blob: fcb377ec1d6fb5889c4c2c95fb8f2088c2ed8f7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/attributes.h"
namespace base::test {
// A reference to a base::Feature and field trial params that should be force
// enabled and overwritten for test purposes.
struct FeatureRefAndParams {
FeatureRefAndParams(const Feature& feature ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND,
const FieldTrialParams& params);
FeatureRefAndParams(const FeatureRefAndParams& other);
const raw_ref<const Feature> feature;
const FieldTrialParams params;
// A lightweight wrapper for a reference to a base::Feature. Allows lists of
// features to be enabled/disabled to be easily passed without actually copying
// the underlying base::Feature. Actual C++ references do not work well for this
// purpose, as vectors of references are disallowed.
class FeatureRef {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
FeatureRef(const Feature& feature ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND)
: feature_(feature) {}
const Feature& operator*() const { return *feature_; }
const Feature* operator->() const { return &*feature_; }
friend bool operator==(const FeatureRef& lhs, const FeatureRef& rhs) {
return &*lhs == &*rhs;
friend bool operator<(const FeatureRef& lhs, const FeatureRef& rhs) {
return &*lhs < &*rhs;
raw_ref<const Feature> feature_;
// ScopedFeatureList resets the global FeatureList instance to a new empty
// instance and restores the original instance upon destruction. When using the
// non-deprecated APIs, a corresponding FieldTrialList is also created.
// Note: Re-using the same object is allowed. To reset the feature list and
// initialize it anew, call `Reset` and then one of the `Init` methods.
// If multiple instances of this class are used in a nested fashion, they
// should be destroyed in the opposite order of their Init*() methods being
// called.
// ScopedFeatureList needs to be initialized on the main thread (via one of
// Init*() methods) before running code that inspects the state of features,
// such as in the constructor of the test harness.
// WARNING: To be clear, in multithreaded test environments (such as browser
// tests) there may background threads using FeatureList before the test body is
// even entered. In these cases it is imperative that ScopedFeatureList be
// initialized BEFORE those threads are started, hence the recommendation to do
// initialization in the test harness's constructor.
class ScopedFeatureList final {
struct Features;
struct FeatureWithStudyGroup;
// Constructs the instance in a non-initialized state.
// Shorthand for immediately initializing with InitAndEnableFeature().
explicit ScopedFeatureList(const Feature& enable_feature);
ScopedFeatureList(const ScopedFeatureList&) = delete;
ScopedFeatureList& operator=(const ScopedFeatureList&) = delete;
// Resets the instance to a non-initialized state.
void Reset();
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance without any additional
// enabled or disabled features. Existing state, if any, will be kept.
// This is equivalent to calling InitWithFeatures({}, {}).
void Init();
// Initializes a FeatureList instance without any additional enabled or
// disabled features. Existing state, if any, will be discarded.
// Using this function is not generally recommended, as doing so in a test
// removes the ability to run the test while passing additional
// --enable-features flags from the command line.
void InitWithEmptyFeatureAndFieldTrialLists();
// Initializes a FeatureList instance and FieldTrialLists to be null and
// clear all field trial parameters.
// WARNING: This should not be generally used except for tests that require
// manually instantiating objects like FieldTrialList, for example when
// mocking an EntropyProvider.
void InitWithNullFeatureAndFieldTrialLists();
// WARNING: This method will reset any globally configured features to their
// default values, which can hide feature interaction bugs. Please use
// sparingly.
// Initializes and registers the given FeatureList instance.
void InitWithFeatureList(std::unique_ptr<FeatureList> feature_list);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with the given enabled features and the
// specified field trial parameters, and the given disabled features
// with the given enabled and disabled features (comma-separated names).
// Note: This creates a scoped global field trial list if there is not
// currently one.
void InitFromCommandLine(const std::string& enable_features,
const std::string& disable_features);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with the given enabled and disabled features.
// Any feature overrides already present in the global FeatureList will
// continue to apply, unless they conflict with the overrides passed into this
// method. This is important for testing potentially unexpected feature
// interactions.
void InitWithFeatures(const std::vector<FeatureRef>& enabled_features,
const std::vector<FeatureRef>& disabled_features);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with single enabled feature.
void InitAndEnableFeature(const Feature& feature);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with single enabled feature and associated field
// trial parameters.
// Note: this creates a scoped global field trial list if there is not
// currently one.
void InitAndEnableFeatureWithParameters(
const Feature& feature,
const FieldTrialParams& feature_parameters);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with the given enabled features and the
// specified field trial parameters, and the given disabled features.
// Note: This creates a scoped global field trial list if there is not
// currently one.
void InitWithFeaturesAndParameters(
const std::vector<FeatureRefAndParams>& enabled_features,
const std::vector<FeatureRef>& disabled_features);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with single disabled feature.
void InitAndDisableFeature(const Feature& feature);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with a single feature either enabled or
// disabled depending on |enabled|.
void InitWithFeatureState(const Feature& feature, bool enabled);
using PassKey = base::PassKey<ScopedFeatureList>;
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with the given enabled and disabled features.
// Any feature overrides already present in the global FeatureList will
// continue to apply, unless they conflict with the overrides passed into this
// method.
// Features to enable may be specified through either |enabled_features| or
// |enabled_feature_and_params|, but not both (i.e. one of these must be
// empty).
void InitWithFeaturesImpl(
const std::vector<FeatureRef>& enabled_features,
const std::vector<FeatureRefAndParams>& enabled_features_and_params,
const std::vector<FeatureRef>& disabled_features,
bool keep_existing_states = true);
// Initializes and registers a FeatureList instance based on the current
// FeatureList and overridden with the given enabled and disabled features.
// Any feature overrides already present in the global FeatureList will
// continue to apply, unless they conflict with the overrides passed into this
// method.
// If |create_associated_field_trials| is true, associated field trials are
// always created independent of feature parameters. If false, field trials
// for features whose parameters are specified will be created.
// If |keep_existing_states| is true, keep all states and override them
// according to the |merged_features|. Otherwise, clear all states and
// newly initialize all states with |merged_features|.
void InitWithMergedFeatures(Features&& merged_features,
bool create_associated_field_trials,
bool keep_existing_states);
bool init_called_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<FeatureList> original_feature_list_;
raw_ptr<base::FieldTrialList> original_field_trial_list_ = nullptr;
std::string original_params_;
std::unique_ptr<base::FieldTrialList> field_trial_list_;
} // namespace base::test