blob: d881ab7c78a23c55a6e78d9b08a90aa898a73f8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/native_library.h"
#include "base/profiler/frame.h"
#include "base/profiler/sampling_profiler_thread_token.h"
#include "base/profiler/stack_sampling_profiler.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
namespace base {
class Unwinder;
class ModuleCache;
// A thread to target for profiling that will run the supplied closure.
class TargetThread : public PlatformThread::Delegate {
explicit TargetThread(OnceClosure to_run);
TargetThread(const TargetThread&) = delete;
TargetThread& operator=(const TargetThread&) = delete;
~TargetThread() override;
void Start();
void Join();
// PlatformThread::Delegate:
void ThreadMain() override;
SamplingProfilerThreadToken thread_token() const { return thread_token_; }
SamplingProfilerThreadToken thread_token_ = {0};
OnceClosure to_run_;
PlatformThreadHandle target_thread_handle_;
// Addresses near the start and end of a function.
struct FunctionAddressRange {
// This field is not a raw_ptr<> because it was filtered by the rewriter for:
// #in-out-param-ref
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION const void* start;
raw_ptr<const void> end;
// Represents a stack unwind scenario to be sampled by the
// StackSamplingProfiler.
class UnwindScenario {
// A callback provided by the caller that sets up the unwind scenario, then
// calls into the passed closure to wait for a sample to be taken. Returns the
// address range of the function that sets up the unwind scenario. The passed
// closure will be null when invoked solely to obtain the address range.
using SetupFunction = RepeatingCallback<FunctionAddressRange(OnceClosure)>;
// Events to coordinate the sampling.
struct SampleEvents {
WaitableEvent ready_for_sample;
WaitableEvent sample_finished;
explicit UnwindScenario(const SetupFunction& setup_function);
UnwindScenario(const UnwindScenario&) = delete;
UnwindScenario& operator=(const UnwindScenario&) = delete;
// The address range of the innermost function that waits for the sample.
FunctionAddressRange GetWaitForSampleAddressRange() const;
// The address range of the provided setup function.
FunctionAddressRange GetSetupFunctionAddressRange() const;
// The address range of the outer function that indirectly invokes the setup
// function.
FunctionAddressRange GetOuterFunctionAddressRange() const;
// Executes the scenario.
void Execute(SampleEvents* events);
static FunctionAddressRange InvokeSetupFunction(
const SetupFunction& setup_function,
SampleEvents* events);
static FunctionAddressRange WaitForSample(SampleEvents* events);
const SetupFunction setup_function_;
class TestModule : public ModuleCache::Module {
explicit TestModule(uintptr_t base_address = 0,
size_t size = 0,
bool is_native = true)
: base_address_(base_address), size_(size), is_native_(is_native) {}
uintptr_t GetBaseAddress() const override;
std::string GetId() const override;
FilePath GetDebugBasename() const override;
size_t GetSize() const override;
bool IsNative() const override;
void set_id(const std::string& id) { id_ = id; }
void set_debug_basename(const FilePath& basename) {
debug_basename_ = basename;
const uintptr_t base_address_;
const size_t size_;
const bool is_native_;
std::string id_;
FilePath debug_basename_;
bool operator==(const Frame& a, const Frame& b);
// UnwindScenario setup function that calls into |wait_for_sample| without doing
// any special unwinding setup, to exercise the "normal" unwind scenario.
FunctionAddressRange CallWithPlainFunction(OnceClosure wait_for_sample);
// Calls into |wait_for_sample| after using alloca(), to test unwinding with a
// frame pointer.
FunctionAddressRange CallWithAlloca(OnceClosure wait_for_sample);
#if !defined(STARBOARD)
// Calls into |wait_for_sample| through a function within another library, to
// test unwinding through multiple modules and scenarios involving unloaded
// modules.
FunctionAddressRange CallThroughOtherLibrary(NativeLibrary library,
OnceClosure wait_for_sample);
// The callback to perform profiling on the provided thread.
using ProfileCallback = OnceCallback<void(SamplingProfilerThreadToken)>;
// Executes |profile_callback| while running |scenario| on the target
// thread. Performs all necessary target thread startup and shutdown work before
// and afterward.
void WithTargetThread(UnwindScenario* scenario,
ProfileCallback profile_callback);
using UnwinderFactory = OnceCallback<std::unique_ptr<Unwinder>()>;
// Returns the sample seen when taking one sample of |scenario|.
std::vector<Frame> SampleScenario(
UnwindScenario* scenario,
ModuleCache* module_cache,
UnwinderFactory aux_unwinder_factory = UnwinderFactory());
// Formats a sample into a string that can be output for test diagnostics.
std::string FormatSampleForDiagnosticOutput(const std::vector<Frame>& sample);
// Expects that the stack contains the functions with the specified address
// ranges, in the specified order.
void ExpectStackContains(const std::vector<Frame>& stack,
const std::vector<FunctionAddressRange>& functions);
// Expects that the stack contains the function names in the specified order.
void ExpectStackContainsNames(const std::vector<Frame>& stack,
const std::vector<std::string>& function_names);
// Expects that the stack does not contain the functions with the specified
// address ranges.
void ExpectStackDoesNotContain(
const std::vector<Frame>& stack,
const std::vector<FunctionAddressRange>& functions);
#if !defined(STARBOARD)
// Load test library with given name.
NativeLibrary LoadTestLibrary(StringPiece library_name);
// Loads the other library, which defines a function to be called in the
// WITH_OTHER_LIBRARY configuration.
NativeLibrary LoadOtherLibrary();
uintptr_t GetAddressInOtherLibrary(NativeLibrary library);
// Creates a list of core unwinders required for StackSamplingProfilerTest.
// This is useful notably on Android, which requires ChromeUnwinderAndroid in
// addition to the native one.
StackSamplingProfiler::UnwindersFactory CreateCoreUnwindersFactoryForTesting(
ModuleCache* module_cache);
} // namespace base