blob: 3493e776b6f859990ad2b9b978cd2091e013c78d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/arguments.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins.h"
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/isolate.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Arguments object passed to C++ builtins.
class BuiltinArguments : public Arguments {
BuiltinArguments(int length, Object** arguments)
: Arguments(length, arguments) {
// Check we have at least the receiver.
DCHECK_LE(1, this->length());
Object*& operator[](int index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, length());
return Arguments::operator[](index);
template <class S = Object>
Handle<S> at(int index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, length());
return Arguments::at<S>(index);
Handle<Object> atOrUndefined(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
if (index >= length()) {
return isolate->factory()->undefined_value();
return at<Object>(index);
Handle<Object> receiver() { return Arguments::at<Object>(0); }
static const int kNewTargetOffset = 0;
static const int kTargetOffset = 1;
static const int kArgcOffset = 2;
static const int kPaddingOffset = 3;
static const int kNumExtraArgs = 4;
static const int kNumExtraArgsWithReceiver = 5;
Handle<JSFunction> target() {
return Arguments::at<JSFunction>(Arguments::length() - 1 - kTargetOffset);
Handle<HeapObject> new_target() {
return Arguments::at<HeapObject>(Arguments::length() - 1 -
// Gets the total number of arguments including the receiver (but
// excluding extra arguments).
int length() const { return Arguments::length() - kNumExtraArgs; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support macro for defining builtins in C++.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A builtin function is defined by writing:
// BUILTIN(name) {
// ...
// }
// In the body of the builtin function the arguments can be accessed
// through the BuiltinArguments object args.
// TODO(cbruni): add global flag to check whether any tracing events have been
// enabled.
#define BUILTIN(name) \
MUST_USE_RESULT static Object* Builtin_Impl_##name(BuiltinArguments args, \
Isolate* isolate); \
V8_NOINLINE static Object* Builtin_Impl_Stats_##name( \
int args_length, Object** args_object, Isolate* isolate) { \
BuiltinArguments args(args_length, args_object); \
RuntimeCallTimerScope timer(isolate, \
RuntimeCallCounterId::kBuiltin_##name); \
"V8.Builtin_" #name); \
return Builtin_Impl_##name(args, isolate); \
} \
MUST_USE_RESULT Object* Builtin_##name( \
int args_length, Object** args_object, Isolate* isolate) { \
DCHECK(isolate->context() == nullptr || isolate->context()->IsContext()); \
if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_runtime_stats)) { \
return Builtin_Impl_Stats_##name(args_length, args_object, isolate); \
} \
BuiltinArguments args(args_length, args_object); \
return Builtin_Impl_##name(args, isolate); \
} \
MUST_USE_RESULT static Object* Builtin_Impl_##name(BuiltinArguments args, \
Isolate* isolate)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CHECK_RECEIVER(Type, name, method) \
if (!args.receiver()->Is##Type()) { \
isolate, \
NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, \
isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(method), \
args.receiver())); \
} \
Handle<Type> name = Handle<Type>::cast(args.receiver())
// Throws a TypeError for {method} if the receiver is not coercible to Object,
// or converts the receiver to a String otherwise and assigns it to a new var
// with the given {name}.
#define TO_THIS_STRING(name, method) \
if (args.receiver()->IsNullOrUndefined(isolate)) { \
isolate, \
NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCalledOnNullOrUndefined, \
isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(method))); \
} \
Handle<String> name; \
isolate, name, Object::ToString(isolate, args.receiver()))
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8