blob: edaaa1b4348e9bd361351ab2b0a30b81cc496404 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* @interface
SDK.TracingManagerClient = function() {};
SDK.TracingManagerClient.prototype = {
* @param {!Array.<!SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload>} events
traceEventsCollected(events) {},
tracingComplete() {},
* @param {number} usage
tracingBufferUsage(usage) {},
* @param {number} progress
eventsRetrievalProgress(progress) {}
* @unrestricted
SDK.TracingManager = class extends SDK.SDKModel {
* @param {!SDK.Target} target
constructor(target) {
this._tracingAgent = target.tracingAgent();
target.registerTracingDispatcher(new SDK.TracingDispatcher(this));
/** @type {?SDK.TracingManagerClient} */
this._activeClient = null;
this._eventBufferSize = 0;
this._eventsRetrieved = 0;
* @param {number=} usage
* @param {number=} eventCount
* @param {number=} percentFull
_bufferUsage(usage, eventCount, percentFull) {
this._eventBufferSize = eventCount;
this._activeClient.tracingBufferUsage(usage || percentFull || 0);
* @param {!Array.<!SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload>} events
_eventsCollected(events) {
this._eventsRetrieved += events.length;
if (!this._eventBufferSize)
if (this._eventsRetrieved > this._eventBufferSize)
this._eventsRetrieved = this._eventBufferSize;
this._activeClient.eventsRetrievalProgress(this._eventsRetrieved / this._eventBufferSize);
_tracingComplete() {
this._eventBufferSize = 0;
this._eventsRetrieved = 0;
this._activeClient = null;
this._finishing = false;
* @param {!SDK.TracingManagerClient} client
* @param {string} categoryFilter
* @param {string} options
* @return {!Promise}
start(client, categoryFilter, options) {
if (this._activeClient)
throw new Error('Tracing is already started');
const bufferUsageReportingIntervalMs = 500;
this._activeClient = client;
return this._tracingAgent.start(
categoryFilter, options, bufferUsageReportingIntervalMs, SDK.TracingManager.TransferMode.ReportEvents);
stop() {
if (!this._activeClient)
throw new Error('Tracing is not started');
if (this._finishing)
throw new Error('Tracing is already being stopped');
this._finishing = true;
SDK.SDKModel.register(SDK.TracingManager, SDK.Target.Capability.Tracing, false);
/** @typedef {!{
cat: (string|undefined),
pid: number,
tid: number,
ts: number,
ph: string,
name: string,
args: !Object,
dur: number,
id: string,
id2: (!{global: (string|undefined), local: (string|undefined)}|undefined),
scope: string,
bind_id: string,
s: string
SDK.TracingManager.TransferMode = {
ReportEvents: 'ReportEvents',
ReturnAsStream: 'ReturnAsStream'
* @implements {Protocol.TracingDispatcher}
* @unrestricted
SDK.TracingDispatcher = class {
* @param {!SDK.TracingManager} tracingManager
constructor(tracingManager) {
this._tracingManager = tracingManager;
* @override
* @param {number=} usage
* @param {number=} eventCount
* @param {number=} percentFull
bufferUsage(usage, eventCount, percentFull) {
this._tracingManager._bufferUsage(usage, eventCount, percentFull);
* @override
* @param {!Array.<!SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload>} data
dataCollected(data) {
* @override
tracingComplete() {