blob: 16af86d617c6f187fe44b68cc537255182e4e4a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a unittest set for type_profiler. It is independent from other
// tests and executed manually like allocator_unittests since type_profiler_map
// used in type_profiler is a singleton (like TCMalloc's heap-profiler), and
// it requires RTTI and different compiling/linking options from others
// It tests that the profiler doesn't fail in suspicous cases. For example,
// 'new' is not profiled, but 'delete' for the created object is profiled.
#if defined(TYPE_PROFILING)
#include "base/allocator/type_profiler.h"
#include "base/allocator/type_profiler_control.h"
#include "base/allocator/type_profiler_tcmalloc.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/gperftools/type_profiler_map.h"
namespace base {
namespace type_profiler {
class TypeProfilerTest : public testing::Test {
TypeProfilerTest() {}
void SetInterceptFunctions() {
void ResetInterceptFunctions() {
void SetUp() {
void TearDown() {
static const size_t kDummyArraySize;
static const void* const kConstNull;
const size_t TypeProfilerTest::kDummyArraySize = 10;
const void* const TypeProfilerTest::kConstNull = static_cast<const void*>(NULL);
TEST_F(TypeProfilerTest, TestNormalProfiling) {
int* dummy = new int(48);
const std::type_info* type;
type = LookupType(dummy);
ASSERT_NE(kConstNull, type);
EXPECT_STREQ(typeid(int).name(), type->name());
delete dummy;
type = LookupType(dummy);
EXPECT_EQ(kConstNull, type);
TEST_F(TypeProfilerTest, TestNormalArrayProfiling) {
int* dummy = new int[kDummyArraySize];
const std::type_info* type;
type = LookupType(dummy);
ASSERT_NE(kConstNull, type);
// For an array, the profiler remembers its base type.
EXPECT_STREQ(typeid(int).name(), type->name());
delete[] dummy;
type = LookupType(dummy);
EXPECT_EQ(kConstNull, type);
TEST_F(TypeProfilerTest, TestRepeatedNewAndDelete) {
int *dummy[kDummyArraySize];
const std::type_info* type;
for (int i = 0; i < kDummyArraySize; ++i)
dummy[i] = new int(i);
for (int i = 0; i < kDummyArraySize; ++i) {
type = LookupType(dummy[i]);
ASSERT_NE(kConstNull, type);
EXPECT_STREQ(typeid(int).name(), type->name());
for (int i = 0; i < kDummyArraySize; ++i) {
delete dummy[i];
type = LookupType(dummy[i]);
ASSERT_EQ(kConstNull, type);
TEST_F(TypeProfilerTest, TestMultipleNewWithDroppingDelete) {
static const size_t large_size = 256 * 1024;
char* dummy_char = new char[large_size / sizeof(*dummy_char)];
const std::type_info* type;
type = LookupType(dummy_char);
ASSERT_NE(kConstNull, type);
EXPECT_STREQ(typeid(char).name(), type->name());
// Call "::operator delete" directly to drop __op_delete_intercept__.
::operator delete[](dummy_char);
type = LookupType(dummy_char);
ASSERT_NE(kConstNull, type);
EXPECT_STREQ(typeid(char).name(), type->name());
// Allocates a little different size.
int* dummy_int = new int[large_size / sizeof(*dummy_int) - 1];
// We expect that tcmalloc returns the same address for these large (over 32k)
// allocation calls. It usually happens, but maybe probablistic.
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<void*>(dummy_char), static_cast<void*>(dummy_int)) <<
"two new (malloc) calls didn't return the same address; retry it.";
type = LookupType(dummy_int);
ASSERT_NE(kConstNull, type);
EXPECT_STREQ(typeid(int).name(), type->name());
delete[] dummy_int;
type = LookupType(dummy_int);
EXPECT_EQ(kConstNull, type);
TEST_F(TypeProfilerTest, TestProfileDeleteWithoutProfiledNew) {
// 'dummy' should be new'ed in this test before intercept functions are set.
int* dummy = new int(48);
const std::type_info* type;
// Set intercept functions again after 'dummy' is new'ed.
delete dummy;
type = LookupType(dummy);
EXPECT_EQ(kConstNull, type);
TEST_F(TypeProfilerTest, TestProfileNewWithoutProfiledDelete) {
int* dummy = new int(48);
const std::type_info* type;
// Stop profiling before deleting 'dummy'.
delete dummy;
// NOTE: We accept that a profile entry remains when a profiled object is
// deleted after Controller::Stop().
type = LookupType(dummy);
ASSERT_NE(kConstNull, type);
EXPECT_STREQ(typeid(int).name(), type->name());
// Remove manually since 'dummy' is not removed from type_profiler_map.
} // namespace type_profiler
} // namespace base
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
#endif // defined(TYPE_PROFILING)