whether the decoder can accept more samples. |
| typedef enum SbPlayerDecoderState { |
| // The decoder is ready for and eager to receive more samples. Note that |
| // once the decoder notifies the user with kSbPlayerDecoderStateNeedsData, |
| // it cannot enter kSbPlayerDecoderStateBufferFull before SbPlayerWriteSample |
| // or SbPlayerWriteEndOfStream is called. |
| kSbPlayerDecoderStateNeedsData, |
| |
| // The decoder is not ready for any more samples, so do not send them. |
| kSbPlayerDecoderStateBufferFull, |
| |
| // The player has been destroyed, and will send no more callbacks. |
| kSbPlayerDecoderStateDestroyed, |
| } SbPlayerDecoderState; |
| |
| // An indicator of the general playback state. |
| typedef enum SbPlayerState { |
| // The player has just been initialized. It is expecting an SbPlayerSeek() |
| // call to enter the prerolling state. |
| kSbPlayerStateInitialized, |
| |
| // The player is prerolling, collecting enough data to fill the pipeline |
| // before presentation starts. After the first preroll is completed, there |
| // should always be a video frame to render, even if the player goes back to |
| // Prerolling after a Seek. |
| kSbPlayerStatePrerolling, |
| |
| // The player is presenting media, and it is either actively playing in |
| // real-time, or it is paused. |
| kSbPlayerStatePresenting, |
| |
| // The player is presenting media, but it is paused at the end of the stream. |
| kSbPlayerStateEndOfStream, |
| |
| // The player has been destroyed, and will send no more callbacks. |
| kSbPlayerStateDestroyed, |
| |
| // The player encounters an error. It is expecting an SbPlayerDestroy() call |
| // to tear down the player. Any call to other functions maybe ignored and |
| // callbacks may not be triggered. |
| kSbPlayerStateError, |
| } SbPlayerState; |
| |
| // Information about the current media playback state. |
| typedef struct SbPlayerInfo { |
| // The position of the playback head, as precisely as possible, in 90KHz ticks |
| // (PTS). |
| SbMediaTime current_media_pts; |
| |
| // The known duration of the currently playing media stream, in 90KHz ticks |
| // (PTS). |
| SbMediaTime duration_pts; |
| |
| // The width of the currently displayed frame, in pixels, or 0 if not provided |
| // by this player. |
| int frame_width; |
| |
| // The height of the currently displayed frame, in pixels, or 0 if not |
| // provided by this player. |
| int frame_height; |
| |
| // Whether playback is currently paused. |
| bool is_paused; |
| |
| // The current player volume in [0, 1]. |
| double volume; |
| } SbPlayerInfo; |
| |
| // An opaque handle to an implementation-private structure representing a |
| // player. |
| typedef struct SbPlayerPrivate* SbPlayer; |
| |
| // Callback for decoder status updates, called in response to a call to |
| // SbPlayerSeek() or SbPlayerWriteSample(). This callback will never be called |
| // until at least one call to SbPlayerSeek has occurred. |ticket| will be set to |
| // the ticket passed into the last received call to SbPlayerSeek() at the time |
| // this callback was dispatched. This is to distinguish status callbacks for |
| // interrupting seeks. These callbacks will happen on a different thread than |
| // the calling thread, and it is not valid to call SbPlayer functions from |
| // within this callback. |
| typedef void (*SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc)(SbPlayer player, |
| void* context, |
| SbMediaType type, |
| SbPlayerDecoderState state, |
| int ticket); |
| |
| // Callback for player status updates. These callbacks will happen on a |
| // different thread than the calling thread, and it is not valid to call |
| // SbPlayer functions from within this callback. |
| typedef void (*SbPlayerStatusFunc)(SbPlayer player, |
| void* context, |
| SbPlayerState state, |
| int ticket); |
| |
| // Callback to free the given sample buffer data. |
| typedef void (*SbPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc)(SbPlayer player, |
| void* context, |
| const void* sample_buffer); |
| |
| // A handle that can be used to compose a player's video output with other |
| // composition layers. |
| // TODO: Define a SbCompositor interface with a composition handle type. |
| typedef uint32_t SbPlayerCompositionHandle; |
| #endif |
| |
| // --- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // The value to pass into SbPlayerCreate's |duration_ptr| argument for cases |
| // where the duration is unknown, such as for live streams. |
| #define SB_PLAYER_NO_DURATION (-1) |
| |
| // The value of the initial ticket held by the player before the first seek. |
| // The player will use this ticket value to make the first call to |
| // SbPlayerStatusFunc with kSbPlayerStateInitialized. |
| |
| // Well-defined value for an invalid player. |
| #define kSbPlayerInvalid ((SbPlayer)NULL) |
| |
| // Returns whether the given player handle is valid. |
| SB_C_INLINE bool SbPlayerIsValid(SbPlayer player) { |
| return player != kSbPlayerInvalid; |
| } |
| |
| // --- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // Creates a player that will be displayed on |window| for the specified |
| // |video_codec| and |audio_codec|, acquiring all resources needed to operate |
| // it, and returning an opaque handle to it. |window| can be kSbWindowInvalid |
| // for platforms where video will be only displayed on a particular window |
| // which the underlying implementation already has access to. If |video_codec| |
| // is kSbMediaVideoCodecNone, the player is an audio-only player. Otherwise, the |
| // player is an audio/video decoder. |audio_codec| should never be |
| // kSbMediaAudioCodecNone. The expectation is that a new player will be created |
| // and destroyed for every playback. |
| // |
| // |duration_pts| is the expected media duration in 90KHz ticks (PTS). It may be |
| // set to SB_PLAYER_NO_DURATION for live streams. |
| // |
| // If the media stream has encrypted portions, then an appropriate DRM system |
| // must first be created with SbDrmCreateSystem() and passed into |drm_system|. |
| // If not, then |drm_system| may be kSbDrmSystemInvalid. |
| // |
| // If |audio_codec| is kSbMediaAudioCodecAac, then the caller must provide a |
| // populated |audio_header|. Otherwise, this may be NULL. |
| // |
| // If not NULL, the player will call |sample_deallocator_func| on an internal |
| // thread to free the sample buffers passed into SbPlayerWriteSample(). |
| // |
| // If not NULL, the decoder will call |decoder_status_func| on an internal |
| // thread to provide an update on the decoder's status. No work should be done |
| // on this thread, it should just signal the client thread interacting with the |
| // decoder. |
| // |
| // If not NULL, the player will call |player_status_func| on an internal thread |
| // to provide an update on the playback status. No work should be done on this |
| // thread, it should just signal the client thread interacting with the decoder. |
| // |
| // |context| will be passed back into all callbacks, and is generally used to |
| // point at a class or struct that contains state associated with the player. |
| // |
| // The associated decoder of the returned player should be assumed to be in |
| // kSbPlayerDecoderStateBufferFull until SbPlayerSeek() has been called on it. |
| // |
| // It is expected that the thread that calls SbPlayerCreate is the same thread |
| // that calls the other SbPlayer functions for that player, or that there is a |
| // mutex guarding calls into each SbPlayer instance. |
| // |
| // If there is a platform limitation on how many players can coexist |
| // simultaneously, then calls made to this function that attempt to exceed that |
| // limit will return kSbPlayerInvalid. |
| SB_EXPORT SbPlayer |
| SbPlayerCreate(SbWindow window, |
| SbMediaVideoCodec video_codec, |
| SbMediaAudioCodec audio_codec, |
| SbMediaTime duration_pts, |
| SbDrmSystem drm_system, |
| const SbMediaAudioHeader* audio_header, |
| SbPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc sample_deallocate_func, |
| SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc decoder_status_func, |
| SbPlayerStatusFunc player_status_func, |
| void* context); |
| |
| // Destroys |player|, freeing all associated resources. Each callback must |
| // receive one more callback to say that the player was destroyed. Callbacks |
| // may be in-flight when SbPlayerDestroy is called, and should be ignored once |
| // this function is called. |
| // |
| // It is not allowed to pass |player| into any other SbPlayer function once |
| // SbPlayerDestroy has been called on it. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerDestroy(SbPlayer player); |
| |
| // Tells the player to freeze playback where it is (if it has already started), |
| // reset/flush the decoder pipeline, and go back to the Prerolling state. The |
| // player should restart playback once it can display the frame at |
| // |seek_to_pts|, or the closest it can get (some players can only seek to |
| // I-Frames, for example). The client should send no more audio or video samples |
| // until SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc is called back with |
| // kSbPlayerDecoderStateNeedsData, for each required media type. |
| // |
| // A call to seek may interrupt another seek. |
| // |
| // |ticket| is a user-supplied unique ID that will be passed to all subsequent |
| // SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc calls. This is used to filter calls that may have |
| // been in flight when SbPlayerSeek is called. To be very specific, once |
| // SbPlayerSeek has been called with ticket X, a client should ignore all |
| // SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc calls that don't pass in ticket X. |
| // |
| // Seek must also be called before samples are sent when starting playback for |
| // the first time, or the client will never receive the |
| // kSbPlayerDecoderStateNeedsData signal. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerSeek(SbPlayer player, |
| SbMediaTime seek_to_pts, |
| int ticket); |
| |
| // Writes a sample of the given media type to |player|'s input stream. |
| // |sample_type| is the type of sample, audio or video. |sample_buffer| is a |
| // pointer to a buffer with the data for this sample. This buffer is expected to |
| // be a portion of a H.264 bytestream, containing a sequence of whole NAL Units |
| // for video, or a complete audio frame. |sample_buffer_size| is the number of |
| // bytes in the given sample. |sample_pts| is the timestamp of the sample in |
| // 90KHz ticks (PTS), and samples MAY be written "slightly" out-of-order. |
| // |video_sample_info| must be provided for every call where |sample_type| is |
| // kSbMediaTypeVideo, and must be NULL otherwise. |sample_drm_info| must be |
| // provided for encrypted samples, and must be NULL otherwise. |
| // |
| // The lifetime of |video_sample_info| and |sample_drm_info| are not guaranteed |
| // past the call to SbPlayerWriteSample, so the implementation must copy any |
| // information it wants to retain from those structures synchronously, before it |
| // returns. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerWriteSample( |
| SbPlayer player, |
| SbMediaType sample_type, |
| const void* sample_buffer, |
| int sample_buffer_size, |
| SbMediaTime sample_pts, |
| const SbMediaVideoSampleInfo* video_sample_info, |
| const SbDrmSampleInfo* sample_drm_info); |
| |
| // Writes a marker to |player|'s input stream of |stream_type| that there are no |
| // more samples for that media type for the remainder of this media stream. |
| // This marker is invalidated, along with the rest of the contents of the |
| // stream, after a call to SbPlayerSeek. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerWriteEndOfStream(SbPlayer player, |
| SbMediaType stream_type); |
| |
| // Sets the player bounds to the given graphics plane coordinates. Will not take |
| // effect until the next graphics frame buffer swap. The default bounds for a |
| // player are the full screen. This function should be expected to be called up |
| // to once per frame, so implementors should take care to avoid related |
| // performance concerns with such frequent calls. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerSetBounds(SbPlayer player, |
| int x, |
| int y, |
| int width, |
| int height); |
| #endif |
| |
| // Sets the pause status for |player|. If |player| is in kPlayerStatePrerolling, |
| // this will set the initial pause state for the current seek target. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerSetPause(SbPlayer player, bool pause); |
| |
| // Sets the volume for |player|, in [0.0, 1.0]. 0.0 means the audio should be |
| // muted, and 1.0 means it should be played at full volume. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerSetVolume(SbPlayer player, double volume); |
| |
| // Gets a snapshot of the current player state and writes it into |
| // |out_player_info|. This function is expected to be inexpensive, and may be |
| // called very frequently. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbPlayerGetInfo(SbPlayer player, SbPlayerInfo* out_player_info); |
| |
| // Gets a handle that represents the player's video output, for the purpose of |
| // composing with SbCompositor (currently undefined). |
| SB_EXPORT SbPlayerCompositionHandle |
| SbPlayerGetCompositionHandle(SbPlayer player); |
| #endif |
| |
| // Gets an OpenGL texture ID that points to the player's video output frame at |
| // the time it was called. This can be called once, and the same texture ID will |
| // be appropriately mapped to the current video frame when drawn. |
| SB_EXPORT uint32_t SbPlayerGetTextureId(SbPlayer player); |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } // extern "C" |
| #endif |
| |
| #endif // SB_HAS(PLAYER) |
| |
| #endif // STARBOARD_PLAYER_H_ |