blob: adabdc31eacf43c81f17782573e37c9cd853d084 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
from multiprocessing import current_process
from threading import current_thread, Lock
import json
import sys
import time
import traceback
from logtypes import Unicode, TestId, Status, SubStatus, Dict, List, Int, Any
from logtypes import log_action, convertor_registry
"""Structured Logging for recording test results.
Allowed actions, and subfields:
tests - List of test names
test - ID for the test
path - Relative path to test (optional)
test - ID for the test
status [PASS | FAIL | OK | ERROR |
TIMEOUT | CRASH | ASSERT | SKIP] - test status
expected [As for status] - Status that the test was expected to get,
or absent if the test got the expected status
extra - Dictionary of harness-specific extra information e.g. debug info
test - ID for the test
subtest - Name of the subtest
status [PASS | FAIL | TIMEOUT | NOTRUN | SKIP] - test status
expected [As for status] - Status that the subtest was expected to get,
or absent if the subtest got the expected status
process - PID of the process
command - Command line of the process
data - Output data from the process
INFO | DEBUG] - level of the logging message
message - Message to log
Subfields for all messages:
action - the action type of the current message
time - the timestamp in ms since the epoch of the log message
thread - name for the thread emitting the message
pid - id of the python process in which the logger is running
source - name for the source emitting the message
component - name of the subcomponent emitting the message
_default_logger_name = None
def get_default_logger(component=None):
"""Gets the default logger if available, optionally tagged with component
name. Will return None if not yet set
:param component: The component name to tag log messages with
global _default_logger_name
if not _default_logger_name:
return None
return StructuredLogger(_default_logger_name, component=component)
def set_default_logger(default_logger):
"""Sets the default logger to logger.
It can then be retrieved with :py:func:`get_default_logger`
Note that :py:func:`~mozlog.commandline.setup_logging` will
set a default logger for you, so there should be no need to call this
function if you're using setting up logging that way (recommended).
:param default_logger: The logger to set to default.
global _default_logger_name
_default_logger_name =
log_levels = dict((k.upper(), v) for v, k in
enumerate(["critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug"]))
def log_actions():
"""Returns the set of actions implemented by mozlog."""
return set(convertor_registry.keys())
class LoggerState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.handlers = []
self.running_tests = set()
self.suite_started = False
self.component_states = {}
class ComponentState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.filter_ = None
class StructuredLogger(object):
_lock = Lock()
_logger_states = {}
"""Create a structured logger with the given name
:param name: The name of the logger.
:param component: A subcomponent that the logger belongs to (typically a library name)
def __init__(self, name, component=None): = name
self.component = component
with self._lock:
if name not in self._logger_states:
self._logger_states[name] = LoggerState()
if component not in self._logger_states[name].component_states:
self._logger_states[name].component_states[component] = ComponentState()
self._state = self._logger_states[name]
self._component_state = self._state.component_states[component]
def add_handler(self, handler):
"""Add a handler to the current logger"""
def remove_handler(self, handler):
"""Remove a handler from the current logger"""
def send_message(self, topic, command, *args):
"""Send a message to each handler configured for this logger. This
part of the api is useful to those users requiring dynamic control
of a handler's behavior.
:param topic: The name used by handlers to subscribe to a message.
:param command: The name of the command to issue.
:param args: Any arguments known to the target for specialized
rv = []
for handler in self._state.handlers:
if hasattr(handler, "handle_message"):
rv += handler.handle_message(topic, command, *args)
return rv
def handlers(self):
"""A list of handlers that will be called when a
message is logged from this logger"""
return self._state.handlers
def component_filter(self):
return self._component_state.filter_
def component_filter(self, value):
self._component_state.filter_ = value
def log_raw(self, raw_data):
if "action" not in raw_data:
raise ValueError
action = raw_data["action"]
converted_data = convertor_registry[action].convert_known(**raw_data)
for k, v in raw_data.iteritems():
if k not in converted_data:
converted_data[k] = v
data = self._make_log_data(action, converted_data)
if action in ("test_status", "test_end"):
if (data["expected"] == data["status"] or
data["status"] == "SKIP" or
"expected" not in raw_data):
del data["expected"]
if not self._ensure_suite_state(action, data):
def _log_data(self, action, data=None):
if data is None:
data = {}
log_data = self._make_log_data(action, data)
def _handle_log(self, data):
with self._lock:
if self.component_filter:
data = self.component_filter(data)
if data is None:
for handler in self.handlers:
def _make_log_data(self, action, data):
all_data = {"action": action,
"time": int(time.time() * 1000),
"thread": current_thread().name,
"pid": current_process().pid,
if self.component:
all_data['component'] = self.component
return all_data
def _ensure_suite_state(self, action, data):
if action == 'suite_start':
if self._state.suite_started:
self.error("Got second suite_start message before suite_end. " +
"Logged with data: {}".format(json.dumps(data)))
return False
self._state.suite_started = True
elif action == 'suite_end':
if not self._state.suite_started:
self.error("Got suite_end message before suite_start. " +
"Logged with data: {}".format(json.dumps(data)))
return False
self._state.suite_started = False
return True
@log_action(List("tests", Unicode),
Dict("run_info", default=None, optional=True),
Dict("version_info", default=None, optional=True),
Dict("device_info", default=None, optional=True))
def suite_start(self, data):
"""Log a suite_start message
:param list tests: Test identifiers that will be run in the suite.
:param dict run_info: Optional information typically provided by mozinfo.
:param dict version_info: Optional target application version information provided by mozversion.
:param dict device_info: Optional target device information provided by mozdevice.
if not self._ensure_suite_state('suite_start', data):
self._log_data("suite_start", data)
def suite_end(self, data):
"""Log a suite_end message"""
if not self._ensure_suite_state('suite_end', data):
Unicode("path", default=None, optional=True))
def test_start(self, data):
"""Log a test_start message
:param test: Identifier of the test that will run.
:param path: Path to test relative to some base (typically the root of
the source tree).
if not self._state.suite_started:
self.error("Got test_start message before suite_start for test %s" %
if data["test"] in self._state.running_tests:
self.error("test_start for %s logged while in progress." %
self._log_data("test_start", data)
SubStatus("expected", default="PASS"),
Unicode("message", default=None, optional=True),
Unicode("stack", default=None, optional=True),
Dict("extra", default=None, optional=True))
def test_status(self, data):
Log a test_status message indicating a subtest result. Tests that
do not have subtests are not expected to produce test_status messages.
:param test: Identifier of the test that produced the result.
:param subtest: Name of the subtest.
:param status: Status string indicating the subtest result
:param expected: Status string indicating the expected subtest result.
:param message: String containing a message associated with the result.
:param stack: a stack trace encountered during test execution.
:param extra: suite-specific data associated with the test result.
if (data["expected"] == data["status"] or
data["status"] == "SKIP"):
del data["expected"]
if data["test"] not in self._state.running_tests:
self.error("test_status for %s logged while not in progress. "
"Logged with data: %s" % (data["test"], json.dumps(data)))
self._log_data("test_status", data)
Status("expected", default="OK"),
Unicode("message", default=None, optional=True),
Unicode("stack", default=None, optional=True),
Dict("extra", default=None, optional=True))
def test_end(self, data):
Log a test_end message indicating that a test completed. For tests
with subtests this indicates whether the overall test completed without
errors. For tests without subtests this indicates the test result
:param test: Identifier of the test that produced the result.
:param status: Status string indicating the test result
:param expected: Status string indicating the expected test result.
:param message: String containing a message associated with the result.
:param stack: a stack trace encountered during test execution.
:param extra: suite-specific data associated with the test result.
if (data["expected"] == data["status"] or
data["status"] == "SKIP"):
del data["expected"]
if data["test"] not in self._state.running_tests:
self.error("test_end for %s logged while not in progress. "
"Logged with data: %s" % (data["test"], json.dumps(data)))
self._log_data("test_end", data)
Unicode("command", default=None, optional=True))
def process_output(self, data):
"""Log output from a managed process.
:param process: A unique identifier for the process producing the output
(typically the pid)
:param data: The output to log
:param command: A string representing the full command line used to start
the process.
self._log_data("process_output", data)
@log_action(Unicode("process", default=None),
Unicode("signature", default="[Unknown]"),
TestId("test", default=None, optional=True),
Unicode("minidump_path", default=None, optional=True),
Unicode("minidump_extra", default=None, optional=True),
Int("stackwalk_retcode", default=None, optional=True),
Unicode("stackwalk_stdout", default=None, optional=True),
Unicode("stackwalk_stderr", default=None, optional=True),
List("stackwalk_errors", Unicode, default=None))
def crash(self, data):
if data["stackwalk_errors"] is None:
data["stackwalk_errors"] = []
self._log_data("crash", data)
@log_action(Unicode("primary", default=None),
List("secondary", Unicode, default=None))
def valgrind_error(self, data):
self._log_data("valgrind_error", data)
Unicode("command", default=None, optional=True))
def process_start(self, data):
"""Log start event of a process.
:param process: A unique identifier for the process producing the
output (typically the pid)
:param command: A string representing the full command line used to
start the process.
self._log_data("process_start", data)
Unicode("command", default=None, optional=True))
def process_exit(self, data):
"""Log exit event of a process.
:param process: A unique identifier for the process producing the
output (typically the pid)
:param exitcode: the exit code
:param command: A string representing the full command line used to
start the process.
self._log_data("process_exit", data)
def _log_func(level_name):
Any("exc_info", default=False))
def log(self, data):
exc_info = data.pop("exc_info", None)
if exc_info:
if not isinstance(exc_info, tuple):
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
if exc_info != (None, None, None):
bt = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)
data["stack"] = u"\n".join(bt)
data["level"] = level_name
self._log_data("log", data)
log.__doc__ = """Log a message with level %s
:param message: The string message to log
:param exc_info: Either a boolean indicating whether to include a traceback
derived from sys.exc_info() or a three-item tuple in the
same format as sys.exc_info() containing exception information
to log.
""" % level_name
log.__name__ = str(level_name).lower()
return log
# Create all the methods on StructuredLog for debug levels
for level_name in log_levels:
setattr(StructuredLogger, level_name.lower(), _log_func(level_name))
class StructuredLogFileLike(object):
"""Wrapper for file-like objects to redirect writes to logger
instead. Each call to `write` becomes a single log entry of type `log`.
When using this it is important that the callees i.e. the logging
handlers do not themselves try to write to the wrapped file as this
will cause infinite recursion.
:param logger: `StructuredLogger` to which to redirect the file write operations.
:param level: log level to use for each write.
:param prefix: String prefix to prepend to each log entry.
def __init__(self, logger, level="info", prefix=None):
self.logger = logger
self.log_func = getattr(self.logger, level)
self.prefix = prefix
def write(self, data):
if data.endswith("\n"):
data = data[:-1]
if data.endswith("\r"):
data = data[:-1]
if self.prefix is not None:
data = "%s: %s" % (self.prefix, data)
def flush(self):