blob: 05044711691584a4b822e7d95f26bbe0bc2a2924 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @interface
UI.TextEditorFactory = function() {};
UI.TextEditorFactory.prototype = {
* @param {!UI.TextEditor.Options} options
* @return {!UI.TextEditor}
createEditor(options) {}
* @interface
* @extends {Common.EventTarget}
UI.TextEditor = function() {};
UI.TextEditor.prototype = {
* @return {!UI.Widget}
widget() {},
* @return {!TextUtils.TextRange}
fullRange() {},
* @return {!TextUtils.TextRange}
selection() {},
* @param {!TextUtils.TextRange} selection
setSelection(selection) {},
* @param {!TextUtils.TextRange=} textRange
* @return {string}
text(textRange) {},
* @return {string}
textWithCurrentSuggestion() {},
* @param {string} text
setText(text) {},
* @param {number} lineNumber
* @return {string}
line(lineNumber) {},
newlineAndIndent() {},
* @param {function(!KeyboardEvent)} handler
addKeyDownHandler(handler) {},
* @param {?UI.AutocompleteConfig} config
configureAutocomplete(config) {},
clearAutocomplete() {},
* @param {number} lineNumber
* @param {number} columnNumber
* @return {!{x: number, y: number}}
visualCoordinates(lineNumber, columnNumber) {},
* @param {number} lineNumber
* @param {number} columnNumber
* @return {?{startColumn: number, endColumn: number, type: string}}
tokenAtTextPosition(lineNumber, columnNumber) {}
/** @enum {symbol} */
UI.TextEditor.Events = {
TextChanged: Symbol('TextChanged'),
SuggestionChanged: Symbol('SuggestionChanged')
* @typedef {{
* bracketMatchingSetting: (!Common.Setting|undefined),
* lineNumbers: boolean,
* lineWrapping: boolean,
* mimeType: (string|undefined),
* autoHeight: (boolean|undefined),
* padBottom: (boolean|undefined),
* maxHighlightLength: (number|undefined),
* placeholder: (string|undefined)
* }}
* @typedef {{
* substituteRangeCallback: ((function(number, number):?TextUtils.TextRange)|undefined),
* tooltipCallback: ((function(number, number):?Element)|undefined),
* suggestionsCallback: ((function(!TextUtils.TextRange, !TextUtils.TextRange, boolean=):?Promise.<!UI.SuggestBox.Suggestions>)|undefined),
* isWordChar: ((function(string):boolean)|undefined),
* anchorBehavior: (UI.GlassPane.AnchorBehavior|undefined)
* }}