| // Generated by generate_entry_points.py using data from gl.xml. |
| // |
| // Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // entry_points_enum_autogen.h: |
| // Defines the GLES entry points enumeration. |
| |
| |
| namespace gl |
| { |
| enum class EntryPoint |
| { |
| Invalid, |
| ActiveTexture, |
| AttachShader, |
| BindAttribLocation, |
| BindBuffer, |
| BindFramebuffer, |
| BindRenderbuffer, |
| BindTexture, |
| BlendColor, |
| BlendEquation, |
| BlendEquationSeparate, |
| BlendFunc, |
| BlendFuncSeparate, |
| BufferData, |
| BufferSubData, |
| CheckFramebufferStatus, |
| Clear, |
| ClearColor, |
| ClearDepthf, |
| ClearStencil, |
| ColorMask, |
| CompileShader, |
| CompressedTexImage2D, |
| CompressedTexSubImage2D, |
| CopyTexImage2D, |
| CopyTexSubImage2D, |
| CreateProgram, |
| CreateShader, |
| CullFace, |
| DeleteBuffers, |
| DeleteFramebuffers, |
| DeleteProgram, |
| DeleteRenderbuffers, |
| DeleteShader, |
| DeleteTextures, |
| DepthFunc, |
| DepthMask, |
| DepthRangef, |
| DetachShader, |
| Disable, |
| DisableVertexAttribArray, |
| DrawArrays, |
| DrawElements, |
| Enable, |
| EnableVertexAttribArray, |
| Finish, |
| Flush, |
| FramebufferRenderbuffer, |
| FramebufferTexture2D, |
| FrontFace, |
| GenBuffers, |
| GenerateMipmap, |
| GenFramebuffers, |
| GenRenderbuffers, |
| GenTextures, |
| GetActiveAttrib, |
| GetActiveUniform, |
| GetAttachedShaders, |
| GetAttribLocation, |
| GetBooleanv, |
| GetBufferParameteriv, |
| GetError, |
| GetFloatv, |
| GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, |
| GetIntegerv, |
| GetProgramiv, |
| GetProgramInfoLog, |
| GetRenderbufferParameteriv, |
| GetShaderiv, |
| GetShaderInfoLog, |
| GetShaderPrecisionFormat, |
| GetShaderSource, |
| GetString, |
| GetTexParameterfv, |
| GetTexParameteriv, |
| GetUniformfv, |
| GetUniformiv, |
| GetUniformLocation, |
| GetVertexAttribfv, |
| GetVertexAttribiv, |
| GetVertexAttribPointerv, |
| Hint, |
| IsBuffer, |
| IsEnabled, |
| IsFramebuffer, |
| IsProgram, |
| IsRenderbuffer, |
| IsShader, |
| IsTexture, |
| LineWidth, |
| LinkProgram, |
| PixelStorei, |
| PolygonOffset, |
| ReadPixels, |
| ReleaseShaderCompiler, |
| RenderbufferStorage, |
| SampleCoverage, |
| Scissor, |
| ShaderBinary, |
| ShaderSource, |
| StencilFunc, |
| StencilFuncSeparate, |
| StencilMask, |
| StencilMaskSeparate, |
| StencilOp, |
| StencilOpSeparate, |
| TexImage2D, |
| TexParameterf, |
| TexParameterfv, |
| TexParameteri, |
| TexParameteriv, |
| TexSubImage2D, |
| Uniform1f, |
| Uniform1fv, |
| Uniform1i, |
| Uniform1iv, |
| Uniform2f, |
| Uniform2fv, |
| Uniform2i, |
| Uniform2iv, |
| Uniform3f, |
| Uniform3fv, |
| Uniform3i, |
| Uniform3iv, |
| Uniform4f, |
| Uniform4fv, |
| Uniform4i, |
| Uniform4iv, |
| UniformMatrix2fv, |
| UniformMatrix3fv, |
| UniformMatrix4fv, |
| UseProgram, |
| ValidateProgram, |
| VertexAttrib1f, |
| VertexAttrib1fv, |
| VertexAttrib2f, |
| VertexAttrib2fv, |
| VertexAttrib3f, |
| VertexAttrib3fv, |
| VertexAttrib4f, |
| VertexAttrib4fv, |
| VertexAttribPointer, |
| Viewport, |
| DrawElementsInstanced, |
| DrawRangeElements, |
| DrawElementsInstancedANGLE |
| }; |
| } // namespace gl |