blob: 5668477a8acb2b83d479f2b3a6facb296f86a918 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cobalt/math/rect_conversions.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "cobalt/math/safe_integer_conversions.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace math {
Rect ToEnclosingRect(const RectF& rect) {
int min_x = ToFlooredInt(rect.x());
int min_y = ToFlooredInt(rect.y());
float max_x = rect.right();
float max_y = rect.bottom();
int width = rect.width() == 0 ? 0 : std::max(ToCeiledInt(max_x) - min_x, 0);
int height = rect.height() == 0 ? 0 : std::max(ToCeiledInt(max_y) - min_y, 0);
return Rect(min_x, min_y, width, height);
Rect ToEnclosedRect(const RectF& rect) {
int min_x = ToCeiledInt(rect.x());
int min_y = ToCeiledInt(rect.y());
float max_x = rect.right();
float max_y = rect.bottom();
int width = std::max(ToFlooredInt(max_x) - min_x, 0);
int height = std::max(ToFlooredInt(max_y) - min_y, 0);
return Rect(min_x, min_y, width, height);
Rect ToNearestRect(const RectF& rect) {
float float_min_x = rect.x();
float float_min_y = rect.y();
float float_max_x = rect.right();
float float_max_y = rect.bottom();
int min_x = ToRoundedInt(float_min_x);
int min_y = ToRoundedInt(float_min_y);
int max_x = ToRoundedInt(float_max_x);
int max_y = ToRoundedInt(float_max_y);
// If these DCHECKs fail, you're using the wrong method, consider using
// ToEnclosingRect or ToEnclosedRect instead.
DCHECK(std::abs(min_x - float_min_x) < 0.01f);
DCHECK(std::abs(min_y - float_min_y) < 0.01f);
DCHECK(std::abs(max_x - float_max_x) < 0.01f);
DCHECK(std::abs(max_y - float_max_y) < 0.01f);
return Rect(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y);
bool IsNearestRectWithinDistance(const RectF& rect, float distance) {
float float_min_x = rect.x();
float float_min_y = rect.y();
float float_max_x = rect.right();
float float_max_y = rect.bottom();
int min_x = ToRoundedInt(float_min_x);
int min_y = ToRoundedInt(float_min_y);
int max_x = ToRoundedInt(float_max_x);
int max_y = ToRoundedInt(float_max_y);
return (std::abs(min_x - float_min_x) < distance) &&
(std::abs(min_y - float_min_y) < distance) &&
(std::abs(max_x - float_max_x) < distance) &&
(std::abs(max_y - float_max_y) < distance);
Rect ToFlooredRectDeprecated(const RectF& rect) {
return Rect(ToFlooredInt(rect.x()), ToFlooredInt(rect.y()),
ToFlooredInt(rect.width()), ToFlooredInt(rect.height()));
} // namespace math
} // namespace cobalt