blob: 5494097800bf25ad54ec5e7d3eecbe2fdca16692 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_log.h"
#include "net/base/ssl_config_service.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_controller.h"
#include "net/http/http_pipelined_host.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_info.h"
#include "net/http/http_stream_factory_impl.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_stream_factory.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
namespace net {
class ClientSocketHandle;
class HttpAuthController;
class HttpNetworkSession;
class HttpStream;
class SpdySessionPool;
class QuicHttpStream;
// An HttpStreamRequestImpl exists for each stream which is in progress of being
// created for the StreamFactory.
class HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job {
Job(HttpStreamFactoryImpl* stream_factory,
HttpNetworkSession* session,
const HttpRequestInfo& request_info,
const SSLConfig& server_ssl_config,
const SSLConfig& proxy_ssl_config,
NetLog* net_log);
// Start initiates the process of creating a new HttpStream. |request| will be
// notified upon completion if the Job has not been Orphan()'d.
void Start(Request* request);
// Preconnect will attempt to request |num_streams| sockets from the
// appropriate ClientSocketPool.
int Preconnect(int num_streams);
int RestartTunnelWithProxyAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials);
LoadState GetLoadState() const;
// Marks this Job as the "alternate" job, from Alternate-Protocol. Tracks the
// original url so we can mark the Alternate-Protocol as broken if
// we fail to connect.
void MarkAsAlternate(const GURL& original_url);
// Tells |this| to wait for |job| to resume it.
void WaitFor(Job* job);
// Tells |this| that |job| has determined it still needs to continue
// connecting, so allow |this| to continue. If this is not called, then
// |request_| is expected to cancel |this| by deleting it.
void Resume(Job* job);
// Used to detach the Job from |request|.
void Orphan(const Request* request);
bool was_npn_negotiated() const;
NextProto protocol_negotiated() const;
bool using_spdy() const;
const BoundNetLog& net_log() const { return net_log_; }
const SSLConfig& server_ssl_config() const;
const SSLConfig& proxy_ssl_config() const;
const ProxyInfo& proxy_info() const;
// Indicates whether or not this job is performing a preconnect.
bool IsPreconnecting() const;
// Indicates whether or not this Job has been orphaned by a Request.
bool IsOrphaned() const;
enum State {
// Note that when Alternate-Protocol says we can connect to an alternate
// port using a different protocol, we have the choice of communicating over
// the original protocol, or speaking the alternate protocol (currently,
// only npn-spdy) over an alternate port. For a cold page load, the http
// connection that delivers the http response that has the
// Alternate-Protocol header will already be warm. So, blocking the next
// http request on establishing a new npn-spdy connection would incur extra
// latency. Even if the http connection was not reused, establishing a new
// http connection is typically faster than npn-spdy, since npn-spdy
// requires a SSL handshake. Therefore, we start both the http and the
// npn-spdy jobs in parallel. In order not to unnecessarily waste sockets,
// we have the http job block on the npn-spdy job after proxy resolution.
// The npn-spdy job will Resume() the http job if, in
// STATE_INIT_CONNECTION_COMPLETE, it detects an error or does not find an
// existing SpdySession. In that case, the http and npn-spdy jobs will race.
void OnStreamReadyCallback();
void OnSpdySessionReadyCallback();
void OnStreamFailedCallback(int result);
void OnCertificateErrorCallback(int result, const SSLInfo& ssl_info);
void OnNeedsProxyAuthCallback(const HttpResponseInfo& response_info,
HttpAuthController* auth_controller);
void OnNeedsClientAuthCallback(SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_info);
void OnHttpsProxyTunnelResponseCallback(const HttpResponseInfo& response_info,
HttpStream* stream);
void OnPreconnectsComplete();
void OnIOComplete(int result);
int RunLoop(int result);
int DoLoop(int result);
int StartInternal();
// Each of these methods corresponds to a State value. Those with an input
// argument receive the result from the previous state. If a method returns
// ERR_IO_PENDING, then the result from OnIOComplete will be passed to the
// next state method as the result arg.
int DoStart();
int DoResolveProxy();
int DoResolveProxyComplete(int result);
int DoWaitForJob();
int DoWaitForJobComplete(int result);
int DoInitConnection();
int DoInitConnectionComplete(int result);
int DoWaitingUserAction(int result);
int DoCreateStream();
int DoCreateStreamComplete(int result);
int DoRestartTunnelAuth();
int DoRestartTunnelAuthComplete(int result);
// Returns to STATE_INIT_CONNECTION and resets some state.
void ReturnToStateInitConnection(bool close_connection);
// Set the motivation for this request onto the underlying socket.
void SetSocketMotivation();
bool IsHttpsProxyAndHttpUrl() const;
// Sets several fields of ssl_config for the given origin_server based on the
// proxy info and other factors.
void InitSSLConfig(const HostPortPair& origin_server,
SSLConfig* ssl_config) const;
// AlternateProtocol API
void MarkBrokenAlternateProtocolAndFallback();
// Retrieve SSLInfo from our SSL Socket.
// This must only be called when we are using an SSLSocket.
// After calling, the caller can use ssl_info_.
void GetSSLInfo();
HostPortProxyPair GetSpdySessionKey() const;
// Returns true if the current request can use an existing spdy session.
bool CanUseExistingSpdySession() const;
// Called when we encounter a network error that could be resolved by trying
// a new proxy configuration. If there is another proxy configuration to try
// then this method sets next_state_ appropriately and returns either OK or
// ERR_IO_PENDING depending on whether or not the new proxy configuration is
// available synchronously or asynchronously. Otherwise, the given error
// code is simply returned.
int ReconsiderProxyAfterError(int error);
// Called to handle a certificate error. Stores the certificate in the
// allowed_bad_certs list, and checks if the error can be ignored. Returns
// OK if it can be ignored, or the error code otherwise.
int HandleCertificateError(int error);
// Called to handle a client certificate request.
int HandleCertificateRequest(int error);
// Moves this stream request into SPDY mode.
void SwitchToSpdyMode();
// Should we force SPDY to run over SSL for this stream request.
bool ShouldForceSpdySSL() const;
// Should we force SPDY to run without SSL for this stream request.
bool ShouldForceSpdyWithoutSSL() const;
// Should we force QUIC for this stream request.
bool ShouldForceQuic() const;
bool IsRequestEligibleForPipelining();
// Record histograms of latency until Connect() completes.
static void LogHttpConnectedMetrics(const ClientSocketHandle& handle);
// Invoked by the transport socket pool after host resolution is complete
// to allow the connection to be aborted, if a matching SPDY session can
// be found. Will return ERR_SPDY_SESSION_ALREADY_EXISTS if such a
// session is found, and OK otherwise.
static int OnHostResolution(SpdySessionPool* spdy_session_pool,
const HostPortProxyPair& spdy_session_key,
const AddressList& addresses,
const BoundNetLog& net_log);
Request* request_;
const HttpRequestInfo request_info_;
ProxyInfo proxy_info_;
SSLConfig server_ssl_config_;
SSLConfig proxy_ssl_config_;
const BoundNetLog net_log_;
CompletionCallback io_callback_;
scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection_;
HttpNetworkSession* const session_;
HttpStreamFactoryImpl* const stream_factory_;
State next_state_;
ProxyService::PacRequest* pac_request_;
SSLInfo ssl_info_;
// The origin server we're trying to reach.
HostPortPair origin_;
// The origin url we're trying to reach. This url may be different from the
// original request when host mapping rules are set-up.
GURL origin_url_;
// If this is a Job for an "Alternate-Protocol", then this will be non-NULL
// and will specify the original URL.
scoped_ptr<GURL> original_url_;
// This is the Job we're dependent on. It will notify us if/when it's OK to
// proceed.
Job* blocking_job_;
// |waiting_job_| is a Job waiting to see if |this| can reuse a connection.
// If |this| is unable to do so, we'll notify |waiting_job_| that it's ok to
// proceed and then race the two Jobs.
Job* waiting_job_;
// True if handling a HTTPS request, or using SPDY with SSL
bool using_ssl_;
// True if this network transaction is using SPDY instead of HTTP.
bool using_spdy_;
// True if this network transaction is using QUIC instead of HTTP.
bool using_quic_;
QuicStreamRequest quic_request_;
// Force spdy for all connections.
bool force_spdy_always_;
// Force spdy only for SSL connections.
bool force_spdy_over_ssl_;
// Force quic for a specific port.
int force_quic_port_;
// The certificate error while using SPDY over SSL for insecure URLs.
int spdy_certificate_error_;
// True when the tunnel is in the process of being established - we can't
// read from the socket until the tunnel is done.
bool establishing_tunnel_;
scoped_ptr<HttpStream> stream_;
// True if we negotiated NPN.
bool was_npn_negotiated_;
// Protocol negotiated with the server.
NextProto protocol_negotiated_;
// 0 if we're not preconnecting. Otherwise, the number of streams to
// preconnect.
int num_streams_;
// Initialized when we create a new SpdySession.
scoped_refptr<SpdySession> new_spdy_session_;
// Initialized when we have an existing SpdySession.
scoped_refptr<SpdySession> existing_spdy_session_;
// Only used if |new_spdy_session_| is non-NULL.
bool spdy_session_direct_;
// Key used to identify the HttpPipelinedHost for |request_|.
scoped_ptr<HttpPipelinedHost::Key> http_pipelining_key_;
// True if an existing pipeline can handle this job's request.
bool existing_available_pipeline_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Job> ptr_factory_;
} // namespace net