blob: 573da0e796e167513fb241a1a82cc96681dd3028 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
ColorPicker.ContrastOverlay = class {
* @param {!ColorPicker.ContrastInfo} contrastInfo
* @param {!Element} colorElement
constructor(contrastInfo, colorElement) {
/** @type {!ColorPicker.ContrastInfo} */
this._contrastInfo = contrastInfo;
this._visible = false;
const contrastRatioSVG = colorElement.createSVGChild('svg', 'spectrum-contrast-container fill');
this._contrastRatioLine = contrastRatioSVG.createSVGChild('path', 'spectrum-contrast-line');
this._width = 0;
this._height = 0;
this._contrastRatioLineBuilder = new ColorPicker.ContrastRatioLineBuilder(this._contrastInfo);
this._contrastRatioLineThrottler = new Common.Throttler(0);
this._drawContrastRatioLineBound = this._drawContrastRatioLine.bind(this);
this._contrastInfo.addEventListener(ColorPicker.ContrastInfo.Events.ContrastInfoUpdated, this._update.bind(this));
_update() {
if (!this._visible || this._contrastInfo.isNull() || !this._contrastInfo.contrastRatio())
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
setDimensions(width, height) {
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
* @param {boolean} visible
setVisible(visible) {
this._visible = visible;
this._contrastRatioLine.classList.toggle('hidden', !visible);
* @return {!Promise}
_drawContrastRatioLine() {
const path = this._contrastRatioLineBuilder.drawContrastRatioLine(this._width, this._height);
if (path)
this._contrastRatioLine.setAttribute('d', path);
return Promise.resolve();
ColorPicker.ContrastRatioLineBuilder = class {
* @param {!ColorPicker.ContrastInfo} contrastInfo
constructor(contrastInfo) {
/** @type {!ColorPicker.ContrastInfo} */
this._contrastInfo = contrastInfo;
/** @type {?string} */
this._bgColorForPreviousLine = null;
this._hueForPreviousLine = 0;
this._alphaForPreviousLine = 0;
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @return {?string}
drawContrastRatioLine(width, height) {
const requiredContrast = this._contrastInfo.contrastRatioThreshold('aa');
if (!width || !height || !requiredContrast)
return null;
const dS = 0.02;
const epsilon = 0.0002;
const H = 0;
const S = 1;
const V = 2;
const A = 3;
const hsva = this._contrastInfo.hsva();
const bgColor = this._contrastInfo.bgColor();
if (!hsva || !bgColor)
return null;
const bgColorString = bgColor.asString(Common.Color.Format.RGBA);
// Don't compute a new line if it would be identical to the previous line.
if (hsva[H] === this._hueForPreviousLine && hsva[A] === this._alphaForPreviousLine &&
bgColorString === this._bgColorForPreviousLine)
return null;
const fgRGBA = [];
Common.Color.hsva2rgba(hsva, fgRGBA);
const bgRGBA = bgColor.rgba();
const bgLuminance = Common.Color.luminance(bgRGBA);
const blendedRGBA = [];
Common.Color.blendColors(fgRGBA, bgRGBA, blendedRGBA);
const fgLuminance = Common.Color.luminance(blendedRGBA);
const fgIsLighter = fgLuminance > bgLuminance;
const desiredLuminance = Common.Color.desiredLuminance(bgLuminance, requiredContrast, fgIsLighter);
let lastV = hsva[V];
let currentSlope = 0;
const candidateHSVA = [hsva[H], 0, 0, hsva[A]];
let pathBuilder = [];
const candidateRGBA = [];
Common.Color.hsva2rgba(candidateHSVA, candidateRGBA);
Common.Color.blendColors(candidateRGBA, bgRGBA, blendedRGBA);
* @param {number} index
* @param {number} x
function updateCandidateAndComputeDelta(index, x) {
candidateHSVA[index] = x;
Common.Color.hsva2rgba(candidateHSVA, candidateRGBA);
Common.Color.blendColors(candidateRGBA, bgRGBA, blendedRGBA);
return Common.Color.luminance(blendedRGBA) - desiredLuminance;
* Approach a value of the given component of `candidateHSVA` such that the
* calculated luminance of `candidateHSVA` approximates `desiredLuminance`.
* @param {number} index The component of `candidateHSVA` to modify.
* @return {?number} The new value for the modified component, or `null` if
* no suitable value exists.
function approach(index) {
let x = candidateHSVA[index];
let multiplier = 1;
let dLuminance = updateCandidateAndComputeDelta(index, x);
let previousSign = Math.sign(dLuminance);
for (let guard = 100; guard; guard--) {
if (Math.abs(dLuminance) < epsilon)
return x;
const sign = Math.sign(dLuminance);
if (sign !== previousSign) {
// If `x` overshoots the correct value, halve the step size.
multiplier /= 2;
previousSign = sign;
} else if (x < 0 || x > 1) {
// If there is no overshoot and `x` is out of bounds, there is no
// acceptable value for `x`.
return null;
// Adjust `x` by a multiple of `dLuminance` to decrease step size as
// the computed luminance converges on `desiredLuminance`.
x += multiplier * (index === V ? -dLuminance : dLuminance);
dLuminance = updateCandidateAndComputeDelta(index, x);
// The loop should always converge or go out of bounds on its own.
console.error('Loop exited unexpectedly');
return null;
// Plot V for values of S such that the computed luminance approximates
// `desiredLuminance`, until no suitable value for V can be found, or the
// current value of S goes of out bounds.
let s;
for (s = 0; s < 1 + dS; s += dS) {
s = Math.min(1, s);
candidateHSVA[S] = s;
// Extrapolate the approximate next value for `v` using the approximate
// gradient of the curve.
candidateHSVA[V] = lastV + currentSlope * dS;
const v = approach(V);
if (v === null)
// Approximate the current gradient of the curve.
currentSlope = s === 0 ? 0 : (v - lastV) / dS;
lastV = v;
pathBuilder.push(pathBuilder.length ? 'L' : 'M');
pathBuilder.push((s * width).toFixed(2));
pathBuilder.push(((1 - v) * height).toFixed(2));
// If no suitable V value for an in-bounds S value was found, find the value
// of S such that V === 1 and add that to the path.
if (s < 1 + dS) {
s -= dS;
candidateHSVA[V] = 1;
s = approach(S);
if (s !== null)
pathBuilder = pathBuilder.concat(['L', (s * width).toFixed(2), '-0.1']);
this._bgColorForPreviousLine = bgColorString;
this._hueForPreviousLine = hsva[H];
this._alphaForPreviousLine = hsva[A];
return pathBuilder.join(' ');