blob: 6dd0923f285159cb731ac0d8914307c5bc5a29f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @unrestricted
Accessibility.AccessibilityNode = class {
* @param {!Accessibility.AccessibilityModel} accessibilityModel
* @param {!Protocol.Accessibility.AXNode} payload
constructor(accessibilityModel, payload) {
this._accessibilityModel = accessibilityModel;
this._agent = accessibilityModel._agent;
this._id = payload.nodeId;
accessibilityModel._setAXNodeForAXId(this._id, this);
if (payload.backendDOMNodeId) {
accessibilityModel._setAXNodeForBackendDOMNodeId(payload.backendDOMNodeId, this);
this._backendDOMNodeId = payload.backendDOMNodeId;
this._deferredDOMNode = new SDK.DeferredDOMNode(, payload.backendDOMNodeId);
} else {
this._backendDOMNodeId = null;
this._deferredDOMNode = null;
this._ignored = payload.ignored;
if (this._ignored && 'ignoredReasons' in payload)
this._ignoredReasons = payload.ignoredReasons;
this._role = payload.role || null;
this._name = || null;
this._description = payload.description || null;
this._value = payload.value || null;
this._properties = || null;
this._childIds = payload.childIds || null;
this._parentNode = null;
* @return {!Accessibility.AccessibilityModel}
accessibilityModel() {
return this._accessibilityModel;
* @return {boolean}
ignored() {
return this._ignored;
* @return {?Array<!Protocol.Accessibility.AXProperty>}
ignoredReasons() {
return this._ignoredReasons || null;
* @return {?Protocol.Accessibility.AXValue}
role() {
return this._role || null;
* @return {!Array<!Protocol.Accessibility.AXProperty>}
coreProperties() {
const properties = [];
if (this._name)
properties.push(/** @type {!Protocol.Accessibility.AXProperty} */ ({name: 'name', value: this._name}));
if (this._description) {
/** @type {!Protocol.Accessibility.AXProperty} */ ({name: 'description', value: this._description}));
if (this._value)
properties.push(/** @type {!Protocol.Accessibility.AXProperty} */ ({name: 'value', value: this._value}));
return properties;
* @return {?Protocol.Accessibility.AXValue}
name() {
return this._name || null;
* @return {?Protocol.Accessibility.AXValue}
description() {
return this._description || null;
* @return {?Protocol.Accessibility.AXValue}
value() {
return this._value || null;
* @return {?Array<!Protocol.Accessibility.AXProperty>}
properties() {
return this._properties || null;
* @return {?Accessibility.AccessibilityNode}
parentNode() {
return this._parentNode;
* @param {?Accessibility.AccessibilityNode} parentNode
_setParentNode(parentNode) {
this._parentNode = parentNode;
* @return {boolean}
isDOMNode() {
return !!this._backendDOMNodeId;
* @return {?number}
backendDOMNodeId() {
return this._backendDOMNodeId;
* @return {?SDK.DeferredDOMNode}
deferredDOMNode() {
return this._deferredDOMNode;
highlightDOMNode() {
if (!this.deferredDOMNode())
// Highlight node in page.
// Highlight node in Elements tree.
this.deferredDOMNode().resolvePromise().then(node => {
if (!node)
* @return {!Array<!Accessibility.AccessibilityNode>}
children() {
const children = [];
if (!this._childIds)
return children;
for (const childId of this._childIds) {
const child = this._accessibilityModel.axNodeForId(childId);
if (child)
return children;
* @return {number}
numChildren() {
if (!this._childIds)
return 0;
return this._childIds.length;
* @return {boolean}
hasOnlyUnloadedChildren() {
if (!this._childIds || !this._childIds.length)
return false;
return !this._childIds.some(id => this._accessibilityModel.axNodeForId(id) !== undefined);
* TODO(aboxhall): Remove once protocol is stable.
* @param {!Accessibility.AccessibilityNode} inspectedNode
* @param {string=} leadingSpace
* @return {string}
printSelfAndChildren(inspectedNode, leadingSpace) {
let string = leadingSpace || '';
if (this._role)
string += this._role.value;
string += '<no role>';
string += (this._name ? ' ' + this._name.value : '');
string += ' ' + this._id;
if (this._domNode)
string += ' (' + this._domNode.nodeName() + ')';
if (this === inspectedNode)
string += ' *';
for (const child of this.children())
string += '\n' + child.printSelfAndChildren(inspectedNode, (leadingSpace || '') + ' ');
return string;
* @unrestricted
Accessibility.AccessibilityModel = class extends SDK.SDKModel {
* @param {!SDK.Target} target
constructor(target) {
this._agent = target.accessibilityAgent();
/** @type {!Map<string, !Accessibility.AccessibilityNode>} */
this._axIdToAXNode = new Map();
this._backendDOMNodeIdToAXNode = new Map();
clear() {
* @param {!SDK.DOMNode} node
* @return {!Promise}
async requestPartialAXTree(node) {
const payloads = await this._agent.getPartialAXTree(, undefined, undefined, true);
if (!payloads)
for (const payload of payloads)
new Accessibility.AccessibilityNode(this, payload);
for (const axNode of this._axIdToAXNode.values()) {
for (const axChild of axNode.children())
* @param {string} axId
* @return {?Accessibility.AccessibilityNode}
axNodeForId(axId) {
return this._axIdToAXNode.get(axId);
* @param {string} axId
* @param {!Accessibility.AccessibilityNode} axNode
_setAXNodeForAXId(axId, axNode) {
this._axIdToAXNode.set(axId, axNode);
* @param {?SDK.DOMNode} domNode
* @return {?Accessibility.AccessibilityNode}
axNodeForDOMNode(domNode) {
if (!domNode)
return null;
return this._backendDOMNodeIdToAXNode.get(domNode.backendNodeId());
* @param {number} backendDOMNodeId
* @param {!Accessibility.AccessibilityNode} axNode
_setAXNodeForBackendDOMNodeId(backendDOMNodeId, axNode) {
this._backendDOMNodeIdToAXNode.set(backendDOMNodeId, axNode);
// TODO(aboxhall): Remove once protocol is stable.
* @param {!SDK.DOMNode} inspectedNode
logTree(inspectedNode) {
let rootNode = inspectedNode;
while (rootNode.parentNode())
rootNode = rootNode.parentNode();
console.log(rootNode.printSelfAndChildren(inspectedNode)); // eslint-disable-line no-console
SDK.SDKModel.register(Accessibility.AccessibilityModel, SDK.Target.Capability.DOM, false);