| #!/usr/local/bin/perl |
| # A bit of an evil hack but it post processes the file ../MINFO which |
| # is generated by `make files` in the top directory. |
| # This script outputs one mega makefile that has no shell stuff or any |
| # funny stuff |
| # |
| |
| $INSTALLTOP="/usr/local/ssl"; |
| $OPENSSLDIR="/usr/local/ssl"; |
| $OPTIONS=""; |
| $ssl_version=""; |
| $banner="\t\@echo Building OpenSSL"; |
| |
| my $no_static_engine = 1; |
| my $engines = ""; |
| my $otherlibs = ""; |
| local $zlib_opt = 0; # 0 = no zlib, 1 = static, 2 = dynamic |
| local $zlib_lib = ""; |
| local $perl_asm = 0; # 1 to autobuild asm files from perl scripts |
| |
| my $ex_l_libs = ""; |
| |
| # Options to import from top level Makefile |
| |
| my %mf_import = ( |
| VERSION => \$ssl_version, |
| PLATFORM => \$mf_platform, |
| CFLAG => \$mf_cflag, |
| DEPFLAG => \$mf_depflag, |
| CPUID_OBJ => \$mf_cpuid_asm, |
| BN_ASM => \$mf_bn_asm, |
| DES_ENC => \$mf_des_asm, |
| AES_ENC => \$mf_aes_asm, |
| BF_ENC => \$mf_bf_asm, |
| CAST_ENC => \$mf_cast_asm, |
| RC4_ENC => \$mf_rc4_asm, |
| RC5_ENC => \$mf_rc5_asm, |
| MD5_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_md5_asm, |
| SHA1_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_sha_asm, |
| RMD160_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_rmd_asm, |
| WP_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_wp_asm, |
| CMLL_ENC => \$mf_cm_asm, |
| BASEADDR => \$baseaddr, |
| FIPSDIR => \$fipsdir, |
| ); |
| |
| |
| open(IN,"<Makefile") || die "unable to open Makefile!\n"; |
| while(<IN>) { |
| my ($mf_opt, $mf_ref); |
| while (($mf_opt, $mf_ref) = each %mf_import) { |
| if (/^$mf_opt\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { |
| $$mf_ref = $1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| close(IN); |
| |
| $debug = 1 if $mf_platform =~ /^debug-/; |
| |
| die "Makefile is not the toplevel Makefile!\n" if $ssl_version eq ""; |
| |
| $infile="MINFO"; |
| |
| %ops=( |
| "VC-WIN32", "Microsoft Visual C++ [4-6] - Windows NT or 9X", |
| "VC-WIN64I", "Microsoft C/C++ - Win64/IA-64", |
| "VC-WIN64A", "Microsoft C/C++ - Win64/x64", |
| "VC-CE", "Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 - Windows CE ONLY", |
| "VC-NT", "Microsoft Visual C++ [4-6] - Windows NT ONLY", |
| "Mingw32", "GNU C++ - Windows NT or 9x", |
| "Mingw32-files", "Create files with DOS copy ...", |
| "BC-NT", "Borland C++ 4.5 - Windows NT", |
| "linux-elf","Linux elf", |
| "ultrix-mips","DEC mips ultrix", |
| "FreeBSD","FreeBSD distribution", |
| "OS2-EMX", "EMX GCC OS/2", |
| "netware-clib", "CodeWarrior for NetWare - CLib - with WinSock Sockets", |
| "netware-clib-bsdsock", "CodeWarrior for NetWare - CLib - with BSD Sockets", |
| "netware-libc", "CodeWarrior for NetWare - LibC - with WinSock Sockets", |
| "netware-libc-bsdsock", "CodeWarrior for NetWare - LibC - with BSD Sockets", |
| "default","cc under unix", |
| "auto", "auto detect from top level Makefile" |
| ); |
| |
| $platform=""; |
| my $xcflags=""; |
| foreach (@ARGV) |
| { |
| if (!&read_options && !defined($ops{$_})) |
| { |
| print STDERR "unknown option - $_\n"; |
| print STDERR "usage: perl mk1mf.pl [options] [system]\n"; |
| print STDERR "\nwhere [system] can be one of the following\n"; |
| foreach $i (sort keys %ops) |
| { printf STDERR "\t%-10s\t%s\n",$i,$ops{$i}; } |
| print STDERR <<"EOF"; |
| and [options] can be one of |
| no-md2 no-md4 no-md5 no-sha no-mdc2 - Skip this digest |
| no-ripemd |
| no-rc2 no-rc4 no-rc5 no-idea no-des - Skip this symetric cipher |
| no-bf no-cast no-aes no-camellia no-seed |
| no-rsa no-dsa no-dh - Skip this public key cipher |
| no-ssl2 no-ssl3 - Skip this version of SSL |
| just-ssl - remove all non-ssl keys/digest |
| no-asm - No x86 asm |
| no-krb5 - No KRB5 |
| no-srp - No SRP |
| no-ec - No EC |
| no-ecdsa - No ECDSA |
| no-ecdh - No ECDH |
| no-engine - No engine |
| no-hw - No hw |
| nasm - Use NASM for x86 asm |
| nw-nasm - Use NASM x86 asm for NetWare |
| nw-mwasm - Use Metrowerks x86 asm for NetWare |
| gaswin - Use GNU as with Mingw32 |
| no-socks - No socket code |
| no-err - No error strings |
| dll/shlib - Build shared libraries (MS) |
| debug - Debug build |
| profile - Profiling build |
| gcc - Use Gcc (unix) |
| |
| Values that can be set |
| TMP=tmpdir OUT=outdir SRC=srcdir BIN=binpath INC=header-outdir CC=C-compiler |
| |
| -L<ex_lib_path> -l<ex_lib> - extra library flags (unix) |
| -<ex_cc_flags> - extra 'cc' flags, |
| added (MS), or replace (unix) |
| EOF |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| $platform=$_; |
| } |
| foreach (grep(!/^$/, split(/ /, $OPTIONS))) |
| { |
| print STDERR "unknown option - $_\n" if !&read_options; |
| } |
| |
| $no_static_engine = 0 if (!$shlib); |
| |
| $no_mdc2=1 if ($no_des); |
| |
| $no_ssl3=1 if ($no_md5 || $no_sha); |
| $no_ssl3=1 if ($no_rsa && $no_dh); |
| |
| $no_ssl2=1 if ($no_md5); |
| $no_ssl2=1 if ($no_rsa); |
| |
| $out_def="out"; |
| $inc_def="outinc"; |
| $tmp_def="tmp"; |
| |
| $perl="perl" unless defined $perl; |
| $mkdir="-mkdir" unless defined $mkdir; |
| |
| ($ssl,$crypto)=("ssl","crypto"); |
| $ranlib="echo ranlib"; |
| |
| $cc=(defined($VARS{'CC'}))?$VARS{'CC'}:'cc'; |
| $src_dir=(defined($VARS{'SRC'}))?$VARS{'SRC'}:'.'; |
| $bin_dir=(defined($VARS{'BIN'}))?$VARS{'BIN'}:''; |
| |
| # $bin_dir.=$o causes a core dump on my sparc :-( |
| |
| |
| $NT=0; |
| |
| push(@INC,"util/pl","pl"); |
| |
| if ($platform eq "auto") { |
| $platform = $mf_platform; |
| print STDERR "Imported platform $mf_platform\n"; |
| } |
| |
| if (($platform =~ /VC-(.+)/)) |
| { |
| $FLAVOR=$1; |
| $NT = 1 if $1 eq "NT"; |
| require 'VC-32.pl'; |
| } |
| elsif ($platform eq "Mingw32") |
| { |
| require 'Mingw32.pl'; |
| } |
| elsif ($platform eq "Mingw32-files") |
| { |
| require 'Mingw32f.pl'; |
| } |
| elsif ($platform eq "BC-NT") |
| { |
| $bc=1; |
| require 'BC-32.pl'; |
| } |
| elsif ($platform eq "FreeBSD") |
| { |
| require 'unix.pl'; |
| $cflags='-DTERMIO -D_ANSI_SOURCE -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer'; |
| } |
| elsif ($platform eq "linux-elf") |
| { |
| require "unix.pl"; |
| require "linux.pl"; |
| $unix=1; |
| } |
| elsif ($platform eq "ultrix-mips") |
| { |
| require "unix.pl"; |
| require "ultrix.pl"; |
| $unix=1; |
| } |
| elsif ($platform eq "OS2-EMX") |
| { |
| $wc=1; |
| require 'OS2-EMX.pl'; |
| } |
| elsif (($platform eq "netware-clib") || ($platform eq "netware-libc") || |
| ($platform eq "netware-clib-bsdsock") || ($platform eq "netware-libc-bsdsock")) |
| { |
| $LIBC=1 if $platform eq "netware-libc" || $platform eq "netware-libc-bsdsock"; |
| $BSDSOCK=1 if ($platform eq "netware-libc-bsdsock") || ($platform eq "netware-clib-bsdsock"); |
| require 'netware.pl'; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| require "unix.pl"; |
| |
| $unix=1; |
| $cflags.=' -DTERMIO'; |
| } |
| |
| $fipsdir =~ s/\//${o}/g; |
| |
| $out_dir=(defined($VARS{'OUT'}))?$VARS{'OUT'}:$out_def.($debug?".dbg":""); |
| $tmp_dir=(defined($VARS{'TMP'}))?$VARS{'TMP'}:$tmp_def.($debug?".dbg":""); |
| $inc_dir=(defined($VARS{'INC'}))?$VARS{'INC'}:$inc_def; |
| |
| $bin_dir=$bin_dir.$o unless ((substr($bin_dir,-1,1) eq $o) || ($bin_dir eq '')); |
| |
| $cflags= "$xcflags$cflags" if $xcflags ne ""; |
| |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_IDEA" if $no_idea; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_AES" if $no_aes; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_CAMELLIA" if $no_camellia; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_SEED" if $no_seed; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_RC2" if $no_rc2; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_RC4" if $no_rc4; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_RC5" if $no_rc5; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_MD2" if $no_md2; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_MD4" if $no_md4; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_MD5" if $no_md5; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_SHA" if $no_sha; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_SHA1" if $no_sha1; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_RIPEMD" if $no_ripemd; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_MDC2" if $no_mdc2; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_BF" if $no_bf; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_CAST" if $no_cast; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_DES" if $no_des; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_RSA" if $no_rsa; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_DSA" if $no_dsa; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_DH" if $no_dh; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_WHIRLPOOL" if $no_whirlpool; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_SOCK" if $no_sock; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_SSL2" if $no_ssl2; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_SSL3" if $no_ssl3; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT" if $no_tlsext; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_SRP" if $no_srp; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_CMS" if $no_cms; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_ERR" if $no_err; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_KRB5" if $no_krb5; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_EC" if $no_ec; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_ECDSA" if $no_ecdsa; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_ECDH" if $no_ecdh; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_GOST" if $no_gost; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_ENGINE" if $no_engine; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_HW" if $no_hw; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_FIPS" if $fips; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_JPAKE" if $no_jpake; |
| $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_NO_EC2M" if $no_ec2m; |
| $cflags.= " -DZLIB" if $zlib_opt; |
| $cflags.= " -DZLIB_SHARED" if $zlib_opt == 2; |
| |
| if ($no_static_engine) |
| { |
| $cflags .= " -DOPENSSL_NO_STATIC_ENGINE"; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| $cflags .= " -DOPENSSL_NO_DYNAMIC_ENGINE"; |
| } |
| |
| #$cflags.=" -DRSAref" if $rsaref ne ""; |
| |
| ## if ($unix) |
| ## { $cflags="$c_flags" if ($c_flags ne ""); } |
| ##else |
| { $cflags="$c_flags$cflags" if ($c_flags ne ""); } |
| |
| $ex_libs="$l_flags$ex_libs" if ($l_flags ne ""); |
| |
| |
| %shlib_ex_cflags=("SSL" => " -DOPENSSL_BUILD_SHLIBSSL", |
| |
| if ($msdos) |
| { |
| $banner ="\t\@echo Make sure you have run 'perl Configure $platform' in the\n"; |
| $banner.="\t\@echo top level directory, if you don't have perl, you will\n"; |
| $banner.="\t\@echo need to probably edit crypto/bn/bn.h, check the\n"; |
| $banner.="\t\@echo documentation for details.\n"; |
| } |
| |
| # have to do this to allow $(CC) under unix |
| $link="$bin_dir$link" if ($link !~ /^\$/); |
| |
| $INSTALLTOP =~ s|/|$o|g; |
| $OPENSSLDIR =~ s|/|$o|g; |
| |
| ############################################# |
| # We parse in input file and 'store' info for later printing. |
| open(IN,"<$infile") || die "unable to open $infile:$!\n"; |
| $_=<IN>; |
| for (;;) |
| { |
| s/\s*$//; # was chop, didn't work in mixture of perls for Windows... |
| |
| ($key,$val)=/^([^=]+)=(.*)/; |
| if ($key eq "RELATIVE_DIRECTORY") |
| { |
| if ($lib ne "") |
| { |
| $uc=$lib; |
| $uc =~ s/^lib(.*)\.a/$1/; |
| $uc =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; |
| $lib_nam{$uc}=$uc; |
| $lib_obj{$uc}.=$libobj." "; |
| } |
| last if ($val eq "FINISHED"); |
| $lib=""; |
| $libobj=""; |
| $dir=$val; |
| } |
| |
| if ($key eq "KRB5_INCLUDES") |
| { $cflags .= " $val";} |
| |
| if ($key eq "ZLIB_INCLUDE") |
| { $cflags .= " $val" if $val ne "";} |
| |
| if ($key eq "LIBZLIB") |
| { $zlib_lib = "$val" if $val ne "";} |
| |
| if ($key eq "LIBKRB5") |
| { $ex_libs .= " $val" if $val ne "";} |
| |
| if ($key eq "TEST") |
| { $test.=&var_add($dir,$val, 0); } |
| |
| if (($key eq "PROGS") || ($key eq "E_OBJ")) |
| { $e_exe.=&var_add($dir,$val, 0); } |
| |
| if ($key eq "LIB") |
| { |
| $lib=$val; |
| $lib =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; |
| } |
| if ($key eq "LIBNAME" && $no_static_engine) |
| { |
| $lib=$val; |
| $lib =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; |
| $otherlibs .= " $lib"; |
| } |
| |
| if ($key eq "EXHEADER") |
| { $exheader.=&var_add($dir,$val, 1); } |
| |
| if ($key eq "HEADER") |
| { $header.=&var_add($dir,$val, 1); } |
| |
| if ($key eq "LIBOBJ" && ($dir ne "engines" || !$no_static_engine)) |
| { $libobj=&var_add($dir,$val, 0); } |
| if ($key eq "LIBNAMES" && $dir eq "engines" && $no_static_engine) |
| { $engines.=$val } |
| |
| if (!($_=<IN>)) |
| } |
| close(IN); |
| |
| if ($shlib) |
| { |
| $extra_install= <<"EOF"; |
| \$(CP) \"\$(O_SSL)\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}bin\" |
| \$(CP) \"\$(O_CRYPTO)\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}bin\" |
| \$(CP) \"\$(L_SSL)\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}lib\" |
| \$(CP) \"\$(L_CRYPTO)\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}lib\" |
| EOF |
| if ($no_static_engine) |
| { |
| $extra_install .= <<"EOF" |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}lib${o}engines\" |
| \$(CP) \"\$(E_SHLIB)\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}lib${o}engines\" |
| EOF |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| $extra_install= <<"EOF"; |
| \$(CP) \"\$(O_SSL)\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}lib\" |
| \$(CP) \"\$(O_CRYPTO)\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}lib\" |
| EOF |
| $ex_libs .= " $zlib_lib" if $zlib_opt == 1; |
| if ($fips) |
| { |
| $build_targets .= " \$(LIB_D)$o$crypto_compat \$(PREMAIN_DSO_EXE)"; |
| $ex_l_libs .= " \$(O_FIPSCANISTER)"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| $defs= <<"EOF"; |
| # This makefile has been automatically generated from the OpenSSL distribution. |
| # This single makefile will build the complete OpenSSL distribution and |
| # by default leave the 'interesting' output files in .${o}out and the stuff |
| # that needs deleting in .${o}tmp. |
| # The file was generated by running 'make makefile.one', which |
| # does a 'make files', which writes all the environment variables from all |
| # the makefiles to the file call MINFO. This file is used by |
| # util${o}mk1mf.pl to generate makefile.one. |
| # The 'makefile per directory' system suites me when developing this |
| # library and also so I can 'distribute' indervidual library sections. |
| # The one monster makefile better suits building in non-unix |
| # environments. |
| |
| EOF |
| |
| $defs .= $preamble if defined $preamble; |
| |
| $defs.= <<"EOF"; |
| |
| # Set your compiler options |
| PLATFORM=$platform |
| CC=$bin_dir${cc} |
| CFLAG=$cflags |
| APP_CFLAG=$app_cflag |
| LIB_CFLAG=$lib_cflag |
| SHLIB_CFLAG=$shl_cflag |
| APP_EX_OBJ=$app_ex_obj |
| SHLIB_EX_OBJ=$shlib_ex_obj |
| # add extra libraries to this define, for solaris -lsocket -lnsl would |
| # be added |
| EX_LIBS=$ex_libs |
| |
| # The OpenSSL directory |
| SRC_D=$src_dir |
| |
| LINK=$link |
| LFLAGS=$lflags |
| RSC=$rsc |
| |
| # The output directory for everything intersting |
| OUT_D=$out_dir |
| # The output directory for all the temporary muck |
| TMP_D=$tmp_dir |
| # The output directory for the header files |
| INC_D=$inc_dir |
| INCO_D=$inc_dir${o}openssl |
| |
| PERL=$perl |
| CP=$cp |
| RM=$rm |
| RANLIB=$ranlib |
| MKDIR=$mkdir |
| MKLIB=$bin_dir$mklib |
| MLFLAGS=$mlflags |
| ASM=$bin_dir$asm |
| |
| # FIPS validated module and support file locations |
| |
| FIPSDIR=$fipsdir |
| BASEADDR=$baseaddr |
| FIPSLIB_D=\$(FIPSDIR)${o}lib |
| FIPS_PREMAIN_SRC=\$(FIPSLIB_D)${o}fips_premain.c |
| O_FIPSCANISTER=\$(FIPSLIB_D)${o}fipscanister.lib |
| FIPS_SHA1_EXE=\$(FIPSDIR)${o}bin${o}fips_standalone_sha1${exep} |
| E_PREMAIN_DSO=fips_premain_dso |
| PREMAIN_DSO_EXE=\$(BIN_D)${o}fips_premain_dso$exep |
| FIPSLINK=\$(PERL) \$(FIPSDIR)${o}bin${o}fipslink.pl |
| |
| ###################################################### |
| # You should not need to touch anything below this point |
| ###################################################### |
| |
| E_EXE=openssl |
| SSL=$ssl |
| CRYPTO=$crypto |
| |
| # BIN_D - Binary output directory |
| # TEST_D - Binary test file output directory |
| # LIB_D - library output directory |
| # ENG_D - dynamic engine output directory |
| # Note: if you change these point to different directories then uncomment out |
| # the lines around the 'NB' comment below. |
| # |
| BIN_D=\$(OUT_D) |
| TEST_D=\$(OUT_D) |
| LIB_D=\$(OUT_D) |
| ENG_D=\$(OUT_D) |
| |
| # INCL_D - local library directory |
| # OBJ_D - temp object file directory |
| OBJ_D=\$(TMP_D) |
| INCL_D=\$(TMP_D) |
| |
| O_SSL= \$(LIB_D)$o$plib\$(SSL)$shlibp |
| O_CRYPTO= \$(LIB_D)$o$plib\$(CRYPTO)$shlibp |
| SO_SSL= $plib\$(SSL)$so_shlibp |
| SO_CRYPTO= $plib\$(CRYPTO)$so_shlibp |
| L_SSL= \$(LIB_D)$o$plib\$(SSL)$libp |
| L_CRYPTO= \$(LIB_D)$o$plib\$(CRYPTO)$libp |
| |
| L_LIBS= \$(L_SSL) \$(L_CRYPTO) $ex_l_libs |
| |
| ###################################################### |
| # Don't touch anything below this point |
| ###################################################### |
| |
| INC=-I\$(INC_D) -I\$(INCL_D) |
| |
| ############################################# |
| EOF |
| |
| $rules=<<"EOF"; |
| all: banner \$(TMP_D) \$(BIN_D) \$(TEST_D) \$(LIB_D) \$(INCO_D) headers lib exe $build_targets |
| |
| banner: |
| $banner |
| |
| \$(TMP_D): |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(TMP_D)\" |
| # NB: uncomment out these lines if BIN_D, TEST_D and LIB_D are different |
| #\$(BIN_D): |
| # \$(MKDIR) \$(BIN_D) |
| # |
| #\$(TEST_D): |
| # \$(MKDIR) \$(TEST_D) |
| |
| \$(LIB_D): |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(LIB_D)\" |
| |
| \$(INCO_D): \$(INC_D) |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INCO_D)\" |
| |
| \$(INC_D): |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INC_D)\" |
| |
| headers: \$(HEADER) \$(EXHEADER) |
| @ |
| |
| lib: \$(LIBS_DEP) \$(E_SHLIB) |
| |
| exe: \$(T_EXE) \$(BIN_D)$o\$(E_EXE)$exep |
| |
| install: all |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INSTALLTOP)\" |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}bin\" |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}include\" |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}include${o}openssl\" |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}lib\" |
| \$(CP) \"\$(INCO_D)${o}*.\[ch\]\" \"\$(INSTALLTOP)${o}include${o}openssl\" |
| \$(CP) \"\$(BIN_D)$o\$(E_EXE)$exep \$(INSTALLTOP)${o}bin\" |
| \$(MKDIR) \"\$(OPENSSLDIR)\" |
| \$(CP) apps${o}openssl.cnf \"\$(OPENSSLDIR)\" |
| $extra_install |
| |
| |
| test: \$(T_EXE) |
| cd \$(BIN_D) |
| ..${o}ms${o}test |
| |
| clean: |
| \$(RM) \$(TMP_D)$o*.* |
| |
| vclean: |
| \$(RM) \$(TMP_D)$o*.* |
| \$(RM) \$(OUT_D)$o*.* |
| |
| EOF |
| |
| my $platform_cpp_symbol = "MK1MF_PLATFORM_$platform"; |
| $platform_cpp_symbol =~ s/-/_/g; |
| if (open(IN,"crypto/buildinf.h")) |
| { |
| # Remove entry for this platform in existing file buildinf.h. |
| |
| my $old_buildinf_h = ""; |
| while (<IN>) |
| { |
| if (/^\#ifdef $platform_cpp_symbol$/) |
| { |
| while (<IN>) { last if (/^\#endif/); } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| $old_buildinf_h .= $_; |
| } |
| } |
| close(IN); |
| |
| open(OUT,">crypto/buildinf.h") || die "Can't open buildinf.h"; |
| print OUT $old_buildinf_h; |
| close(OUT); |
| } |
| |
| open (OUT,">>crypto/buildinf.h") || die "Can't open buildinf.h"; |
| printf OUT <<EOF; |
| #ifdef $platform_cpp_symbol |
| /* auto-generated/updated by util/mk1mf.pl for crypto/cversion.c */ |
| #define CFLAGS "compiler: $cc $cflags" |
| #define PLATFORM "$platform" |
| EOF |
| printf OUT " #define DATE \"%s\"\n", scalar gmtime(); |
| printf OUT "#endif\n"; |
| close(OUT); |
| |
| # Strip of trailing ' ' |
| foreach (keys %lib_obj) { $lib_obj{$_}=&clean_up_ws($lib_obj{$_}); } |
| $test=&clean_up_ws($test); |
| $e_exe=&clean_up_ws($e_exe); |
| $exheader=&clean_up_ws($exheader); |
| $header=&clean_up_ws($header); |
| |
| # First we strip the exheaders from the headers list |
| foreach (split(/\s+/,$exheader)){ $h{$_}=1; } |
| foreach (split(/\s+/,$header)) { $h.=$_." " unless $h{$_}; } |
| chop($h); $header=$h; |
| |
| $defs.=&do_defs("HEADER",$header,"\$(INCL_D)",""); |
| $rules.=&do_copy_rule("\$(INCL_D)",$header,""); |
| |
| $defs.=&do_defs("EXHEADER",$exheader,"\$(INCO_D)",""); |
| $rules.=&do_copy_rule("\$(INCO_D)",$exheader,""); |
| |
| $defs.=&do_defs("T_OBJ",$test,"\$(OBJ_D)",$obj); |
| $rules.=&do_compile_rule("\$(OBJ_D)",$test,"\$(APP_CFLAGS)"); |
| |
| $defs.=&do_defs("E_OBJ",$e_exe,"\$(OBJ_D)",$obj); |
| $rules.=&do_compile_rule("\$(OBJ_D)",$e_exe,'-DMONOLITH $(APP_CFLAGS)'); |
| |
| # Special case rule for fips_premain_dso |
| |
| if ($fips) |
| { |
| $rules.=&cc_compile_target("\$(OBJ_D)${o}\$(E_PREMAIN_DSO)$obj", |
| $rules.=&do_link_rule("\$(PREMAIN_DSO_EXE)","\$(OBJ_D)${o}\$(E_PREMAIN_DSO)$obj \$(CRYPTOOBJ) \$(O_FIPSCANISTER)","","\$(EX_LIBS)", 1); |
| } |
| |
| foreach (values %lib_nam) |
| { |
| $lib_obj=$lib_obj{$_}; |
| local($slib)=$shlib; |
| |
| $defs.=&do_defs(${_}."OBJ",$lib_obj,"\$(OBJ_D)",$obj); |
| $lib=($slib)?" \$(SHLIB_CFLAGS)".$shlib_ex_cflags{$_}:" \$(LIB_CFLAGS)"; |
| $rules.=&do_compile_rule("\$(OBJ_D)",$lib_obj{$_},$lib); |
| } |
| |
| # hack to add version info on MSVC |
| if (($platform eq "VC-WIN32") || ($platform eq "VC-WIN64A") |
| || ($platform eq "VC-WIN64I") || ($platform eq "VC-NT")) { |
| $rules.= <<"EOF"; |
| \$(OBJ_D)\\\$(CRYPTO).res: ms\\version32.rc |
| \$(RSC) /fo"\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(CRYPTO).res" /d CRYPTO ms\\version32.rc |
| |
| \$(OBJ_D)\\\$(SSL).res: ms\\version32.rc |
| \$(RSC) /fo"\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(SSL).res" /d SSL ms\\version32.rc |
| |
| EOF |
| } |
| |
| $defs.=&do_defs("T_EXE",$test,"\$(TEST_D)",$exep); |
| foreach (split(/\s+/,$test)) |
| { |
| $t=&bname($_); |
| $tt="\$(OBJ_D)${o}$t${obj}"; |
| $rules.=&do_link_rule("\$(TEST_D)$o$t$exep",$tt,"\$(LIBS_DEP)","\$(L_LIBS) \$(EX_LIBS)"); |
| } |
| |
| $defs.=&do_defs("E_SHLIB",$engines . $otherlibs,"\$(ENG_D)",$shlibp); |
| |
| foreach (split(/\s+/,$engines)) |
| { |
| $rules.=&do_compile_rule("\$(OBJ_D)","engines${o}e_$_",$lib); |
| $rules.= &do_lib_rule("\$(OBJ_D)${o}e_${_}.obj","\$(ENG_D)$o$_$shlibp","",$shlib,""); |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| $rules.= &do_lib_rule("\$(SSLOBJ)","\$(O_SSL)",$ssl,$shlib,"\$(SO_SSL)"); |
| |
| if ($fips) |
| { |
| if ($shlib) |
| { |
| $rules.= &do_lib_rule("\$(CRYPTOOBJ) \$(O_FIPSCANISTER)", |
| "\$(O_CRYPTO)", "$crypto", |
| $shlib, "\$(SO_CRYPTO)", "\$(BASEADDR)"); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| $rules.= &do_lib_rule("\$(CRYPTOOBJ)", |
| "\$(O_CRYPTO)",$crypto,$shlib,"\$(SO_CRYPTO)", ""); |
| $rules.= &do_lib_rule("\$(CRYPTOOBJ) \$(O_FIPSCANISTER)", |
| "\$(LIB_D)$o$crypto_compat",$crypto,$shlib,"\$(SO_CRYPTO)", ""); |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| $rules.= &do_lib_rule("\$(CRYPTOOBJ)","\$(O_CRYPTO)",$crypto,$shlib, |
| "\$(SO_CRYPTO)"); |
| } |
| |
| foreach (split(" ",$otherlibs)) |
| { |
| my $uc = $_; |
| $uc =~ tr /a-z/A-Z/; |
| $rules.= &do_lib_rule("\$(${uc}OBJ)","\$(ENG_D)$o$_$shlibp", "", $shlib, ""); |
| |
| } |
| |
| $rules.=&do_link_rule("\$(BIN_D)$o\$(E_EXE)$exep","\$(E_OBJ)","\$(LIBS_DEP)","\$(L_LIBS) \$(EX_LIBS)", ($fips && !$shlib) ? 2 : 0); |
| |
| print $defs; |
| |
| if ($platform eq "linux-elf") { |
| print <<"EOF"; |
| # Generate perlasm output files |
| %.cpp: |
| (cd \$(\@D)/..; PERL=perl make -f Makefile asm/\$(\@F)) |
| EOF |
| } |
| print "###################################################################\n"; |
| print $rules; |
| |
| ############################################### |
| # strip off any trailing .[och] and append the relative directory |
| # also remembering to do nothing if we are in one of the dropped |
| # directories |
| sub var_add |
| { |
| local($dir,$val,$keepext)=@_; |
| local(@a,$_,$ret); |
| |
| return("") if $no_engine && $dir =~ /\/engine/; |
| return("") if $no_hw && $dir =~ /\/hw/; |
| return("") if $no_idea && $dir =~ /\/idea/; |
| return("") if $no_aes && $dir =~ /\/aes/; |
| return("") if $no_camellia && $dir =~ /\/camellia/; |
| return("") if $no_seed && $dir =~ /\/seed/; |
| return("") if $no_rc2 && $dir =~ /\/rc2/; |
| return("") if $no_rc4 && $dir =~ /\/rc4/; |
| return("") if $no_rc5 && $dir =~ /\/rc5/; |
| return("") if $no_rsa && $dir =~ /\/rsa/; |
| return("") if $no_rsa && $dir =~ /^rsaref/; |
| return("") if $no_dsa && $dir =~ /\/dsa/; |
| return("") if $no_dh && $dir =~ /\/dh/; |
| return("") if $no_ec && $dir =~ /\/ec/; |
| return("") if $no_gost && $dir =~ /\/ccgost/; |
| return("") if $no_cms && $dir =~ /\/cms/; |
| return("") if $no_jpake && $dir =~ /\/jpake/; |
| if ($no_des && $dir =~ /\/des/) |
| { |
| if ($val =~ /read_pwd/) |
| { return("$dir/read_pwd "); } |
| else |
| { return(""); } |
| } |
| return("") if $no_mdc2 && $dir =~ /\/mdc2/; |
| return("") if $no_sock && $dir =~ /\/proxy/; |
| return("") if $no_bf && $dir =~ /\/bf/; |
| return("") if $no_cast && $dir =~ /\/cast/; |
| return("") if $no_whirlpool && $dir =~ /\/whrlpool/; |
| |
| $val =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/; |
| @a=split(/\s+/,$val); |
| grep(s/\.[och]$//,@a) unless $keepext; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_3d$/,@a) if $no_des; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_d$/,@a) if $no_des; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_ae$/,@a) if $no_idea; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_i$/,@a) if $no_aes; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_r2$/,@a) if $no_rc2; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_r5$/,@a) if $no_rc5; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_bf$/,@a) if $no_bf; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_.*_c$/,@a) if $no_cast; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_rc4$/,@a) if $no_rc4; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_camellia$/,@a) if $no_camellia; |
| @a=grep(!/^e_seed$/,@a) if $no_seed; |
| |
| #@a=grep(!/(^s2_)|(^s23_)/,@a) if $no_ssl2; |
| #@a=grep(!/(^s3_)|(^s23_)/,@a) if $no_ssl3; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/(_sock$)|(_acpt$)|(_conn$)|(^pxy_)/,@a) if $no_sock; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/(^md2)|(_md2$)/,@a) if $no_md2; |
| @a=grep(!/(^md4)|(_md4$)/,@a) if $no_md4; |
| @a=grep(!/(^md5)|(_md5$)/,@a) if $no_md5; |
| @a=grep(!/(rmd)|(ripemd)/,@a) if $no_ripemd; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/(^d2i_r_)|(^i2d_r_)/,@a) if $no_rsa; |
| @a=grep(!/(^p_open$)|(^p_seal$)/,@a) if $no_rsa; |
| @a=grep(!/(^pem_seal$)/,@a) if $no_rsa; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/(m_dss$)|(m_dss1$)/,@a) if $no_dsa; |
| @a=grep(!/(^d2i_s_)|(^i2d_s_)|(_dsap$)/,@a) if $no_dsa; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/^n_pkey$/,@a) if $no_rsa || $no_rc4; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/_dhp$/,@a) if $no_dh; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/(^sha[^1])|(_sha$)|(m_dss$)/,@a) if $no_sha; |
| @a=grep(!/(^sha1)|(_sha1$)|(m_dss1$)/,@a) if $no_sha1; |
| @a=grep(!/_mdc2$/,@a) if $no_mdc2; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/(srp)/,@a) if $no_srp; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/^engine$/,@a) if $no_engine; |
| @a=grep(!/^hw$/,@a) if $no_hw; |
| @a=grep(!/(^rsa$)|(^genrsa$)/,@a) if $no_rsa; |
| @a=grep(!/(^dsa$)|(^gendsa$)|(^dsaparam$)/,@a) if $no_dsa; |
| @a=grep(!/^gendsa$/,@a) if $no_sha1; |
| @a=grep(!/(^dh$)|(^gendh$)/,@a) if $no_dh; |
| |
| @a=grep(!/(^dh)|(_sha1$)|(m_dss1$)/,@a) if $no_sha1; |
| |
| grep($_="$dir/$_",@a); |
| @a=grep(!/(^|\/)s_/,@a) if $no_sock; |
| @a=grep(!/(^|\/)bio_sock/,@a) if $no_sock; |
| $ret=join(' ',@a)." "; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| # change things so that each 'token' is only separated by one space |
| sub clean_up_ws |
| { |
| local($w)=@_; |
| |
| $w =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/; |
| $w =~ s/\s+/ /g; |
| return($w); |
| } |
| |
| sub do_defs |
| { |
| local($var,$files,$location,$postfix)=@_; |
| local($_,$ret,$pf); |
| local(*OUT,$tmp,$t); |
| |
| $files =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/'; |
| $ret="$var="; |
| $n=1; |
| $Vars{$var}.=""; |
| foreach (split(/ /,$files)) |
| { |
| $orig=$_; |
| $_=&bname($_) unless /^\$/; |
| if ($n++ == 2) |
| { |
| $n=0; |
| $ret.="\\\n\t"; |
| } |
| if (($_ =~ /bss_file/) && ($postfix eq ".h")) |
| { $pf=".c"; } |
| else { $pf=$postfix; } |
| if ($_ =~ /BN_ASM/) { $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /BNCO_ASM/){ $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /AES_ASM/){ $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /DES_ENC/) { $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /BF_ENC/) { $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /CAST_ENC/){ $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /RC4_ENC/) { $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /RC5_ENC/) { $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /MD5_ASM/) { $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /SHA1_ASM/){ $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /RMD160_ASM/){ $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /WHIRLPOOL_ASM/){ $t="$_ "; } |
| elsif ($_ =~ /CPUID_ASM/){ $t="$_ "; } |
| else { $t="$location${o}$_$pf "; } |
| |
| $Vars{$var}.="$t "; |
| $ret.=$t; |
| } |
| # hack to add version info on MSVC |
| if ($shlib && (($platform eq "VC-WIN32") || ($platfrom eq "VC-WIN64I") || ($platform eq "VC-WIN64A") || ($platform eq "VC-NT"))) |
| { |
| if ($var eq "CRYPTOOBJ") |
| { $ret.="\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(CRYPTO).res "; } |
| elsif ($var eq "SSLOBJ") |
| { $ret.="\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(SSL).res "; } |
| } |
| chomp($ret); |
| $ret.="\n\n"; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| # return the name with the leading path removed |
| sub bname |
| { |
| local($ret)=@_; |
| $ret =~ s/^.*[\\\/]([^\\\/]+)$/$1/; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| # return the leading path |
| sub dname |
| { |
| my $ret=shift; |
| $ret =~ s/(^.*)[\\\/][^\\\/]+$/$1/; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # do a rule for each file that says 'compile' to new direcory |
| # compile the files in '$files' into $to |
| sub do_compile_rule |
| { |
| local($to,$files,$ex)=@_; |
| local($ret,$_,$n,$d,$s); |
| |
| $files =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/'; |
| foreach (split(/\s+/,$files)) |
| { |
| $n=&bname($_); |
| $d=&dname($_); |
| if (-f "${_}.c") |
| { |
| $ret.=&cc_compile_target("$to${o}$n$obj","${_}.c",$ex) |
| } |
| elsif (-f ($s="${d}${o}asm${o}${n}.pl") or |
| ($s=~s/sha256/sha512/ and -f $s) or |
| -f ($s="${d}${o}${n}.pl")) |
| { |
| $ret.=&perlasm_compile_target("$to${o}$n$obj",$s,$n); |
| } |
| elsif (-f ($s="${d}${o}asm${o}${n}.S") or |
| -f ($s="${d}${o}${n}.S")) |
| { |
| $ret.=&Sasm_compile_target("$to${o}$n$obj",$s,$n); |
| } |
| else { die "no rule for $_"; } |
| } |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # do a rule for each file that says 'compile' to new direcory |
| sub perlasm_compile_target |
| { |
| my($target,$source,$bname)=@_; |
| my($ret); |
| |
| $bname =~ s/(.*)\.[^\.]$/$1/; |
| $ret ="\$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm: $source\n"; |
| $ret.="\t\$(PERL) $source $asmtype \$(CFLAG) >\$\@\n\n"; |
| $ret.="$target: \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm\n"; |
| $ret.="\t\$(ASM) $afile\$\@ \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm\n\n"; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| sub Sasm_compile_target |
| { |
| my($target,$source,$bname)=@_; |
| my($ret); |
| |
| $bname =~ s/(.*)\.[^\.]$/$1/; |
| $ret ="\$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm: $source\n"; |
| $ret.="\t\$(CC) -E \$(CFLAG) $source >\$\@\n\n"; |
| $ret.="$target: \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm\n"; |
| $ret.="\t\$(ASM) $afile\$\@ \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm\n\n"; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| sub cc_compile_target |
| { |
| local($target,$source,$ex_flags, $srcd)=@_; |
| local($ret); |
| |
| $ex_flags.=" -DMK1MF_BUILD -D$platform_cpp_symbol" if ($source =~ /cversion/); |
| $target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/"; |
| $source =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/"; |
| $srcd = "\$(SRC_D)$o" unless defined $srcd; |
| $ret ="$target: $srcd$source\n\t"; |
| $ret.="\$(CC) ${ofile}$target $ex_flags -c $srcd$source\n\n"; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| sub do_asm_rule |
| { |
| local($target,$src)=@_; |
| local($ret,@s,@t,$i); |
| |
| $target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/"; |
| $src =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/"; |
| |
| @t=split(/\s+/,$target); |
| @s=split(/\s+/,$src); |
| |
| |
| for ($i=0; $i<=$#s; $i++) |
| { |
| my $objfile = $t[$i]; |
| my $srcfile = $s[$i]; |
| |
| if ($perl_asm == 1) |
| { |
| my $plasm = $objfile; |
| $plasm =~ s/${obj}/.pl/; |
| $ret.="$srcfile: $plasm\n"; |
| $ret.="\t\$(PERL) $plasm $asmtype \$(CFLAG) >$srcfile\n\n"; |
| } |
| |
| $ret.="$objfile: $srcfile\n"; |
| $ret.="\t\$(ASM) $afile$objfile \$(SRC_D)$o$srcfile\n\n"; |
| } |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| sub do_shlib_rule |
| { |
| local($n,$def)=@_; |
| local($ret,$nn); |
| local($t); |
| |
| ($nn=$n) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; |
| $ret.="$n.dll: \$(${nn}OBJ)\n"; |
| if ($vc && $w32) |
| { |
| $ret.="\t\$(MKSHLIB) $efile$n.dll $def @<<\n \$(${nn}OBJ_F)\n<<\n"; |
| } |
| $ret.="\n"; |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| # do a rule for each file that says 'copy' to new direcory on change |
| sub do_copy_rule |
| { |
| local($to,$files,$p)=@_; |
| local($ret,$_,$n,$pp); |
| |
| $files =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/'; |
| foreach (split(/\s+/,$files)) |
| { |
| $n=&bname($_); |
| if ($n =~ /bss_file/) |
| { $pp=".c"; } |
| else { $pp=$p; } |
| $ret.="$to${o}$n$pp: \$(SRC_D)$o$_$pp\n\t\$(CP) \"\$(SRC_D)$o$_$pp\" \"$to${o}$n$pp\"\n\n"; |
| } |
| return($ret); |
| } |
| |
| # Options picked up from the OPTIONS line in the top level Makefile |
| # generated by Configure. |
| |
| sub read_options |
| { |
| # Many options are handled in a similar way. In particular |
| # no-xxx sets zero or more scalars to 1. |
| # Process these using the %valid_options hash containing the option |
| # name and reference to the scalars to set. In some cases the option |
| # needs no special handling and can be ignored: this is done by |
| # setting the value to 0. |
| |
| my %valid_options = ( |
| "no-rc2" => \$no_rc2, |
| "no-rc4" => \$no_rc4, |
| "no-rc5" => \$no_rc5, |
| "no-idea" => \$no_idea, |
| "no-aes" => \$no_aes, |
| "no-camellia" => \$no_camellia, |
| "no-seed" => \$no_seed, |
| "no-des" => \$no_des, |
| "no-bf" => \$no_bf, |
| "no-cast" => \$no_cast, |
| "no-md2" => \$no_md2, |
| "no-md4" => \$no_md4, |
| "no-md5" => \$no_md5, |
| "no-sha" => \$no_sha, |
| "no-sha1" => \$no_sha1, |
| "no-ripemd" => \$no_ripemd, |
| "no-mdc2" => \$no_mdc2, |
| "no-whirlpool" => \$no_whirlpool, |
| "no-patents" => |
| [\$no_rc2, \$no_rc4, \$no_rc5, \$no_idea, \$no_rsa], |
| "no-rsa" => \$no_rsa, |
| "no-dsa" => \$no_dsa, |
| "no-dh" => \$no_dh, |
| "no-hmac" => \$no_hmac, |
| "no-asm" => \$no_asm, |
| "nasm" => \$nasm, |
| "nw-nasm" => \$nw_nasm, |
| "nw-mwasm" => \$nw_mwasm, |
| "gaswin" => \$gaswin, |
| "no-ssl2" => \$no_ssl2, |
| "no-ssl3" => \$no_ssl3, |
| "no-ssl3-method" => 0, |
| "no-tlsext" => \$no_tlsext, |
| "no-srp" => \$no_srp, |
| "no-cms" => \$no_cms, |
| "no-ec2m" => \$no_ec2m, |
| "no-jpake" => \$no_jpake, |
| "no-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128" => 0, |
| "no-err" => \$no_err, |
| "no-sock" => \$no_sock, |
| "no-krb5" => \$no_krb5, |
| "no-ec" => \$no_ec, |
| "no-ecdsa" => \$no_ecdsa, |
| "no-ecdh" => \$no_ecdh, |
| "no-gost" => \$no_gost, |
| "no-engine" => \$no_engine, |
| "no-hw" => \$no_hw, |
| "no-rsax" => 0, |
| "just-ssl" => |
| [\$no_rc2, \$no_idea, \$no_des, \$no_bf, \$no_cast, |
| \$no_md2, \$no_sha, \$no_mdc2, \$no_dsa, \$no_dh, |
| \$no_ssl2, \$no_err, \$no_ripemd, \$no_rc5, |
| \$no_aes, \$no_camellia, \$no_seed, \$no_srp], |
| "rsaref" => 0, |
| "gcc" => \$gcc, |
| "debug" => \$debug, |
| "profile" => \$profile, |
| "shlib" => \$shlib, |
| "dll" => \$shlib, |
| "shared" => 0, |
| "no-sctp" => 0, |
| "no-srtp" => 0, |
| "no-gmp" => 0, |
| "no-rfc3779" => 0, |
| "no-montasm" => 0, |
| "no-shared" => 0, |
| "no-store" => 0, |
| "no-unit-test" => 0, |
| "no-zlib" => 0, |
| "no-zlib-dynamic" => 0, |
| "fips" => \$fips |
| ); |
| |
| if (exists $valid_options{$_}) |
| { |
| my $r = $valid_options{$_}; |
| if ( ref $r eq "SCALAR") |
| { $$r = 1;} |
| elsif ( ref $r eq "ARRAY") |
| { |
| my $r2; |
| foreach $r2 (@$r) |
| { |
| $$r2 = 1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| elsif (/^no-comp$/) { $xcflags = "-DOPENSSL_NO_COMP $xcflags"; } |
| elsif (/^enable-zlib$/) { $zlib_opt = 1 if $zlib_opt == 0 } |
| elsif (/^enable-zlib-dynamic$/) |
| { |
| $zlib_opt = 2; |
| } |
| elsif (/^no-static-engine/) |
| { |
| $no_static_engine = 1; |
| } |
| elsif (/^enable-static-engine/) |
| { |
| $no_static_engine = 0; |
| } |
| # There are also enable-xxx options which correspond to |
| # the no-xxx. Since the scalars are enabled by default |
| # these can be ignored. |
| elsif (/^enable-/) |
| { |
| my $t = $_; |
| $t =~ s/^enable/no/; |
| if (exists $valid_options{$t}) |
| {return 1;} |
| return 0; |
| } |
| # experimental-xxx is mostly like enable-xxx, but opensslconf.v |
| # will still set OPENSSL_NO_xxx unless we set OPENSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_xxx. |
| # (No need to fail if we don't know the algorithm -- this is for adventurous users only.) |
| elsif (/^experimental-/) |
| { |
| my $algo, $ALGO; |
| ($algo = $_) =~ s/^experimental-//; |
| ($ALGO = $algo) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; |
| |
| $xcflags="-DOPENSSL_EXPERIMENTAL_$ALGO $xcflags"; |
| |
| } |
| elsif (/^--with-krb5-flavor=(.*)$/) |
| { |
| my $krb5_flavor = $1; |
| if ($krb5_flavor =~ /^force-[Hh]eimdal$/) |
| { |
| $xcflags="-DKRB5_HEIMDAL $xcflags"; |
| } |
| elsif ($krb5_flavor =~ /^MIT/i) |
| { |
| $xcflags="-DKRB5_MIT $xcflags"; |
| if ($krb5_flavor =~ /^MIT[._-]*1[._-]*[01]/i) |
| { |
| $xcflags="-DKRB5_MIT_OLD11 $xcflags" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| elsif (/^([^=]*)=(.*)$/){ $VARS{$1}=$2; } |
| elsif (/^-[lL].*$/) { $l_flags.="$_ "; } |
| elsif ((!/^-help/) && (!/^-h/) && (!/^-\?/) && /^-.*$/) |
| { $c_flags.="$_ "; } |
| else { return(0); } |
| return(1); |
| } |