| // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| export default class AuditsPanel extends UI.Panel { |
| constructor() { |
| super('audits'); |
| this.registerRequiredCSS('audits/lighthouse/report.css'); |
| this.registerRequiredCSS('audits/auditsPanel.css'); |
| |
| this._protocolService = new Audits.ProtocolService(); |
| this._controller = new Audits.AuditController(this._protocolService); |
| this._startView = new Audits.StartView(this._controller); |
| this._statusView = new Audits.StatusView(this._controller); |
| |
| this._unauditableExplanation = null; |
| this._cachedRenderedReports = new Map(); |
| |
| this._dropTarget = new UI.DropTarget( |
| this.contentElement, [UI.DropTarget.Type.File], Common.UIString('Drop audit file here'), |
| this._handleDrop.bind(this)); |
| |
| this._controller.addEventListener(Audits.Events.PageAuditabilityChanged, this._refreshStartAuditUI.bind(this)); |
| this._controller.addEventListener(Audits.Events.AuditProgressChanged, this._refreshStatusUI.bind(this)); |
| this._controller.addEventListener(Audits.Events.RequestAuditStart, this._startAudit.bind(this)); |
| this._controller.addEventListener(Audits.Events.RequestAuditCancel, this._cancelAudit.bind(this)); |
| |
| this._renderToolbar(); |
| this._auditResultsElement = this.contentElement.createChild('div', 'audits-results-container'); |
| this._renderStartView(); |
| |
| this._controller.recomputePageAuditability(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!Common.Event} evt |
| */ |
| _refreshStartAuditUI(evt) { |
| // PageAuditabilityChanged fires multiple times during an audit, which we want to ignore. |
| if (this._isLHAttached) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| this._unauditableExplanation = evt.data.helpText; |
| this._startView.setUnauditableExplanation(evt.data.helpText); |
| this._startView.setStartButtonEnabled(!evt.data.helpText); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!Common.Event} evt |
| */ |
| _refreshStatusUI(evt) { |
| this._statusView.updateStatus(evt.data.message); |
| } |
| |
| _refreshToolbarUI() { |
| this._clearButton.setEnabled(this._reportSelector.hasItems()); |
| } |
| |
| _clearAll() { |
| this._reportSelector.clearAll(); |
| this._renderStartView(); |
| this._refreshToolbarUI(); |
| } |
| |
| _renderToolbar() { |
| const auditsToolbarContainer = this.element.createChild('div', 'audits-toolbar-container'); |
| |
| const toolbar = new UI.Toolbar('', auditsToolbarContainer); |
| |
| this._newButton = new UI.ToolbarButton(Common.UIString('Perform an audit\u2026'), 'largeicon-add'); |
| toolbar.appendToolbarItem(this._newButton); |
| this._newButton.addEventListener(UI.ToolbarButton.Events.Click, this._renderStartView.bind(this)); |
| |
| toolbar.appendSeparator(); |
| |
| this._reportSelector = new Audits.ReportSelector(() => this._renderStartView()); |
| toolbar.appendToolbarItem(this._reportSelector.comboBox()); |
| |
| this._clearButton = new UI.ToolbarButton(Common.UIString('Clear all'), 'largeicon-clear'); |
| toolbar.appendToolbarItem(this._clearButton); |
| this._clearButton.addEventListener(UI.ToolbarButton.Events.Click, this._clearAll.bind(this)); |
| |
| this._settingsPane = new UI.HBox(); |
| this._settingsPane.show(this.contentElement); |
| this._settingsPane.element.classList.add('audits-settings-pane'); |
| this._settingsPane.element.appendChild(this._startView.settingsToolbar().element); |
| this._showSettingsPaneSetting = Common.settings.createSetting('auditsShowSettingsToolbar', false); |
| |
| this._rightToolbar = new UI.Toolbar('', auditsToolbarContainer); |
| this._rightToolbar.appendSeparator(); |
| this._rightToolbar.appendToolbarItem( |
| new UI.ToolbarSettingToggle(this._showSettingsPaneSetting, 'largeicon-settings-gear', ls`Audits settings`)); |
| this._showSettingsPaneSetting.addChangeListener(this._updateSettingsPaneVisibility.bind(this)); |
| this._updateSettingsPaneVisibility(); |
| |
| this._refreshToolbarUI(); |
| } |
| |
| _updateSettingsPaneVisibility() { |
| this._settingsPane.element.classList.toggle('hidden', !this._showSettingsPaneSetting.get()); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {boolean} show |
| */ |
| _toggleSettingsDisplay(show) { |
| this._rightToolbar.element.classList.toggle('hidden', !show); |
| this._settingsPane.element.classList.toggle('hidden', !show); |
| this._updateSettingsPaneVisibility(); |
| } |
| |
| _renderStartView() { |
| this._auditResultsElement.removeChildren(); |
| this._statusView.hide(); |
| |
| this._reportSelector.selectNewAudit(); |
| this.contentElement.classList.toggle('in-progress', false); |
| |
| this._startView.show(this.contentElement); |
| this._toggleSettingsDisplay(true); |
| this._startView.setUnauditableExplanation(this._unauditableExplanation); |
| this._startView.setStartButtonEnabled(!this._unauditableExplanation); |
| if (!this._unauditableExplanation) { |
| this._startView.focusStartButton(); |
| } |
| |
| this._newButton.setEnabled(false); |
| this._refreshToolbarUI(); |
| this.setDefaultFocusedChild(this._startView); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {string} inspectedURL |
| */ |
| _renderStatusView(inspectedURL) { |
| this.contentElement.classList.toggle('in-progress', true); |
| this._statusView.setInspectedURL(inspectedURL); |
| this._statusView.show(this.contentElement); |
| } |
| |
| _beforePrint() { |
| this._statusView.show(this.contentElement); |
| this._statusView.toggleCancelButton(false); |
| this._statusView.renderText(ls`Printing`, ls`The print popup window is open. Please close it to continue.`); |
| } |
| |
| _afterPrint() { |
| this._statusView.hide(); |
| this._statusView.toggleCancelButton(true); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!ReportRenderer.ReportJSON} lighthouseResult |
| * @param {!ReportRenderer.RunnerResultArtifacts=} artifacts |
| */ |
| _renderReport(lighthouseResult, artifacts) { |
| this._toggleSettingsDisplay(false); |
| this.contentElement.classList.toggle('in-progress', false); |
| this._startView.hideWidget(); |
| this._statusView.hide(); |
| this._auditResultsElement.removeChildren(); |
| this._newButton.setEnabled(true); |
| this._refreshToolbarUI(); |
| |
| const cachedRenderedReport = this._cachedRenderedReports.get(lighthouseResult); |
| if (cachedRenderedReport) { |
| this._auditResultsElement.appendChild(cachedRenderedReport); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const reportContainer = this._auditResultsElement.createChild('div', 'lh-vars lh-root lh-devtools'); |
| |
| const dom = new DOM(/** @type {!Document} */ (this._auditResultsElement.ownerDocument)); |
| const renderer = new Audits.ReportRenderer(dom); |
| |
| const templatesHTML = Root.Runtime.cachedResources['audits/lighthouse/templates.html']; |
| const templatesDOM = new DOMParser().parseFromString(templatesHTML, 'text/html'); |
| if (!templatesDOM) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| renderer.setTemplateContext(templatesDOM); |
| const el = renderer.renderReport(lighthouseResult, reportContainer); |
| Audits.ReportRenderer.addViewTraceButton(el, artifacts); |
| // Linkifying requires the target be loaded. Do not block the report |
| // from rendering, as this is just an embellishment and the main target |
| // could take awhile to load. |
| this._waitForMainTargetLoad().then(() => { |
| Audits.ReportRenderer.linkifyNodeDetails(el); |
| Audits.ReportRenderer.linkifySourceLocationDetails(el); |
| }); |
| Audits.ReportRenderer.handleDarkMode(el); |
| |
| const features = new Audits.ReportUIFeatures(dom); |
| features.setBeforePrint(this._beforePrint.bind(this)); |
| features.setAfterPrint(this._afterPrint.bind(this)); |
| features.setTemplateContext(templatesDOM); |
| features.initFeatures(lighthouseResult); |
| |
| this._cachedRenderedReports.set(lighthouseResult, reportContainer); |
| } |
| |
| _waitForMainTargetLoad() { |
| const mainTarget = SDK.targetManager.mainTarget(); |
| const resourceTreeModel = mainTarget.model(SDK.ResourceTreeModel); |
| return resourceTreeModel.once(SDK.ResourceTreeModel.Events.Load); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!ReportRenderer.ReportJSON} lighthouseResult |
| * @param {!ReportRenderer.RunnerResultArtifacts=} artifacts |
| */ |
| _buildReportUI(lighthouseResult, artifacts) { |
| if (lighthouseResult === null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const optionElement = new Audits.ReportSelector.Item( |
| lighthouseResult, () => this._renderReport(lighthouseResult, artifacts), this._renderStartView.bind(this)); |
| this._reportSelector.prepend(optionElement); |
| this._refreshToolbarUI(); |
| this._renderReport(lighthouseResult); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!DataTransfer} dataTransfer |
| */ |
| _handleDrop(dataTransfer) { |
| const items = dataTransfer.items; |
| if (!items.length) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const item = items[0]; |
| if (item.kind === 'file') { |
| const entry = items[0].webkitGetAsEntry(); |
| if (!entry.isFile) { |
| return; |
| } |
| entry.file(file => { |
| const reader = new FileReader(); |
| reader.onload = () => this._loadedFromFile(/** @type {string} */ (reader.result)); |
| reader.readAsText(file); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {string} report |
| */ |
| _loadedFromFile(report) { |
| const data = JSON.parse(report); |
| if (!data['lighthouseVersion']) { |
| return; |
| } |
| this._buildReportUI(/** @type {!ReportRenderer.ReportJSON} */ (data)); |
| } |
| |
| async _startAudit() { |
| Host.userMetrics.actionTaken(Host.UserMetrics.Action.AuditsStarted); |
| |
| try { |
| const inspectedURL = await this._controller.getInspectedURL({force: true}); |
| const categoryIDs = this._controller.getCategoryIDs(); |
| const flags = this._controller.getFlags(); |
| |
| await this._setupEmulationAndProtocolConnection(); |
| |
| this._renderStatusView(inspectedURL); |
| |
| const lighthouseResponse = await this._protocolService.startLighthouse(inspectedURL, categoryIDs, flags); |
| |
| if (lighthouseResponse && lighthouseResponse.fatal) { |
| const error = new Error(lighthouseResponse.message); |
| error.stack = lighthouseResponse.stack; |
| throw error; |
| } |
| |
| if (!lighthouseResponse) { |
| throw new Error('Auditing failed to produce a result'); |
| } |
| |
| Host.userMetrics.actionTaken(Host.UserMetrics.Action.AuditsFinished); |
| |
| await this._resetEmulationAndProtocolConnection(); |
| this._buildReportUI(lighthouseResponse.lhr, lighthouseResponse.artifacts); |
| } catch (err) { |
| await this._resetEmulationAndProtocolConnection(); |
| if (err instanceof Error) { |
| this._statusView.renderBugReport(err); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async _cancelAudit() { |
| this._statusView.updateStatus(ls`Cancelling`); |
| await this._resetEmulationAndProtocolConnection(); |
| this._renderStartView(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * We set the device emulation on the DevTools-side for two reasons: |
| * 1. To workaround some odd device metrics emulation bugs like occuluding viewports |
| * 2. To get the attractive device outline |
| * |
| * We also set flags.internalDisableDeviceScreenEmulation = true to let LH only apply UA emulation |
| */ |
| async _setupEmulationAndProtocolConnection() { |
| const flags = this._controller.getFlags(); |
| |
| const emulationModel = self.singleton(Emulation.DeviceModeModel); |
| this._stateBefore = { |
| emulation: { |
| enabled: emulationModel.enabledSetting().get(), |
| outlineEnabled: emulationModel.deviceOutlineSetting().get(), |
| toolbarControlsEnabled: emulationModel.toolbarControlsEnabledSetting().get() |
| }, |
| network: {conditions: SDK.multitargetNetworkManager.networkConditions()} |
| }; |
| |
| emulationModel.toolbarControlsEnabledSetting().set(false); |
| if (flags.emulatedFormFactor === 'desktop') { |
| emulationModel.enabledSetting().set(false); |
| emulationModel.emulate(Emulation.DeviceModeModel.Type.None, null, null); |
| } else if (flags.emulatedFormFactor === 'mobile') { |
| emulationModel.enabledSetting().set(true); |
| emulationModel.deviceOutlineSetting().set(true); |
| |
| for (const device of Emulation.EmulatedDevicesList.instance().standard()) { |
| if (device.title === 'Nexus 5X') { |
| emulationModel.emulate(Emulation.DeviceModeModel.Type.Device, device, device.modes[0], 1); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| await this._protocolService.attach(); |
| this._isLHAttached = true; |
| } |
| |
| async _resetEmulationAndProtocolConnection() { |
| if (!this._isLHAttached) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| this._isLHAttached = false; |
| await this._protocolService.detach(); |
| |
| if (this._stateBefore) { |
| const emulationModel = self.singleton(Emulation.DeviceModeModel); |
| emulationModel.enabledSetting().set(this._stateBefore.emulation.enabled); |
| emulationModel.deviceOutlineSetting().set(this._stateBefore.emulation.outlineEnabled); |
| emulationModel.toolbarControlsEnabledSetting().set(this._stateBefore.emulation.toolbarControlsEnabled); |
| SDK.multitargetNetworkManager.setNetworkConditions(this._stateBefore.network.conditions); |
| delete this._stateBefore; |
| } |
| |
| Emulation.InspectedPagePlaceholder.instance().update(true); |
| |
| const resourceTreeModel = SDK.targetManager.mainTarget().model(SDK.ResourceTreeModel); |
| // reload to reset the page state |
| const inspectedURL = await this._controller.getInspectedURL(); |
| await resourceTreeModel.navigate(inspectedURL); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* Legacy exported object */ |
| self.Audits = self.Audits || {}; |
| |
| /* Legacy exported object */ |
| Audits = Audits || {}; |
| |
| /** |
| * @constructor |
| */ |
| Audits.AuditsPanel = AuditsPanel; |