blob: 3a950489345eeb9648b5988a1a5b9dbbe8326793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/formats/mp4/track_run_iterator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "build/chromecast_buildflags.h"
#include "media/base/decrypt_config.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_memory_limit.h"
#include "media/base/encryption_pattern.h"
#include "media/base/encryption_scheme.h"
#include "media/base/media_util.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/rcheck.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/sample_to_group_iterator.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"
namespace media {
namespace mp4 {
struct SampleInfo {
uint32_t size;
uint32_t duration;
int64_t cts_offset;
bool is_keyframe;
uint32_t cenc_group_description_index;
struct TrackRunInfo {
uint32_t track_id;
std::vector<SampleInfo> samples;
int64_t timescale;
int64_t start_dts;
int64_t sample_start_offset;
bool is_audio;
raw_ptr<const AudioSampleEntry> audio_description;
raw_ptr<const VideoSampleEntry> video_description;
raw_ptr<const SampleGroupDescription> track_sample_encryption_group;
// Stores sample encryption entries, which is populated from 'senc' box if it
// is available, otherwise will try to load from cenc auxiliary information.
std::vector<SampleEncryptionEntry> sample_encryption_entries;
// These variables are useful to load |sample_encryption_entries| from cenc
// auxiliary information when 'senc' box is not available.
int64_t aux_info_start_offset; // Only valid if aux_info_total_size > 0.
int aux_info_default_size;
std::vector<uint8_t> aux_info_sizes; // Populated if default_size == 0.
int aux_info_total_size;
EncryptionScheme encryption_scheme = EncryptionScheme::kUnencrypted;
EncryptionPattern encryption_pattern;
std::vector<CencSampleEncryptionInfoEntry> fragment_sample_encryption_info;
: track_id(0),
aux_info_total_size(-1) {
TrackRunInfo::~TrackRunInfo() = default;
base::TimeDelta TimeDeltaFromRational(int64_t numer, int64_t denom) {
// TODO(sandersd): Change all callers to pass a |denom| as a uint32_t. This is
// the correct (and sufficient) type in all cases, but some intermediaries
// currently store -1 as a default value.
// TODO(sandersd): Change all callers to pass |numer| as a uint64_t. The few
// cases that could theoretically be negative would result in negative PTS
// anyway, and there are cases where an int64_t is not sufficient to store the
// entire representable range.
DCHECK_GT(denom, 0);
DCHECK_LE(denom, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// The maximum number of seconds that a TimeDelta can hold (about 300,000
// years worth). There is a (t ~= 0.775)-second fraction that is ignored.
const int64_t max_seconds =
std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() / base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
// The integer part of the result, in seconds. There is a (0 <= f < 1)-second
// fraction that is not computed. (Also true for negative |numer|, since
// rounding of integer division is towards zero in C++.)
const int64_t result_seconds = numer / denom;
// Reject |actual_seconds == max_seconds| under the assumption that f > t.
// This rejects valid times that are within t seconds of the limit.
if (result_seconds >= max_seconds || result_seconds <= -max_seconds)
return kNoTimestamp;
// Since (denom <= 2 ** 32), the multiplication fits in 52 bits.
// Note: When |numer| is negative, (numer % denom) is also negative. C++
// guarantees that ((numer / denom) * denom + (numer % denom) == numer).
// TODO(sandersd): Is round-toward-zero the best possible computation here?
const int64_t result_microseconds =
base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond * (numer % denom) / denom;
const int64_t total_microseconds =
base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond * result_seconds + result_microseconds;
return base::Microseconds(total_microseconds);
DecodeTimestamp DecodeTimestampFromRational(int64_t numer, int64_t denom) {
return DecodeTimestamp::FromPresentationTime(
TimeDeltaFromRational(numer, denom));
TrackRunIterator::TrackRunIterator(const Movie* moov, MediaLog* media_log)
: moov_(moov),
sample_offset_(0) {
TrackRunIterator::~TrackRunIterator() = default;
static std::string HexFlags(uint32_t flags) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(sizeof(flags)*2) << std::hex
<< flags;
return stream.str();
static bool PopulateSampleInfo(const TrackExtends& trex,
const TrackFragmentHeader& tfhd,
const TrackFragmentRun& trun,
const int64_t edit_list_offset,
const uint32_t i,
SampleInfo* sample_info,
const SampleDependsOn sdtp_sample_depends_on,
bool is_audio,
MediaLog* media_log) {
if (i < trun.sample_sizes.size()) {
sample_info->size = trun.sample_sizes[i];
} else if (tfhd.default_sample_size > 0) {
sample_info->size = tfhd.default_sample_size;
} else {
sample_info->size = trex.default_sample_size;
if (i < trun.sample_durations.size()) {
sample_info->duration = trun.sample_durations[i];
} else if (tfhd.default_sample_duration > 0) {
sample_info->duration = tfhd.default_sample_duration;
} else {
sample_info->duration = trex.default_sample_duration;
auto cts_offset = -base::CheckedNumeric<int64_t>(edit_list_offset);
if (i < trun.sample_composition_time_offsets.size())
cts_offset += trun.sample_composition_time_offsets[i];
if (!cts_offset.AssignIfValid(&sample_info->cts_offset)) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log) << "PTS offset exceeds representable range.";
return false;
uint32_t flags;
if (i < trun.sample_flags.size()) {
flags = trun.sample_flags[i];
DVLOG(4) << __func__ << " trun sample flags " << HexFlags(flags);
} else if (tfhd.has_default_sample_flags) {
flags = tfhd.default_sample_flags;
DVLOG(4) << __func__ << " tfhd sample flags " << HexFlags(flags);
} else {
flags = trex.default_sample_flags;
DVLOG(4) << __func__ << " trex sample flags " << HexFlags(flags);
SampleDependsOn sample_depends_on =
static_cast<SampleDependsOn>((flags >> 24) & 0x3);
if (sample_depends_on == kSampleDependsOnUnknown) {
sample_depends_on = sdtp_sample_depends_on;
DVLOG(4) << __func__ << " sample_depends_on " << sample_depends_on;
if (sample_depends_on == kSampleDependsOnReserved) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log) << "Reserved value used in sample dependency"
" info.";
return false;
// Per spec (ISO 14496-12:2012), the definition for a "sync sample" is
// equivalent to the downstream code's "is keyframe" concept. But media exists
// that marks non-key video frames as sync samples (
// and Hence, for video we additionally check that
// the sample does not depend on others (FFmpeg does too, see mov_read_trun).
// Sample dependency is ignored for audio because encoded audio samples can
// depend on other samples and still be used for random access. Generally all
// audio samples are expected to be sync samples, but we prefer to check the
// flags to catch badly muxed audio (for now anyway ;P). History of attempts
// to get this right discussed in
bool sample_is_sync_sample = !(flags & kSampleIsNonSyncSample);
bool sample_depends_on_others = sample_depends_on == kSampleDependsOnOthers;
sample_info->is_keyframe = sample_is_sync_sample &&
(!sample_depends_on_others || is_audio);
DVLOG(4) << __func__ << " is_kf:" << sample_info->is_keyframe
<< " is_sync:" << sample_is_sync_sample
<< " deps:" << sample_depends_on_others << " audio:" << is_audio;
return true;
static const CencSampleEncryptionInfoEntry* GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(
const TrackRunInfo& run_info,
uint32_t group_description_index) {
const std::vector<CencSampleEncryptionInfoEntry>* entries = nullptr;
// ISO-14496-12 Section and 8.9.4 : group description index
// (1) ranges from 1 to the number of sample group entries in the track
// level SampleGroupDescription Box, or (2) takes the value 0 to
// indicate that this sample is a member of no group, in this case, the
// sample is associated with the default values specified in
// TrackEncryption Box, or (3) starts at 0x10001, i.e. the index value
// 1, with the value 1 in the top 16 bits, to reference fragment-local
// SampleGroupDescription Box.
// Case (2) is not supported here. The caller must handle it externally
// before invoking this function.
DCHECK_NE(group_description_index, 0u);
if (group_description_index >
SampleToGroupEntry::kFragmentGroupDescriptionIndexBase) {
group_description_index -=
entries = &run_info.fragment_sample_encryption_info;
} else {
entries = &run_info.track_sample_encryption_group->entries;
// |group_description_index| is 1-based.
return (group_description_index > entries->size())
? nullptr
: &(*entries)[group_description_index - 1];
// In well-structured encrypted media, each track run will be immediately
// preceded by its auxiliary information; this is the only optimal storage
// pattern in terms of minimum number of bytes from a serial stream needed to
// begin playback. It also allows us to optimize caching on memory-constrained
// architectures, because we can cache the relatively small auxiliary
// information for an entire run and then discard data from the input stream,
// instead of retaining the entire 'mdat' box.
// We optimize for this situation (with no loss of generality) by sorting track
// runs during iteration in order of their first data offset (either sample data
// or auxiliary data).
class CompareMinTrackRunDataOffset {
bool operator()(const TrackRunInfo& a, const TrackRunInfo& b) {
int64_t a_aux = a.aux_info_total_size ? a.aux_info_start_offset
: std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t b_aux = b.aux_info_total_size ? b.aux_info_start_offset
: std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t a_lesser = std::min(a_aux, a.sample_start_offset);
int64_t a_greater = std::max(a_aux, a.sample_start_offset);
int64_t b_lesser = std::min(b_aux, b.sample_start_offset);
int64_t b_greater = std::max(b_aux, b.sample_start_offset);
if (a_lesser == b_lesser) return a_greater < b_greater;
return a_lesser < b_lesser;
bool TrackRunIterator::Init(const MovieFragment& moof) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < moof.tracks.size(); i++) {
const TrackFragment& traf = moof.tracks[i];
const Track* trak = NULL;
for (size_t t = 0; t < moov_->tracks.size(); t++) {
if (moov_->tracks[t].header.track_id == traf.header.track_id)
trak = &moov_->tracks[t];
const TrackExtends* trex = NULL;
for (size_t t = 0; t < moov_->extends.tracks.size(); t++) {
if (moov_->extends.tracks[t].track_id == traf.header.track_id)
trex = &moov_->extends.tracks[t];
const SampleDescription& stsd =
if (stsd.type != kAudio && stsd.type != kVideo) {
DVLOG(1) << "Skipping unhandled track type";
size_t desc_idx = traf.header.sample_description_index;
if (!desc_idx) desc_idx = trex->default_sample_description_index;
RCHECK(desc_idx > 0); // Descriptions are one-indexed in the file
desc_idx -= 1;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& sample_encryption_data =
std::unique_ptr<BufferReader> sample_encryption_reader;
uint32_t sample_encryption_entries_count = 0;
if (!sample_encryption_data.empty()) {
sample_encryption_reader = std::make_unique<BufferReader>(, sample_encryption_data.size());
// Process edit list to remove CTS offset introduced in the presence of
// B-frames (those that contain a single edit with a nonnegative media
// time). Other uses of edit lists are not supported, as they are
// both uncommon and better served by higher-level protocols.
int64_t edit_list_offset = 0;
const std::vector<EditListEntry>& edits = trak->edit.list.edits;
if (!edits.empty()) {
if (edits.size() > 1)
DVLOG(1) << "Multi-entry edit box detected; some components ignored.";
if (edits[0].media_time < 0) {
DVLOG(1) << "Empty edit list entry ignored.";
} else {
edit_list_offset = edits[0].media_time;
SampleToGroupIterator sample_to_group_itr(traf.sample_to_group);
bool is_sample_to_group_valid = sample_to_group_itr.IsValid();
int64_t run_start_dts = traf.decode_time.decode_time;
uint64_t sample_count_sum = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < traf.runs.size(); j++) {
const TrackFragmentRun& trun = traf.runs[j];
TrackRunInfo tri;
tri.track_id = traf.header.track_id;
tri.timescale = trak->media.header.timescale;
tri.start_dts = run_start_dts;
tri.sample_start_offset = trun.data_offset;
tri.track_sample_encryption_group =
tri.fragment_sample_encryption_info =
const TrackEncryption* track_encryption;
const ProtectionSchemeInfo* sinf;
tri.is_audio = (stsd.type == kAudio);
if (tri.is_audio) {
if (desc_idx >= stsd.audio_entries.size())
desc_idx = 0;
tri.audio_description = &stsd.audio_entries[desc_idx];
sinf = &tri.audio_description->sinf;
track_encryption = &tri.audio_description->;
} else {
if (desc_idx >= stsd.video_entries.size())
desc_idx = 0;
tri.video_description = &stsd.video_entries[desc_idx];
sinf = &tri.video_description->sinf;
track_encryption = &tri.video_description->;
if (!sinf->HasSupportedScheme()) {
tri.encryption_scheme = EncryptionScheme::kUnencrypted;
} else {
tri.encryption_scheme = sinf->IsCbcsEncryptionScheme()
? EncryptionScheme::kCbcs
: EncryptionScheme::kCenc;
tri.encryption_pattern =
// Initialize aux_info variables only if no sample encryption entries.
if (sample_encryption_entries_count == 0 &&
traf.auxiliary_offset.offsets.size() > j) {
// Collect information from the auxiliary_offset entry with the same
// index in the 'saiz' container as the current run's index in the
// 'trun' container, if it is present.
// There should be an auxiliary info entry corresponding to each sample
// in the auxiliary offset entry's corresponding track run.
RCHECK(traf.auxiliary_size.sample_count >=
sample_count_sum + trun.sample_count);
tri.aux_info_start_offset = traf.auxiliary_offset.offsets[j];
tri.aux_info_default_size =
if (tri.aux_info_default_size == 0) {
const std::vector<uint8_t>& sizes =
tri.aux_info_sizes.begin(), sizes.begin() + sample_count_sum,
sizes.begin() + sample_count_sum + trun.sample_count);
// If the default info size is positive, find the total size of the aux
// info block from it, otherwise sum over the individual sizes of each
// aux info entry in the aux_offset entry.
if (tri.aux_info_default_size) {
tri.aux_info_total_size =
tri.aux_info_default_size * trun.sample_count;
} else {
tri.aux_info_total_size = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < trun.sample_count; k++) {
tri.aux_info_total_size += tri.aux_info_sizes[k];
} else {
tri.aux_info_start_offset = -1;
tri.aux_info_total_size = 0;
// Avoid allocating insane sample counts for invalid media.
size_t max_sample_count =
GetDemuxerMemoryLimit(Demuxer::DemuxerTypes::kChunkDemuxer) /
// The fuzzer frequently gets stuck running out of memory on long useless
// chains of empty TRUN values. Histogram analysis shows large in the wild
// sample counts, so we can't limit more than the memory limit above.
max_sample_count = std::min(size_t{10000}, max_sample_count);
base::strict_cast<size_t>(trun.sample_count) <= max_sample_count,
media_log_, "Metadata overhead exceeds storage limit.");
for (size_t k = 0; k < trun.sample_count; k++) {
if (!PopulateSampleInfo(*trex, traf.header, trun, edit_list_offset, k,
&tri.samples[k], traf.sdtp.sample_depends_on(k),
tri.is_audio, media_log_)) {
return false;
RCHECK(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() - tri.samples[k].duration >
run_start_dts += tri.samples[k].duration;
if (!is_sample_to_group_valid) {
// Set group description index to 0 to read encryption information
// from TrackEncryption Box.
tri.samples[k].cenc_group_description_index = 0;
uint32_t index = sample_to_group_itr.group_description_index();
tri.samples[k].cenc_group_description_index = index;
if (index != 0)
RCHECK(GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(tri, index));
is_sample_to_group_valid = sample_to_group_itr.Advance();
if (sample_encryption_entries_count > 0) {
RCHECK(sample_encryption_entries_count >=
sample_count_sum + trun.sample_count);
for (size_t k = 0; k < trun.sample_count; k++) {
uint32_t index = tri.samples[k].cenc_group_description_index;
const CencSampleEncryptionInfoEntry* info_entry =
index == 0 ? nullptr : GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(tri, index);
const uint8_t iv_size = index == 0 ? track_encryption->default_iv_size
: info_entry->iv_size;
SampleEncryptionEntry& entry = tri.sample_encryption_entries[k];
RCHECK(entry.Parse(sample_encryption_reader.get(), iv_size,
// If we don't have a per-sample IV, get the constant IV.
bool is_encrypted = index == 0 ? track_encryption->is_encrypted
: info_entry->is_encrypted;
// TODO( Investigate if this is a hardware or
// cast-related limitation.
// On Chromecast, we only support setting the pattern values in the
// 'tenc' box for the track (not varying on per sample group basis).
// Thus we need to verify that the settings in the sample group
// match those in the 'tenc'.
if (is_encrypted && index != 0) {
RCHECK_MEDIA_LOGGED(info_entry->crypt_byte_block ==
"Pattern value (crypt byte block) for the "
"sample group does not match that in the tenc "
"box . This is not currently supported.");
RCHECK_MEDIA_LOGGED(info_entry->skip_byte_block ==
"Pattern value (skip byte block) for the "
"sample group does not match that in the tenc "
"box . This is not currently supported.");
if (is_encrypted && !iv_size) {
const uint8_t constant_iv_size =
index == 0 ? track_encryption->default_constant_iv_size
: info_entry->constant_iv_size;
RCHECK(constant_iv_size != 0);
const uint8_t* constant_iv =
index == 0 ? track_encryption->default_constant_iv
: info_entry->constant_iv;
memcpy(entry.initialization_vector, constant_iv, constant_iv_size);
sample_count_sum += trun.sample_count;
// We should have iterated through all samples in SampleToGroup Box.
std::sort(runs_.begin(), runs_.end(), CompareMinTrackRunDataOffset());
run_itr_ = runs_.begin();
return ResetRun();
bool TrackRunIterator::UpdateCts() {
// TODO(sandersd): Should |sample_cts_| be cleared in this case?
if (!IsSampleValid())
return true;
auto cts = base::CheckAdd(sample_dts_, sample_itr_->cts_offset);
if (!cts.AssignIfValid(&sample_cts_)) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Sample PTS exceeds representable range.";
return false;
return true;
bool TrackRunIterator::AdvanceRun() {
return ResetRun();
bool TrackRunIterator::ResetRun() {
// TODO(sandersd): Should we clear all the values if the run is not valid?
if (!IsRunValid())
return true;
sample_dts_ = run_itr_->start_dts;
sample_offset_ = run_itr_->sample_start_offset;
sample_itr_ = run_itr_->samples.begin();
// UpdateCts() must run after |sample_itr_| is updated to the current run.
return UpdateCts();
bool TrackRunIterator::AdvanceSample() {
auto dts = base::CheckAdd(sample_dts_, sample_itr_->duration);
if (!dts.AssignIfValid(&sample_dts_)) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Sample DTS exceeds representable range.";
return false;
sample_offset_ += sample_itr_->size;
// UpdateCts() must run after |sample_itr_| is updated to the current sample.
return UpdateCts();
// This implementation only indicates a need for caching if CENC auxiliary
// info is available in the stream.
bool TrackRunIterator::AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached() {
return is_encrypted() && aux_info_size() > 0 &&
run_itr_->sample_encryption_entries.size() == 0;
// This implementation currently only caches CENC auxiliary info.
bool TrackRunIterator::CacheAuxInfo(const uint8_t* buf, int buf_size) {
RCHECK(AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached() && buf_size >= aux_info_size());
std::vector<SampleEncryptionEntry>& sample_encryption_entries =
runs_[run_itr_ - runs_.begin()].sample_encryption_entries;
int64_t pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < run_itr_->samples.size(); i++) {
int info_size = run_itr_->aux_info_default_size;
if (!info_size)
info_size = run_itr_->aux_info_sizes[i];
if (IsSampleEncrypted(i)) {
BufferReader reader(buf + pos, info_size);
const uint8_t iv_size = GetIvSize(i);
const bool has_subsamples = info_size > iv_size;
SampleEncryptionEntry& entry = sample_encryption_entries[i];
entry.Parse(&reader, iv_size, has_subsamples), media_log_,
"SampleEncryptionEntry parse failed when caching aux info");
// if we don't have a per-sample IV, get the constant IV.
if (!iv_size) {
RCHECK(ApplyConstantIv(i, &entry));
pos += info_size;
return true;
bool TrackRunIterator::IsRunValid() const {
return run_itr_ != runs_.end();
bool TrackRunIterator::IsSampleValid() const {
return IsRunValid() && (sample_itr_ != run_itr_->samples.end());
// Because tracks are in sorted order and auxiliary information is cached when
// returning samples, it is guaranteed that no data will be required before the
// lesser of the minimum data offset of this track and the next in sequence.
// (The stronger condition - that no data is required before the minimum data
// offset of this track alone - is not guaranteed, because the BMFF spec does
// not have any inter-run ordering restrictions.)
int64_t TrackRunIterator::GetMaxClearOffset() {
int64_t offset = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
if (IsSampleValid()) {
offset = std::min(offset, sample_offset_);
if (AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached())
offset = std::min(offset, aux_info_offset());
if (run_itr_ != runs_.end()) {
auto next_run = run_itr_ + 1;
if (next_run != runs_.end()) {
offset = std::min(offset, next_run->sample_start_offset);
if (next_run->aux_info_total_size)
offset = std::min(offset, next_run->aux_info_start_offset);
if (offset == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
return 0;
return offset;
uint32_t TrackRunIterator::track_id() const {
return run_itr_->track_id;
bool TrackRunIterator::is_encrypted() const {
return IsSampleEncrypted(sample_itr_ - run_itr_->samples.begin());
int64_t TrackRunIterator::aux_info_offset() const {
return run_itr_->aux_info_start_offset;
int TrackRunIterator::aux_info_size() const {
return run_itr_->aux_info_total_size;
bool TrackRunIterator::is_audio() const {
return run_itr_->is_audio;
const AudioSampleEntry& TrackRunIterator::audio_description() const {
return *run_itr_->audio_description;
const VideoSampleEntry& TrackRunIterator::video_description() const {
return *run_itr_->video_description;
int64_t TrackRunIterator::sample_offset() const {
return sample_offset_;
uint32_t TrackRunIterator::sample_size() const {
return sample_itr_->size;
DecodeTimestamp TrackRunIterator::dts() const {
return DecodeTimestampFromRational(sample_dts_, run_itr_->timescale);
base::TimeDelta TrackRunIterator::cts() const {
return TimeDeltaFromRational(sample_cts_, run_itr_->timescale);
base::TimeDelta TrackRunIterator::duration() const {
return TimeDeltaFromRational(sample_itr_->duration, run_itr_->timescale);
bool TrackRunIterator::is_keyframe() const {
return sample_itr_->is_keyframe;
const ProtectionSchemeInfo& TrackRunIterator::protection_scheme_info() const {
if (is_audio())
return audio_description().sinf;
return video_description().sinf;
const TrackEncryption& TrackRunIterator::track_encryption() const {
return protection_scheme_info().info.track_encryption;
std::unique_ptr<DecryptConfig> TrackRunIterator::GetDecryptConfig() {
size_t sample_idx = sample_itr_ - run_itr_->samples.begin();
const std::vector<uint8_t>& kid = GetKeyId(sample_idx);
std::string key_id(kid.begin(), kid.end());
if (run_itr_->sample_encryption_entries.empty()) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, aux_info_size());
// The 'cbcs' scheme allows empty aux info when a constant IV is in use
// with full sample encryption. That case will fall through to here.
SampleEncryptionEntry sample_encryption_entry;
if (ApplyConstantIv(sample_idx, &sample_encryption_entry)) {
std::string iv(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
switch (run_itr_->encryption_scheme) {
case EncryptionScheme::kUnencrypted:
return nullptr;
case EncryptionScheme::kCenc:
return DecryptConfig::CreateCencConfig(
key_id, iv, sample_encryption_entry.subsamples);
case EncryptionScheme::kCbcs:
return DecryptConfig::CreateCbcsConfig(
key_id, iv, sample_encryption_entry.subsamples,
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Sample encryption info is not available.";
return nullptr;
DCHECK_LT(sample_idx, run_itr_->sample_encryption_entries.size());
const SampleEncryptionEntry& sample_encryption_entry =
std::string iv(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
size_t total_size = 0;
if (!sample_encryption_entry.subsamples.empty() &&
(!sample_encryption_entry.GetTotalSizeOfSubsamples(&total_size) ||
total_size != static_cast<size_t>(sample_size()))) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Incorrect CENC subsample size.";
return nullptr;
if (protection_scheme_info().IsCbcsEncryptionScheme()) {
uint32_t index = GetGroupDescriptionIndex(sample_idx);
uint32_t encrypt_blocks =
(index == 0)
? track_encryption().default_crypt_byte_block
: GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(*run_itr_, index)->crypt_byte_block;
uint32_t skip_blocks =
(index == 0)
? track_encryption().default_skip_byte_block
: GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(*run_itr_, index)->skip_byte_block;
return DecryptConfig::CreateCbcsConfig(
key_id, iv, sample_encryption_entry.subsamples,
EncryptionPattern(encrypt_blocks, skip_blocks));
return DecryptConfig::CreateCencConfig(key_id, iv,
uint32_t TrackRunIterator::GetGroupDescriptionIndex(
uint32_t sample_index) const {
DCHECK_LT(sample_index, run_itr_->samples.size());
return run_itr_->samples[sample_index].cenc_group_description_index;
bool TrackRunIterator::IsSampleEncrypted(size_t sample_index) const {
uint32_t index = GetGroupDescriptionIndex(sample_index);
return (index == 0)
? track_encryption().is_encrypted
: GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(*run_itr_, index)->is_encrypted;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& TrackRunIterator::GetKeyId(
size_t sample_index) const {
uint32_t index = GetGroupDescriptionIndex(sample_index);
return (index == 0) ? track_encryption().default_kid
: GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(*run_itr_, index)->key_id;
uint8_t TrackRunIterator::GetIvSize(size_t sample_index) const {
uint32_t index = GetGroupDescriptionIndex(sample_index);
return (index == 0) ? track_encryption().default_iv_size
: GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(*run_itr_, index)->iv_size;
bool TrackRunIterator::ApplyConstantIv(size_t sample_index,
SampleEncryptionEntry* entry) const {
uint32_t index = GetGroupDescriptionIndex(sample_index);
const uint8_t constant_iv_size =
index == 0
? track_encryption().default_constant_iv_size
: GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(*run_itr_, index)->constant_iv_size;
RCHECK(constant_iv_size != 0);
const uint8_t* constant_iv =
index == 0 ? track_encryption().default_constant_iv
: GetSampleEncryptionInfoEntry(*run_itr_, index)->constant_iv;
RCHECK(constant_iv != nullptr);
memcpy(entry->initialization_vector, constant_iv, kInitializationVectorSize);
return true;
} // namespace mp4
} // namespace media