| // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Test configuration used by test page to configure the player app and other |
| // test specific configurations. |
| function TestConfig() { |
| this.mediaFile = null; |
| this.keySystem = null; |
| this.mediaType = null; |
| this.licenseServerURL = null; |
| this.useMSE = false; |
| this.runFPS = false; |
| this.playCount = 0; |
| this.configChangeType = CONFIG_CHANGE_TYPE.CLEAR_TO_CLEAR; |
| this.policyCheck = false; |
| this.MSESegmentDurationMS = 0; |
| this.MSESegmentFetchDelayBeforeEndMS = 0; |
| } |
| |
| TestConfig.prototype.loadQueryParams = function() { |
| // Load query parameters and set default values. |
| var r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g; |
| // Lambda function for decoding extracted match values. Replaces '+' with |
| // space so decodeURIComponent functions properly. |
| var decodeURI = function decodeURI(s) { |
| return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); |
| }; |
| var match; |
| while (match = r.exec(window.location.search.substring(1))) |
| this[decodeURI(match[1])] = decodeURI(match[2]); |
| this.useMSE = this.useMSE == '1' || this.useMSE == 'true'; |
| this.playCount = parseInt(this.playCount) || 0; |
| this.policyCheck = this.policyCheck == '1' || this.policyCheck == 'true'; |
| this.MSESegmentDurationMS = parseInt(this.MSESegmentDurationMS) || 0; |
| this.MSESegmentFetchDelayBeforeEndMS = |
| parseInt(this.MSESegmentFetchDelayBeforeEndMS) || 0; |
| }; |
| |
| TestConfig.updateDocument = function() { |
| this.loadQueryParams(); |
| |
| document.getElementById(MEDIA_FILE_ELEMENT_ID).value = |
| this.mediaFile || DEFAULT_MEDIA_FILE; |
| |
| document.getElementById(LICENSE_SERVER_ELEMENT_ID).value = |
| this.licenseServerURL || DEFAULT_LICENSE_SERVER; |
| |
| if (this.keySystem) |
| Utils.ensureOptionInList(KEYSYSTEM_ELEMENT_ID, this.keySystem); |
| if (this.mediaType) |
| Utils.ensureOptionInList(MEDIA_TYPE_ELEMENT_ID, this.mediaType); |
| document.getElementById(USE_MSE_ELEMENT_ID).value = this.useMSE; |
| document.getElementById(USE_PLAY_COUNT_ELEMENT_ID).value = this.playCount; |
| }; |
| |
| TestConfig.init = function() { |
| // Reload test configuration from document. |
| this.mediaFile = document.getElementById(MEDIA_FILE_ELEMENT_ID).value; |
| this.keySystem = document.getElementById(KEYSYSTEM_ELEMENT_ID).value; |
| this.mediaType = document.getElementById(MEDIA_TYPE_ELEMENT_ID).value; |
| this.useMSE = document.getElementById(USE_MSE_ELEMENT_ID).value == 'true'; |
| this.playCount = document.getElementById(USE_PLAY_COUNT_ELEMENT_ID).value; |
| this.licenseServerURL = |
| document.getElementById(LICENSE_SERVER_ELEMENT_ID).value; |
| }; |