blob: d6082c9f0a19f145d4b73e4651f0c1505d5d9cfc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/assembler-inl.h"
#include "src/compiler/instruction-selector-impl.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
enum ImmediateMode {
kArithmeticImm, // 12 bit unsigned immediate shifted left 0 or 12 bits
kShift32Imm, // 0 - 31
kShift64Imm, // 0 - 63
kLoadStoreImm8, // signed 8 bit or 12 bit unsigned scaled by access size
// Adds Arm64-specific methods for generating operands.
class Arm64OperandGenerator final : public OperandGenerator {
explicit Arm64OperandGenerator(InstructionSelector* selector)
: OperandGenerator(selector) {}
InstructionOperand UseOperand(Node* node, ImmediateMode mode) {
if (CanBeImmediate(node, mode)) {
return UseImmediate(node);
return UseRegister(node);
// Use the zero register if the node has the immediate value zero, otherwise
// assign a register.
InstructionOperand UseRegisterOrImmediateZero(Node* node) {
if ((IsIntegerConstant(node) && (GetIntegerConstantValue(node) == 0)) ||
(IsFloatConstant(node) &&
(bit_cast<int64_t>(GetFloatConstantValue(node)) == 0))) {
return UseImmediate(node);
return UseRegister(node);
// Use the provided node if it has the required value, or create a
// TempImmediate otherwise.
InstructionOperand UseImmediateOrTemp(Node* node, int32_t value) {
if (GetIntegerConstantValue(node) == value) {
return UseImmediate(node);
return TempImmediate(value);
bool IsIntegerConstant(Node* node) {
return (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInt32Constant) ||
(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInt64Constant);
int64_t GetIntegerConstantValue(Node* node) {
if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInt32Constant) {
return OpParameter<int32_t>(node);
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kInt64Constant, node->opcode());
return OpParameter<int64_t>(node);
bool IsFloatConstant(Node* node) {
return (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFloat32Constant) ||
(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFloat64Constant);
double GetFloatConstantValue(Node* node) {
if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFloat32Constant) {
return OpParameter<float>(node);
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Constant, node->opcode());
return OpParameter<double>(node);
bool CanBeImmediate(Node* node, ImmediateMode mode) {
return IsIntegerConstant(node) &&
CanBeImmediate(GetIntegerConstantValue(node), mode);
bool CanBeImmediate(int64_t value, ImmediateMode mode) {
unsigned ignored;
switch (mode) {
case kLogical32Imm:
// TODO(dcarney): some unencodable values can be handled by
// switching instructions.
return Assembler::IsImmLogical(static_cast<uint64_t>(value), 32,
&ignored, &ignored, &ignored);
case kLogical64Imm:
return Assembler::IsImmLogical(static_cast<uint64_t>(value), 64,
&ignored, &ignored, &ignored);
case kArithmeticImm:
return Assembler::IsImmAddSub(value);
case kLoadStoreImm8:
return IsLoadStoreImmediate(value, 0);
case kLoadStoreImm16:
return IsLoadStoreImmediate(value, 1);
case kLoadStoreImm32:
return IsLoadStoreImmediate(value, 2);
case kLoadStoreImm64:
return IsLoadStoreImmediate(value, 3);
case kNoImmediate:
return false;
case kShift32Imm: // Fall through.
case kShift64Imm:
// Shift operations only observe the bottom 5 or 6 bits of the value.
// All possible shifts can be encoded by discarding bits which have no
// effect.
return true;
return false;
bool CanBeLoadStoreShiftImmediate(Node* node, MachineRepresentation rep) {
// TODO(arm64): Load and Store on 128 bit Q registers is not supported yet.
DCHECK_GT(MachineRepresentation::kSimd128, rep);
return IsIntegerConstant(node) &&
(GetIntegerConstantValue(node) == ElementSizeLog2Of(rep));
bool IsLoadStoreImmediate(int64_t value, unsigned size) {
return Assembler::IsImmLSScaled(value, size) ||
namespace {
void VisitRR(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode, Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
void VisitRRR(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode, Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
void VisitRRI(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode, Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
int32_t imm = OpParameter<int32_t>(node);
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)), g.UseImmediate(imm));
void VisitRRO(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode, Node* node,
ImmediateMode operand_mode) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseOperand(node->InputAt(1), operand_mode));
void VisitRRIR(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode, Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
int32_t imm = OpParameter<int32_t>(node);
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)), g.UseImmediate(imm),
struct ExtendingLoadMatcher {
ExtendingLoadMatcher(Node* node, InstructionSelector* selector)
: matches_(false), selector_(selector), base_(nullptr), immediate_(0) {
bool Matches() const { return matches_; }
Node* base() const {
return base_;
int64_t immediate() const {
return immediate_;
ArchOpcode opcode() const {
return opcode_;
bool matches_;
InstructionSelector* selector_;
Node* base_;
int64_t immediate_;
ArchOpcode opcode_;
void Initialize(Node* node) {
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
// When loading a 64-bit value and shifting by 32, we should
// just load and sign-extend the interesting 4 bytes instead.
// This happens, for example, when we're loading and untagging SMIs.
if (m.left().IsLoad() && m.right().Is(32) &&
selector_->CanCover(m.node(), m.left().node())) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector_);
Node* load = m.left().node();
Node* offset = load->InputAt(1);
base_ = load->InputAt(0);
opcode_ = kArm64Ldrsw;
if (g.IsIntegerConstant(offset)) {
immediate_ = g.GetIntegerConstantValue(offset) + 4;
matches_ = g.CanBeImmediate(immediate_, kLoadStoreImm32);
bool TryMatchExtendingLoad(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node) {
ExtendingLoadMatcher m(node, selector);
return m.Matches();
bool TryEmitExtendingLoad(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node) {
ExtendingLoadMatcher m(node, selector);
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
if (m.Matches()) {
InstructionOperand inputs[2];
inputs[0] = g.UseRegister(m.base());
InstructionCode opcode =
m.opcode() | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI);
inputs[1] = g.TempImmediate(static_cast<int32_t>(m.immediate()));
InstructionOperand outputs[] = {g.DefineAsRegister(node)};
selector->Emit(opcode, arraysize(outputs), outputs, arraysize(inputs),
return true;
return false;
bool TryMatchAnyShift(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
Node* input_node, InstructionCode* opcode, bool try_ror) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
if (!selector->CanCover(node, input_node)) return false;
if (input_node->InputCount() != 2) return false;
if (!g.IsIntegerConstant(input_node->InputAt(1))) return false;
switch (input_node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kWord32Shl:
case IrOpcode::kWord64Shl:
*opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_LSL_I);
return true;
case IrOpcode::kWord32Shr:
case IrOpcode::kWord64Shr:
*opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_LSR_I);
return true;
case IrOpcode::kWord32Sar:
*opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_ASR_I);
return true;
case IrOpcode::kWord64Sar:
if (TryMatchExtendingLoad(selector, input_node)) return false;
*opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_ASR_I);
return true;
case IrOpcode::kWord32Ror:
case IrOpcode::kWord64Ror:
if (try_ror) {
*opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_ROR_I);
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool TryMatchAnyExtend(Arm64OperandGenerator* g, InstructionSelector* selector,
Node* node, Node* left_node, Node* right_node,
InstructionOperand* left_op,
InstructionOperand* right_op, InstructionCode* opcode) {
if (!selector->CanCover(node, right_node)) return false;
NodeMatcher nm(right_node);
if (nm.IsWord32And()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mright(right_node);
if (mright.right().Is(0xFF) || mright.right().Is(0xFFFF)) {
int32_t mask = mright.right().Value();
*left_op = g->UseRegister(left_node);
*right_op = g->UseRegister(mright.left().node());
*opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(
(mask == 0xFF) ? kMode_Operand2_R_UXTB : kMode_Operand2_R_UXTH);
return true;
} else if (nm.IsWord32Sar()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mright(right_node);
if (selector->CanCover(mright.node(), mright.left().node()) &&
mright.left().IsWord32Shl()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft_of_right(mright.left().node());
if ((mright.right().Is(16) && mleft_of_right.right().Is(16)) ||
(mright.right().Is(24) && mleft_of_right.right().Is(24))) {
int32_t shift = mright.right().Value();
*left_op = g->UseRegister(left_node);
*right_op = g->UseRegister(mleft_of_right.left().node());
*opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(
(shift == 24) ? kMode_Operand2_R_SXTB : kMode_Operand2_R_SXTH);
return true;
return false;
bool TryMatchLoadStoreShift(Arm64OperandGenerator* g,
InstructionSelector* selector,
MachineRepresentation rep, Node* node, Node* index,
InstructionOperand* index_op,
InstructionOperand* shift_immediate_op) {
if (!selector->CanCover(node, index)) return false;
if (index->InputCount() != 2) return false;
Node* left = index->InputAt(0);
Node* right = index->InputAt(1);
switch (index->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kWord32Shl:
case IrOpcode::kWord64Shl:
if (!g->CanBeLoadStoreShiftImmediate(right, rep)) {
return false;
*index_op = g->UseRegister(left);
*shift_immediate_op = g->UseImmediate(right);
return true;
return false;
// Bitfields describing binary operator properties:
// CanCommuteField is true if we can switch the two operands, potentially
// requiring commuting the flags continuation condition.
typedef BitField8<bool, 1, 1> CanCommuteField;
// MustCommuteCondField is true when we need to commute the flags continuation
// condition in order to switch the operands.
typedef BitField8<bool, 2, 1> MustCommuteCondField;
// IsComparisonField is true when the operation is a comparison and has no other
// result other than the condition.
typedef BitField8<bool, 3, 1> IsComparisonField;
// IsAddSubField is true when an instruction is encoded as ADD or SUB.
typedef BitField8<bool, 4, 1> IsAddSubField;
// Get properties of a binary operator.
uint8_t GetBinopProperties(InstructionCode opcode) {
uint8_t result = 0;
switch (opcode) {
case kArm64Cmp32:
case kArm64Cmp:
// We can commute CMP by switching the inputs and commuting
// the flags continuation.
result = CanCommuteField::update(result, true);
result = MustCommuteCondField::update(result, true);
result = IsComparisonField::update(result, true);
// The CMP and CMN instructions are encoded as SUB or ADD
// with zero output register, and therefore support the same
// operand modes.
result = IsAddSubField::update(result, true);
case kArm64Cmn32:
case kArm64Cmn:
result = CanCommuteField::update(result, true);
result = IsComparisonField::update(result, true);
result = IsAddSubField::update(result, true);
case kArm64Add32:
case kArm64Add:
result = CanCommuteField::update(result, true);
result = IsAddSubField::update(result, true);
case kArm64Sub32:
case kArm64Sub:
result = IsAddSubField::update(result, true);
case kArm64Tst32:
case kArm64Tst:
result = CanCommuteField::update(result, true);
result = IsComparisonField::update(result, true);
case kArm64And32:
case kArm64And:
case kArm64Or32:
case kArm64Or:
case kArm64Eor32:
case kArm64Eor:
result = CanCommuteField::update(result, true);
return result;
// Shared routine for multiple binary operations.
template <typename Matcher>
void VisitBinop(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
InstructionCode opcode, ImmediateMode operand_mode,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
InstructionOperand inputs[5];
size_t input_count = 0;
InstructionOperand outputs[2];
size_t output_count = 0;
Node* left_node = node->InputAt(0);
Node* right_node = node->InputAt(1);
uint8_t properties = GetBinopProperties(opcode);
bool can_commute = CanCommuteField::decode(properties);
bool must_commute_cond = MustCommuteCondField::decode(properties);
bool is_add_sub = IsAddSubField::decode(properties);
if (g.CanBeImmediate(right_node, operand_mode)) {
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegister(left_node);
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseImmediate(right_node);
} else if (can_commute && g.CanBeImmediate(left_node, operand_mode)) {
if (must_commute_cond) cont->Commute();
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegister(right_node);
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseImmediate(left_node);
} else if (is_add_sub &&
TryMatchAnyExtend(&g, selector, node, left_node, right_node,
&inputs[0], &inputs[1], &opcode)) {
input_count += 2;
} else if (is_add_sub && can_commute &&
TryMatchAnyExtend(&g, selector, node, right_node, left_node,
&inputs[0], &inputs[1], &opcode)) {
if (must_commute_cond) cont->Commute();
input_count += 2;
} else if (TryMatchAnyShift(selector, node, right_node, &opcode,
!is_add_sub)) {
Matcher m_shift(right_node);
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegisterOrImmediateZero(left_node);
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegister(m_shift.left().node());
// We only need at most the last 6 bits of the shift.
inputs[input_count++] =
g.UseImmediate(static_cast<int>(m_shift.right().Value() & 0x3F));
} else if (can_commute && TryMatchAnyShift(selector, node, left_node, &opcode,
!is_add_sub)) {
if (must_commute_cond) cont->Commute();
Matcher m_shift(left_node);
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegisterOrImmediateZero(right_node);
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegister(m_shift.left().node());
// We only need at most the last 6 bits of the shift.
inputs[input_count++] =
g.UseImmediate(static_cast<int>(m_shift.right().Value() & 0x3F));
} else {
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegisterOrImmediateZero(left_node);
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegister(right_node);
if (cont->IsBranch()) {
inputs[input_count++] = g.Label(cont->true_block());
inputs[input_count++] = g.Label(cont->false_block());
if (!IsComparisonField::decode(properties)) {
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(node);
if (cont->IsSet()) {
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(cont->result());
DCHECK_NE(0u, input_count);
DCHECK((output_count != 0) || IsComparisonField::decode(properties));
DCHECK_GE(arraysize(inputs), input_count);
DCHECK_GE(arraysize(outputs), output_count);
opcode = cont->Encode(opcode);
if (cont->IsDeoptimize()) {
selector->EmitDeoptimize(opcode, output_count, outputs, input_count, inputs,
cont->kind(), cont->reason(), cont->feedback(),
} else if (cont->IsTrap()) {
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseImmediate(cont->trap_id());
selector->Emit(opcode, output_count, outputs, input_count, inputs);
} else {
selector->Emit(opcode, output_count, outputs, input_count, inputs);
// Shared routine for multiple binary operations.
template <typename Matcher>
void VisitBinop(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node, ArchOpcode opcode,
ImmediateMode operand_mode) {
FlagsContinuation cont;
VisitBinop<Matcher>(selector, node, opcode, operand_mode, &cont);
template <typename Matcher>
void VisitAddSub(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node, ArchOpcode opcode,
ArchOpcode negate_opcode) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Matcher m(node);
if (m.right().HasValue() && (m.right().Value() < 0) &&
g.CanBeImmediate(-m.right().Value(), kArithmeticImm)) {
selector->Emit(negate_opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
} else {
VisitBinop<Matcher>(selector, node, opcode, kArithmeticImm);
// For multiplications by immediate of the form x * (2^k + 1), where k > 0,
// return the value of k, otherwise return zero. This is used to reduce the
// multiplication to addition with left shift: x + (x << k).
template <typename Matcher>
int32_t LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(Matcher* m) {
DCHECK(m->IsInt32Mul() || m->IsInt64Mul());
if (m->right().HasValue() && m->right().Value() >= 3) {
uint64_t value_minus_one = m->right().Value() - 1;
if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo(value_minus_one)) {
return WhichPowerOf2(value_minus_one);
return 0;
} // namespace
void InstructionSelector::VisitStackSlot(Node* node) {
StackSlotRepresentation rep = StackSlotRepresentationOf(node->op());
int slot = frame_->AllocateSpillSlot(rep.size());
OperandGenerator g(this);
Emit(kArchStackSlot, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
sequence()->AddImmediate(Constant(slot)), 0, nullptr);
void InstructionSelector::VisitDebugAbort(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Emit(kArchDebugAbort, g.NoOutput(), g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(0), x1));
void EmitLoad(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node, InstructionCode opcode,
ImmediateMode immediate_mode, MachineRepresentation rep,
Node* output = nullptr) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Node* base = node->InputAt(0);
Node* index = node->InputAt(1);
InstructionOperand inputs[3];
size_t input_count = 0;
InstructionOperand outputs[1];
// If output is not nullptr, use that as the output register. This
// is used when we merge a conversion into the load.
outputs[0] = g.DefineAsRegister(output == nullptr ? node : output);
inputs[0] = g.UseRegister(base);
if (g.CanBeImmediate(index, immediate_mode)) {
input_count = 2;
inputs[1] = g.UseImmediate(index);
opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI);
} else if (TryMatchLoadStoreShift(&g, selector, rep, node, index, &inputs[1],
&inputs[2])) {
input_count = 3;
opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_LSL_I);
} else {
input_count = 2;
inputs[1] = g.UseRegister(index);
opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRR);
selector->Emit(opcode, arraysize(outputs), outputs, input_count, inputs);
void InstructionSelector::VisitLoad(Node* node) {
InstructionCode opcode = kArchNop;
ImmediateMode immediate_mode = kNoImmediate;
LoadRepresentation load_rep = LoadRepresentationOf(node->op());
MachineRepresentation rep = load_rep.representation();
switch (rep) {
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
opcode = kArm64LdrS;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm32;
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
opcode = kArm64LdrD;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm64;
case MachineRepresentation::kBit: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
opcode = load_rep.IsSigned() ? kArm64Ldrsb : kArm64Ldrb;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm8;
case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
opcode = load_rep.IsSigned() ? kArm64Ldrsh : kArm64Ldrh;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm16;
case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
opcode = kArm64LdrW;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm32;
case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kTagged: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kWord64:
opcode = kArm64Ldr;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm64;
case MachineRepresentation::kSimd128:
opcode = kArm64LdrQ;
immediate_mode = kNoImmediate;
case MachineRepresentation::kNone:
EmitLoad(this, node, opcode, immediate_mode, rep);
void InstructionSelector::VisitProtectedLoad(Node* node) {
// TODO(eholk)
void InstructionSelector::VisitStore(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Node* base = node->InputAt(0);
Node* index = node->InputAt(1);
Node* value = node->InputAt(2);
StoreRepresentation store_rep = StoreRepresentationOf(node->op());
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind = store_rep.write_barrier_kind();
MachineRepresentation rep = store_rep.representation();
// TODO(arm64): I guess this could be done in a better way.
if (write_barrier_kind != kNoWriteBarrier) {
AddressingMode addressing_mode;
InstructionOperand inputs[3];
size_t input_count = 0;
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseUniqueRegister(base);
// OutOfLineRecordWrite uses the index in an arithmetic instruction, so we
// must check kArithmeticImm as well as kLoadStoreImm64.
if (g.CanBeImmediate(index, kArithmeticImm) &&
g.CanBeImmediate(index, kLoadStoreImm64)) {
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseImmediate(index);
addressing_mode = kMode_MRI;
} else {
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseUniqueRegister(index);
addressing_mode = kMode_MRR;
inputs[input_count++] = g.UseUniqueRegister(value);
RecordWriteMode record_write_mode = RecordWriteMode::kValueIsAny;
switch (write_barrier_kind) {
case kNoWriteBarrier:
case kMapWriteBarrier:
record_write_mode = RecordWriteMode::kValueIsMap;
case kPointerWriteBarrier:
record_write_mode = RecordWriteMode::kValueIsPointer;
case kFullWriteBarrier:
record_write_mode = RecordWriteMode::kValueIsAny;
InstructionOperand temps[] = {g.TempRegister(), g.TempRegister()};
size_t const temp_count = arraysize(temps);
InstructionCode code = kArchStoreWithWriteBarrier;
code |= AddressingModeField::encode(addressing_mode);
code |= MiscField::encode(static_cast<int>(record_write_mode));
Emit(code, 0, nullptr, input_count, inputs, temp_count, temps);
} else {
InstructionOperand inputs[4];
size_t input_count = 0;
InstructionCode opcode = kArchNop;
ImmediateMode immediate_mode = kNoImmediate;
switch (rep) {
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
opcode = kArm64StrS;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm32;
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
opcode = kArm64StrD;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm64;
case MachineRepresentation::kBit: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
opcode = kArm64Strb;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm8;
case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
opcode = kArm64Strh;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm16;
case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
opcode = kArm64StrW;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm32;
case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kTagged: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kWord64:
opcode = kArm64Str;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm64;
case MachineRepresentation::kSimd128:
opcode = kArm64StrQ;
immediate_mode = kNoImmediate;
case MachineRepresentation::kNone:
inputs[0] = g.UseRegisterOrImmediateZero(value);
inputs[1] = g.UseRegister(base);
if (g.CanBeImmediate(index, immediate_mode)) {
input_count = 3;
inputs[2] = g.UseImmediate(index);
opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI);
} else if (TryMatchLoadStoreShift(&g, this, rep, node, index, &inputs[2],
&inputs[3])) {
input_count = 4;
opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_LSL_I);
} else {
input_count = 3;
inputs[2] = g.UseRegister(index);
opcode |= AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRR);
Emit(opcode, 0, nullptr, input_count, inputs);
void InstructionSelector::VisitProtectedStore(Node* node) {
// TODO(eholk)
// Architecture supports unaligned access, therefore VisitLoad is used instead
void InstructionSelector::VisitUnalignedLoad(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
// Architecture supports unaligned access, therefore VisitStore is used instead
void InstructionSelector::VisitUnalignedStore(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
template <typename Matcher>
static void VisitLogical(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node, Matcher* m,
ArchOpcode opcode, bool left_can_cover,
bool right_can_cover, ImmediateMode imm_mode) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
// Map instruction to equivalent operation with inverted right input.
ArchOpcode inv_opcode = opcode;
switch (opcode) {
case kArm64And32:
inv_opcode = kArm64Bic32;
case kArm64And:
inv_opcode = kArm64Bic;
case kArm64Or32:
inv_opcode = kArm64Orn32;
case kArm64Or:
inv_opcode = kArm64Orn;
case kArm64Eor32:
inv_opcode = kArm64Eon32;
case kArm64Eor:
inv_opcode = kArm64Eon;
// Select Logical(y, ~x) for Logical(Xor(x, -1), y).
if ((m->left().IsWord32Xor() || m->left().IsWord64Xor()) && left_can_cover) {
Matcher mleft(m->left().node());
if (mleft.right().Is(-1)) {
// TODO(all): support shifted operand on right.
selector->Emit(inv_opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
// Select Logical(x, ~y) for Logical(x, Xor(y, -1)).
if ((m->right().IsWord32Xor() || m->right().IsWord64Xor()) &&
right_can_cover) {
Matcher mright(m->right().node());
if (mright.right().Is(-1)) {
// TODO(all): support shifted operand on right.
selector->Emit(inv_opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
if (m->IsWord32Xor() && m->right().Is(-1)) {
selector->Emit(kArm64Not32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
} else if (m->IsWord64Xor() && m->right().Is(-1)) {
selector->Emit(kArm64Not, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
} else {
VisitBinop<Matcher>(selector, node, opcode, imm_mode);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32And(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().IsWord32Shr() && CanCover(node, m.left().node()) &&
m.right().HasValue()) {
uint32_t mask = m.right().Value();
uint32_t mask_width = base::bits::CountPopulation(mask);
uint32_t mask_msb = base::bits::CountLeadingZeros32(mask);
if ((mask_width != 0) && (mask_width != 32) &&
(mask_msb + mask_width == 32)) {
// The mask must be contiguous, and occupy the least-significant bits.
DCHECK_EQ(0u, base::bits::CountTrailingZeros32(mask));
// Select Ubfx for And(Shr(x, imm), mask) where the mask is in the least
// significant bits.
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue()) {
// Any shift value can match; int32 shifts use `value % 32`.
uint32_t lsb = mleft.right().Value() & 0x1F;
// Ubfx cannot extract bits past the register size, however since
// shifting the original value would have introduced some zeros we can
// still use ubfx with a smaller mask and the remaining bits will be
// zeros.
if (lsb + mask_width > 32) mask_width = 32 - lsb;
Emit(kArm64Ubfx32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseImmediateOrTemp(mleft.right().node(), lsb),
// Other cases fall through to the normal And operation.
this, node, &m, kArm64And32, CanCover(node, m.left().node()),
CanCover(node, m.right().node()), kLogical32Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64And(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().IsWord64Shr() && CanCover(node, m.left().node()) &&
m.right().HasValue()) {
uint64_t mask = m.right().Value();
uint64_t mask_width = base::bits::CountPopulation(mask);
uint64_t mask_msb = base::bits::CountLeadingZeros64(mask);
if ((mask_width != 0) && (mask_width != 64) &&
(mask_msb + mask_width == 64)) {
// The mask must be contiguous, and occupy the least-significant bits.
DCHECK_EQ(0u, base::bits::CountTrailingZeros64(mask));
// Select Ubfx for And(Shr(x, imm), mask) where the mask is in the least
// significant bits.
Int64BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue()) {
// Any shift value can match; int64 shifts use `value % 64`.
uint32_t lsb = static_cast<uint32_t>(mleft.right().Value() & 0x3F);
// Ubfx cannot extract bits past the register size, however since
// shifting the original value would have introduced some zeros we can
// still use ubfx with a smaller mask and the remaining bits will be
// zeros.
if (lsb + mask_width > 64) mask_width = 64 - lsb;
Emit(kArm64Ubfx, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseImmediateOrTemp(mleft.right().node(), lsb),
// Other cases fall through to the normal And operation.
this, node, &m, kArm64And, CanCover(node, m.left().node()),
CanCover(node, m.right().node()), kLogical64Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Or(Node* node) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
this, node, &m, kArm64Or32, CanCover(node, m.left().node()),
CanCover(node, m.right().node()), kLogical32Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Or(Node* node) {
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
this, node, &m, kArm64Or, CanCover(node, m.left().node()),
CanCover(node, m.right().node()), kLogical64Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Xor(Node* node) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
this, node, &m, kArm64Eor32, CanCover(node, m.left().node()),
CanCover(node, m.right().node()), kLogical32Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Xor(Node* node) {
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
this, node, &m, kArm64Eor, CanCover(node, m.left().node()),
CanCover(node, m.right().node()), kLogical64Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Shl(Node* node) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().IsWord32And() && CanCover(node, m.left().node()) &&
m.right().IsInRange(1, 31)) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue()) {
uint32_t mask = mleft.right().Value();
uint32_t mask_width = base::bits::CountPopulation(mask);
uint32_t mask_msb = base::bits::CountLeadingZeros32(mask);
if ((mask_width != 0) && (mask_msb + mask_width == 32)) {
uint32_t shift = m.right().Value();
DCHECK_EQ(0u, base::bits::CountTrailingZeros32(mask));
DCHECK_NE(0u, shift);
if ((shift + mask_width) >= 32) {
// If the mask is contiguous and reaches or extends beyond the top
// bit, only the shift is needed.
Emit(kArm64Lsl32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
} else {
// Select Ubfiz for Shl(And(x, mask), imm) where the mask is
// contiguous, and the shift immediate non-zero.
Emit(kArm64Ubfiz32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseImmediate(m.right().node()), g.TempImmediate(mask_width));
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Lsl32, node, kShift32Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Shl(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
if ((m.left().IsChangeInt32ToInt64() || m.left().IsChangeUint32ToUint64()) &&
m.right().IsInRange(32, 63) && CanCover(node, m.left().node())) {
// There's no need to sign/zero-extend to 64-bit if we shift out the upper
// 32 bits anyway.
Emit(kArm64Lsl, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Lsl, node, kShift64Imm);
namespace {
bool TryEmitBitfieldExtract32(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (selector->CanCover(node, m.left().node()) && m.left().IsWord32Shl()) {
// Select Ubfx or Sbfx for (x << (K & 0x1F)) OP (K & 0x1F), where
// OP is >>> or >> and (K & 0x1F) != 0.
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue() && m.right().HasValue() &&
(mleft.right().Value() & 0x1F) != 0 &&
(mleft.right().Value() & 0x1F) == (m.right().Value() & 0x1F)) {
DCHECK(m.IsWord32Shr() || m.IsWord32Sar());
ArchOpcode opcode = m.IsWord32Sar() ? kArm64Sbfx32 : kArm64Ubfx32;
int right_val = m.right().Value() & 0x1F;
DCHECK_NE(right_val, 0);
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseRegister(mleft.left().node()), g.TempImmediate(0),
g.TempImmediate(32 - right_val));
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Shr(Node* node) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().IsWord32And() && m.right().HasValue()) {
uint32_t lsb = m.right().Value() & 0x1F;
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue() && mleft.right().Value() != 0) {
// Select Ubfx for Shr(And(x, mask), imm) where the result of the mask is
// shifted into the least-significant bits.
uint32_t mask = (mleft.right().Value() >> lsb) << lsb;
unsigned mask_width = base::bits::CountPopulation(mask);
unsigned mask_msb = base::bits::CountLeadingZeros32(mask);
if ((mask_msb + mask_width + lsb) == 32) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
DCHECK_EQ(lsb, base::bits::CountTrailingZeros32(mask));
Emit(kArm64Ubfx32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseImmediateOrTemp(m.right().node(), lsb),
} else if (TryEmitBitfieldExtract32(this, node)) {
if (m.left().IsUint32MulHigh() && m.right().HasValue() &&
CanCover(node, node->InputAt(0))) {
// Combine this shift with the multiply and shift that would be generated
// by Uint32MulHigh.
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Node* left = m.left().node();
int shift = m.right().Value() & 0x1F;
InstructionOperand const smull_operand = g.TempRegister();
Emit(kArm64Umull, smull_operand, g.UseRegister(left->InputAt(0)),
Emit(kArm64Lsr, g.DefineAsRegister(node), smull_operand,
g.TempImmediate(32 + shift));
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Lsr32, node, kShift32Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Shr(Node* node) {
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().IsWord64And() && m.right().HasValue()) {
uint32_t lsb = m.right().Value() & 0x3F;
Int64BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue() && mleft.right().Value() != 0) {
// Select Ubfx for Shr(And(x, mask), imm) where the result of the mask is
// shifted into the least-significant bits.
uint64_t mask = (mleft.right().Value() >> lsb) << lsb;
unsigned mask_width = base::bits::CountPopulation(mask);
unsigned mask_msb = base::bits::CountLeadingZeros64(mask);
if ((mask_msb + mask_width + lsb) == 64) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
DCHECK_EQ(lsb, base::bits::CountTrailingZeros64(mask));
Emit(kArm64Ubfx, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
g.UseImmediateOrTemp(m.right().node(), lsb),
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Lsr, node, kShift64Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Sar(Node* node) {
if (TryEmitBitfieldExtract32(this, node)) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().IsInt32MulHigh() && m.right().HasValue() &&
CanCover(node, node->InputAt(0))) {
// Combine this shift with the multiply and shift that would be generated
// by Int32MulHigh.
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Node* left = m.left().node();
int shift = m.right().Value() & 0x1F;
InstructionOperand const smull_operand = g.TempRegister();
Emit(kArm64Smull, smull_operand, g.UseRegister(left->InputAt(0)),
Emit(kArm64Asr, g.DefineAsRegister(node), smull_operand,
g.TempImmediate(32 + shift));
if (m.left().IsInt32Add() && m.right().HasValue() &&
CanCover(node, node->InputAt(0))) {
Node* add_node = m.left().node();
Int32BinopMatcher madd_node(add_node);
if (madd_node.left().IsInt32MulHigh() &&
CanCover(add_node, madd_node.left().node())) {
// Combine the shift that would be generated by Int32MulHigh with the add
// on the left of this Sar operation. We do it here, as the result of the
// add potentially has 33 bits, so we have to ensure the result is
// truncated by being the input to this 32-bit Sar operation.
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Node* mul_node = madd_node.left().node();
InstructionOperand const smull_operand = g.TempRegister();
Emit(kArm64Smull, smull_operand, g.UseRegister(mul_node->InputAt(0)),
InstructionOperand const add_operand = g.TempRegister();
Emit(kArm64Add | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_ASR_I),
add_operand, g.UseRegister(add_node->InputAt(1)), smull_operand,
Emit(kArm64Asr32, g.DefineAsRegister(node), add_operand,
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Asr32, node, kShift32Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Sar(Node* node) {
if (TryEmitExtendingLoad(this, node)) return;
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Asr, node, kShift64Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Ror(Node* node) {
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Ror32, node, kShift32Imm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Ror(Node* node) {
VisitRRO(this, kArm64Ror, node, kShift64Imm);
#define RR_OP_LIST(V) \
V(Word64Clz, kArm64Clz) \
V(Word32Clz, kArm64Clz32) \
V(Word32ReverseBits, kArm64Rbit32) \
V(Word64ReverseBits, kArm64Rbit) \
V(ChangeFloat32ToFloat64, kArm64Float32ToFloat64) \
V(RoundInt32ToFloat32, kArm64Int32ToFloat32) \
V(RoundUint32ToFloat32, kArm64Uint32ToFloat32) \
V(ChangeInt32ToFloat64, kArm64Int32ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeUint32ToFloat64, kArm64Uint32ToFloat64) \
V(TruncateFloat32ToInt32, kArm64Float32ToInt32) \
V(ChangeFloat64ToInt32, kArm64Float64ToInt32) \
V(TruncateFloat32ToUint32, kArm64Float32ToUint32) \
V(ChangeFloat64ToUint32, kArm64Float64ToUint32) \
V(ChangeFloat64ToUint64, kArm64Float64ToUint64) \
V(TruncateFloat64ToUint32, kArm64Float64ToUint32) \
V(TruncateFloat64ToFloat32, kArm64Float64ToFloat32) \
V(TruncateFloat64ToWord32, kArchTruncateDoubleToI) \
V(RoundFloat64ToInt32, kArm64Float64ToInt32) \
V(RoundInt64ToFloat32, kArm64Int64ToFloat32) \
V(RoundInt64ToFloat64, kArm64Int64ToFloat64) \
V(RoundUint64ToFloat32, kArm64Uint64ToFloat32) \
V(RoundUint64ToFloat64, kArm64Uint64ToFloat64) \
V(BitcastFloat32ToInt32, kArm64Float64ExtractLowWord32) \
V(BitcastFloat64ToInt64, kArm64U64MoveFloat64) \
V(BitcastInt32ToFloat32, kArm64Float64MoveU64) \
V(BitcastInt64ToFloat64, kArm64Float64MoveU64) \
V(Float32Abs, kArm64Float32Abs) \
V(Float64Abs, kArm64Float64Abs) \
V(Float32Sqrt, kArm64Float32Sqrt) \
V(Float64Sqrt, kArm64Float64Sqrt) \
V(Float32RoundDown, kArm64Float32RoundDown) \
V(Float64RoundDown, kArm64Float64RoundDown) \
V(Float32RoundUp, kArm64Float32RoundUp) \
V(Float64RoundUp, kArm64Float64RoundUp) \
V(Float32RoundTruncate, kArm64Float32RoundTruncate) \
V(Float64RoundTruncate, kArm64Float64RoundTruncate) \
V(Float64RoundTiesAway, kArm64Float64RoundTiesAway) \
V(Float32RoundTiesEven, kArm64Float32RoundTiesEven) \
V(Float64RoundTiesEven, kArm64Float64RoundTiesEven) \
V(Float32Neg, kArm64Float32Neg) \
V(Float64Neg, kArm64Float64Neg) \
V(Float64ExtractLowWord32, kArm64Float64ExtractLowWord32) \
V(Float64ExtractHighWord32, kArm64Float64ExtractHighWord32) \
V(Float64SilenceNaN, kArm64Float64SilenceNaN)
#define RRR_OP_LIST(V) \
V(Int32Div, kArm64Idiv32) \
V(Int64Div, kArm64Idiv) \
V(Uint32Div, kArm64Udiv32) \
V(Uint64Div, kArm64Udiv) \
V(Int32Mod, kArm64Imod32) \
V(Int64Mod, kArm64Imod) \
V(Uint32Mod, kArm64Umod32) \
V(Uint64Mod, kArm64Umod) \
V(Float32Add, kArm64Float32Add) \
V(Float64Add, kArm64Float64Add) \
V(Float32Sub, kArm64Float32Sub) \
V(Float64Sub, kArm64Float64Sub) \
V(Float32Mul, kArm64Float32Mul) \
V(Float64Mul, kArm64Float64Mul) \
V(Float32Div, kArm64Float32Div) \
V(Float64Div, kArm64Float64Div) \
V(Float32Max, kArm64Float32Max) \
V(Float64Max, kArm64Float64Max) \
V(Float32Min, kArm64Float32Min) \
V(Float64Min, kArm64Float64Min)
#define RR_VISITOR(Name, opcode) \
void InstructionSelector::Visit##Name(Node* node) { \
VisitRR(this, opcode, node); \
#define RRR_VISITOR(Name, opcode) \
void InstructionSelector::Visit##Name(Node* node) { \
VisitRRR(this, opcode, node); \
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Ctz(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Ctz(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64ReverseBytes(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32ReverseBytes(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Popcnt(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Popcnt(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitSpeculationFence(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Add(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
// Select Madd(x, y, z) for Add(Mul(x, y), z).
if (m.left().IsInt32Mul() && CanCover(node, m.left().node())) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
// Check multiply can't be later reduced to addition with shift.
if (LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&mleft) == 0) {
Emit(kArm64Madd32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
// Select Madd(x, y, z) for Add(z, Mul(x, y)).
if (m.right().IsInt32Mul() && CanCover(node, m.right().node())) {
Int32BinopMatcher mright(m.right().node());
// Check multiply can't be later reduced to addition with shift.
if (LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&mright) == 0) {
Emit(kArm64Madd32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
VisitAddSub<Int32BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Add32, kArm64Sub32);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Add(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
// Select Madd(x, y, z) for Add(Mul(x, y), z).
if (m.left().IsInt64Mul() && CanCover(node, m.left().node())) {
Int64BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
// Check multiply can't be later reduced to addition with shift.
if (LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&mleft) == 0) {
Emit(kArm64Madd, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
// Select Madd(x, y, z) for Add(z, Mul(x, y)).
if (m.right().IsInt64Mul() && CanCover(node, m.right().node())) {
Int64BinopMatcher mright(m.right().node());
// Check multiply can't be later reduced to addition with shift.
if (LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&mright) == 0) {
Emit(kArm64Madd, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
VisitAddSub<Int64BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Add, kArm64Sub);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Sub(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
// Select Msub(x, y, a) for Sub(a, Mul(x, y)).
if (m.right().IsInt32Mul() && CanCover(node, m.right().node())) {
Int32BinopMatcher mright(m.right().node());
// Check multiply can't be later reduced to addition with shift.
if (LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&mright) == 0) {
Emit(kArm64Msub32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
VisitAddSub<Int32BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Sub32, kArm64Add32);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Sub(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
// Select Msub(x, y, a) for Sub(a, Mul(x, y)).
if (m.right().IsInt64Mul() && CanCover(node, m.right().node())) {
Int64BinopMatcher mright(m.right().node());
// Check multiply can't be later reduced to addition with shift.
if (LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&mright) == 0) {
Emit(kArm64Msub, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
VisitAddSub<Int64BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Sub, kArm64Add);
namespace {
void EmitInt32MulWithOverflow(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
InstructionOperand result = g.DefineAsRegister(node);
InstructionOperand left = g.UseRegister(m.left().node());
InstructionOperand right = g.UseRegister(m.right().node());
selector->Emit(kArm64Smull, result, left, right);
InstructionCode opcode = cont->Encode(kArm64Cmp) |
if (cont->IsBranch()) {
selector->Emit(opcode, g.NoOutput(), result, result,
g.Label(cont->true_block()), g.Label(cont->false_block()));
} else if (cont->IsDeoptimize()) {
InstructionOperand in[] = {result, result};
selector->EmitDeoptimize(opcode, 0, nullptr, 2, in, cont->kind(),
cont->reason(), cont->feedback(),
} else if (cont->IsSet()) {
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(cont->result()), result, result);
} else {
selector->Emit(opcode, g.NoOutput(), result, result,
} // namespace
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Mul(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
// First, try to reduce the multiplication to addition with left shift.
// x * (2^k + 1) -> x + (x << k)
int32_t shift = LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&m);
if (shift > 0) {
Emit(kArm64Add32 | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_LSL_I),
g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
g.UseRegister(m.left().node()), g.TempImmediate(shift));
if (m.left().IsInt32Sub() && CanCover(node, m.left().node())) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
// Select Mneg(x, y) for Mul(Sub(0, x), y).
if (mleft.left().Is(0)) {
Emit(kArm64Mneg32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
if (m.right().IsInt32Sub() && CanCover(node, m.right().node())) {
Int32BinopMatcher mright(m.right().node());
// Select Mneg(x, y) for Mul(x, Sub(0, y)).
if (mright.left().Is(0)) {
Emit(kArm64Mneg32, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
VisitRRR(this, kArm64Mul32, node);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Mul(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
// First, try to reduce the multiplication to addition with left shift.
// x * (2^k + 1) -> x + (x << k)
int32_t shift = LeftShiftForReducedMultiply(&m);
if (shift > 0) {
Emit(kArm64Add | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_Operand2_R_LSL_I),
g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
g.UseRegister(m.left().node()), g.TempImmediate(shift));
if (m.left().IsInt64Sub() && CanCover(node, m.left().node())) {
Int64BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
// Select Mneg(x, y) for Mul(Sub(0, x), y).
if (mleft.left().Is(0)) {
Emit(kArm64Mneg, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
if (m.right().IsInt64Sub() && CanCover(node, m.right().node())) {
Int64BinopMatcher mright(m.right().node());
// Select Mneg(x, y) for Mul(x, Sub(0, y)).
if (mright.left().Is(0)) {
Emit(kArm64Mneg, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
VisitRRR(this, kArm64Mul, node);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32MulHigh(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
InstructionOperand const smull_operand = g.TempRegister();
Emit(kArm64Smull, smull_operand, g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
Emit(kArm64Asr, g.DefineAsRegister(node), smull_operand, g.TempImmediate(32));
void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32MulHigh(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
InstructionOperand const smull_operand = g.TempRegister();
Emit(kArm64Umull, smull_operand, g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
Emit(kArm64Lsr, g.DefineAsRegister(node), smull_operand, g.TempImmediate(32));
void InstructionSelector::VisitTryTruncateFloat32ToInt64(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
InstructionOperand inputs[] = {g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0))};
InstructionOperand outputs[2];
size_t output_count = 0;
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(node);
Node* success_output = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1);
if (success_output) {
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(success_output);
Emit(kArm64Float32ToInt64, output_count, outputs, 1, inputs);
void InstructionSelector::VisitTryTruncateFloat64ToInt64(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
InstructionOperand inputs[] = {g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0))};
InstructionOperand outputs[2];
size_t output_count = 0;
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(node);
Node* success_output = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1);
if (success_output) {
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(success_output);
Emit(kArm64Float64ToInt64, output_count, outputs, 1, inputs);
void InstructionSelector::VisitTryTruncateFloat32ToUint64(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
InstructionOperand inputs[] = {g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0))};
InstructionOperand outputs[2];
size_t output_count = 0;
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(node);
Node* success_output = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1);
if (success_output) {
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(success_output);
Emit(kArm64Float32ToUint64, output_count, outputs, 1, inputs);
void InstructionSelector::VisitTryTruncateFloat64ToUint64(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
InstructionOperand inputs[] = {g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0))};
InstructionOperand outputs[2];
size_t output_count = 0;
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(node);
Node* success_output = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1);
if (success_output) {
outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(success_output);
Emit(kArm64Float64ToUint64, output_count, outputs, 1, inputs);
void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeInt32ToInt64(Node* node) {
Node* value = node->InputAt(0);
if (value->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoad && CanCover(node, value)) {
// Generate sign-extending load.
LoadRepresentation load_rep = LoadRepresentationOf(value->op());
MachineRepresentation rep = load_rep.representation();
InstructionCode opcode = kArchNop;
ImmediateMode immediate_mode = kNoImmediate;
switch (rep) {
case MachineRepresentation::kBit: // Fall through.
case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
opcode = load_rep.IsSigned() ? kArm64Ldrsb : kArm64Ldrb;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm8;
case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
opcode = load_rep.IsSigned() ? kArm64Ldrsh : kArm64Ldrh;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm16;
case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
opcode = kArm64Ldrsw;
immediate_mode = kLoadStoreImm32;
EmitLoad(this, value, opcode, immediate_mode, rep, node);
} else {
VisitRR(this, kArm64Sxtw, node);
void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeUint32ToUint64(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Node* value = node->InputAt(0);
switch (value->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kWord32And:
case IrOpcode::kWord32Or:
case IrOpcode::kWord32Xor:
case IrOpcode::kWord32Shl:
case IrOpcode::kWord32Shr:
case IrOpcode::kWord32Sar:
case IrOpcode::kWord32Ror:
case IrOpcode::kWord32Equal:
case IrOpcode::kInt32Add:
case IrOpcode::kInt32AddWithOverflow:
case IrOpcode::kInt32Sub:
case IrOpcode::kInt32SubWithOverflow:
case IrOpcode::kInt32Mul:
case IrOpcode::kInt32MulHigh:
case IrOpcode::kInt32Div:
case IrOpcode::kInt32Mod:
case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThan:
case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThanOrEqual:
case IrOpcode::kUint32Div:
case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThan:
case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThanOrEqual:
case IrOpcode::kUint32Mod:
case IrOpcode::kUint32MulHigh: {
// 32-bit operations will write their result in a W register (implicitly
// clearing the top 32-bit of the corresponding X register) so the
// zero-extension is a no-op.
Emit(kArchNop, g.DefineSameAsFirst(node), g.Use(value));
case IrOpcode::kLoad: {
// As for the operations above, a 32-bit load will implicitly clear the
// top 32 bits of the destination register.
LoadRepresentation load_rep = LoadRepresentationOf(value->op());
switch (load_rep.representation()) {
case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
Emit(kArchNop, g.DefineSameAsFirst(node), g.Use(value));
Emit(kArm64Mov32, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(value));
void InstructionSelector::VisitTruncateInt64ToInt32(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Node* value = node->InputAt(0);
// The top 32 bits in the 64-bit register will be undefined, and
// must not be used by a dependent node.
Emit(kArchNop, g.DefineSameAsFirst(node), g.UseRegister(value));
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Mod(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Emit(kArm64Float64Mod, g.DefineAsFixed(node, d0),
g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(0), d0),
g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(1), d1))->MarkAsCall();
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Ieee754Binop(Node* node,
InstructionCode opcode) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsFixed(node, d0), g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(0), d0),
g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(1), d1))
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Ieee754Unop(Node* node,
InstructionCode opcode) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsFixed(node, d0), g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(0), d0))
void InstructionSelector::EmitPrepareArguments(
ZoneVector<PushParameter>* arguments, const CallDescriptor* descriptor,
Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
// `arguments` includes alignment "holes". This means that slots bigger than
// kPointerSize, e.g. Simd128, will span across multiple arguments.
int claim_count = static_cast<int>(arguments->size());
int slot = claim_count - 1;
claim_count = RoundUp(claim_count, 2);
// Bump the stack pointer(s).
if (claim_count > 0) {
// TODO(titzer): claim and poke probably take small immediates.
// TODO(titzer): it would be better to bump the csp here only
// and emit paired stores with increment for non c frames.
Emit(kArm64Claim, g.NoOutput(), g.TempImmediate(claim_count));
if (claim_count > 0) {
// Store padding, which might be overwritten.
Emit(kArm64Poke, g.NoOutput(), g.UseImmediate(0),
g.TempImmediate(claim_count - 1));
// Poke the arguments into the stack.
while (slot >= 0) {
Node* input_node = (*arguments)[slot].node;
// Skip any alignment holes in pushed nodes.
if (input_node != nullptr) {
Emit(kArm64Poke, g.NoOutput(), g.UseRegister(input_node),
// TODO(ahaas): Poke arguments in pairs if two subsequent arguments have the
// same type.
// Emit(kArm64PokePair, g.NoOutput(), g.UseRegister((*arguments)[slot]),
// g.UseRegister((*arguments)[slot - 1]), g.TempImmediate(slot));
// slot -= 2;
void InstructionSelector::EmitPrepareResults(ZoneVector<PushParameter>* results,
const CallDescriptor* descriptor,
Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
int reverse_slot = 0;
for (PushParameter output : *results) {
if (!output.location.IsCallerFrameSlot()) continue;
reverse_slot += output.location.GetSizeInPointers();
// Skip any alignment holes in nodes.
if (output.node == nullptr) continue;
if (output.location.GetType() == MachineType::Float32()) {
} else if (output.location.GetType() == MachineType::Float64()) {
Emit(kArm64Peek, g.DefineAsRegister(output.node),
bool InstructionSelector::IsTailCallAddressImmediate() { return false; }
int InstructionSelector::GetTempsCountForTailCallFromJSFunction() { return 3; }
namespace {
// Shared routine for multiple compare operations.
void VisitCompare(InstructionSelector* selector, InstructionCode opcode,
InstructionOperand left, InstructionOperand right,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
opcode = cont->Encode(opcode);
if (cont->IsBranch()) {
selector->Emit(opcode, g.NoOutput(), left, right,
g.Label(cont->true_block()), g.Label(cont->false_block()));
} else if (cont->IsDeoptimize()) {
selector->EmitDeoptimize(opcode, g.NoOutput(), left, right, cont->kind(),
cont->reason(), cont->feedback(),
} else if (cont->IsSet()) {
selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(cont->result()), left, right);
} else {
selector->Emit(opcode, g.NoOutput(), left, right,
// Shared routine for multiple word compare operations.
void VisitWordCompare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
InstructionCode opcode, FlagsContinuation* cont,
bool commutative, ImmediateMode immediate_mode) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Node* left = node->InputAt(0);
Node* right = node->InputAt(1);
// Match immediates on left or right side of comparison.
if (g.CanBeImmediate(right, immediate_mode)) {
VisitCompare(selector, opcode, g.UseRegister(left), g.UseImmediate(right),
} else if (g.CanBeImmediate(left, immediate_mode)) {
if (!commutative) cont->Commute();
VisitCompare(selector, opcode, g.UseRegister(right), g.UseImmediate(left),
} else {
VisitCompare(selector, opcode, g.UseRegister(left), g.UseRegister(right),
// This function checks whether we can convert:
// ((a <op> b) cmp 0), b.<cond>
// to:
// (a <ops> b), b.<cond'>
// where <ops> is the flag setting version of <op>.
// We only generate conditions <cond'> that are a combination of the N
// and Z flags. This avoids the need to make this function dependent on
// the flag-setting operation.
bool CanUseFlagSettingBinop(FlagsCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
case kEqual:
case kNotEqual:
case kSignedLessThan:
case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual: // x <= 0 -> x == 0
case kUnsignedGreaterThan: // x > 0 -> x != 0
return true;
return false;
// Map <cond> to <cond'> so that the following transformation is possible:
// ((a <op> b) cmp 0), b.<cond>
// to:
// (a <ops> b), b.<cond'>
// where <ops> is the flag setting version of <op>.
FlagsCondition MapForFlagSettingBinop(FlagsCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
case kEqual:
case kNotEqual:
return cond;
case kSignedLessThan:
return kNegative;
case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
return kPositiveOrZero;
case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual: // x <= 0 -> x == 0
return kEqual;
case kUnsignedGreaterThan: // x > 0 -> x != 0
return kNotEqual;
// This function checks if we can perform the transformation:
// ((a <op> b) cmp 0), b.<cond>
// to:
// (a <ops> b), b.<cond'>
// where <ops> is the flag setting version of <op>, and if so,
// updates {node}, {opcode} and {cont} accordingly.
void MaybeReplaceCmpZeroWithFlagSettingBinop(InstructionSelector* selector,
Node** node, Node* binop,
ArchOpcode* opcode,
FlagsCondition cond,
FlagsContinuation* cont,
ImmediateMode* immediate_mode) {
ArchOpcode binop_opcode;
ArchOpcode no_output_opcode;
ImmediateMode binop_immediate_mode;
switch (binop->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kInt32Add:
binop_opcode = kArm64Add32;
no_output_opcode = kArm64Cmn32;
binop_immediate_mode = kArithmeticImm;
case IrOpcode::kWord32And:
binop_opcode = kArm64And32;
no_output_opcode = kArm64Tst32;
binop_immediate_mode = kLogical32Imm;
if (selector->CanCover(*node, binop)) {
// The comparison is the only user of the add or and, so we can generate
// a cmn or tst instead.
*opcode = no_output_opcode;
*node = binop;
*immediate_mode = binop_immediate_mode;
} else if (selector->IsOnlyUserOfNodeInSameBlock(*node, binop)) {
// We can also handle the case where the add and the compare are in the
// same basic block, and the compare is the only use of add in this basic
// block (the add has users in other basic blocks).
*opcode = binop_opcode;
*node = binop;
*immediate_mode = binop_immediate_mode;
// Map {cond} to kEqual or kNotEqual, so that we can select
// either TBZ or TBNZ when generating code for:
// (x cmp 0), b.{cond}
FlagsCondition MapForTbz(FlagsCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
case kSignedLessThan: // generate TBNZ
return kNotEqual;
case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual: // generate TBZ
return kEqual;
// Map {cond} to kEqual or kNotEqual, so that we can select
// either CBZ or CBNZ when generating code for:
// (x cmp 0), b.{cond}
FlagsCondition MapForCbz(FlagsCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
case kEqual: // generate CBZ
case kNotEqual: // generate CBNZ
return cond;
case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual: // generate CBZ
return kEqual;
case kUnsignedGreaterThan: // generate CBNZ
return kNotEqual;
void EmitBranchOrDeoptimize(InstructionSelector* selector,
InstructionCode opcode, InstructionOperand value,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
if (cont->IsBranch()) {
selector->Emit(cont->Encode(opcode), g.NoOutput(), value,
g.Label(cont->true_block()), g.Label(cont->false_block()));
} else {
selector->EmitDeoptimize(cont->Encode(opcode), g.NoOutput(), value,
cont->kind(), cont->reason(), cont->feedback(),
// Try to emit TBZ, TBNZ, CBZ or CBNZ for certain comparisons of {node}
// against {value}, depending on the condition.
bool TryEmitCbzOrTbz(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node, uint32_t value,
Node* user, FlagsCondition cond, FlagsContinuation* cont) {
// Only handle branches and deoptimisations.
if (!cont->IsBranch() && !cont->IsDeoptimize()) return false;
switch (cond) {
case kSignedLessThan:
case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual: {
// Here we handle sign tests, aka. comparisons with zero.
if (value != 0) return false;
// We don't generate TBZ/TBNZ for deoptimisations, as they have a
// shorter range than conditional branches and generating them for
// deoptimisations results in more veneers.
if (cont->IsDeoptimize()) return false;
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Int32Matcher m(node);
if (m.IsFloat64ExtractHighWord32() && selector->CanCover(user, node)) {
// SignedLessThan(Float64ExtractHighWord32(x), 0) and
// SignedGreaterThanOrEqual(Float64ExtractHighWord32(x), 0) essentially
// check the sign bit of a 64-bit floating point value.
InstructionOperand temp = g.TempRegister();
selector->Emit(kArm64U64MoveFloat64, temp,
selector->Emit(cont->Encode(kArm64TestAndBranch), g.NoOutput(), temp,
g.TempImmediate(63), g.Label(cont->true_block()),
return true;
selector->Emit(cont->Encode(kArm64TestAndBranch32), g.NoOutput(),
g.UseRegister(node), g.TempImmediate(31),
g.Label(cont->true_block()), g.Label(cont->false_block()));
return true;
case kEqual:
case kNotEqual: {
if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kWord32And) {
// Emit a tbz/tbnz if we are comparing with a single-bit mask:
// Branch(Word32Equal(Word32And(x, 1 << N), 1 << N), true, false)
Int32BinopMatcher m_and(node);
if (cont->IsBranch() && base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo(value) &&
m_and.right().Is(value) && selector->CanCover(user, node)) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
// In the code generator, Equal refers to a bit being cleared. We want
// the opposite here so negate the condition.
selector->Emit(cont->Encode(kArm64TestAndBranch32), g.NoOutput(),
return true;
} // Fall through.
case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
case kUnsignedGreaterThan: {
if (value != 0) return false;
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
EmitBranchOrDeoptimize(selector, kArm64CompareAndBranch32,
g.UseRegister(node), cont);
return true;
return false;
void VisitWord32Compare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
FlagsCondition cond = cont->condition();
if (m.right().HasValue()) {
if (TryEmitCbzOrTbz(selector, m.left().node(), m.right().Value(), node,
cond, cont)) {
} else if (m.left().HasValue()) {
FlagsCondition commuted_cond = CommuteFlagsCondition(cond);
if (TryEmitCbzOrTbz(selector, m.right().node(), m.left().Value(), node,
commuted_cond, cont)) {
ArchOpcode opcode = kArm64Cmp32;
ImmediateMode immediate_mode = kArithmeticImm;
if (m.right().Is(0) && (m.left().IsInt32Add() || m.left().IsWord32And())) {
// Emit flag setting add/and instructions for comparisons against zero.
if (CanUseFlagSettingBinop(cond)) {
Node* binop = m.left().node();
MaybeReplaceCmpZeroWithFlagSettingBinop(selector, &node, binop, &opcode,
cond, cont, &immediate_mode);
} else if (m.left().Is(0) &&
(m.right().IsInt32Add() || m.right().IsWord32And())) {
// Same as above, but we need to commute the condition before we
// continue with the rest of the checks.
FlagsCondition commuted_cond = CommuteFlagsCondition(cond);
if (CanUseFlagSettingBinop(commuted_cond)) {
Node* binop = m.right().node();
MaybeReplaceCmpZeroWithFlagSettingBinop(selector, &node, binop, &opcode,
commuted_cond, cont,
} else if (m.right().IsInt32Sub() && (cond == kEqual || cond == kNotEqual)) {
// Select negated compare for comparisons with negated right input.
// Only do this for kEqual and kNotEqual, which do not depend on the
// C and V flags, as those flags will be different with CMN when the
// right-hand side of the original subtraction is INT_MIN.
Node* sub = m.right().node();
Int32BinopMatcher msub(sub);
if (msub.left().Is(0)) {
bool can_cover = selector->CanCover(node, sub);
node->ReplaceInput(1, msub.right().node());
// Even if the comparison node covers the subtraction, after the input
// replacement above, the node still won't cover the input to the
// subtraction; the subtraction still uses it.
// In order to get shifted operations to work, we must remove the rhs
// input to the subtraction, as TryMatchAnyShift requires this node to
// cover the input shift. We do this by setting it to the lhs input,
// as we know it's zero, and the result of the subtraction isn't used by
// any other node.
if (can_cover) sub->ReplaceInput(1, msub.left().node());
opcode = kArm64Cmn32;
VisitBinop<Int32BinopMatcher>(selector, node, opcode, immediate_mode, cont);
void VisitWordTest(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
InstructionCode opcode, FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
VisitCompare(selector, opcode, g.UseRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node),
void VisitWord32Test(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
VisitWordTest(selector, node, kArm64Tst32, cont);
void VisitWord64Test(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
VisitWordTest(selector, node, kArm64Tst, cont);
template <typename Matcher, ArchOpcode kOpcode>
bool TryEmitTestAndBranch(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Matcher m(node);
if (cont->IsBranch() && m.right().HasValue() &&
base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo(m.right().Value())) {
// If the mask has only one bit set, we can use tbz/tbnz.
DCHECK((cont->condition() == kEqual) || (cont->condition() == kNotEqual));
cont->Encode(kOpcode), g.NoOutput(), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
g.Label(cont->true_block()), g.Label(cont->false_block()));
return true;
return false;
// Shared routine for multiple float32 compare operations.
void VisitFloat32Compare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Float32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0.0f)) {
VisitCompare(selector, kArm64Float32Cmp, g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
g.UseImmediate(m.right().node()), cont);
} else if (m.left().Is(0.0f)) {
VisitCompare(selector, kArm64Float32Cmp, g.UseRegister(m.right().node()),
g.UseImmediate(m.left().node()), cont);
} else {
VisitCompare(selector, kArm64Float32Cmp, g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
g.UseRegister(m.right().node()), cont);
// Shared routine for multiple float64 compare operations.
void VisitFloat64Compare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
Float64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0.0)) {
VisitCompare(selector, kArm64Float64Cmp, g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
g.UseImmediate(m.right().node()), cont);
} else if (m.left().Is(0.0)) {
VisitCompare(selector, kArm64Float64Cmp, g.UseRegister(m.right().node()),
g.UseImmediate(m.left().node()), cont);
} else {
VisitCompare(selector, kArm64Float64Cmp, g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
g.UseRegister(m.right().node()), cont);
void VisitWordCompareZero(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* user,
Node* value, FlagsContinuation* cont) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(selector);
// Try to combine with comparisons against 0 by simply inverting the branch.
while (value->opcode() == IrOpcode::kWord32Equal &&
selector->CanCover(user, value)) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(value);
if (!m.right().Is(0)) break;
user = value;
value = m.left().node();
if (selector->CanCover(user, value)) {
switch (value->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kWord32Equal:
return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThan:
return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThanOrEqual:
return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThan:
return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThanOrEqual:
return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kWord64Equal: {
Int64BinopMatcher m(value);
if (m.right().Is(0)) {
Node* const left = m.left().node();
if (selector->CanCover(value, left) &&
left->opcode() == IrOpcode::kWord64And) {
// Attempt to merge the Word64Equal(Word64And(x, y), 0) comparison
// into a tbz/tbnz instruction.
if (TryEmitTestAndBranch<Uint64BinopMatcher, kArm64TestAndBranch>(
selector, left, cont)) {
return VisitWordCompare(selector, left, kArm64Tst, cont, true,
// Merge the Word64Equal(x, 0) comparison into a cbz instruction.
if (cont->IsBranch() || cont->IsDeoptimize()) {
g.UseRegister(left), cont);
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Cmp, cont, false,
case IrOpcode::kInt64LessThan:
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Cmp, cont, false,
case IrOpcode::kInt64LessThanOrEqual:
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Cmp, cont, false,
case IrOpcode::kUint64LessThan:
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Cmp, cont, false,
case IrOpcode::kUint64LessThanOrEqual:
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Cmp, cont, false,
case IrOpcode::kFloat32Equal:
return VisitFloat32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kFloat32LessThan:
return VisitFloat32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kFloat32LessThanOrEqual:
return VisitFloat32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kFloat64Equal:
return VisitFloat64Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThan:
return VisitFloat64Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThanOrEqual:
return VisitFloat64Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kProjection:
// Check if this is the overflow output projection of an
// <Operation>WithOverflow node.
if (ProjectionIndexOf(value->op()) == 1u) {
// We cannot combine the <Operation>WithOverflow with this branch
// unless the 0th projection (the use of the actual value of the
// <Operation> is either nullptr, which means there's no use of the
// actual value, or was already defined, which means it is scheduled
// *AFTER* this branch).
Node* const node = value->InputAt(0);
Node* const result = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 0);
if (result == nullptr || selector->IsDefined(result)) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kInt32AddWithOverflow:
return VisitBinop<Int32BinopMatcher>(
selector, node, kArm64Add32, kArithmeticImm, cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt32SubWithOverflow:
return VisitBinop<Int32BinopMatcher>(
selector, node, kArm64Sub32, kArithmeticImm, cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt32MulWithOverflow:
// ARM64 doesn't set the overflow flag for multiplication, so we
// need to test on kNotEqual. Here is the code sequence used:
// smull result, left, right
// cmp result.X(), Operand(result, SXTW)
return EmitInt32MulWithOverflow(selector, node, cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt64AddWithOverflow:
return VisitBinop<Int64BinopMatcher>(selector, node, kArm64Add,
kArithmeticImm, cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt64SubWithOverflow:
return VisitBinop<Int64BinopMatcher>(selector, node, kArm64Sub,
kArithmeticImm, cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt32Add:
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Cmn32, cont, true,
case IrOpcode::kInt32Sub:
return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
case IrOpcode::kWord32And:
if (TryEmitTestAndBranch<Uint32BinopMatcher, kArm64TestAndBranch32>(
selector, value, cont)) {
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Tst32, cont, true,
case IrOpcode::kWord64And:
if (TryEmitTestAndBranch<Uint64BinopMatcher, kArm64TestAndBranch>(
selector, value, cont)) {
return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kArm64Tst, cont, true,
// Branch could not be combined with a compare, compare against 0 and branch.
if (cont->IsBranch()) {
selector->Emit(cont->Encode(kArm64CompareAndBranch32), g.NoOutput(),
g.UseRegister(value), g.Label(cont->true_block()),
} else if (cont->IsDeoptimize()) {
selector->EmitDeoptimize(cont->Encode(kArm64Tst32), g.NoOutput(),
g.UseRegister(value), g.UseRegister(value),
cont->kind(), cont->reason(), cont->feedback(),
} else {
selector->Emit(cont->Encode(kArm64Tst32), g.NoOutput(),
g.UseRegister(value), g.UseRegister(value),
} // namespace
void InstructionSelector::VisitBranch(Node* branch, BasicBlock* tbranch,
BasicBlock* fbranch) {
FlagsContinuation cont(kNotEqual, tbranch, fbranch);
VisitWordCompareZero(this, branch, branch->InputAt(0), &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitDeoptimizeIf(Node* node) {
DeoptimizeParameters p = DeoptimizeParametersOf(node->op());
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForDeoptimize(
kNotEqual, p.kind(), p.reason(),, node->InputAt(1));
VisitWordCompareZero(this, node, node->InputAt(0), &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitDeoptimizeUnless(Node* node) {
DeoptimizeParameters p = DeoptimizeParametersOf(node->op());
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForDeoptimize(
kEqual, p.kind(), p.reason(),, node->InputAt(1));
VisitWordCompareZero(this, node, node->InputAt(0), &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitTrapIf(Node* node, Runtime::FunctionId func_id) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForTrap(kNotEqual, func_id, node->InputAt(1));
VisitWordCompareZero(this, node, node->InputAt(0), &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitTrapUnless(Node* node,
Runtime::FunctionId func_id) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForTrap(kEqual, func_id, node->InputAt(1));
VisitWordCompareZero(this, node, node->InputAt(0), &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitSwitch(Node* node, const SwitchInfo& sw) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
InstructionOperand value_operand = g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0));
// Emit either ArchTableSwitch or ArchLookupSwitch.
static const size_t kMaxTableSwitchValueRange = 2 << 16;
size_t table_space_cost = 4 + sw.value_range;
size_t table_time_cost = 3;
size_t lookup_space_cost = 3 + 2 * sw.case_count;
size_t lookup_time_cost = sw.case_count;
if (sw.case_count > 0 &&
table_space_cost + 3 * table_time_cost <=
lookup_space_cost + 3 * lookup_time_cost &&
sw.min_value > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min() &&
sw.value_range <= kMaxTableSwitchValueRange) {
InstructionOperand index_operand = value_operand;
if (sw.min_value) {
index_operand = g.TempRegister();
Emit(kArm64Sub32, index_operand, value_operand,
// Generate a table lookup.
return EmitTableSwitch(sw, index_operand);
// Generate a sequence of conditional jumps.
return EmitLookupSwitch(sw, value_operand);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Equal(Node* const node) {
Node* const user = node;
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kEqual, node);
Int32BinopMatcher m(user);
if (m.right().Is(0)) {
Node* const value = m.left().node();
if (CanCover(user, value)) {
switch (value->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kInt32Add:
case IrOpcode::kWord32And:
return VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
case IrOpcode::kInt32Sub:
return VisitWordCompare(this, value, kArm64Cmp32, &cont, false,
case IrOpcode::kWord32Equal: {
// Word32Equal(Word32Equal(x, y), 0) => Word32Compare(x, y, ne).
Int32BinopMatcher mequal(value);
node->ReplaceInput(0, mequal.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, mequal.right().node());
// {node} still does not cover its new operands, because {mequal} is
// still using them.
// Since we won't generate any more code for {mequal}, set its
// operands to zero to make sure {node} can cover them.
// This improves pattern matching in VisitWord32Compare.
mequal.node()->ReplaceInput(0, m.right().node());
mequal.node()->ReplaceInput(1, m.right().node());
return VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
return VisitWord32Test(this, value, &cont);
VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32LessThan(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kSignedLessThan, node);
VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kSignedLessThanOrEqual, node);
VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32LessThan(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kUnsignedLessThan, node);
VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual, node);
VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Equal(Node* const node) {
Node* const user = node;
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kEqual, node);
Int64BinopMatcher m(user);
if (m.right().Is(0)) {
Node* const value = m.left().node();
if (CanCover(user, value)) {
switch (value->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kWord64And:
return VisitWordCompare(this, value, kArm64Tst, &cont, true,
return VisitWord64Test(this, value, &cont);
VisitWordCompare(this, node, kArm64Cmp, &cont, false, kArithmeticImm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32AddWithOverflow(Node* node) {
if (Node* ovf = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1)) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kOverflow, ovf);
return VisitBinop<Int32BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Add32,
kArithmeticImm, &cont);
FlagsContinuation cont;
VisitBinop<Int32BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Add32, kArithmeticImm, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32SubWithOverflow(Node* node) {
if (Node* ovf = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1)) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kOverflow, ovf);
return VisitBinop<Int32BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Sub32,
kArithmeticImm, &cont);
FlagsContinuation cont;
VisitBinop<Int32BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Sub32, kArithmeticImm, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32MulWithOverflow(Node* node) {
if (Node* ovf = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1)) {
// ARM64 doesn't set the overflow flag for multiplication, so we need to
// test on kNotEqual. Here is the code sequence used:
// smull result, left, right
// cmp result.X(), Operand(result, SXTW)
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kNotEqual, ovf);
return EmitInt32MulWithOverflow(this, node, &cont);
FlagsContinuation cont;
EmitInt32MulWithOverflow(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64AddWithOverflow(Node* node) {
if (Node* ovf = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1)) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kOverflow, ovf);
return VisitBinop<Int64BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Add, kArithmeticImm,
FlagsContinuation cont;
VisitBinop<Int64BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Add, kArithmeticImm, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64SubWithOverflow(Node* node) {
if (Node* ovf = NodeProperties::FindProjection(node, 1)) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kOverflow, ovf);
return VisitBinop<Int64BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Sub, kArithmeticImm,
FlagsContinuation cont;
VisitBinop<Int64BinopMatcher>(this, node, kArm64Sub, kArithmeticImm, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64LessThan(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kSignedLessThan, node);
VisitWordCompare(this, node, kArm64Cmp, &cont, false, kArithmeticImm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kSignedLessThanOrEqual, node);
VisitWordCompare(this, node, kArm64Cmp, &cont, false, kArithmeticImm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitUint64LessThan(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kUnsignedLessThan, node);
VisitWordCompare(this, node, kArm64Cmp, &cont, false, kArithmeticImm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitUint64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual, node);
VisitWordCompare(this, node, kArm64Cmp, &cont, false, kArithmeticImm);
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat32Equal(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kEqual, node);
VisitFloat32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat32LessThan(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kFloatLessThan, node);
VisitFloat32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kFloatLessThanOrEqual, node);
VisitFloat32Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Equal(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kEqual, node);
VisitFloat64Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64LessThan(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont = FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kFloatLessThan, node);
VisitFloat64Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
FlagsContinuation cont =
FlagsContinuation::ForSet(kFloatLessThanOrEqual, node);
VisitFloat64Compare(this, node, &cont);
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64InsertLowWord32(Node* node) {
Arm64OperandGenerator g(this);
Node* left = node->InputAt(0);
Node* right = node->InputAt(1);
if (left->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFloat64InsertHighWord32 &&
CanCover(node, left)) {
Node* right_of_left = left->InputAt(1);
Emit(kArm64Bfi, g.DefineSameAsFirst(right), g.UseRegister(right),
g.UseRegister(right_of_left), g.TempImmediate(32),
Emit(kArm64Float64MoveU64, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(right));
Emit(kArm64Float64InsertLowWord32, g.DefineSameAsFirst(node),
g.UseRegister(left), g.UseRegister(right));
void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64InsertHighWord32(Node* node)