blob: 4dde6eac4ff4c867e167a4684f559251b39111d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_tracker/tool/malloc_logger_tool.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/time.h"
#include "cobalt/base/c_val.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_tracker/tool/buffered_file_writer.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_tracker/tool/params.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_tracker/tool/util.h"
#include "nb/memory_scope.h"
#include "starboard/atomic.h"
#include "starboard/string.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace browser {
namespace memory_tracker {
namespace {
const int kAllocationRecord = 1;
const int kDeallocationRecord = 0;
const size_t kStartIndex = 5;
const size_t kNumAddressPrints = 2;
const size_t kMaxStackSize = 10;
const size_t kRecordLimit = 1024;
const NbMemoryScopeInfo kEmptyCallstackMemoryScopeInfo = {nullptr,
"-", "-", 0, "-", true};
} // namespace
MallocLoggerTool::MallocLoggerTool() : start_time_(NowTime()),
atomic_used_memory_(SbSystemGetUsedCPUMemory()) {
buffered_file_writer_.reset(new BufferedFileWriter(MemoryLogPath()));
MallocLoggerTool::~MallocLoggerTool() {
// No locks are used for the thread reporter, so when it's set to null
// we allow one second for any suspended threads to run through and finish
// their reporting.
std::string MallocLoggerTool::tool_name() const {
return "MemoryTrackerMallocLogger";
void MallocLoggerTool::Run(Params* params) {
// Update malloc stats every second
params->logger()->Output("MemoryTrackerMallocLogger running...");
// There are some memory allocations which do not get tracked.
// Those allocations show up as fragmentation.
// It has been empirically observed that a majority (98%+) of these
// untracked allocations happen in the first 20 seconds of Cobalt runtime.
// Also, there is minimal external fragmentation (< 1 MB) during this initial
// period.
// The following piece of code resets atomic_used_memory_ at the 20 second
// mark, to compensate for the deviation due to untracked memory.
base::TimeDelta current_sample_interval =
if (!params->wait_for_finish_signal(current_sample_interval.ToSbTime())) {;
// Export fragmentation as a CVal on HUD.
base::CVal<base::cval::SizeInBytes> memory_fragmentation(
"Memory.CPU.Fragmentation", base::cval::SizeInBytes(0),
"Memory Fragmentation");
// Update CVal every 5 seconds
current_sample_interval = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5);
int64_t allocated_memory = 0;
int64_t used_memory = 0;
while (!params->wait_for_finish_signal(current_sample_interval.ToSbTime())) {
allocated_memory = SbSystemGetUsedCPUMemory();
used_memory = atomic_used_memory_.load();
memory_fragmentation = static_cast<uint64>(
std::max(allocated_memory - used_memory, static_cast<int64_t>(0)));
void MallocLoggerTool::LogRecord(const void* memory_block,
const nb::analytics::AllocationRecord& record,
const nb::analytics::CallStack& callstack, int type) {
const int log_counter = atomic_counter_.increment();
const int64_t used_memory = atomic_used_memory_.load();
const int64_t allocated_memory = SbSystemGetUsedCPUMemory();
const int time_since_start_ms = GetTimeSinceStartMs();
char buff[kRecordLimit] = {0};
size_t buff_pos = 0;
void* addresses[kMaxStackSize];
const NbMemoryScopeInfo* memory_scope;
if (callstack.empty()) {
memory_scope = &kEmptyCallstackMemoryScopeInfo;
} else {
memory_scope = callstack.back();
int bytes_written = SbStringFormatF(buff, sizeof(buff),
"%u,%d,%zd,\"%s\",%d,%s,%d,%" PRId64 ",%" PRId64 ",%" PRIXPTR ",\"",
log_counter, type, record.size, memory_scope->file_name_,
memory_scope->line_number_, memory_scope->function_name_,
time_since_start_ms, allocated_memory, used_memory,
buff_pos += static_cast<size_t>(bytes_written);
const size_t count = std::max(SbSystemGetStack(addresses, kMaxStackSize), 0);
const size_t end_index = std::min(count, kStartIndex + kNumAddressPrints);
// For each of the stack addresses that we care about, concat them to the
// buffer. This was originally written to do multiple stack addresses but
// this tends to overflow on some lower platforms so it's possible that
// this loop only iterates once.
for (size_t i = kStartIndex; i < end_index; ++i) {
void* p = addresses[i];
bytes_written =
SbStringFormatF(buff + buff_pos, kRecordLimit - buff_pos,
",%" PRIXPTR "", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p));
DCHECK_GE(bytes_written, 0);
buff_pos += static_cast<size_t>(bytes_written);
// Adds a "\n" at the end.
bytes_written = SbStringConcat(buff + buff_pos, "\"\n",
static_cast<int>(kRecordLimit - buff_pos));
buff_pos += bytes_written;
buffered_file_writer_->Append(buff, buff_pos);
void MallocLoggerTool::OnMemoryAllocation(
const void* memory_block, const nb::analytics::AllocationRecord& record,
const nb::analytics::CallStack& callstack) {
LogRecord(memory_block, record, callstack, kAllocationRecord);
void MallocLoggerTool::OnMemoryDeallocation(
const void* memory_block, const nb::analytics::AllocationRecord& record,
const nb::analytics::CallStack& callstack) {
LogRecord(memory_block, record, callstack, kDeallocationRecord);
std::string MallocLoggerTool::MemoryLogPath() {
char file_name_buff[2048] = {};
SbSystemGetPath(kSbSystemPathDebugOutputDirectory, file_name_buff,
std::string path(file_name_buff);
if (!path.empty()) { // Protect against a dangling "/" at end.
const int back_idx_signed = static_cast<int>(path.length()) - 1;
if (back_idx_signed >= 0) {
const size_t idx = back_idx_signed;
if (path[idx] == '/') {
base::Time time = base::Time::Now();
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "/memory_log_" << exploded.year << "-"
<< exploded.month << "-" << exploded.day_of_month << ":"
<< exploded.hour << "-" << exploded.minute << "-" << exploded.second
<< ".csv";
return path;
base::TimeTicks MallocLoggerTool::NowTime() {
// NowFromSystemTime() is slower but more accurate. However it might
// be useful to use the faster but less accurate version if there is
// a speedup.
return base::TimeTicks::Now();
int MallocLoggerTool::GetTimeSinceStartMs() const {
base::TimeDelta dt = NowTime() - start_time_;
return static_cast<int>(dt.InMilliseconds());
} // namespace memory_tracker
} // namespace browser
} // namespace cobalt