blob: ee7f29937bfd6d741377cec899b589940d828fc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_PPC_FRAMES_PPC_H_
#define V8_PPC_FRAMES_PPC_H_
#include "src/frame-constants.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class EntryFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
static const int kCallerFPOffset =
-(StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp + kPointerSize);
class ExitFrameConstants : public TypedFrameConstants {
static const int kSPOffset = TYPED_FRAME_PUSHED_VALUE_OFFSET(0);
static const int kCodeOffset = TYPED_FRAME_PUSHED_VALUE_OFFSET(1);
// The caller fields are below the frame pointer on the stack.
static const int kCallerFPOffset = 0 * kPointerSize;
// The calling JS function is below FP.
static const int kCallerPCOffset = 1 * kPointerSize;
// FP-relative displacement of the caller's SP. It points just
// below the saved PC.
static const int kCallerSPDisplacement = 2 * kPointerSize;
class JavaScriptFrameConstants : public AllStatic {
// FP-relative.
static const int kLocal0Offset = StandardFrameConstants::kExpressionsOffset;
static const int kLastParameterOffset = +2 * kPointerSize;
static const int kFunctionOffset = StandardFrameConstants::kFunctionOffset;
// Caller SP-relative.
static const int kParam0Offset = -2 * kPointerSize;
static const int kReceiverOffset = -1 * kPointerSize;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_PPC_FRAMES_PPC_H_