blob: a0aaca8b09ac5ebaba8c6d9df52bc8e62ddf3709 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/utils.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
class ZoneChunkListIterator;
template <typename T>
class ForwardZoneChunkListIterator;
template <typename T>
class ReverseZoneChunkListIterator;
// A zone-backed hybrid of a vector and a linked list. Use it if you need a
// collection that
// * needs to grow indefinitely,
// * will mostly grow at the back, but may sometimes grow in front as well
// (preferably in batches),
// * needs to have very low overhead,
// * offers forward- and backwards-iteration,
// * offers relatively fast seeking,
// * offers bidirectional iterators,
// * can be rewound without freeing the backing store.
// This list will maintain a doubly-linked list of chunks. When a chunk is
// filled up, a new one gets appended. New chunks appended at the end will
// grow in size up to a certain limit to avoid over-allocation and to keep
// the zone clean.
template <typename T>
class ZoneChunkList : public ZoneObject {
enum class StartMode {
// The list will not allocate a starting chunk. Use if you expect your
// list to remain empty in many cases.
kEmpty = 0,
// The list will start with a small initial chunk. Subsequent chunks will
// get bigger over time.
kSmall = 8,
// The list will start with one chunk at maximum size. Use this if you
// expect your list to contain many items to avoid growing chunks.
kBig = 256
explicit ZoneChunkList(Zone* zone, StartMode start_mode = StartMode::kEmpty)
: zone_(zone) {
if (start_mode != StartMode::kEmpty) {
front_ = NewChunk(static_cast<uint32_t>(start_mode));
back_ = front_;
size_t size() const;
T& front() const;
T& back() const;
void push_back(const T& item);
void pop_back();
// Will push a separate chunk to the front of the chunk-list.
// Very memory-inefficient. Do only use sparsely! If you have many items to
// add in front, consider using 'push_front_many'.
void push_front(const T& item);
// TODO(heimbuef): Add 'push_front_many'.
// Cuts the last list elements so at most 'limit' many remain. Does not
// free the actual memory, since it is zone allocated.
void Rewind(const size_t limit = 0);
// Quickly scans the list to retrieve the element at the given index. Will
// *not* check bounds.
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> Find(const size_t index);
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T> Find(const size_t index) const;
// TODO(heimbuef): Add 'rFind', seeking from the end and returning a
// reverse iterator.
void CopyTo(T* ptr);
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> begin();
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> end();
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T> rbegin();
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T> rend();
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T> begin() const;
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T> end() const;
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<const T> rbegin() const;
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<const T> rend() const;
friend class ZoneChunkListIterator<T>;
friend class ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T>;
friend class ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T>;
static const uint32_t kMaxChunkCapacity = 256u;
STATIC_ASSERT(kMaxChunkCapacity == static_cast<uint32_t>(StartMode::kBig));
struct Chunk {
uint32_t capacity_ = 0;
uint32_t position_ = 0;
Chunk* next_ = nullptr;
Chunk* previous_ = nullptr;
T* items() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this + 1); }
Chunk* NewChunk(const uint32_t capacity) {
Chunk* chunk =
new (zone_->New(sizeof(Chunk) + capacity * sizeof(T))) Chunk();
chunk->capacity_ = capacity;
return chunk;
struct SeekResult {
Chunk* chunk_;
uint32_t chunk_index_;
// Returns the chunk and relative index of the element at the given global
// index. Will skip entire chunks and is therefore faster than iterating.
SeekResult SeekIndex(size_t index) const;
Zone* zone_;
size_t size_ = 0;
Chunk* front_ = nullptr;
Chunk* back_ = nullptr;
template <typename T>
class ZoneChunkListIterator {
T& operator*() { return current_->items()[position_]; }
bool operator==(const ZoneChunkListIterator& other) {
return other.current_ == current_ && other.position_ == position_;
bool operator!=(const ZoneChunkListIterator& other) {
return !operator==(other);
ZoneChunkListIterator(typename ZoneChunkList<T>::Chunk* current,
size_t position)
: current_(current), position_(position) {}
void MoveNext() {
if (position_ >= current_->capacity_) {
current_ = current_->next_;
position_ = 0;
void MoveRNext() {
if (position_ == 0) {
current_ = current_->previous_;
position_ = current_ ? current_->capacity_ - 1 : 0;
} else {
typename ZoneChunkList<T>::Chunk* current_;
size_t position_;
template <typename T>
class ForwardZoneChunkListIterator : public ZoneChunkListIterator<T> {
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::current_;
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::position_;
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::MoveNext;
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::MoveRNext;
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator(typename ZoneChunkList<T>::Chunk* current,
size_t position)
: ZoneChunkListIterator<T>(current, position) {}
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator operator++(int) {
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> clone(*this);
return clone;
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator operator--(int) {
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> clone(*this);
return clone;
friend class ZoneChunkList<T>;
static ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> Begin(ZoneChunkList<T>* list) {
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T>(list->front_, 0);
static ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> End(ZoneChunkList<T>* list) {
if (list->back_ == nullptr) return Begin(list);
DCHECK_LE(list->back_->position_, list->back_->capacity_);
if (list->back_->position_ == list->back_->capacity_) {
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T>(nullptr, 0);
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T>(list->back_, list->back_->position_);
template <typename T>
class ReverseZoneChunkListIterator : public ZoneChunkListIterator<T> {
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::current_;
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::position_;
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::MoveNext;
using ZoneChunkListIterator<T>::MoveRNext;
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator(typename ZoneChunkList<T>::Chunk* current,
size_t position)
: ZoneChunkListIterator<T>(current, position) {}
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator operator++(int) {
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T> clone(*this);
return clone;
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator operator--(int) {
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> clone(*this);
return clone;
friend class ZoneChunkList<T>;
static ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T> Begin(ZoneChunkList<T>* list) {
if (list->back_ == nullptr) return End(list);
if (list->back_->position_ == 0) {
if (list->back_->previous_ != nullptr) {
return ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T>(
list->back_->previous_, list->back_->previous_->capacity_ - 1);
} else {
return End(list);
return ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T>(list->back_,
list->back_->position_ - 1);
static ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T> End(ZoneChunkList<T>* list) {
return ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T>(nullptr, 0);
template <typename T>
size_t ZoneChunkList<T>::size() const {
return size_;
template <typename T>
T& ZoneChunkList<T>::front() const {
DCHECK_LT(size_t(0), size());
return front_->items()[0];
template <typename T>
T& ZoneChunkList<T>::back() const {
DCHECK_LT(size_t(0), size());
if (back_->position_ == 0) {
return back_->previous_->items()[back_->previous_->position_ - 1];
} else {
return back_->items()[back_->position_ - 1];
template <typename T>
void ZoneChunkList<T>::push_back(const T& item) {
if (back_ == nullptr) {
front_ = NewChunk(static_cast<uint32_t>(StartMode::kSmall));
back_ = front_;
DCHECK_LE(back_->position_, back_->capacity_);
if (back_->position_ == back_->capacity_) {
if (back_->next_ == nullptr) {
Chunk* chunk = NewChunk(Min(back_->capacity_ << 1, kMaxChunkCapacity));
back_->next_ = chunk;
chunk->previous_ = back_;
back_ = back_->next_;
back_->items()[back_->position_] = item;
template <typename T>
void ZoneChunkList<T>::pop_back() {
DCHECK_LT(size_t(0), size());
if (back_->position_ == 0) {
back_ = back_->previous_;
template <typename T>
void ZoneChunkList<T>::push_front(const T& item) {
Chunk* chunk = NewChunk(1); // Yes, this gets really inefficient.
chunk->next_ = front_;
if (front_) {
front_->previous_ = chunk;
} else {
back_ = chunk;
front_ = chunk;
chunk->items()[0] = item;
chunk->position_ = 1;
template <typename T>
typename ZoneChunkList<T>::SeekResult ZoneChunkList<T>::SeekIndex(
size_t index) const {
DCHECK_LT(index, size());
Chunk* current = front_;
while (index > current->capacity_) {
index -= current->capacity_;
current = current->next_;
return {current, static_cast<uint32_t>(index)};
template <typename T>
void ZoneChunkList<T>::Rewind(const size_t limit) {
if (limit >= size()) return;
SeekResult seek_result = SeekIndex(limit);
// Do a partial rewind of the chunk containing the index.
seek_result.chunk_->position_ = seek_result.chunk_index_;
// Set back_ so iterators will work correctly.
back_ = seek_result.chunk_;
// Do full rewind of all subsequent chunks.
for (Chunk* current = seek_result.chunk_->next_; current != nullptr;
current = current->next_) {
current->position_ = 0;
size_ = limit;
template <typename T>
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> ZoneChunkList<T>::Find(const size_t index) {
SeekResult seek_result = SeekIndex(index);
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T>(seek_result.chunk_,
template <typename T>
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T> ZoneChunkList<T>::Find(
const size_t index) const {
SeekResult seek_result = SeekIndex(index);
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T>(seek_result.chunk_,
template <typename T>
void ZoneChunkList<T>::CopyTo(T* ptr) {
for (Chunk* current = front_; current != nullptr; current = current->next_) {
void* start = current->items();
void* end = current->items() + current->position_;
size_t bytes = static_cast<size_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(end) -
MemCopy(ptr, current->items(), bytes);
ptr += current->position_;
template <typename T>
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> ZoneChunkList<T>::begin() {
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T>::Begin(this);
template <typename T>
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T> ZoneChunkList<T>::end() {
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<T>::End(this);
template <typename T>
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T> ZoneChunkList<T>::rbegin() {
return ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T>::Begin(this);
template <typename T>
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T> ZoneChunkList<T>::rend() {
return ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<T>::End(this);
template <typename T>
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T> ZoneChunkList<T>::begin() const {
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T>::Begin(this);
template <typename T>
ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T> ZoneChunkList<T>::end() const {
return ForwardZoneChunkListIterator<const T>::End(this);
template <typename T>
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<const T> ZoneChunkList<T>::rbegin() const {
return ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<const T>::Begin(this);
template <typename T>
ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<const T> ZoneChunkList<T>::rend() const {
return ReverseZoneChunkListIterator<const T>::End(this);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8