blob: 65b2381c730b70d6fabbd1985ecd13b248d27e89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Top level callback function that can be called by any component to create
// a Runtime.RemoteObject from a JS object passed in from C++.
devtoolsBackend.createRemoteObjectCallback = function(object, params) {
var remoteObject = null;
try {
remoteObject = new devtoolsBackend.runtime.RemoteObject(
object, params.objectGroup, params.returnByValue);
} catch(e) {
console.log('Exception creating remote object: ' + e);
var json = "";
try {
json = JSON.stringify(remoteObject);
} catch(e) {
console.log('Exception stringifying remote object: ' + e)
return json;
// JavaScript functions used by the Chrome debugging protocol Runtime domain:
devtoolsBackend.runtime = {};
// Calls a function on a previously accessed RemoteObject with an argument list
// and returns a new RemoteObject. Used extensively by devtools for
// auto-completion. The new RemoteObject uses the same |objectGroup| as the
// original object.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.callFunctionOn = function(params) {
var result = {};
var value = null;
try {
eval('var f = ' + params.functionDeclaration);
var objectEntry = this._objectStore[params.objectId];
var thisArg = objectEntry.object;
var objectGroup = objectEntry.objectGroup;
value = f.apply(thisArg, params.arguments);
result.wasThrown = false;
} catch(e) {
value = e;
result.exceptionDetails = e;
result.wasThrown = true;
result.result =
new this.RemoteObject(value, objectGroup, params.returnByValue);
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Evaluates a string and returns a RemoteObject.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.evaluate = function(params) {
var result = {};
var value = null;
try {
if (params.includeCommandLineAPI) {
// Use |eval| indirectly, to cause evaluation at global scope.
// This is so subsequent calls can access variables declared here, etc.
var geval = eval;
value = geval(params.expression);
// Store the last result if we're doing a "real" evaluation, not an
// auto-complete. Seems a little special case-y, but this is taken from
// Chrome's implementation, and looks like the only way to differentiate.
if (params.objectGroup == 'console') {
this._lastResult = value;
result.wasThrown = false;
} catch(e) {
value = e;
result.exceptionDetails = e;
result.wasThrown = true;
// Create the RemoteObject corresponding to the result.
result.result =
new this.RemoteObject(value, params.objectGroup, params.returnByValue);
// Add the preview, if requested.
if (params.generatePreview) {
var preview = this.generatePreview(value);
if (preview) {
result.result.preview = preview;
if (params.includeCommandLineAPI) {
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Returns the properties of a previously accessed object as an array of
// PropertyDescriptor objects.
// The parameters specifify several options:
// * ownProperties - only include immediate properties, not the prototype chain.
// * accessorPropertiesOnly - only include accessor properties.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.getProperties = function(params) {
var result = {};
var properties = [];
try {
var objectEntry = this._objectStore[params.objectId];
var object = objectEntry.object;
var objectGroup = objectEntry.objectGroup;
this.addProperties(object, objectGroup, !params.ownProperties, properties);
if (params.accessorPropertiesOnly) {
properties = properties.filter(function(element, index, array) {
return (element.get || element.set);
result.wasThrown = false;
} catch(e) {
value = e;
result.exceptionDetails = e;
result.wasThrown = true;
result.result = properties;
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Releases our reference to a previously accessed object.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.releaseObject = function(params) {
delete this._objectStore[params.objectId];
// Releases our references to a group of previously accessed objects.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.releaseObjectGroup = function(params) {
for (var objectId in this._objectStore) {
var objectEntry = this._objectStore[objectId];
if (objectEntry && objectEntry.objectGroup == params.objectGroup) {
delete this._objectStore[objectId];
// Adds the properties of |object| to the |result| array as new
// PropertyDescriptor objects. Some properties may be objects themselves,
// in which case new RemoteObjects are created using the specified
// |objectGroup|, which should be that of |object|.
// If |includePrototype| is set, the function will be called recursively on
// the prototype chain of the object.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.addProperties =
function(object, objectGroup, includePrototype, result) {
var properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object);
var foundProto = false;
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
var key = properties[i];
foundProto = foundProto || (key == '__proto__');
// If we can't find the property, and its name corresponds to a number,
// try it as an array index (integer instead of string).
if (object[key] == null) {
if (!isNaN(key)) {
key = parseInt(key);
} else {
var propertyDescriptor =
new this.PropertyDescriptor(object, objectGroup, key);
var proto = null;
try {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
} catch (e) {}
if (includePrototype) {
// Recursively add the properties from the prototype chain.
if (proto) {
this.addProperties(proto, objectGroup, includePrototype, result);
} else if (proto && !foundProto) {
// |getOwnPropertyNames| may not include the object prototype,
// so if that's the case, add it now. It's a deprecated name, but devtools
// still uses it.
var propertyDescriptor =
new this.PropertyDescriptor(object, objectGroup, '__proto__');
// Gets an object from the internal object store.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.getObject = function(objectId) {
return this._objectStore[objectId].object;
// Adds an object to the internal object store and returns a unique id that can
// be used to access it again.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.addObject = function(object, objectGroup) {
// If we've already added this object, then use the same objectId.
for (var objectId in this._objectStore) {
var objectEntry = this._objectStore[objectId];
if (objectEntry.object === object &&
objectEntry.objectGroup == objectGroup) {
return objectId;
var objectId = this._nextObjectId.toString();
this._nextObjectId += 1;
this._objectStore[objectId] = {};
this._objectStore[objectId].object = object;
this._objectStore[objectId].objectGroup = objectGroup;
return objectId;
// Generates an object preview, which may be requested for the evaluate
// command.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.generatePreview = function(object) {
if (!object || (typeof object != 'object')) {
return null;
} else {
return new this.ObjectPreview(object);
// Returns the subtype of an object, or null if the specified value is not an
// object.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.getSubtype = function(object) {
if (typeof object == 'object') {
if (object instanceof Array) {
return 'array';
} else if (object instanceof Date) {
return 'date';
} else if (object instanceof Error) {
return 'error';
} else if (object instanceof Node) {
return 'node';
} else if (object instanceof RegExp) {
return 'regexp';
return null;
// Tries to get the classname of an object by following the prototype chain
// and looking for a constructor.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.getClassName = function(object) {
try {
for (var obj = object; obj && !this.className;
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)) {
if (obj.constructor) {
} catch(e) {}
return null;
// Creates a RemoteObject, which is the type used to return many values to
// devtools. If |value| is an object, then is it inserted into
// |devtoolsBackend.runtime._objectStore| and the |objectId| key used to
// access it is included in the RemoteObject. If |value| is not an object,
// or |returnByValue| is true, then |value| is directly included in the
// RemoteObject.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.RemoteObject = function(value, objectGroup,
returnByValue) {
this.type = typeof value;
if (value == null) {
this.subtype == 'null';
this.value = null;
if (this.type == 'object') {
this.objectId = devtoolsBackend.runtime.addObject(value, objectGroup);
this.subtype = devtoolsBackend.runtime.getSubtype(value);
this.className = devtoolsBackend.runtime.getClassName(value);
// Fill in the description field. Devtools will only display arrays
// correctly if their description follows a particular format. For other
// values, try to use the generic string conversion, and fall back to the
// className if that fails.
if (this.subtype == 'array') {
this.description = 'Array[' + value.length + ']';
} else {
try {
this.description = value.toString();
} catch(e) {
this.description = this.className;
if (returnByValue || this.type != 'object') {
this.value = value;
// Creates a PropertyDescriptor for |property| of |object|,
// which is the type used to return object properties to devtools.
// Some properties may be objects, in which case new RemoteObjects are created
// and inserted into |devtoolsBackend.runtime._objectStore| using the specified
// |objectGroup|, which should be that of |object|.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.PropertyDescriptor = function(object, objectGroup,
property) { = property.toString();
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property);
// Some Cobalt objects don't seem to support |getOwnPropertyDescriptor|,
// so we handle that case in the else clause below.
if (descriptor) {
this.configurable = descriptor.configurable;
this.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable;
if (descriptor.get) {
this.get = new devtoolsBackend.runtime.RemoteObject(descriptor.get,
if (descriptor.set) {
this.set = new devtoolsBackend.runtime.RemoteObject(descriptor.set,
if (descriptor.value != null) {
this.value = new devtoolsBackend.runtime.RemoteObject(descriptor.value,
this.writable = descriptor.writable;
} else if (object[property] != null) {
this.configurable = false;
this.enumerable = object.propertyIsEnumerable(property);
if (object.__lookupGetter__(property)) {
this.get = object.__lookupGetter__(property);
if (object.__lookupSetter__(property)) {
this.set = object.__lookupSetter__(property);
this.value = new devtoolsBackend.runtime.RemoteObject(object[property],
objectGroup, false);
// Creates an ObjectPreview, the type to represent a preview of an object,
// which may be requested by devtools in the evaluate command.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.ObjectPreview = function(value) {
this.type = typeof value;
this.subtype = devtoolsBackend.runtime.getSubtype(value);
this.lossless = true;
this.overflow = false; = [];
// Use the className as the preview description. This matches Chrome.
this.description = devtoolsBackend.runtime.getClassName(value);
// If we have an array-like object, add the array items, or append the
// length to the description if there's too many.
if (value.length != null) {
if (value.length <= MAX_ARRAY_ITEMS) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
var property = new devtoolsBackend.runtime.PropertyPreview(i, value[i]);;
if (typeof value[i] == 'object') {
this.lossless = false;
} else {
this.description += '[' + value.length + ']';
this.lossless = false;
this.overflow = true;
// Add object properties, up to a maximum.
var numProperties = 0;
for (var name in value) {
if (value[name] != null) {
if (++numProperties > MAX_PROPERTIES) {
this.lossless = false;
this.overflow = true;
if (typeof property == 'object') {
this.lossless = false;
var property = new devtoolsBackend.runtime.PropertyPreview(name,
// Creates a PropertyPreview, the type to represent a preview of a single
// object property.
devtoolsBackend.runtime.PropertyPreview = function(name, value) { = name.toString();
this.type = typeof value;
try {
this.value = value.toString();
} catch(e) {}
if (this.type == 'object') {
this.subtype = devtoolsBackend.runtime.getSubtype(value);
// The object store used to reference objects by internally generated id.
devtoolsBackend.runtime._objectStore = {};
devtoolsBackend.runtime._nextObjectId = 0;
// The last evaluated result.
devtoolsBackend.runtime._lastResult = null;
// Values in the global scope that have been overridden by corresponding
// members of the Command Line API for the duration of an evaluation. We use
// this to restore the original values after the evaluation.
devtoolsBackend.runtime._globalOverrides = {};
// Command Line API implementation.
// This is a set of convenience variables/functions that are not present in
// the global scope by default, but can be specified as available to the
// Runtime.evaluate function by the includeCommandLineAPI parameter.
devtoolsBackend.runtime._commandLineAPI = {};
devtoolsBackend.runtime._commandLineAPI.$_ =
devtoolsBackend.runtime._commandLineAPI.$ =
devtoolsBackend.runtime._commandLineAPI.$$ =
devtoolsBackend.runtime._commandLineAPI.keys = Object.keys;
devtoolsBackend.runtime._commandLineAPI.values = function(object) {
var keys = Object.keys(object);
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
return result;
devtoolsBackend.runtime._addCommandLineAPI = function() {
this._commandLineAPI.$_ = this._lastResult;
for (var property in this._commandLineAPI) {
if (this._commandLineAPI.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
this._globalOverrides[property] = window[property];
window[property] = this._commandLineAPI[property];
devtoolsBackend.runtime._removeCommandLineAPI = function() {
for (var property in this._globalOverrides) {
if (this._globalOverrides.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
window[property] = this._globalOverrides[property];
delete this._globalOverrides[property];