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| <meta charset=utf-8> |
| <title>IDL check of RTCPeerConnection</title> |
| <link rel="author" title="Harald Alvestrand" href="mailto:hta@google.com"/> |
| <link rel="help" href="http://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#rtcpeerconnection-interface"> |
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| <h1 class="instructions">Description</h1> |
| <p class="instructions">This test verifies the availability of the RTCPeerConnection interface.</p> |
| <div id='log'></div> |
| <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script> |
| <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script> |
| <script src=/resources/WebIDLParser.js></script> |
| <script src=/resources/idlharness.js></script> |
| |
| <!-- The IDL is copied from the 22 September 2015 editors' draft. --> |
| <script type="text/plain"> |
| interface EventTarget { |
| // Only a dummy definition is needed here. |
| }; |
| [ Constructor (optional RTCConfiguration configuration)] |
| interface RTCPeerConnection : EventTarget { |
| Promise<RTCSessionDescription> createOffer (optional RTCOfferOptions options); |
| Promise<RTCSessionDescription> createAnswer (optional RTCAnswerOptions options); |
| Promise<void> setLocalDescription (RTCSessionDescription description); |
| readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? localDescription; |
| readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? currentLocalDescription; |
| readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? pendingLocalDescription; |
| Promise<void> setRemoteDescription (RTCSessionDescription description); |
| readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? remoteDescription; |
| readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? currentRemoteDescription; |
| readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? pendingRemoteDescription; |
| Promise<void> addIceCandidate (RTCIceCandidate candidate); |
| readonly attribute RTCSignalingState signalingState; |
| readonly attribute RTCIceGatheringState iceGatheringState; |
| readonly attribute RTCIceConnectionState iceConnectionState; |
| readonly attribute boolean? canTrickleIceCandidates; |
| RTCConfiguration getConfiguration (); |
| void setConfiguration (RTCConfiguration configuration); |
| void close (); |
| attribute EventHandler onnegotiationneeded; |
| attribute EventHandler onicecandidate; |
| attribute EventHandler onsignalingstatechange; |
| attribute EventHandler oniceconnectionstatechange; |
| attribute EventHandler onicegatheringstatechange; |
| }; |
| |
| partial interface RTCPeerConnection { |
| void createOffer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback, optional RTCOfferOptions options); |
| void setLocalDescription (RTCSessionDescription description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); |
| void createAnswer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); |
| void setRemoteDescription (RTCSessionDescription description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); |
| void addIceCandidate (RTCIceCandidate candidate, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); |
| void getStats (MediaStreamTrack? selector, RTCStatsCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); |
| }; |
| |
| partial interface RTCPeerConnection { |
| static Promise<RTCCertificate> generateCertificate (AlgorithmIdentifier keygenAlgorithm); |
| }; |
| |
| partial interface RTCPeerConnection { |
| sequence<RTCRtpSender> getSenders (); |
| sequence<RTCRtpReceiver> getReceivers (); |
| RTCRtpSender addTrack (MediaStreamTrack track, MediaStream... streams); |
| void removeTrack (RTCRtpSender sender); |
| attribute EventHandler ontrack; |
| }; |
| |
| partial interface RTCPeerConnection { |
| RTCDataChannel createDataChannel ([TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString label, optional RTCDataChannelInit dataChannelDict); |
| attribute EventHandler ondatachannel; |
| }; |
| |
| partial interface RTCPeerConnection { |
| readonly attribute RTCDTMFSender? dtmf; |
| }; |
| |
| partial interface RTCPeerConnection { |
| Promise<RTCStatsReport> getStats (optional MediaStreamTrack? selector); |
| }; |
| |
| partial interface RTCPeerConnection { |
| void setIdentityProvider (DOMString provider, optional DOMString protocol, optional DOMString usernameHint); |
| Promise<DOMString> getIdentityAssertion (); |
| readonly attribute Promise<RTCIdentityAssertion> peerIdentity; |
| readonly attribute DOMString? idpLoginUrl; |
| }; |
| |
| </script> |
| <script> |
| (function() { |
| var idl_array = new IdlArray(); |
| [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll("script[type=text\\/plain]"), |
| function(node) { |
| idl_array.add_idls(node.textContent); |
| }); |
| window.pc = new RTCPeerConnection(null); |
| idl_array.add_objects({"RTCPeerConnection": ["pc"]}); |
| idl_array.test(); |
| done(); |
| })(); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |