blob: bb5ef5be4ae06cda03cc666f31c41aa58c8b297c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
// Clients of this interface shouldn't depend on lots of compiler internals.
// Do not include anything from src/compiler here!
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-assembler-defs.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
enum RegClass { kNoReg, kGpReg, kFpReg };
// TODO(clemensh): Use a switch once we require C++14 support.
static inline constexpr RegClass reg_class_for(ValueType type) {
return type == kWasmI32 || type == kWasmI64 // int types
? kGpReg
: type == kWasmF32 || type == kWasmF64 // float types
? kFpReg
: kNoReg; // other (unsupported) types
// RegForClass<rc>: Register for rc==kGpReg, DoubleRegister for rc==kFpReg, void
// for all other values of rc.
template <RegClass rc>
using RegForClass = typename std::conditional<
rc == kGpReg, Register,
typename std::conditional<rc == kFpReg, DoubleRegister, void>::type>::type;
// Maximum code of a gp cache register.
static constexpr int kMaxGpRegCode =
8 * sizeof(kLiftoffAssemblerGpCacheRegs) -
// Maximum code of an fp cache register.
static constexpr int kMaxFpRegCode =
8 * sizeof(kLiftoffAssemblerFpCacheRegs) -
// LiftoffRegister encodes both gp and fp in a unified index space.
// [0 .. kMaxGpRegCode] encodes gp registers,
// [kMaxGpRegCode+1 .. kMaxGpRegCode + kMaxFpRegCode] encodes fp registers.
static constexpr int kAfterMaxLiftoffGpRegCode = kMaxGpRegCode + 1;
static constexpr int kAfterMaxLiftoffFpRegCode =
kAfterMaxLiftoffGpRegCode + kMaxFpRegCode + 1;
static constexpr int kAfterMaxLiftoffRegCode = kAfterMaxLiftoffFpRegCode;
static_assert(kAfterMaxLiftoffRegCode < 256,
"liftoff register codes can be stored in one uint8_t");
class LiftoffRegister {
explicit LiftoffRegister(Register reg) : LiftoffRegister(reg.code()) {
DCHECK_EQ(reg, gp());
explicit LiftoffRegister(DoubleRegister reg)
: LiftoffRegister(kAfterMaxLiftoffGpRegCode + reg.code()) {
DCHECK_EQ(reg, fp());
static LiftoffRegister from_liftoff_code(int code) {
DCHECK_LE(0, code);
DCHECK_GT(kAfterMaxLiftoffRegCode, code);
return LiftoffRegister(code);
static LiftoffRegister from_code(RegClass rc, int code) {
switch (rc) {
case kGpReg:
return LiftoffRegister(Register::from_code(code));
case kFpReg:
return LiftoffRegister(DoubleRegister::from_code(code));
constexpr bool is_gp() const { return code_ < kAfterMaxLiftoffGpRegCode; }
constexpr bool is_fp() const {
return code_ >= kAfterMaxLiftoffGpRegCode &&
code_ < kAfterMaxLiftoffFpRegCode;
Register gp() const {
return Register::from_code(code_);
DoubleRegister fp() const {
return DoubleRegister::from_code(code_ - kAfterMaxLiftoffGpRegCode);
int liftoff_code() const { return code_; }
RegClass reg_class() const {
DCHECK(is_gp() || is_fp());
return is_gp() ? kGpReg : kFpReg;
bool operator==(const LiftoffRegister other) const {
return code_ == other.code_;
bool operator!=(const LiftoffRegister other) const {
return code_ != other.code_;
uint8_t code_;
explicit constexpr LiftoffRegister(uint8_t code) : code_(code) {}
"LiftoffRegister can efficiently be passed by value");
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LiftoffRegister reg) {
return reg.is_gp() ? os << "gp" <<
: os << "fp" << reg.fp().code();
class LiftoffRegList {
static constexpr bool use_u16 = kAfterMaxLiftoffRegCode <= 16;
static constexpr bool use_u32 = !use_u16 && kAfterMaxLiftoffRegCode <= 32;
using storage_t = std::conditional<
use_u16, uint16_t,
std::conditional<use_u32, uint32_t, uint64_t>::type>::type;
static constexpr storage_t kGpMask = storage_t{kLiftoffAssemblerGpCacheRegs};
static constexpr storage_t kFpMask = storage_t{kLiftoffAssemblerFpCacheRegs}
<< kAfterMaxLiftoffGpRegCode;
constexpr LiftoffRegList() = default;
Register set(Register reg) { return set(LiftoffRegister(reg)).gp(); }
DoubleRegister set(DoubleRegister reg) {
return set(LiftoffRegister(reg)).fp();
LiftoffRegister set(LiftoffRegister reg) {
regs_ |= storage_t{1} << reg.liftoff_code();
return reg;
LiftoffRegister clear(LiftoffRegister reg) {
regs_ &= ~(storage_t{1} << reg.liftoff_code());
return reg;
bool has(LiftoffRegister reg) const {
return (regs_ & (storage_t{1} << reg.liftoff_code())) != 0;
constexpr bool is_empty() const { return regs_ == 0; }
constexpr unsigned GetNumRegsSet() const {
return base::bits::CountPopulation(regs_);
constexpr LiftoffRegList operator&(const LiftoffRegList other) const {
return LiftoffRegList(regs_ & other.regs_);
constexpr LiftoffRegList operator~() const {
return LiftoffRegList(~regs_ & (kGpMask | kFpMask));
constexpr bool operator==(const LiftoffRegList other) const {
return regs_ == other.regs_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const LiftoffRegList other) const {
return regs_ != other.regs_;
LiftoffRegister GetFirstRegSet() const {
unsigned first_code = base::bits::CountTrailingZeros(regs_);
return LiftoffRegister::from_liftoff_code(first_code);
LiftoffRegister GetLastRegSet() const {
unsigned last_code =
8 * sizeof(regs_) - 1 - base::bits::CountLeadingZeros(regs_);
return LiftoffRegister::from_liftoff_code(last_code);
LiftoffRegList MaskOut(const LiftoffRegList mask) const {
// Masking out is guaranteed to return a correct reg list, hence no checks
// needed.
return FromBits(regs_ & ~mask.regs_);
static LiftoffRegList FromBits(storage_t bits) {
DCHECK_EQ(bits, bits & (kGpMask | kFpMask));
return LiftoffRegList(bits);
template <storage_t bits>
static constexpr LiftoffRegList FromBits() {
static_assert(bits == (bits & (kGpMask | kFpMask)), "illegal reg list");
return LiftoffRegList(bits);
template <typename... Regs>
static LiftoffRegList ForRegs(Regs... regs) {
std::array<LiftoffRegister, sizeof...(regs)> regs_arr{
LiftoffRegList list;
for (LiftoffRegister reg : regs_arr) list.set(reg);
return list;
storage_t regs_ = 0;
// Unchecked constructor. Only use for valid bits.
explicit constexpr LiftoffRegList(storage_t bits) : regs_(bits) {}
"LiftoffRegList can be passed by value");
static constexpr LiftoffRegList kGpCacheRegList =
static constexpr LiftoffRegList kFpCacheRegList =
static constexpr LiftoffRegList GetCacheRegList(RegClass rc) {
return rc == kGpReg ? kGpCacheRegList : kFpCacheRegList;
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8