blob: e763abea3a7a69789c7bf2d6d1f636e6b4d87cf2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# limitations under the License.
"""Functionality to enumerate and represent starboard ports."""
import importlib
import logging
import os
import re
# The list of files that must be present in a directory to allow it to be
# considered a valid port.
# Whether to emit warnings if it finds a directory that almost has a port.
# TODO: Enable when tree is clean.
def _IsValidPortFilenameList(directory, filenames):
"""Determines if |filenames| contains the required files for a valid port."""
missing = set(_PORT_FILES) - set(filenames)
if missing:
if len(missing) < (len(_PORT_FILES) / 2) and _WARN_ON_ALMOST_PORTS:
logging.warning('Directory %s contains several files needed for a port, '
'but not all of them. In particular, it is missing: %s',
directory, ', '.join(missing))
return not missing
def _GetPortName(root, directory):
"""Gets the name of a port found at |directory| off of |root|."""
assert directory.startswith(root)
start = len(root) + 1 # Remove the trailing slash from the root.
assert start < len(directory)
# Calculate the name based on relative path from search root to port.
return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', r'-', directory[start:])
class PlatformInfo(object):
"""Information about a specific starboard port."""
def EnumeratePorts(cls, root_path):
"""Generator that iterates over starboard ports found under |path|."""
for current_path, _, filenames in os.walk(root_path):
if _IsValidPortFilenameList(current_path, filenames):
if current_path == root_path:
logging.warning('Found port at search path root: %s', current_path)
port_name = _GetPortName(root_path, current_path)
yield PlatformInfo(port_name, current_path)
def __init__(self, name, path):
self.port_name = name
self.path = path
def ImportModule(self, root_module, module_name=None):
"""Load a platform specific python module using importlib.
Load the python module named |module_name| relative to |root_module|.
module: Name of a python module to load. If None, load the platform
directory as a python module.
root_module: An already-loaded module
A module loaded with importlib.import_module
ImportError if the module fails to be loaded.
# From the relative path to the |root_module|'s directory, construct a full
# python package name and attempt to load it.
relative_path = os.path.relpath(
self.path, os.path.dirname(root_module.__file__))
components = os.path.normpath(relative_path).split(os.sep)
components = [root_module.__name__] + components
if module_name:
full_package_name = '.'.join(components)
return importlib.import_module(full_package_name)