| .. title:: clang-tidy - misc-throw-by-value-catch-by-reference |
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| misc-throw-by-value-catch-by-reference |
| ====================================== |
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| "cert-err09-cpp" redirects here as an alias for this check. |
| "cert-err61-cpp" redirects here as an alias for this check. |
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| Finds violations of the rule "Throw by value, catch by reference" presented for |
| example in "C++ Coding Standards" by H. Sutter and A. Alexandrescu. |
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| Exceptions: |
| * Throwing string literals will not be flagged despite being a pointer. They |
| are not susceptible to slicing and the usage of string literals is idomatic. |
| * Catching character pointers (``char``, ``wchar_t``, unicode character types) |
| will not be flagged to allow catching sting literals. |
| * Moved named values will not be flagged as not throwing an anonymous |
| temporary. In this case we can be sure that the user knows that the object |
| can't be accessed outside catch blocks handling the error. |
| * Throwing function parameters will not be flagged as not throwing an |
| anonymous temporary. This allows helper functions for throwing. |
| * Re-throwing caught exception variables will not be flragged as not throwing |
| an anonymous temporary. Although this can usually be done by just writing |
| ``throw;`` it happens often enough in real code. |
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| Options |
| ------- |
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| .. option:: CheckThrowTemporaries |
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| Triggers detection of violations of the rule `Throw anonymous temporaries |
| <https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/cplusplus/ERR09-CPP.+Throw+anonymous+temporaries>`_. |
| Default is `1`. |
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