blob: d9090dc67e4d99a12a6a6830db556993bf07431f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/flags.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-definitions.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Callable;
template <typename T>
class Handle;
class Isolate;
// Forward declarations.
class BailoutId;
class RootVisitor;
enum class InterpreterPushArgsMode : unsigned;
namespace compiler {
class CodeAssemblerState;
// Convenience macro to avoid generating named accessors for all builtins.
#define BUILTIN_CODE(isolate, name) \
class Builtins {
void TearDown();
// Garbage collection support.
void IterateBuiltins(RootVisitor* v);
// Disassembler support.
const char* Lookup(byte* pc);
enum Name : int32_t {
#define DEF_ENUM(Name, ...) k##Name,
#undef DEF_ENUM
static const int32_t kNoBuiltinId = -1;
static bool IsBuiltinId(int maybe_id) {
return 0 <= maybe_id && maybe_id < builtin_count;
// The different builtin kinds are documented in builtins-definitions.h.
enum Kind { CPP, API, TFJ, TFC, TFS, TFH, ASM };
static BailoutId GetContinuationBailoutId(Name name);
static Name GetBuiltinFromBailoutId(BailoutId);
// Convenience wrappers.
Handle<Code> CallFunction(ConvertReceiverMode = ConvertReceiverMode::kAny);
Handle<Code> Call(ConvertReceiverMode = ConvertReceiverMode::kAny);
Handle<Code> NonPrimitiveToPrimitive(
ToPrimitiveHint hint = ToPrimitiveHint::kDefault);
Handle<Code> OrdinaryToPrimitive(OrdinaryToPrimitiveHint hint);
Handle<Code> InterpreterPushArgsThenCall(ConvertReceiverMode receiver_mode,
InterpreterPushArgsMode mode);
Handle<Code> InterpreterPushArgsThenConstruct(InterpreterPushArgsMode mode);
Handle<Code> NewFunctionContext(ScopeType scope_type);
Handle<Code> JSConstructStubGeneric();
// Used by BuiltinDeserializer.
void set_builtin(int index, HeapObject* builtin);
Code* builtin(int index) {
// Code::cast cannot be used here since we access builtins
// during the marking phase of mark sweep. See IC::Clear.
return reinterpret_cast<Code*>(builtins_[index]);
Address builtin_address(int index) {
return reinterpret_cast<Address>(&builtins_[index]);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Handle<Code> builtin_handle(int index);
// Used by lazy deserialization to determine whether a given builtin has been
// deserialized. See the DeserializeLazy builtin.
Object** builtins_table_address() { return &builtins_[0]; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Callable CallableFor(Isolate* isolate, Name name);
static int GetStackParameterCount(Name name);
static const char* name(int index);
// Returns the C++ entry point for builtins implemented in C++, and the null
// Address otherwise.
static Address CppEntryOf(int index);
static Kind KindOf(int index);
static const char* KindNameOf(int index);
static bool IsCpp(int index);
static bool HasCppImplementation(int index);
// Returns true iff the given builtin can be lazy-loaded from the snapshot.
// This is true in general for most builtins with the exception of a few
// special cases such as CompileLazy and DeserializeLazy.
static bool IsLazy(int index);
bool is_initialized() const { return initialized_; }
// Used by SetupIsolateDelegate and Deserializer.
void MarkInitialized() {
initialized_ = true;
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> InvokeApiFunction(
Isolate* isolate, bool is_construct, Handle<HeapObject> function,
Handle<Object> receiver, int argc, Handle<Object> args[],
Handle<HeapObject> new_target);
enum ExitFrameType { EXIT, BUILTIN_EXIT };
static void Generate_Adaptor(MacroAssembler* masm, Address builtin_address,
ExitFrameType exit_frame_type);
static bool AllowDynamicFunction(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target,
Handle<JSObject> target_global_proxy);
static void Generate_CallFunction(MacroAssembler* masm,
ConvertReceiverMode mode);
static void Generate_CallBoundFunctionImpl(MacroAssembler* masm);
static void Generate_Call(MacroAssembler* masm, ConvertReceiverMode mode);
enum class CallOrConstructMode { kCall, kConstruct };
static void Generate_CallOrConstructVarargs(MacroAssembler* masm,
Handle<Code> code);
static void Generate_CallOrConstructForwardVarargs(MacroAssembler* masm,
CallOrConstructMode mode,
Handle<Code> code);
static void Generate_InterpreterPushArgsThenCallImpl(
MacroAssembler* masm, ConvertReceiverMode receiver_mode,
InterpreterPushArgsMode mode);
static void Generate_InterpreterPushArgsThenConstructImpl(
MacroAssembler* masm, InterpreterPushArgsMode mode);
#define DECLARE_ASM(Name, ...) \
static void Generate_##Name(MacroAssembler* masm);
#define DECLARE_TF(Name, ...) \
static void Generate_##Name(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state);
// Note: These are always Code objects, but to conform with
// IterateBuiltins() above which assumes Object**'s for the callback
// function f, we use an Object* array here.
Object* builtins_[builtin_count];
bool initialized_;
friend class Isolate;
friend class SetupIsolateDelegate;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8