| #!/usr/bin/tcl |
| # |
| # This script makes modifications to the vdbe.c source file which reduce |
| # the amount of stack space required by the sqlite3VdbeExec() routine. |
| # |
| # The modifications performed by this script are optional. The vdbe.c |
| # source file will compile correctly with and without the modifications |
| # performed by this script. And all routines within vdbe.c will compute |
| # the same result. The modifications made by this script merely help |
| # the C compiler to generate code for sqlite3VdbeExec() that uses less |
| # stack space. |
| # |
| # Script usage: |
| # |
| # mv vdbe.c vdbe.c.template |
| # tclsh vdbe-compress.tcl <vdbe.c.template >vdbe.c |
| # |
| # Modifications made: |
| # |
| # All modifications are within the sqlite3VdbeExec() function. The |
| # modifications seek to reduce the amount of stack space allocated by |
| # this routine by moving local variable declarations out of individual |
| # opcode implementations and into a single large union. The union contains |
| # a separate structure for each opcode and that structure contains the |
| # local variables used by that opcode. In this way, the total amount |
| # of stack space required by sqlite3VdbeExec() is reduced from the |
| # sum of all local variables to the maximum of the local variable space |
| # required for any single opcode. |
| # |
| # In order to be recognized by this script, local variables must appear |
| # on the first line after the open curly-brace that begins a new opcode |
| # implementation. Local variables must not have initializers, though they |
| # may be commented. |
| # |
| # The union definition is inserted in place of a special marker comment |
| # in the preamble to the sqlite3VdbeExec() implementation. |
| # |
| ############################################################################# |
| # |
| set beforeUnion {} ;# C code before union |
| set unionDef {} ;# C code of the union |
| set afterUnion {} ;# C code after the union |
| set sCtr 0 ;# Context counter |
| |
| # Read program text up to the spot where the union should be |
| # inserted. |
| # |
| while {![eof stdin]} { |
| set line [gets stdin] |
| if {[regexp {INSERT STACK UNION HERE} $line]} break |
| append beforeUnion $line\n |
| } |
| |
| # Process the remaining text. Build up the union definition as we go. |
| # |
| set vlist {} |
| set seenDecl 0 |
| set namechars {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} |
| set nnc [string length $namechars] |
| while {![eof stdin]} { |
| set line [gets stdin] |
| if {[regexp "^case (OP_\\w+): \173" $line all operator]} { |
| append afterUnion $line\n |
| set vlist {} |
| while {![eof stdin]} { |
| set line [gets stdin] |
| if {[regexp {^ +(const )?\w+ \**(\w+)(\[.*\])?;} $line \ |
| all constKeyword vname notused1]} { |
| if {!$seenDecl} { |
| set sname {} |
| append sname [string index $namechars [expr {$sCtr/$nnc}]] |
| append sname [string index $namechars [expr {$sCtr%$nnc}]] |
| incr sCtr |
| append unionDef " struct ${operator}_stack_vars \173\n" |
| append afterUnion \ |
| "#if 0 /* local variables moved into u.$sname */\n" |
| set seenDecl 1 |
| } |
| append unionDef " $line\n" |
| append afterUnion $line\n |
| lappend vlist $vname |
| } else { |
| break |
| } |
| } |
| if {$seenDecl} { |
| append unionDef " \175 $sname;\n" |
| append afterUnion "#endif /* local variables moved into u.$sname */\n" |
| } |
| set seenDecl 0 |
| } |
| if {[regexp "^\175" $line]} { |
| append afterUnion $line\n |
| set vlist {} |
| } elseif {[llength $vlist]>0} { |
| append line " " |
| foreach v $vlist { |
| regsub -all "(\[^a-zA-Z0-9>.\])${v}(\\W)" $line "\\1u.$sname.$v\\2" line |
| regsub -all "(\[^a-zA-Z0-9>.\])${v}(\\W)" $line "\\1u.$sname.$v\\2" line |
| } |
| append afterUnion [string trimright $line]\n |
| } elseif {$line=="" && [eof stdin]} { |
| # no-op |
| } else { |
| append afterUnion $line\n |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Output the resulting text. |
| # |
| puts -nonewline $beforeUnion |
| puts " /********************************************************************" |
| puts " ** Automatically generated code" |
| puts " **" |
| puts " ** The following union is automatically generated by the" |
| puts " ** vdbe-compress.tcl script. The purpose of this union is to" |
| puts " ** reduce the amount of stack space required by this function." |
| puts " ** See comments in the vdbe-compress.tcl script for details." |
| puts " */" |
| puts " union vdbeExecUnion \173" |
| puts -nonewline $unionDef |
| puts " \175 u;" |
| puts " /* End automatically generated code" |
| puts " ********************************************************************/" |
| puts -nonewline $afterUnion |