blob: 7219fc6f6bcdf5654cd142e66cd305d0b6f031be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @implements {Common.ContentProvider}
* @unrestricted
SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader = class {
* @param {!SDK.CSSModel} cssModel
* @param {!Protocol.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader} payload
constructor(cssModel, payload) {
this._cssModel = cssModel; = payload.styleSheetId;
this.frameId = payload.frameId;
this.sourceURL = payload.sourceURL;
this.hasSourceURL = !!payload.hasSourceURL;
this.origin = payload.origin;
this.title = payload.title;
this.disabled = payload.disabled;
this.isInline = payload.isInline;
this.startLine = payload.startLine;
this.startColumn = payload.startColumn;
this.contentLength = payload.length;
if (payload.ownerNode)
this.ownerNode = new SDK.DeferredDOMNode(, payload.ownerNode);
* @return {!Common.ContentProvider}
originalContentProvider() {
if (!this._originalContentProvider) {
const lazyContent = this._cssModel.originalStyleSheetText.bind(this._cssModel, this);
this._originalContentProvider = new Common.StaticContentProvider(
this.contentURL(), this.contentType(), /** @type {function():!Promise<?string>} */ (lazyContent));
return this._originalContentProvider;
* @param {string=} sourceMapURL
setSourceMapURL(sourceMapURL) {
this.sourceMapURL = sourceMapURL;
* @return {!SDK.CSSModel}
cssModel() {
return this._cssModel;
* @return {boolean}
isAnonymousInlineStyleSheet() {
return !this.resourceURL() && !this._cssModel.sourceMapManager().sourceMapForClient(this);
* @return {string}
resourceURL() {
return this.isViaInspector() ? this._viaInspectorResourceURL() : this.sourceURL;
* @return {string}
_viaInspectorResourceURL() {
const frame =;
const parsedURL = new Common.ParsedURL(frame.url);
let fakeURL = 'inspector://' + + parsedURL.folderPathComponents;
if (!fakeURL.endsWith('/'))
fakeURL += '/';
fakeURL += 'inspector-stylesheet';
return fakeURL;
* @param {number} lineNumberInStyleSheet
* @return {number}
lineNumberInSource(lineNumberInStyleSheet) {
return this.startLine + lineNumberInStyleSheet;
* @param {number} lineNumberInStyleSheet
* @param {number} columnNumberInStyleSheet
* @return {number|undefined}
columnNumberInSource(lineNumberInStyleSheet, columnNumberInStyleSheet) {
return (lineNumberInStyleSheet ? 0 : this.startColumn) + columnNumberInStyleSheet;
* @override
* @return {string}
contentURL() {
return this.resourceURL();
* @override
* @return {!Common.ResourceType}
contentType() {
return Common.resourceTypes.Stylesheet;
* @override
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
contentEncoded() {
return Promise.resolve(false);
* @override
* @return {!Promise<?string>}
requestContent() {
return this._cssModel.getStyleSheetText(;
* @override
* @param {string} query
* @param {boolean} caseSensitive
* @param {boolean} isRegex
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!Common.ContentProvider.SearchMatch>>}
async searchInContent(query, caseSensitive, isRegex) {
const content = await this.requestContent();
return Common.ContentProvider.performSearchInContent(content, query, caseSensitive, isRegex);
* @return {boolean}
isViaInspector() {
return this.origin === 'inspector';