blob: af51209089cf298f0f0b194cdb0a4c9f79b45597 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "cobalt/base/type_id.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/font.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/font_provider.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/glyph_buffer.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/image.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/lottie_animation.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/mesh.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/node.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/typeface.h"
#include "starboard/decode_target.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace render_tree {
// A ResourceProvider is a thread-safe class that is usually provided by
// a specific render_tree consumer. Its purpose is to generate render_tree
// resources that can be attached to a render_tree that would subsequently be
// submitted to that specific render_tree consumer. While it depends on the
// details of the ResourceProvider, it is very likely that resources created by
// a ResourceProvider that came from a specific render_tree consumer should only
// be submitted back to that same render_tree consumer. The object should be
// thread-safe since it will be very common for resources to be created on one
// thread, but consumed on another.
class ResourceProvider {
typedef std::vector<uint8_t> RawTypefaceDataVector;
// This matches the max size in WebKit
static const size_t kMaxTypefaceDataSize = 30 * 1024 * 1024; // 30 MB
virtual ~ResourceProvider() {}
// Returns an ID that is unique to the ResourceProvider type. This can be
// used to polymorphically identify what type of ResourceProvider this is.
virtual base::TypeId GetTypeId() const = 0;
// Blocks until it can be guaranteed that all resource-related operations have
// completed. This might be important if we would like to ensure that memory
// allocations or deallocations have occurred before proceeding with a memory
// intensive operation.
virtual void Finish() = 0;
// Returns true if AllocateImageData() supports the given |pixel_format|.
virtual bool PixelFormatSupported(PixelFormat pixel_format) = 0;
// Returns true if AllocateImageData() supports the given |alpha_format|.
virtual bool AlphaFormatSupported(AlphaFormat alpha_format) = 0;
// This method can be used to create an ImageData object.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ImageData> AllocateImageData(
const math::Size& size, PixelFormat pixel_format,
AlphaFormat alpha_format) = 0;
// This function will consume an ImageData object produced by a call to
// AllocateImageData(), wrap it in a render_tree::Image that can be
// used in a render tree, and return it to the caller.
virtual scoped_refptr<Image> CreateImage(
std::unique_ptr<ImageData> pixel_data) = 0;
// This function will consume an SbDecodeTarget object produced by
// SbDecodeTargetCreate(), wrap it in a render_tree::Image that can be used
// in a render tree, and return it to the caller.
virtual scoped_refptr<Image> CreateImageFromSbDecodeTarget(
SbDecodeTarget target) = 0;
// Whether SbDecodeTargetIsSupported or not.
virtual bool SupportsSbDecodeTarget() = 0;
// Return the SbDecodeTargetGraphicsContextProvider associated with the
// ResourceProvider, if it exists. Returns NULL if SbDecodeTarget is not
// supported.
virtual SbDecodeTargetGraphicsContextProvider*
GetSbDecodeTargetGraphicsContextProvider() = 0;
// Returns a raw chunk of memory that can later be passed into a function like
// CreateMultiPlaneImageFromRawMemory() in order to create a texture.
// If possible, the memory returned will be GPU memory that can be directly
// addressable by the GPU as a texture.
// Creating textures through this method is discouraged since you must be
// aware of your platform's image alignment/pitch requirements in order to
// create a valid texture. The function is useful in situations where, for
// example, a video decoder requires a raw chunk of memory to decode, but is
// not able to provide image format information until after it begins
// decoding.
virtual std::unique_ptr<RawImageMemory> AllocateRawImageMemory(
size_t size_in_bytes, size_t alignment) = 0;
// Constructs a multi-plane image from a single contiguous chunk of raw
// image memory. Data for all planes of the image must lie within
// raw_image_memory, and the descriptor's plane offset member will describe
// where a particular plane's data lies relative to raw_image_memory.
// Note that use of this function is discouraged, if possible, since filling
// out the descriptor requires knowledge of the specific platform's texture
// alignment/pitch requirements.
virtual scoped_refptr<Image> CreateMultiPlaneImageFromRawMemory(
std::unique_ptr<RawImageMemory> raw_image_memory,
const MultiPlaneImageDataDescriptor& descriptor) = 0;
// Given a font family name, this method returns whether or not a local font
// matching the name exists.
virtual bool HasLocalFontFamily(const char* font_family_name) const = 0;
// Given a set of typeface information, this method returns the locally
// available typeface that best fits the specified parameters. In the case
// where no typeface is found that matches the font family name, the default
// typeface is returned.
virtual scoped_refptr<Typeface> GetLocalTypeface(const char* font_family_name,
FontStyle font_style) = 0;
// Given a set of typeface information, this method returns the locally
// available typeface that best fits the specified parameters. In the case
// where no typeface is found that matches the font family name, NULL is
// returned.
// Font's typeface (aka face name) is combination of a style and a font
// family. Font's style consists of weight, and a slant (but not size).
virtual scoped_refptr<Typeface> GetLocalTypefaceByFaceNameIfAvailable(
const char* font_face_name) = 0;
// Given a UTF-32 character, a set of typeface information, and a language,
// this method returns the best-fit locally available fallback typeface that
// provides a glyph for the specified character. In the case where no fallback
// typeface is found that supports the character, the default typeface is
// returned.
virtual scoped_refptr<Typeface> GetCharacterFallbackTypeface(
int32 utf32_character, FontStyle font_style,
const std::string& language) = 0;
// Given raw typeface data in either TrueType, OpenType or WOFF data formats,
// this method creates and returns a new typeface. The typeface is not cached
// by the resource provider. If the creation fails, the error is written out
// to the error string.
// Note that kMaxFontDataSize represents a hard cap on the raw data size.
// Anything larger than that is guaranteed to result in typeface creation
// failure.
virtual scoped_refptr<Typeface> CreateTypefaceFromRawData(
std::unique_ptr<RawTypefaceDataVector> raw_data,
std::string* error_string) = 0;
// Given a UTF-16 text buffer, a font provider, and other shaping parameters,
// this method shapes the text using fonts from the list and returns the glyph
// buffer that will render it.
// - |language| is an ISO 639-1 code used to enable the shaper to make
// more accurate decisions when character combinations that can produce
// different outcomes are encountered during shaping.
// - If |is_rtl| is set to true, then the glyphs in the glyph buffer
// will be returned in reversed order.
// - |font_list| is used to provide the shaper with a font-glyph combination
// for any requested character. The available fonts and the strategy used in
// determining the best font-glyph combination are encapsulated within the
// FontProvider object.
virtual scoped_refptr<render_tree::GlyphBuffer> CreateGlyphBuffer(
const base::char16* text_buffer, size_t text_length,
const std::string& language, bool is_rtl,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider) = 0;
// Given a UTF-8 string and a single font, this method shapes the string
// using the font and returns the glyph buffer that will render it.
virtual scoped_refptr<render_tree::GlyphBuffer> CreateGlyphBuffer(
const std::string& utf8_string,
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& font) = 0;
// Given a UTF-16 text buffer, a font provider, and other shaping parameters,
// this method shapes the text using fonts from the list and returns the
// width of the shaped text.
// - |language| is an ISO 639-1 code used to enable the shaper to make
// more accurate decisions when character combinations that can produce
// different outcomes are encountered during shaping.
// - If |is_rtl| is set to true, then the shaping will be generated in reverse
// order.
// - |font_list| is used to provide the shaper with a font-glyph combination
// for any requested character. The available fonts and the strategy used in
// determining the best font-glyph combination are encapsulated within the
// FontProvider object.
// - |maybe_used_fonts| is an optional parameter used to collect all fonts
// that were used in generating the width for the text.
// NOTE: While shaping is done on the text in order to produce an accurate
// width, a glyph buffer is never generated, so this method should be
// faster than CreateGlyphBuffer().
virtual float GetTextWidth(const base::char16* text_buffer,
size_t text_length, const std::string& language,
bool is_rtl,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts) = 0;
// This function will wrap the given Lottie animation data into a
// LottieAnimation that can be used in a render tree, and return it to the
// caller.
virtual scoped_refptr<LottieAnimation> CreateLottieAnimation(
const char* data, size_t length) = 0;
// Consumes a list of vertices and returns a Mesh instance.
virtual scoped_refptr<Mesh> CreateMesh(
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Mesh::Vertex> > vertices,
Mesh::DrawMode draw_mode) = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<Image> DrawOffscreenImage(
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Node>& root) = 0;
} // namespace render_tree
} // namespace cobalt