blob: c8b94f10a8181430dcf8dae8924987dbb872cc05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Modifications Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// AudioTimeStretcher buffers and transforms audio data. The owner of this
// object provides audio data to the object through EnqueueBuffer() and requests
// data from the buffer via FillBuffer().
// This class is *not* thread-safe. Calls to enqueue and retrieve data must be
// locked if called from multiple threads.
// AudioTimeStretcher uses the Waveform Similarity Overlap and Add (WSOLA)
// algorithm to stretch or compress audio data to meet playback speeds less than
// or greater than the natural playback of the audio stream. The algorithm
// preserves local properties of the audio, therefore, pitch and harmonics are
// preserved. See for a more elaborate description of
// the algorithm.
// Audio at very low or very high playback rates are muted to preserve quality.
#include "starboard/common/ref_counted.h"
#include "starboard/common/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/player/decoded_audio_internal.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/player/filter/decoded_audio_queue.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace shared {
namespace starboard {
namespace player {
namespace filter {
class AudioTimeStretcher {
// Initializes this object with information about the audio stream.
void Initialize(SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type,
int channels,
int samples_per_second);
// Tries to fill |requested_frames| frames into |dest| with possibly scaled
// data from our |audio_buffer_|. Data is scaled based on |playback_rate|,
// using a variation of the Overlap-Add method to combine sample windows.
// Data from |audio_buffer_| is consumed in proportion to the playback rate.
// |dest_offset| is the offset in frames for writing into |dest|.
// Returns the number of frames copied into |dest|.
scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio> Read(int requested_frames, double playback_rate);
// Clears |audio_buffer_|.
void FlushBuffers();
// Enqueues a buffer. It is called from the owner of the algorithm after a
// read completes.
void EnqueueBuffer(const scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio>& audio_data);
// Returns true if |audio_buffer_| is at or exceeds capacity.
bool IsQueueFull() const;
// Returns the number of frames left in |audio_buffer_|, which may be larger
// than QueueCapacity() in the event that EnqueueBuffer() delivered more data
// than |audio_buffer_| was intending to hold.
int frames_buffered() { return audio_buffer_.frames(); }
// Within |search_block_|, find the block of data that is most similar to
// |target_block_|, and write it in |optimal_block_|. This method assumes that
// there is enough data to perform a search, i.e. |search_block_| and
// |target_block_| can be extracted from the available frames.
void GetOptimalBlock();
// Read a maximum of |requested_frames| frames from |wsola_output_|. Returns
// number of frames actually read.
int WriteCompletedFramesTo(int requested_frames,
int output_offset,
DecodedAudio* dest);
// Fill |dest| with frames from |audio_buffer_| starting from frame
// |read_offset_frames|. |dest| is expected to have the same number of
// channels as |audio_buffer_|. A negative offset, i.e.
// |read_offset_frames| < 0, is accepted assuming that |audio_buffer| is zero
// for negative indices. This might happen for few first frames. This method
// assumes there is enough frames to fill |dest|, i.e. |read_offset_frames| +
// |dest->frames()| does not extend to future.
void PeekAudioWithZeroPrepend(int read_offset_frames, DecodedAudio* dest);
// Run one iteration of WSOLA, if there are sufficient frames. This will
// overlap-and-add one block to |wsola_output_|, hence, |num_complete_frames_|
// is incremented by |ola_hop_size_|.
bool RunOneWsolaIteration(double playback_rate);
// Seek |audio_buffer_| forward to remove frames from input that are not used
// any more. State of the WSOLA will be updated accordingly.
void RemoveOldInputFrames(double playback_rate);
// Update |output_time_| by |time_change|. In turn |search_block_index_| is
// updated.
void UpdateOutputTime(double playback_rate, double time_change);
// Is |target_block_| fully within |search_block_|? If so, we don't need to
// perform the search.
bool TargetIsWithinSearchRegion() const;
// Do we have enough data to perform one round of WSOLA?
bool CanPerformWsola() const;
// Converts a time in milliseconds to frames using |samples_per_second_|.
int ConvertMillisecondsToFrames(int ms) const;
// Audio sink sample type.
SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type_;
// Number of channels in audio stream.
int channels_;
// Bytes per audio frame.
int bytes_per_frame_;
// Sample rate of audio stream.
int samples_per_second_;
// Buffered audio data.
DecodedAudioQueue audio_buffer_;
// If muted, keep track of partial frames that should have been skipped over.
double muted_partial_frame_;
// How many frames to have in the queue before we report the queue is full.
int capacity_;
// Book keeping of the current time of generated audio, in frames. This
// should be appropriately updated when out samples are generated, regardless
// of whether we push samples out when FillBuffer() is called or we store
// audio in |wsola_output_| for the subsequent calls to FillBuffer().
// Furthermore, if samples from |audio_buffer_| are evicted then this
// member variable should be updated based on |playback_rate_|.
// Note that this member should be updated ONLY by calling UpdateOutputTime(),
// so that |search_block_index_| is update accordingly.
double output_time_;
// The offset of the center frame of |search_block_| w.r.t. its first frame.
int search_block_center_offset_;
// Index of the beginning of the |search_block_|, in frames.
int search_block_index_;
// Number of Blocks to search to find the most similar one to the target
// frame.
int num_candidate_blocks_;
// Index of the beginning of the target block, counted in frames.
int target_block_index_;
// Overlap-and-add window size in frames.
int ola_window_size_;
// The hop size of overlap-and-add in frames. This implementation assumes 50%
// overlap-and-add.
int ola_hop_size_;
// Number of frames in |wsola_output_| that overlap-and-add is completed for
// them and can be copied to output if FillBuffer() is called. It also
// specifies the index where the next WSOLA window has to overlap-and-add.
int num_complete_frames_;
// This stores a part of the output that is created but couldn't be rendered.
// Output is generated frame-by-frame which at some point might exceed the
// number of requested samples. Furthermore, due to overlap-and-add,
// the last half-window of the output is incomplete, which is stored in this
// buffer.
scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio> wsola_output_;
// Overlap-and-add window.
scoped_array<float> ola_window_;
// Transition window, used to update |optimal_block_| by a weighted sum of
// |optimal_block_| and |target_block_|.
scoped_array<float> transition_window_;
// Auxiliary variables to avoid allocation in every iteration.
// Stores the optimal block in every iteration. This is the most
// similar block to |target_block_| within |search_block_| and it is
// overlap-and-added to |wsola_output_|.
scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio> optimal_block_;
// A block of data that search is performed over to find the |optimal_block_|.
scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio> search_block_;
// Stores the target block, denoted as |target| above. |search_block_| is
// searched for a block (|optimal_block_|) that is most similar to
// |target_block_|.
scoped_refptr<DecodedAudio> target_block_;
// The initial and maximum capacity calculated by Initialize().
int initial_capacity_;
int max_capacity_;
} // namespace filter
} // namespace player
} // namespace starboard
} // namespace shared
} // namespace starboard